Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
Abob had taken cover behind a dumpster and the helicopter was still spraying the area with bullets. Then the fire stopped. Abob pulled out his dart gun and waited. A terrorist causiously poked his head over the dumpster and Abob filled it with darts. Then he grabbed the dead terrorists uzi and turned the circling helicopter into a flaming wreck. Then Abob heard screams and saw hundreds of students screaming and running out of the school. He tried to ask them what was going on but they kept on running. He grabbed one of them and asked him why they were running. Student "there is a bomb in the school, let me go you:cussing: " Abob "thing just get better and better. then abob ran back into the school............
Abob listened with intrest to the "Ros" girls remarks about a shortcut withn really strong pokemon... He marked the spot she had talked about on his map and checked his supplies, he has 10 potions 10 super potions 10 full heals 1 revive 5 pokeballs 1 greatball and the masterball he got from that idiot... He thought the Ros girl was going to be a very good trainer but he would get to the shortcut first, and by the time she got there his masterball would have caught the strongest pokemon on the island............
Abob decided to go to the sim one last time before he went back to his quarters to arrange his belongings. He decided to be a x-wing in the sim and this time and selected the second death star run . His veiw screen flashed as the fighter came out of hyperspace. He immeaditly rolled out of the way of a nearsuicidal TIE piliot. He flew off towards the imperial fleet but before he could start straifing the star destroyers four groups of tie fighters flying in the box formation (four ties to a box, four mini boxes arranged in a larger box) He sighed and sent a proton torpedo into the middle of the formation obliterating all the ties. Then the sim went dark and the top popped open and a announcement over the comm speaker said....................
Well, han is good but i think only luke could ever top Fel....
Abob dove for cover as another combat helicopter sprayed bullets in his direction. His gun would not peirce the armor, he used his haedset to call for help......
Abob axiously waited in line, then he saw the girl from the pokecenter. He called out to her ............ But then the contest was on!!
Good, mabye a new name will convince people of the excellence of this RPG! I think the new name will greatly raise the appeal..
Good someone new! :) :) :)
Abob proceeded to his cabin and looked at his new and improved team. His Scyther had grown to level 17, he had caught the level 23 Alakazam and his charmander was now a level 15 charmelon. He had traded his mantine for a masterball at the last pokecenter . The idiot who would trade a masterball for a level 12 mantine! He was feeling very lucky today...
Abob is carefully creeping down an empty hallway when he sees some hookers, no not hookers, fellow agents!! they looked so halarious he started to laugh. They heard him and whipped around, their guns raised. Then they lowered them and told him to knock it off, or else they really would shoot him this time
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]Fel? Your kidding right? Topping Wedge? I laugh at thee. [/B][/QUOTE] I laugh back at thee!:laugh: :laugh: !! Wedge has sheilds, Fel didnt get them untill 5 years AFTER he graduated from the academy , he now flies a modified tie interceptor. In MY OPINION Fell kicks wedges butt any day! If you want to still disagree that is fine but in my opinion Fel will always be better.
When he got to the bar he saw Gavin sitting there looking worried. Abob, "whats up Gavin?" Gavin, "the first mission is coming up and i am worried it wont turn out so well.." Abob, "you dont have confidence in us!" Gavin, "No , No . It is that you are the best unit we have and i am sure we will suceed but , skill isnt everything, luck can kill the best piliot or the worst. its the affect of death on the squadron i am worried about" Abob, "oh, i see.." And abob went back to his quarters to ponder gavins words...
Not much later The alakazam appeared in front of him and he immeaditly ordered scyther to attack . The battle took three hours , but in the end Abob had captured the Alakazam, but at a cost. Scyther was severly wounded . He used his escape rope and appeared at the pokecenter.
He would have stayed in but without his stabliser he couldnt shoot straight , and was in danger of coliding with luke or vader. he would have been usless in the trench.... And so was born the legend of wedge Atillies , the second greatest pilot ever(in my opinoin Baron Soontar Fel tops him easily...)
Abob "so we have to go to these caves and find more stones?" Axel "No!! You idiot , there is something we have to do first, namely evade that police roadblock ahead!!" Abob turned around and saw the police, guns raised trying in vain to stop the SUV. Abob hit the gas and smashed the roadblock into so many splinters. Then he headed for the caves on the map they printed....
guess the battle is over..? If so would you Goku enraged, want to battle me ? Sorry, my mistake! the battle is on with 20 hp for each of the opposing RBBs!
As son as the gunfire started Abob ran towards it. He saw Therr terorists about to shoot a group of kids who had tried to escape by running out into the woods. He silently pulled out his dart gun and put three darts in each of the terorists. They dropped and the kids stood looking at him in shock. Then he ran off to find the rest of his team....
Abob awoke from his nap and returned to the simulator. He selected the Redemption senario. He slected the x-wing and started the sim. He told his computer wingmates to guard the Korlev while he went out to engage the tie bombers at a longer range. Twenty minutes later he emerged from the sim, furious. He had eliminated all the tie bombers and his wingmates couldnt protect the Korlev from the TIE's! They had all been shot down, letting the now defenceless Korlev be obliterated. He hated computers. Then he walked down the hall to the bar, looking for a datapad to smash..............
Abob teff stepped out of his Tie fighter simulator. He had been vaped again! He ahted playing the bad guys, especially when they had no sheilds, weak lasers and the piliots were considered "expendable" He went to the bar and ate thinking about what the squadron meant to him . He had always wanted to be a part of somehting and this was his big chance....
Abob stood stunned. A alakazam in the forest! he quickly healed his pokemon and started down the path to the forest.. When he got there he put on his raincoat and ran off the path. He let scyther out and trampled anything in his way. then he felt a slight dis-orientation he checked his pokedex. He was in another forest, 15 miles away! He grinned and set off to find the alakazam...
Abob laughed so hard he nearly dropped his saber:laugh: He continued to press foward, severly weakening her defences. But then he felt her master approaching....
Yoda, lightsaber!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: He should never be allowed to handle one! he would look so silly fighting! Dosent he have a purple or yellow saber though....
Ok we will "move on" but we need more members for this rpg or it will sink...
Count me in ! I know a lot about N64, Gameboy ,GBA (nothing about sega..):devil: Oops! sorry about being the illeagil #9... i hope it is ok to still join but if not, o well...
Yay! lets start!:D Watch out you "imperial scum" :laugh: