Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
That will be a laugh! Anyway Ben will be back before summer, I hope....
Thanks, I have Now fixed It...
unexpected twists, l love them!! Abob "how about flying pokemon, they can safely attack those goons from above!" Jake "that might work but.." Abob "nd my scyther is agile and quick, we could beat them!" Jake "we'll have to get going then if we want to protect her, but first we will have to train, here is my plan..."
Abob watched the mission breifing with intrest, he would like this mission, it would seperate the losers from the elite...and he was not a loser...:demon:
:D :D So many questions, so little time:D :D :cross: (the answers to my questions)(Baby Girl answered them..) 1correct 2correct 3they belonged to the invids, I Jedi, i thought you would get that one..:bawl: (Baby Girls questions)(#1 answered by wormons tamer) 1already answered correctly... 2Dodonna lead the attack on the first Death Star, he was rescued from the luskatania 3 He is a Nograi who identified her by smell(spelling the species of her body guard, AGAIN is off, i have got to find a star wars dicconary:flaming: !!) Wormmons Tamers questions 1 Pirana beetle(spelling, need i say more..) 2 i will get back to you on that one.. 3 the Si-Ruvi(spelling) I would ask my own questions but am to tired from answering everyone elses.:drunk:
YAY! a tournament!!!I have thought about what you said about posting my stats in my sig but cannot figure out how too make the writing small enough can someone give me the EXACT vb codes?? ------------- My battle with that rouge robobo, Galas (how did i take 30 damage with my defence of 90? was it just a lucky attack?) lets see how he likes my laser gun, which will exploit his weakness.... 1Laser gun 2---- 3attack 4chest damage; hp(sydney) 20 hp(galas) 50, so far...
Abob "oh, i never would have guessed, she was so normal, can we help her??" Jake "let me think...............
Abob got up and walked over to the "fresher" and took a long cold shower. He had been trying to fight off his alcholic tendencies but lost in the end. He had sworn it off two hours ago and to keep busy he walked to the gym. three Hours later... Abob walked out of the gym and back to his quarters, exausted. He collapsed on his bed and told the computer to wake him up in an hour so he could practice on the sim....:sleep:
I have an idea, can we have a giant robobo tournament? and on another note... --------- stats charecters name; Abob Teff robobos name; Sydney RBBs appearence; like a golden colored dog location; stardust city items; body plate armor(defence up 20), right&left arm armor plates(defence up 30), red sheild(defence up 40) and laser gun(does 30 damage) money; $50 battle stats offence; 30 defence; 100 agility; 10 accuracy; 10 :devil:
I will buy the red sheild for 150 dollars. I now have fifty dollars left will it be ok if instead of putting my robobo stats in my sig, can i put them in every one of my posts? (on this thread)
#1 (defcon 5) I didnt mean to confuse you, there are two new bounty hunters in the new star wars movie, Jango Fett(Boba Fetts father according to dark horse comics) and Zam Wessel(she is rumored to be his mother...)they are supposed to have worked together right before epsiode two. #2 (first question of baby girls trivia) He played Wedge Atillies and a have no clue who he is related to but i will guess...Obi wan (cant remember his real name:laugh: ) _____________ now for some of my trivia:demon: 1 Has there been a Hutt jedi? If so give his/her name... 2 What species was Thrawn? 3 What pirate gang uses tri-fighters(babygirl, you know this one:naughty: )??
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiTerriermon [/i] [B]Im sorry, i don't really know how to reply back to that:laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] What dont you know how to reply to? I hope i havent confused you....(here i will edit my post so it will be clearer...)
Hmmm, writers block, never happened to me, yet...:( We should probally start the mission soon I for one am running out of things to do....But starting the mission without Majoras Mask...... _________________ Anyway... Abob awoke the next morning with a huge hangover . He got up on his bed and sat motionless, his head throbing, he wondered where he was.......
