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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [color=green]I wear: [list] [*]Yellow Sweatshirt [*]Black Cargo Pants [*]Black Tennis Shoes [*]Black Nike Baseball cap, on occasion. [/list] Every day, so I guess it's my own sense of style... or lack thereof.[/color]
  2. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1]Israelis are building this wall of there's over onto Palestinian territory. There are Palestinian villages [i]inside the Israeli walls[/i']. Is it just me, or does this sound like a land-grab?[/size][/quote] [color=green]Grabbing land from whom? Israel has legal right to both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. If anyone, the current occupants of those territories are involved in a land grab.[/color]
  3. [quote name='Lady_Rin'] From all of you without exception I feel hate, anger, distrust, suspicion.[/quote] [color=green]I feel a good debate, an exchange on ideas between many mature individuals. As Chabichou stated, she has no hard feelings over this thread. Neither do I.[/color] [quote name='Lady_Rin'] I read comments about destroy all jews, destroy all muslims.[/quote] [color=green]Nobody has said kill all Muslims. Chabichou was misunderstood when she said ?wipe Israel off the map?. Nobody on either side has advocated genocide.[/color] [quote name='Lady_Rin']Who are the bad guys? Who are the good guys? There are none on either side only victims, jewish and muslim. Chabichou, why do you hate jews? Has any one of them done something to you to make this happen? Is it really the people you hate brought on by politics. The jews here same question.[/quote] [color=green]I?ve read everything here, and I don?t see Chabichou saying anywhere she hates Jews. In fact, I recall her saying she was upset when homicide bombers killed innocent Israelis.[/color] [quote name='Lady_Rin']Why the hate? There's no reason for it. I am a pacifist by nature, Ranger is by choice, yet there are times when I think his is the right answer. Wipe both countries, Isreal and Palestine off the face of the earth. Destroy it all, go ahead because all that has come from this thread which started innocently enough is the hate, fear and distrust I see on the news.[/quote] [color=green]That sounds like a genuinely pacifistic response?[/color]
  4. [color=green]That's entirely possible, as there have been many high ranking and honorable Jedi who have been seduced by Sidious. Most noteablly Count Dooku. If only more was known about Sifo Dyas, it would be possible to analyze this further.[/color]
  5. [color=green]I'm currently of the opinion that Sifo Dias was a Jedi Master. However, the Sifo Dias that visited Kamino probablly wasn't a Jedi Master. I'm thinking it was either Darth Sidious or one of his operatives posing as Dias in order to orchestrate the clone wars.[/color]
  6. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f] Conclusion: The soldier had no right to kill the old man or even demolish the home. Does anyone disagree with this statement? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=green]I?m all for the demolition of the homes of suicide bombers. Maybe then the Palestinian people will begin policing themselves and stop turning a blind eye towards those in their midst intent on killing Israeli civilians.[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Well actually, people of all religions commit horrible crimes that even go against the teachings of their religion. When a christian person commits a crime, no one ever looks at his religion and blames it. This only happens to muslims. When a muslim person commits a crime, his religion is stated on the news and people think, "Oh, he's muslim, which means this is what his religion is about". That shows the ignorance of western society. Bobba Fett, this is the biasm I am talking about. It's hidden, it's subtle, so it's difficult to detect.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]I agree that people of all religions have done terrible things, however I don?t feel that the western media is biased against Muslims. If anything, the west is overwhelming biased against Jews. Take, for instance, the staggering number of European countries that support Palestine. In fact, the US is one of very, very few nations that supports Israel. The reason for this is media bias [I]against[/I] Israel.[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']You seem to be treating this as though Arabs were massacreing Jews.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]Since Arab nations have invaded Israel several times and conducted campaigns of genocide against Jews, in addition to ongoing homicide bombings in Israel, I?d have to say that Arabs [I]are[/I] massacring Jews.[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f'] The reason we fight so much for the present day Israel is because of the city of Jerusalem, which is important to muslims as it is to jews.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]That?s an outright lie. Not only is [b]Jerusalem never mentioned in the Koran, but Muslims pray towards Mecca (Which happens to orient their backs towards Jerusalem).[/b] The focal point of Judaism is Jerusalem, while the focal point of Islam is Mecca. You, as a Muslim, should know this.[/color] [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f] [B]All[/B] of Kan'aan belongs to the Arabs. We were living there before the British's intrusions. But that's all religion right? Well the jews can't use their religion as an excuse to take home from arabs living in the land. It belongs to the Arabs now.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=green]This has been addressed factually by many other members, so I?d be interested to see you do the same instead of generalizing.[/color]
