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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21823[/img] [color=green]Here we go...[/color]
  2. [quote name='Drix D'Zanth]Homosexual marriage is just another step down the slippery slope of "everything's okay, doesn't matter what you do." And as far as I'm concerned: if you leave it [i]out[/i'] of the Government (aka me, Adahn, everyone else) I DONT CARE what you ****![/quote] [color=green]This whole slippery slope thing... What about marriages that last weeks, even some as brief as days? Marriages in Las Vegas that take place while everyone involved is drunk? Wouldn't you think such marriages are just as problematic, if not much more so, than a stable homosexual marriage? And while we're talking about marriage and government, since when does the government "marry" people? I thought church and state were separate. If people don't support gay marriage in their nation, that's their perrogative. However, they should attempt to follow their own constitution and the guidelines for government that it lays out.[/color]
  3. [quote name='AzureWolf']So please, unless you are being hypocritical, tell me why the arguments supplied are exclusive to homosexuality. I am truly shocked at the flawed comparisons people who are for homosexuality have made.[/quote] [color=green]As far as bestiality and homosexuality, the difference has been clearly stated previously by Siren. Gay relationships are between consenting sentient individuals. Others, including bestiality, aren't. Incest, while I suppose there are cases between consenting individuals, is biologically counterproductive. While gay relationships aren't necessarily productive with regard to progeny, children of incestual relationships are much more likely to have genetic problems. I guess the second argument isn't as solid as the first; deal with this was you will. [/color]
  4. [quote name='Adahn][font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]So, everyone, what would you say to the possibility of homosexual relationships being prohibited in the Bible only pertaining to the situation that existed at that time?[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] [color=green]You mean being limited to the time in which Jesus "lived"? I doubt it. If that were true, you could discount everything the bible says, because it'd have no relation to the events of today's world. I'm thinking that mainstream organized religion won?t be recognizing homosexuality for a very, very long time. If at all.[/color]
  5. [color=green]I'm in. I really should be reading more anyways, and this would be a great way to discover new, different novels. EDIT: Got the book today, probablly will begin reading later tonight.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Raid3r']I propose the look at this from a purely secular viewpoint. Put the Bible away. Put Ellen DeGeneres' diary away. Put the Koran away. Think about this from the point of secular morality.[/quote] [color=green]Since when is religion an invalid point in any discussion? Religion guides morality, and is a huge factor in many people's lives. Nevermind what particular religion someone follows, their opinion should never be written off simply because its based in religion.[/color] [quote name='Raid3r']A. The homosexuality debate is not a matter of civil rights.[/quote] [color=green]The government should not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. If it does, as it is currently, I think that's a civil rights issue.[/color] [QUOTE=Raid3r]If a man-man and woman-woman relationship is acceptable, why not child-adult, animal-human, or corpse-human relationships?[/QUOTE] [color=green]You're seriously going to compare gay relations to necrophilia? That's crazy.[/color] [QUOTE=Raid3r] Children need a defined system of human interaction if they are to grow up psychologically sound. A child will be confused if he sees 2 moms, or 2 dads, instead of 1 mother and 1 father. The family is the amino acid of society. To break it up or damage it is an irreparable blow to the fabric of that society itself.[/QUOTE] [color=green]Would you have a child live in a orphanage, or in a home with two loving parents?[/color] [quote name='Raid3r']I cannot think of even 1 way a society would benefit from accepting homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle. Keyword: benefit.[/quote] [color=green]That's a one-sided argument if I ever saw one. I?m sure that you, along with everyone else here, can think of [b]at least[/b] one positive and negative to each side. I agree with most everything you said that I didn?t respond to. The US Government, in my opinion, needs to do several things. It firstly, needs to allow gays to marry. To outlaw this is discrimination akin to segregation. You cannot say someone is equal if you do not allow them to marry. However, who is to say the government of the US should be marrying [b]anyone[/b]? Our government is a separate from all forms of religion. It would perhaps be better if the government recognized civil unions for everyone who wanted to have a legal relationship with another person. This still does leave problems yet to be resolved. Many special interest groups on both sides have vested interests in this debate. Insurance companies don?t want people getting married for insurance benefits. In addition, married couples are given special legal privileges because of their implied contribution to society (Children). So what of those heterosexual couples who do not have kids? Should they lose those benefits? Should gay couples that adopt gain them? It?s a difficult question.[/color]
