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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. Hold up! we need at least one other person before we start but your post can still be part of the story.:smirk:
  2. Who has played this game! I got it from my friend a month ago and beat it. It is a ok game but is the basis for Zelda seasons/ages. WHO LIKES THIS GAME AS MUCH AS I DO??????
  3. 1 The johoto series stinks! 2 teammrocket is old, replace them with someone more serious, get rid of pikachu(like anyone will ever agree to that..)
  4. Sounds great, the people who stand up in that tower with the 50 caliber paintball gun will be prime targets though....(so shoot them):demon:
  5. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    Ok, so the battle is over....(I think...) I PMed Goku Enraged and he told me he would be happy to battle me today, I hope he shows up... If he comes he can attack first.:demon:
  6. Abob lets his alakazam out of its pokeball and it immeaditly runs off into the bushes to play. Abob "Alakazam, dont get lost and be back by morning!" When he let out his charmelon it looked at the fire for srveral seconds and the went of to join alakazam. His scyther was a different story. It had been given to him as a egg whe he was born and he had raised it. It walked around to strech its legs and then curled up beside him and fell asleep... Abob "A tyranitars!" "those are amazing!" Ros "they sure are...." Abob "well, i am going to sleep, se ya tommorow" :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: The next day they all awoke to a tremondous roar...........
  7. 1200 hours the next day..... The pilots filed into the breifing room , they were all neatly dressed and on time since Marth had told them they would lose their first leave if they missed this important meeting.. They sat down at the oval breifing table, which had a holo projector in the middle and were about to open their mission breifing packets when Wedge walked in , his face troubled....
  8. Yeah it sure has remained on top of GD for a long time.... Well so that we "stay on topic" :laugh: :laugh: How about trivia? 1 What was tycho Celu accused of in the rouge squadron books? 2 How many emporers(not spelled correctly) hands are there? 3 What is the name of the new star wars movie(EASYNESS ALERT!!!)??
  9. Abob sees his beloved suburban dropped next to the other cars and runs over, types in the security code and gets in. He gets in the drivers seat and opens the center console. Inside were the remote control and a box of poision darts. He reloaded his gun and sat waiting for the others to reach the vehicles so they could find the scource of the very well trained, well armed and well supplied terrorists.........
  10. Paintball is so cool! I have only played once or twice with friends, but i am saving up for a better gun, and since this is here i thought since i dont know a lot about good/bad paintball guns, mabye you would know??
  11. sala listened to the re-breifing with mild intrest, she had been told the same breifing before in CIA but the new one was updated to include possible identities for the hijackers.. Then they all gathered up their belongings and went to the airport to fly to the target area to try and recover the NLV(neculear launch vehicle)
  12. Well, babygirl could close it, or whoever started it could delete their post (wasnt it dragon warrior?) And could we start a new one or is everyone tired of this conversation?:bawl:
  13. Abob stopped cold, he had heard the conversation over his headset. They couldnt help it if there were more terrorists than you could count... He ran over to Liams location and saw his talking to a snotty beurocrat. He approached but the man told him to wait out of the way. Furious he sat down on the bloodsoaked grass and continued to sisten in on their conversation with his headset........
  14. Abob walked along with them untill dark, then they stopped near the edge of a very big forest. It was overgrown with vines, the forest floor was covered in shrubs. They sat around the fire and ate dinner. Abob "so what exactly is this pokemon, after all can we at least get its description in my pokedex, or is that off limits to?" Ros ............
  15. Sorry, I got thrown off by the last post (Aces arrival..) __________________________________________________ Abob yawned, the mission breifing was so predictable... He listened to the rest of Wedges speech and when it was over he walked to his quarters, he fell asleep immeaditly, after a very boring day.............
  16. Good we have one person signed up, now we need six more.......
  17. On the edge of the galaxy, in a solar system with three suns, ten planets and two moons........ War of the Worlds.. In 700 B.C. the two native, intelligent species that inhabit the cronos system developed spaceflight within months of each other. The Raaii species looks like giant bugs, they have six legs, ten eyes and the males are orange , the females are black.They live on the second planet from the sun,Recently they attacked their neighbors, the Dree. The Dree are a shy race of humanoids who have only one eye and green skin. The dree sent a distress call to the only other intelligent neighbors, the humans of earth. The distress call arrived at earth in the year 2909. The goverments of earth, seeing th potential of a aliance with another species, sent help. They chose one person from each country that had developed space weapons. These countries are; the USA, Britan, Russia, China, Israel and the untied federation of Muslim Countries(formed 2037). You are one of the six crewmen/women who were sent in crono sleep to investigate the situation and fight with the Dree. We will each have our own fighter craft in which to fight. you will need this to join. Name; Age;(older than 23) Country; Space fighter stats; bio; My stats...... Abob Teff 26 Isreal Fighter; (name)Fett, weapons; four laser cannons, calss 5 sheilds(max class is 6) bio;A ace piloit he was assigned to this mission against his will and is still adjusting to the fact that his wife and kids will be dead when he awakes from crono sleep.....
  18. Boba Fett

    Halo (Play)

    Abob saw them first, the sky was filling with banshees. They were attacking in groups of 10 to make up for their abysimal firepower. He yelled over his rasio +evacuate to the caves, banshees everywhere!!+ Then he gathered the three others and they rode off toward the caves.......
  19. Holy :cussing: ! this one is old..... ____________________________________________ Sala sighed and spoke "The name is Zend, Sala Zend." the man roared with laughfter and she chuckled, " I never thought i would see you again" Man "times change" "So, sala asked, have you been breifed on ZICAD?" "yes" the man said Man "come into the breifing room, the others are waiting..." :devil:
  20. :flaming: Abob hurried into the school. In the cafeteria was the bomb. It was a package of C4 explosives with a stick of TNT as a detonator. The timer was a watch that had wires sticking out of it. He pulled a pair of wirecutters uutof his backpack and stated to carefully disarm the bomb... He worked around the wires untill he found the weakness, the bomb would stop idf the watches battery was removed. He carefully removed the battery and the bomb disarmed. He sat down against the wall and closed his eyes to releive the stress. Then he was jolted back to reality by footsteps coming his way. He pulled out the uzi and waited. A terrorist steped into the room and he aimed at the terrorists head and pulled the trigger. click, click. The terrorist turned towards him and he kicked the terrorist in the head, but the terrorist shot him in the leg. then Abob screamed in rage and snapped the mans neck. Abob used his medi-kit to patch his wound, the bullet had come out the other side, it was a clean wound. He got to his feet and painfully walked out of the cafeteria................... :flaming:
  21. Abob ran off into the forest and then stopped cold. He took out his map and looked it over, then it hit him. He knew he had heard of that area of the island, it was the one with the weakest pokemon, for beginning trainers. He groaned and retraced his steps toward the area where he had seen the girl, he saw her in the distance and raced to catch up... three hours later..... Abob "hey, you two , wait up!" Ros "not you!" Abob "i am sorry i was such a jerk back there, i got carried away again..." Jake "you expect us to belive that! you just want strong pokemon!" Abob " sorry, my older brother is a great trainer andalways braggs about this race, he won it 5 years ago, now he is one of the best trainers. Mom is so proud of him, i thought if i caught the best pokemon here, the one he never caught i could stop being just his little brother..." Ros "well i guess i will think about letting you go with us... " Jake "he is just trying to fool us with his sob story..." Lauren "shut up jake!" then Ros makes her decision............................... :worried: :nervous: :worried: :nervous: :worried:
  22. :D Abob snickered as he watched the other pilot stagger into the room, late as usual. He wanted to get back to the breifing..... He opened his portfolio for the twentyth time and looked ovr the contents, this mission would be a tough one all right.. :demon: :demon:
  23. Well, I saw it once or Twice and think it is neat. But it conficts with my favorite TV show, reruns of Star Trek:The Next Generation....
  24. I am passionate about tennis, the only sport i play. And mabye about star wars, although that passion could also be discribed as crazyness........
  25. Actually in the Han Solo trilogy he flies a Z-95 head hunter to defend the base of "doc" the outlaw mechanic..... But i see your point about han, after all , fel never flew a mon calamari crusier, he was the captain of a fighter transport, but never of a capital ship..........
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