Well there is a new female bounty hunter in epsoide two who is Boba Fetts father(he is most certainly NOT a clone of Jango:rolleyes: ) The new female bounty hunters name is Zam Wessel! I have a comic book with her in it, (i collect star wars comics:) ) I got it , along with many others on the dark horse comics website!
#1 Psycho i am definatly as confused as you are!:drunk: I would also like to bet 200 dollars that i win this battle. I would also like to propose a new battle rule, you can only battle one person at a time. I am battling spikey. the health points for each of us is as follows my robobo 50( I have taken no damage because of my armor which makes my defence 60!) spikeys robobo 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #2 my battle with spikey My attack 1 laser gun 2---------- 3chest 4shoots laser gun at opposing robobo New health points spikeys robobo 0 My robobo 50 I win and get 200 dollars P.S. Spikey my name is BOBA FETT , not bobba:demon:
#1 Star wars , look at my username.... or signature #2 then star trek (look at my signature..) star gate??? never heard of it....
Abob got up and walked with lauren but was puzzled, when the thought came to him "how will we find her, she just teleported away, she could be anywhere...." But then he saw a bright flash of light and..........
Abob got to the bar and was annoyed to find that not a single being there would play sabacc for money. He groaned and sat down on the barstool and ordered a lomin ale. After he finished it he ordered another, and another, and another untill he was so drunk he could barely walk. Then he stumbled back to his quarters where he fell asleep on the floor........:alcohol: :alcohol:
I dont think that boba will be in epsoide 2(since he isnt even BORN yet...) , that is JANGO :rolleyes:
Hold it! Spikey, i would appriciate it if you would battle me FIRST, since you said you would battle be before you told him. You definatly did not win, your sword is your starting weapon, it does 10 damage to me, i now have 40 health points. my attack 1laser gun 2------- 3head 4shoots laser gun at opposing robobos head. this is the heatlth points for both our RBBs sydney 50 (I took no damage from your attack because of my armor) sayai-jin 20 if yoy need still more help on how to battle please read the thread from the beginning. :demon:
Death is not something i think about, after all, i will be dead so i wont care:smirk:
hahahahaha very funny joke:demon: anyway i think that jango fett PALES in comparason to boba fett, jango was too noble, not mysterious enough.....
Dark Apocalyps, i know that nobody can spell perfectly but that last paragraph of yours, please clean up your post quality.... ---------------------- Abob lead the main element of fighters against the bulk cruisers. They were both destroyed but that left three survivors of the whole group, Abob, Jex and Tyron left. together they flew solenmly toward the Dree home world, thinking about the cost they had just payed............
Abob breathed a sigh of releaf as his annoying brother flew off on his bird pokemon to find another place to caputer pokemon... He couldnt find ros so he asked alakazam to use his telekenitic powers to alow them to talk over the long distance... Abob "Ros... I am so sorry, here, i will erase tranitar from my pokedex so its location will remain a secret.." Ros "that is ok you dont have to.." Abob "NO! i have to its the only way for it to be totally safe, besides its not like i dont remember if i ever need their help..." Ros "ok" Jake and lauren arrive and they decide to go back to the trip. They walk back to where they were and then continur untill they are at the edge of a small srteam. then they camped for the night and relaxed, their pokemon played and they played card untill dinnertime . then afterwards they fell into a deep sleep Above them a crobat flies off into the night......
This rpg not alive, i try and post on it EVERY day! :laugh: :laugh: :naughty: Abob walked toward the simulators and settled for his favorite sim. It was the battle of yavin 4, also called the first death star run. He had never beaten it and always had liked a challenge... He got as far as the thermal exaush port this time and fired the torpedo but it missed and seconds later he was vaped by a Tie advanced, curtosy of a simulated darth vader... he sighed and walked back to his room , he was not sleepy so he recorded his "in the event of my death" message and serched the holonet for news of intrest. he saw only the various small scurmishes between imperial remnants and the occasional senate proceeding. Annoyed he walked out to the bar to see if anyone was interested in a good game of sabac...