  7. [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]LOL, I was hoping I could somehow be a part of the downfall of DW. ^_^ I can't wait to see what you have in mind. It's a very funny first chapter. Especially the bit about cologne, which grosses me out, lol.[/color'][/size][/quote] [color=green]Bikini Bandits meet Adam's Angels... Back in the day, the Angels were rather well known. *wanders off into memory*[/color]
  8. [color=green]I used to come to Otakuboards pretty religiously, posting everywhere and on anything in sight just because. However, as of late, I'm OB whenever I have a little downtime or spare time in between schoolwork or other things. Taking an active role in a MMORPG guild (along with AP classes) has taken up great amounts of my time. I come here now mostly for the debates and occasionally a RPG. As of late, I haven?t been joining much that doesn?t have a name I recognize on it and/or haven?t been invited to. Frankly, I feel pressured to write my best and draft RPG post (It's a post-Kill Adam world, people...) so that's a major commitment.[/color]
  9. [quote name='Miryoku']I know it's a huge and almost genaric subject but i'm curios. What do you guys think? why is it so taboo, i'm Bisexual and my parents still haven't gotten over it.[/quote] [color=green]Taboo? I think not. While some people may frown upon homosexuality because of their religious beliefs, I think that all sexual orientations are more or less respected and celebrated in America. Take for instance Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, or several HBO shows that star homosexual couples, or characters on other popular TV shows that have ?come out of the closet?. My parents haven?t gotten over me joining our school?s GSA, even though I?m straight. It?s something that I suspect, like racism, will slowly pass away as people grow more tolerant over time.[/color] [quote name='Miryoku'] I see absolutely nothing wrong with it, if you love some one why does it matter.[/quote] [color=green]Exactly, there [b]is[/b] nothing wrong with being homosexual.[/color] [quote name='Miryoku'] my parents keep saying its wrong but they don't answer me when i ask why. What makes my parents and the world so closedminded on the subject [/quote] [color=green]My dad does the same thing sometimes, when I ask him why homosexuals shouldn?t be allowed to marry. He keeps coming back to immorality, which comes from his religious (Baptist) beliefs. While I?m not so sure about gay marriage either, I respect his views.[/color] [quote name='Miryoku']I'm so confused and i don't get why people can't accept me, not even my own parents can. but yeah please help. i realy need it.[/quote] [color=green]Most schools have a GSA, and I?m sure there are other students in your school who are either homosexual, or ambiguous about their sexuality. It helps to know people you can relate to in that fashion. If you can?t find any, there are a few people on the boards who would probably lend a sympathetic ear. Try contacting TN.[/color]
  10. [quote name='foolycooly6363']I finally got my hands on American Idiot. I don't understand why it's parental advisory. Three days grace says ******* twice and ******* quite a few times not to mention H*** ( which really isn't that bad). The three days grace cd wasn't P.A. so why does American Idiot have to be? I don't get it![/quote] [color=green]American Idiot contains the F word in pretty much every song. Profanity of that kind is deserving of a parental advisory. If you don't like it, you could always write Michael Powell at the FCC.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE=Zeta]Halo 2. Horrible game. Here I was expecting a bad *** game and, in my mind at least, I got a load of crap. Cut scenes are choppy, textures are dodgy. Waste of my money. The game is dull. The story is blegh. Only game I have almost fallen asleep while playing. Sure, they spent most of the time on the multiplayer aspect, but who only buys games for that? If you want multiplayer, buy a computer game and play it online for free. I loathe this game. Yes there are a lot of fragments in my above post. I know. But I just hate the game too much that everything just poured out of me. I'm probably the only one who feels that way about this game, lol. o_0[/QUOTE] [color=green]Halo 2 may just be a blah game, but the worst game you've ever played? Come on... I'd have to say the worst game I've ever played was [b]Back Track[/b] for Gameboy Advance. Disgusting pixels and utterly abysmal graphics. I could have thought up the storyline drunk. Biggest waste of $30 I've ever spent.[/color]
  12. [quote name='Adahn][font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]If world peace were defined as an end to struggles between men, then perhaps uniting against a common enemy that is not man would change the nature of man. Something would have to threaten our survival as a species, because mankind is an entity itself. If you threaten mankind as an entity, it would be possible, for a brief time, for every person to be united against that threat.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] [color=green]I agree with this statement, and the logic behind it. It's a part of human nature to be aggressive and/or violent. This situation isn?t helped by the fact that there will always be fanatical elements among us that will, for whatever reason, see violence as the only answer to their problems. Without something to unite people of all ideologies, humanity will fracture along every kind of line imaginable. 1984 is a great book that touches upon this subject, and to some extent it's mantra of "War is Peace" rings true.[/color]
  13. [quote name='Onikage']disgusting rapper?? Filthy songs?? wow and this is coming from a person who's a goth? or does he pretend to be one?? I mean I know some people who respects eminem for his artistic work, if you can't see that, then I gues its your lost...[/quote] [color=green]People respect other "artists" for garbage they produce. Just because people respect someone, doesn't mean that person is [i]worthy[/i] of respect.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Real quick clarification. The only reason I really don't want to press charges is because if I do I'm afraid that my parents will end up with all the legal fees. In the state of New York if your child commits a crime and lives at home you as a parent are liable for the court costs. Stupid huh? My parents go to see their lawyer on the 16th to see if there's anything they can do to avoid having to pay court costs and for a lawyer for my brother. [/color][/QUOTE] [color=green]Even if he's a legal adult? That's rather odd. Your parents, I'm sure, should be able to dodge that. Let him get a public defender if money's the issue. If he can't make bail, if that's even required, tough. Maybe you need to talk to your parents about this as well. They're doing more harm than good by covering for him like that. A rude awakening regarding the consequences to his actions seems to be what your brother needs.[/color]
  15. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21693&stc=1[/IMG] [color=green]Donkey Kong: "Just a little higher..."[/color]
  16. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]I particularly agree with what Sol-Blade said; I roll my eyes whenever I see members (and again, it's only a few people who do this!) dissecting each other's posts ad nauseam. It drives me freaking crazy, and drives me away from the threads in question. Just learn to let it go. :rolleyes: ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [color=green]I personally enjoy debate threads in particular, and am probably guilty of dissecting posts in the manner you described. Frankly, that's why I enjoy the Lounge. It's a lot of fun to argue and see what/how others think in regards to issues of varying importance. I like the Lounge the way it is.[/color]
  17. [quote name='Siren']Boba, more or less, that's right, but in asking why "Under God" is in the Pledge of Allegiance, I think there's more of a backstory than just the Cold War, don't ya think? ;)[/quote] [color=green]"Under God" is something that, I feel, has become more of a tradition now than anything else. It really doesn?t bother me that this is in the pledge, and I say it although I am not religious. Like the "In god we trust" on our money, it's part of a society based on Judaeo-Christian values. People need to stop being offended by things like this and be a little more passive. Especially since the pledge is optional...[/color]
  18. [quote name='MoonlitStairway][COLOR=Navy][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Times New Roman]On the topic of Eminem being garbage and such, one must remember that times change and so does the interpretation of art and talent. While a person does not have to enjoy the change or the result thereof, it is undeniable, that in some way, the one thing they do not like, someone else could.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]Judging by what passes for art, poetry and literature these days, I'd have to say that Eminem's pathetic works do fit the definition of art. ...along with crucifixes in jars of urine, free verse poetry and authors who think that, just because they're famous, grammar no longer matters.[/color]
