Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
A star wars RPG!!!!! this info will help you understand my charecter. name;Abob Teff age;32 equipment; body armor, laser sniper rifle, special body suit with yalsamari hair engrained to protect him from force users side; bountey hunter (whichever side pays the most or signs him first...) Abob Teff ship the, Mandalore, had just come out of hyperspace above the capital of the new republic. He once again ran a full diagonistic on his modified corillian blocade runner. He had worked on it with Shug nix in his spacebarn before it closed down and he had installed some very illeagil equipment. He had kept only 6 of the 10 engines operational( the ones on the top and bottom rows) he had replaced two of them(the center ones) with a heavy laser turret from a imperial class star destroyer . The other two had been replaced with modified escape pods that were, in effect computer controlled mini- fighters. He had also used his savings on a excellent sheil generator and a experiemental cloaking device. (which he hasent installed , yet ...) His final ajustment was to get rid of the crew quarters so he would have somewhere to carry cargo. He landed at the spaceport, bribed the traffic controller and headed for the deep underground, to meet his master................. :devil: :devil: :devil: :mrt: I pity da fool who dont like Star Wars!!!!!!!
RPG Pokemon:The Original & Other Characters(Sign up and Play)
Boba Fett replied to Stacy_Tramer's topic in Theater
Abob and tallie finish breakfast and hear a battle in the distance, not wanting to miss the action they hurry toward it but by the time they get their all they get to see is .... Abob "Are you ash Ketcham? !!!!!!!!! " -
You should have to consult someone before you kill off a charecter. even if if that auother created that charecter... Well as to that piliot whose y -wing got out i still cant figure out who he was. i even went to Barnes & Noble and checked ALL their books, Nothing! (although id did buy $31 worth of SW comics..) :devil: :devil: :devil:
Abob lifts his machine gun and aims it a a covanent scout patrol heading his way. he hopes they wont see him and crouches low behind a large tree. It was too late. laser fire schorched the tree :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: he muttered as he bolted across their line of fire, shooting all the way . once he got to cover he pulled out a plasma grenade and tossed it at the covanent patrol. then he spoke into his walkie-talkie " mayday , mayday im under attack can anybody help me? "this is siren we are on our way hold on!" as Abob turned off his walkie-talkie he saw to his horror that a covent member had sunck up on him and , although wounded was about to shot him he stod up and waited for the envitable...................
Ok!!!! Abob Teff 23 warrior (excellent shot with a bow/arrow but thats for later...) reserved and thoughtful , why he was laughing? thats a inside joke.... :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
You know , Tycho sounds right but didnt he join the alliance right before the battle of hoth? I am not sure about tycho so could someone find out? I already checked my diconarry and have found nothing! p.s. Since someone brought up madine... i think he was really neat. i was deeply annoyed at his death at the hands of Durga. :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
:devil: :devil: :devil: where is everyone????????????? Abob walked into the cockpit and sat down. he was worried. the team that would go to the moon was assembled in the docking bay . he still didnt like this but... he walked towards the docking bay trying to ignore his concerns....... :devil: :devil: :devil: :mrt: I pity the fool who dont like Star Wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abob went deeper into the bunker . he suddenly stopped and contrated the ground moved to revel a steel box. he used the force to open the box. he reached inside and pulled out a old , worn , dirty ,but still working ......................... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I have never seen the Matrix but.... Name; Abob Teff Age; 29 Blood; B Awaken date; 01.08.2151 Position; sniper, explosives expert :devil: :devil: :devil: Primary weapon;Sniper rifle (laser firing ) Secondary weapon; pistol ( bullets explode on contact ) Inventory; health pack x5 , heat/ night vision sight x1 , fragmentation grenade x3 laptop x1 :demon: :demon: :demon:
Yes, his death was undignified, wasnt it. well i personally stopped reading all the new order books as soon a s chewie died . i cant understand how they could kill him off . i am "boycotting" them so to speak. p.s. i know that in a new hope wedge, luke,han and chewie survived the death star run. in the movie there was a additional y-wing.who was it????
