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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. Boba Fett


    Well, at least im not in debt anymore. now lets see if there are anymore of those rogue rbbs around(after i heal sydney!!)
  2. After i beat the game i caught 6 scythers, evolved them all and raised them they are all around 70-80 now and i am trying to get them all to level 100. So i have 6 scissors.
  3. Personally i could care less for the legendary birds, i like Enti
  4. Should this be in anothe forum? (if it is not a rpg..) However a rpg of this game would be neat.
  5. The group headed into the giant city and then split up to spend their cut of the bounty . They were to meet back at the ship in 3 hours. Abob went back immeaditly to try and install his new fav. thing , the cloaking device.
  6. :devil: :devil: :devil: I think they would base at least one of the epsoides 7-9 on thrawns return , that would be so cool!! The chiss are my fav. species. Does anyone want more trivia?
  7. Yes , those ewoks. They annoy me to no end!! But it would be interesting on Endor, What do you think, Son Goten??
  8. Boba Fett


    AT LAST I WILL WIN FOR ONCE!!!!!!!! (even if it is against a mindless, stupid rogue RBB ) The final turn! 1Laser gun 2--------- 3attack sydney wins!!! :D :laugh: :D :laugh: :D :laugh:
  9. Abob looked at the list, yes ! he used the pad to write questions to the people he ended up getting a top of the line cloaking device and a very good blaster pistol which he kept for himself. ]The others were impressed with his bartering skills, at least untill he told them what he had to trade to get it. Anima"You traded ALL our rations! I know they dont cost much but I had to look thru 12 different systems to find ones that we could actually eat without pukeing!!! We'll have to stay here untill we get some new ones" ,Anima sighed. So they locked down the ship and headed into the city. :devil: :devil: :devil:
  10. According to a web site i went to a Staph infection is contracted through a open wound, hence your operation. The site i went to if you need more info is [url]www.apnisehat.com/diseases/staph%20infection.htm[/url] :devil: :devil: :devil:
  11. Well they cant look the same age that would be stupid. Although , most of the actors would be easy to get , execpt harrison ford . he was the only one in the SW movies who went on to a successful career. I think they can, should and hopefully WILL have movies 7-9. :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk:
  12. :devil: :devil: :devil: I was wondering if you'd notice that.. Anyway no harm done, i cant wait to start? where will we start?As in what planet?
  13. Grapes of wrath!!!!! I read that book in lit and hated every minute of it!!!!!! My paper is on The history of american money:sleep: :sleep: :sleep: !!!!!
  14. I wont be a pre made charecter i will make my own. i will post my stats; name Abob Teff age 13 hometown black thorn poke scyther lv. 4, charmander lv. 3, mantine lv. 2 :devil: :devil: :devil:
  15. Sounds good to me, we need more bad guys, dont we! :devil: :devil: :devil:
  16. Boba Fett


    My attack! 1laser gun 2----------- 3attack bomber by shooting him with the laser gun hp for sydney 30 hp for bomber 20
  17. :devil: :devil: :devil: name Abob Teff (what else!!) color armor blue gender male age 22 side good weapon the machine gun you start with in halo bio was a criminal in his younger years but won a scollarship to a military academy and turned his life around. he is cedicated to the cause.
  18. sorry to double post but... Are you sure its a staff infection not a Staph infection? if it is a staph infection let me know and i will emil you the stuff i found! always ready to help!!
  19. :devil: :devil: :devil: I must have a Samus Aran one! I hope they have one with her on it!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:
  20. :devil: :devil: :devil: This is slightly off topic but in case any of you are interested their is a star trek special on Si Fi tonight called generations, it is on a nine! As it says in my sig i have two reasons for living, Star wars AND Star trek.
  21. Ha I am First come!!!!!! *laughs manicaly* Son Goten you know i like sw so i have to join!! Name; Abob Teff Age; 34 Jedi status;Master light or dark;dark saber type; single blade saber color; orange force powers;jump, slow time , lightning , force heal, force sheild :devil: :devil: :devil:
  22. Abob was furious, just when everything was going great his:cussing: :cussing: :cussing: mouth got the better of him. He stood and moved behind Anima, if their was trouble he was NOT going to get himself killed foolishly...
  23. :devil: :devil: :devil: "why did i bother asking " Abob ran down the hall toward the bridge yelling at people to man the repair and battle stations. then he assembled th bridge crew and they identified the threat. There in front of them was the answer to their problems, on the moon they were passing by was a crashed imperial star destroyer. the records said that it had gone missing after the battle of hoth in a training exercise. All they had to do was land and they could repair and modify their ship and get it totally operational. then he finished reading the record of its dissapearence. it had been recorded at this location earlier but the previous scavengers had never returned from the moon . it had become a "forbidden" place and nobody went near it now. He asked for a shipwide vote and the results were unamous. they were going in.............. :devil: :devil: :devil: :mrt: I pity da fool who dont like Star Wars!
  24. Cost him a ton of money *breaks out into fit of laughter* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: He has loads of money, he shouldnt care how much they cost, he should do what he wants to do! As to a new luke, leia and the rest they are supposed to look different as time passes, it would look stupid if thwey stayed the same!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:
  25. Boba Fett


    :devil: :devil: :devil: Yes, we need some RBBs to fight! I would also like to know if we can fight other Rbb owners? :devil: :devil: :devil: P.S. my name is abob TEFF , NOT Abob FETT!!!:flaming: :devil: :devil: :devil:
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