  19. [quote name='Chabichou][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#004A6F] Meanwhile, one user says he'll get me a tinfoil hat for christmas, but no, I'm not crazy.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f] Palestinians have nothing while the Israeli settlers get big, beautiful houses in the most beautiful parts of Palestine. Pools included. They don't even have to pay for it, cause the government does! The Israeli government just invites more and more jews to move to Palestine, hence occupying more and more land and expanding their settlements. But where does the government get all this money? Why diamonds ofcourse! Like I said, those selfish pigs have taken all the wealth of the land for selfselves! In addition, the state of Israel receives funding from a wide variety of western companies. Disney included. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=green]Perhaps just abysmally informed.[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#004A6F] I'm not anti-Jewish or anti-American either, but I do believe both of the Israeli and American governments are corrupt.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [color=green]Every government, worldwide, has problems with corruption. Overall, I'd say that the Israeli and American governments are better than most in this regard. By comparison to the PA, both are almost saintly. The Palestinian Authority, even out from Arafat's shadow, is probably one of the most corrupt governing bodies currently in existence.[/color]
  20. [QUOTE=Siren]A student asked him a question that happened to relate to the topic at hand, that topic being the Pledge of Allegiance, the question being why do we say "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, and the course being a history course, the instructor then started to explore exactly why, (rightly) making note that the Fouding Fathers were more or less Christian, with a bit of variation between a few of them. [/QUOTE] [color=green]Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the "under god" portion of the pledge was [URL=http://www.religioustolerance.org/nat_pled.htm]added[/URL] during the Cold War as a way to oppose the atheism of communism.[/color]
  21. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1'] If there was no border between Israel and Pakistan? I can't imagine a mass movement of people, but a free flow between the two countries...would that be enough to appease them?[/size][/quote] [color=green]Israel and where? Jordan or "Palestine" perhaps?[/color]
  22. [quote name='James][color=#707875']The only network I've found that seems to deal with the issue pretty evenly, is Sky News Australia. They aren't always unbiased, but on this issue they've had a pretty wide spread of programming, which is nice to see.[/color][/quote] [color=green]As far as unbiased news sources go, the best I've found in the states in CSpan. If you can avoid falling asleep, it's the station to watch for completely unbiased reporting of the facts. Completely lacking commentary, it's a great source for hard facts.[/color]
  23. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']So my question is do you think I should go along with Lincoln to press charges if it means saving my marriage or what? I'm pretty much confused even tho Lincoln's pretty much set in his disicion (Sp?). Yes there will be a poll too. any advice would be appreciated. Thank you[/color][/quote] [color=green]Absolutely. While it may be heartbreaking to press charges against your brother, you need to take action now and correct this problem. Your brother obviously has some issues going on and the situation, regardless of what your brother says, will probably get worse. [/color]
  24. [QUOTE=Zeta]Please, trivia doesn't prove anything. :p It is the debates that can come out of Star Wars that proves if one is a guru or not. Ain't that right Boba.';-) I r teh guru! :eek: Anywho....Lets see.....Oh yeah. Anyone have any ideas about what Troy Denning's post-NJO trilogy will be about? My favorite author and am very curious.[/QUOTE] [color=green]Post NJO trilogy? News to me. If I had to guess, I'd say exploration of the Vong storyline and a major push in the area of the next generation. After all, there's only so much you can write about Han's romance with Leia, Leia's ongoing journey towards master, R2 and 3PO's [strike]gay love affair[/strike] adventures and Luke's "look at me I'm all wise" act. I'd personally like to hear more about Fett's reformation of the Mandalorians. Makes sense, since he is getting on in age.[/color]
  25. [color=green]Or it could be a huge set up for Episode VII, since Lucas doesn't want to die a poor man... Dias could be a major player, or perhaps even someone with more foresight than Palpatine. I'm going to poke around for some trivia to put up here later, should be interesting.[/color]
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