Abob sat awake, long after Anima had gone to sleep. He wondred . Could she actually be the legendary person he had heard about? He though about this for a long time before he went into a uneasy sleep. :devil: :devil: :devil:
RPG Pokemon:The Original & Other Characters(Sign up and Play)
Boba Fett replied to Stacy_Tramer's topic in Theater
Abob woke to a sunny day and saw his scyther and charmander playing on a stump about fifty feet away. He smiled. His father had hated pokemon. he had ran away as soon as he was old enough and had caught these two with 2 old apricorns he had been given by a old man . he had helped him harvest white apricorns from the mans back yard. Then he was jerked back to reality by the smell of tallie's pancakes. he called his pokemon. scyther and charmander came running and they obediently returned to their poke balls. he checked to make sure that all three of his pokemon were securely attached to his belt. they were. Then he walked over to the campfire for breakfast. After breakfast Tallie and Abob walked together down the dirt road. in the distance they could see the distinctive shape of a poke center in the distance. Then he heard a movement in the bushes he saw the cause of the movement. it was a small abra. He sent out both his scyther and his charmander . they didnt have much sucess hiting the scared abra but then by total chance his scyther nailed it with a cut attack. It fell to the ground and dizzily sat up. he threw a great ball and caught it tallie cheered. they continued toward the pokemon center. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: -
Abob watched his apprentice walk off into the forest. He then turned and walked toward the remains of the bunker that had been a backdoor entrance to the sheild generator that had protected the second death star. He entered it and walked among the overgrown ruins. He could feel the dark energies in the air. The emporer had died in orbit and the subsequent release of dark side energy had permeated the small moon. This would give his apprentice a advantage and tempt the folish jedi. His master plan was almost complete . there were only a few peices left in the puzzle......................... :devil: :devil: :devil: :mrt: I pity da fool who dont like Star Wars!!
I will be there opening night to see the release of epsoide 2. I cant wait to see a young fett! I heard a romor that his father would be included as well?Can anyone confirm/deny this rumor?? when is it coming out again? ( i have it written down somewhere....) :devil: :devil: :devil:
:devil: :devil: :devil: Abob rolled over. He was still grogy from the gas that had knocked him out but was alert he reached inside his jacket and felt his mini knife. He kept it sewn into his lfet jacket pocket and it had come in handy more than once. He could hear anima talking to someone. He didnt catch her name but he was sure she said something about joining the crew. When the stranger left he straighteded up and propped himself up against the wall. Anima walked over to him and asked him in a worried voice " are you alright?" he nodded tried to stand . he fell instantly and she propped him against the wall. He asked her wearily where they were . Anima told him their situation and to her confsion he grinned. he told her that when he had gotten onboard he had been worried someone would steal his stuff. so he had linked a transponder to all his things, including his clothes. They could only hope that one of the crew would check into his computer file looking for clues. That person would find the transponder signal and their location. Anima smiled and sat down next to him and they talked about what they would do if they got out of here............ :devil: :devil: :devil:
RPG Pokemon:The Original & Other Characters(Sign up and Play)
Boba Fett replied to Stacy_Tramer's topic in Theater
Yes please let him!! I have very little patience!! -
JOY, now start this ting Son Goten!!!:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
The trinity, although i am not cathloic( atheist ) i go to ccd.(dont ask why or i will hit you with my rubber chicken!!) The father , the son and the holy spirit are all seperate, but also the same they are all different extensions of gods will. Nobody really understands it really. it is a great mystery. i asked our school preist and he said "you just have to have faith" some help!!:flaming:
Meanwhile back at the ship....( this is gonna be good!:smirk: ) Abob had dissasembled the sheild projector and enlarged it to add the cloaking device. It fit perfectly! then he tested it. It stuttered then turned on . After twenty minutes offrusteration he finally found the hatch and he re-entered the ship. He disengaged the cloaking device and then he turned around to see the red button on the engeneering control panel blink on. It couldnt be one of the crew because they all had their dna in the central computer so it could recognise them. Then WHAMM! a blaster bolt hit his computer just as he was going to tell Anima the news about the intruder. He whirled around and smelled a whiffof something.. and all went black.......................
Hmm why dont we ask someone from SW 411? Babygirl, Defcon 5? i dont care lets just find someone!!:smirk: :smirk: :smirk:
:devil: :devil: :devil: Here are the hardest questions i can think of at the moment... 1 Who is Vima Sunrider ? where does she reside?(live) 2what planet are crystal ferns native to? 3 How did dengar get his nickname paypack? 4 What rank is luke sykwaker in the new republic? :devil: :devil: :devil: