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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. They run out of the building, security gaurds soon appear and give chase. Feather, Raven and Axel turned a corner trying to evade captureand are nearly hit by a black SUV . The window rolls down and Abobs grinning face apears. "Hop in" they are colsing in on us! "dont we know it.." feather grumbled. then they sped of into the night.....
  2. Abob walked around the high school. It was a good place to hit, it was surrounded on two sides with forests, and had only one road that went to the school. The interior was full of nooks and crannies that were a shooters dream . they would have to be very careful tonight. Then he walked off towards the gym to se how the others were doing with the dance "decorations"....... :demon: :devil: :demon: :devil:
  3. wow , this is a heated discussion..
  4. Boba Fett

    Halo (Play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Vampire: Ed [/i] [B]Lastat, a man pushed to the brink of insanity when one Christmas he did not receive what he had most wanted in life. The Super Soaker 2000, thee most prized possed water gun a child could get. But when he didn't receive it, he instantly went mad. Lastat ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, and then proceeded to carve his family up until they were small enough to fit in an ash tray. Lastat took their remains, and chared them up on a grill. Afterwards he feed them to the family dog, and then chopped up the family dog. He of course grilled the dog's remains, then ate it himself. After that he set out to rule the worl, and take over the Super Soaker business. At only ten years of age, that seemed impossible. So he hibernated for another fifteen year, and awoke in a future of chaos. He found that Supr Soakers were destroyed years ago, so in world without Super Soakers he went mad level 2 and began killing every random citizen to come across his path. A new evil has arrived, is the world prepared for the Super Soaker World Order (SSWO)... [/B][/QUOTE] I laugh in the face of danger!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: now back to business.. Abob pulled up to Zariths position and saw siren and akria trying to help him. He called down to them , you heal him and i will cover you! then he went back up the hill a few feet and rained fire down on the covanent troops...
  5. I totally agree! those pets are "too large to be allowed" Mabye now some other people will sighn up......
  6. Abob looks around at the other kids in the chopper. They were a rough looking crowd and he wished he could get there computer files so he could figure out who they are... But if he did that he would be fired and watched for the rest of his life. And it wasnt worth the risk. Then the chopper set down and the door opened.....
  7. One more spot open, I cant wait to start!!!!!!!!!
  8. Abob walks out of the forest. Some idiot gets lost again and ruins my peacefull walk! scyther , who was walking by his side grunted his aproval. Scyther suddenly ran off into the bushes and right into the middle of two wild pokemon who were fighting ferociously. Scyther use slash ! abob yelled and scyther ducked a sleep powder and slashed one of the pokemon, a furret. Then the other ,a sperow lunged at scyther and pecked at scythers claw. Scyther growled and proceded to slash at the sperow untill it was well past fainted. Abob used a potion to heal scyther and then they walked thru the forest and out the exit . then he went to the pokecenter. When he got there he heard the two girls in front of him talking about a "poppy" to nurse joy............
  9. Hey! i never said i liked loyd. I just said i didnt like the new anakin. If i could re-make epsoide 1 i would definatly have someone else play him,. You know, ewan Mcgregor would have been good if he was younger...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ratboy [/i] [B]elements are not the ones that are stupid it is the people that copy other people. I'am sure you herd of this game called warriors of gian. Well then I'am sure that you have herd of a game called warriors of elements they just totaly riped off there plot from that [/B][/QUOTE] Alright, read the people who copy other people are stupid part does this mean YOU are stupid
  11. As to your remark about "stupid element rpgs" i am in it so lay off! my charecter... Name Abob Teff Element diamond weapon staff made of a single, flawless diamond cannot break, or be broken special technique diamond armor(covered in a armor of liquid diamonds, it heals/protects him
  12. That idea is VERY interesting. Although i think it is impossible with the present technology, i think it could be.. I read a book once that had something like that, it was the third book in the enders game series by Orson Scott Card. The entity was created by a alien race and lived in the "philotes"(like a internet but alive) and connected to "ansibles"(information sending /reciving computers.
  13. See too many school lunches and you go all sporky!! ___________________________________________ Abob watched their discussion and laghed. it does look like a spork he chuckled. then he went upstairs and got his trenchcoat. the he slipped out the front door and started running....
  14. Boba Fett

    Halo (Play)

    Abob heard Zariths weak call for help over the radio and got to work. He crawled out of the cave and up the hill. There he found it. The other warthog he had seen when he got the first one. He hoisted himself into the drivers seat and got another soilder(mindless grunt) to man the machine gun . then they roared off towards zariths fading homing signal.......
  15. The Qui-Gon look huh. That could get you killed:laugh: :laugh: Please excuse my bad jokes! I think that he does definately look dorky with that beard! The older anikin, i will never get used to him *sigh smiley inserted here* lol!
  16. Sorry about the age, i will change it... what dont you get about my post??? Please tell me i dont mean to be rude/ annoying..
  17. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    #1 I have decided to graciously DECLINE super gokus battle offer on the account of my robobs inferiority, sorry! Also , super goku you must have forgotten, we only have 50 hp, not 60...(i made the same mistake earlier..) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #2 Since i am low on cash, would you like to battle me "Jake W"?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#3 psycho , could you do all of us a favor and re-post the shop stuff? I would really appriciate it!
  18. Ouch, critical hit! Bite hits scyther in the arm! 42 damage! Scyther has 58 hp left.... Scyther uses slash.... :demon: :demon:
  19. :flaming: :devil: :flaming: :devil: I make one silly spelling mistake and you (Ben say i need to work on spelling!?!? We'll se about that! If they (others who have subscribed) dont see this you can always PM them! :mrt: I pity da fool who dont like Star wars!!
  20. So this is the great idea.... Meanwhile in the next town... Scyther ! use slash! the annoying marill faints and the dissapointed boy hands abob the betting pot. Abob walks off holding the cash from the minor league tornament. "100, 153, 300, 500 dollars! He adds it to his pouch which now holds $3420. Then he walks offto the poke center...
  21. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    Ok the new and improved robobo!!!!!!! (re-posting stats for the benift of all ) Name of owner; Abob Teff name of robobo; Sydney robobos appearence; Like a dog, golden in color Current weapons ; regular gun(10 damage), laser gun(30 damage) current other items; armor(both types)and red sheild! current $50 Robobo's stats defence100(try and hurt me now!) agility 10 accuracy 10 offence 30
  22. Boba Fett

    Halo (Play)

    Abob sits in the cave, the battle raging around him , then he hears a noise, in front of him a twig snaps . He opens up and pumps two rounds into his attcker. "stupid invisible covanent" he sighed . then he heard a weak voice on his radio.....
  23. I think that the new movie will be better than epsoide one but i still think they need a better anikan and a older obi wan....
  24. Yes! If your friend shows up we'll only need 2 more:naughty:
  25. I choose Scyther. I will attack first. Scyther uses slash and it hits, damaging Dragon.:)
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