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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    Spikey, you cant have 20 points per section you can only have ten. I would like to also buy a right and left arm armor plates and body armor plate. This will cost 200 dollars and will bost by defence to 60 (10 starting defence,30 for arm armor and 20 for armor body plate!) I now have these stats attack 10 defence 60 agility 10 accuracy 10 If you want to battle me thrasher i will accept your offer and you can attack first.:demon: :mrt: I pity da fool who's robobo is WEAK!!
  2. so many, only 2 so far, have any of you seen the epsoide 2 thread:laugh: someone should close it, there is already a star wars thread , this one!!
  3. Whoa, Isnt it Jango fett? it says so on the comic book from dark horse comics. He is boba fetts father and his mother is , Zam wessel or something like that... :mrt: I am a Star wars FANATIC
  4. Abobs brother grinns and snatches abobs pokedex, turns it on and looks through.... Brother "tryannatur!!! pokedex has it been caught? pokedex "no" brother "location please pokedex." they look on in hoor as the pokedex reveals the location of tryannitaur. abobs brother grinns again and says "you are so stupid, not catching a tryannituar.." he flies off and abob :bawl: Abob "tryanniaaur, my pokedex :bawl:
  5. Abob was about to leave the car when a terrorist jumped up from beside the car and knocked him uncouncious. two minutes later.. Abob: awoke and ound he was tied to a chair. Terrorist one: "who are you?" Abob: "........." Terrorist one: "WHO ARE YOU?????" Abob: "........" terrorist one: "ok if you want it like this", *shoots abob in the leg* Abob: "ahh! *moans.." terrorist one: "grrr !! *shoots abob in his arms and in his other leg* TELL ME WHO YOU ARE AND WHY YOU ARE HERE" abob: "moans, shut the:cussing: :cussing: :cussing: up you :angry2: .." terrorist sighes and tells abob the question again and adds, if you dont respond youre dead! Abob: ".........*single tear runs down cheek* *mutters*, sorry liam* The terrorist reloads his uzi and places it against abobs temple. Then he pulls the trigger... :bawl: :bawl:
  6. Alright, we have trouble! the other Raaii cruisers just disabled the engines of the refugee ship! we have to destroy the other cruisers NOW! All fighters execpt jex, mount attack runs on the other cruisers. Jex send a message to the Dree base for help. Here we go........
  7. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: I am the sniper! please choose something else!!
  8. Yes , dont post 3 times.. he was referring to JANGO fett. i would be happy to join your rpg whenever you start it!:sleep:
  9. The next day they ate hurridly and pulled jake out of the hole, they had only 7 miles toward the river, but they has to cross a bunch of hills to get there. They walked along for a while and were getting very bored when a pidgeotto with a tall trainer landed in frnt of them and sent out his pokemon..... trainer "abob, hows it going? you still got your little charmander?babyboy! hahahaha!!!" Abob ":blush: you get away from me you :angry2: " trainer "that is no way to treat you brother abob.., mabye i will tell mom.:naughty: "
  10. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: Psycho! you forgot to post the damage that we both took! please post it soon!:nervous: ---------------------------------------------------- My next attack 1Laser gun 2-- 3chest 4shoots cyber chimp with laser gun. unless i am mistaken i have won...
  11. They arrive at their destination and park the car near the cave entrance then walk in
  12. Abob watched marth get shocked, nothing he could see would have even carried a charge, execpt......
  13. Abob "huh! how did that happen..." then Abob nearly faints as not charmelon but charizard appears. then everyone runs into the woods to see what is going on...
  14. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    hmmm, must have missed it. well, i bet $200 i will beat Jake W. anyone want to match it??
  15. Boba Fett

    Halo (Play)

    Abob raced toward the caves, but the covanent had overrun them. they would have to retreat....
  16. Abob turned his ship around to face the Raaii fighters. The raaii fighters had excellent fighter pilots but there sheilding technology was terrible. Abob , Jex and Tyron finished off the fighters and were about to leave the area when 3 Raaii bulk cruisers appeared chasing one Dree refugee ship and its two small escort vessels. Without a word they all zoom off to try and destroy the heavily armed warships... data on Raaii bulk cruiser weapons 10 turbo laser batteries weakness sheild projectors , destroy all 3. one on bottom of ship, others next to reactors on back:devil: :naughty: crew 100 carries 20 fighters...
  17. My deepest apologies, i have been absent for far to long, we got a new computer and it messed up my username for a while....... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abob crawled through the long cave with the rest of them, he was wearing his jeans, a t-shirt and his pokemon belt that held his pokemon. They finally saw a light in the distance and found they could stand now. For the last 100 feet they walked and brushed off the dirt from the tunnel. Then without warning many foul smelling blobs fell in between abob , who was last in the group and the rest. One narrowly missed Ros. The one closest to Abob didnt smell as bad but was extremely agressive. Ros "ahh! You stupid TRI pokemon, this is the lasttime you mess with us!!" Abob ducked as a blob of slime sailed over his head. he didnt have space to reach his scyther so he used charmander to faint a approaching grimer, then he saw the ditto lunge at the fire on charmanders tail. If the special fire went out charmander would die. With a howl of rage he ripped the masterball from his waist and it immeaditly captured the ditto mili-seconds before it smothered charmanders tail. Abob relaxed as Ros and Lauren finished off the other grimer, the muk, seeing all was lost went down a crack in the floor. As they walked out of the cave Abobs Pokedex beeped. then they walked into a feild and into the distance.....
  18. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    Can we also set a time limit for responding to a battle? I hate waiting for people to attack / defend, could we set it at 3 days??:devil: can you tell us your decision on the betting thing??:naughty:
  19. Yes lets start.... Abob Rolled the fett over to avoid a missle which hurtledpast them, there was a full scale ambush going on!! :demon:
  20. Abob walked outside to is car and got in. Then he pulled out his binnoculars and looked at the windows in the upper floor, the terrorists knew something was up, they were loading uzi's and other homemade weapons.. he called Liam on the headphonesand informed him of the situation......................
  21. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    When is Gohan showing up again??? yes let us bet on other peoples battles!!!:devil:
  22. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    Sorry, GOHAN... 1 Laser gun 2---------- 3head 4 Sydney shoots cyber chimp with laser gun
  23. Abob watched as Jana and Tursi exited the room. The breifing wouldnt start for a few minutes but they were cutting it aful close... ----------- uglie-these are indeed ships cobbled together and USUALLY belong to unskilled pilots who get themselves killed easily..
  24. Correct there were seven correct Well why dont you ask me some?(pretty please with a cherry on top of a mound of ice cream, whipped cream, sprinkes and choclate scauce!!:tasty: ):laugh: :laugh:
  25. Yes the link indeed goes to Game Over. Treasury of rymes??
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