  7. [color=green]I've used PSP and Photoshop CS, and it's painfully obvious that CS completely blows PSP out of the water. Not only does it have more options, better filters and more image manipulation features, but it is easier to use. The only downside to CS is the price, a whooping six hundred dollars. I got a less than legal copy that I was given by my image graphics teacher along with a working registration key. So if you're able to afford/aquire it, Photoshop is the way to go.[/color]
  8. [color=green]What kind of parent lets their kid go to a concert on a school night anyway? Your dad is looking out for you and has your best interests at heart. I'm sure he didn't mean to ruin your day, or anything like that. Perhaps you should work with your parents to set ground rules for situations like this, so you'll know when you are allowed to go to extracurricular events.[/color]
  9. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f] [url]http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2000/502/re6.htm[/url] Why? :( WHY???!!!! Here is one fact that shows even more atrocities Israel has commited against palestinians.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=green]Too bad Israel didn't kill Mohammed al-Dura. Analysis of the firefight determined Palestinian gunmen shot him by accident. The news article you linked to supports that explanation. This is yet another "killing" spun by Palestinians to gain sympathy. Just like the massively inflated death tolls after Israeli raids and well-publicized fake funeral processions.[/color] [URL]http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_1991to_now_alaqsa_dura.php[/URL]
  10. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']I become upset when a suicide bomber attacks Israeli civilians. I cried when I read about the holocaust. What about my people? How come no body stands up for their rights? How come no body cries for them?[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]It's a little difficult for someone to sympathize with a people that willingly sends it's youth to terrorist summer camps, dresses it's infants in suicide bomber outfits and praises homicide bombers. Such incidents of violence, on both sides, are regrettable. If the Palestinians would stop supporting HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, the PLO and other terrorist groups operating within Gaza and the West Bank, the violence would cease. Israel would have no reason to send troops into those territories and would be eager to negotiate for a new Palestinian state.[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Their government is corrupt and racist to palestinians Arabs, and Muslims. They see themselves as superior to the everyone. That's why Israel must be wiped off the map.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]Now that?s racist. Negatively stereotyping an entire people, and advocating genocide is no way to win a logical argument.[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']So if a suicide bomber is a terrorist, why aren't the Israeli soldiers?[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green] Israeli soldiers have rules of engagement, and do not attack civilians. In fact, they do their best to avoid civilian casualties. Suicide bombers have no rules of engagement and [b] deliberately target innocent civilians[/b].[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Everybody ignored the statment I made about the highly unequal distribution of resources in the occupied state of Palestine. Why? Because it actually shows the truth?[/COLOR][/quote] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']So the UN has condemed Israel for their crimes against palestinians? Well, don't just stand there! Punish them! MAKE THEM PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES![/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]You completely missed my point about the UN. I stated that the UN is nothing but a joke, because of its incredible anti-Semitism. The UN condemns Israel all the time, but [b]refused to vote on a resolution condemning the killing of Israeli children.[/b] If that doesn?t tell you something about the UN, I don?t know what will.[/color] [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f] Meanwhile the jewish settlers get 70% of the water while the much larger Palestinian population gets 30%. How is this just in any way? Palestinians have nothing while the Israeli settlers get big, beautiful houses in the most beautiful parts of Palestine. Pools included. They don't even have to pay for it, cause the government does! The Israeli government just invites more and more jews to move to Palestine, hence occupying more and more land and expanding their settlements. But where does the government get all this money? Why diamonds ofcourse! Like I said, those selfish pigs have taken all the wealth of the land for selfselves! In addition, the state of Israel receives funding from a wide variety of western companies. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=green]I laughed when I read that. Israeli?s get free homes, courtesy of diamond exports and western corporations. Right. I would expect that from someone wearing a tinfoil hat, maybe. Not from someone in a debate.[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Previous Israeli prime ministers like Ehude Barak were a lot nicer than him. Of course he was replaced because the Israelis thought Palestinians should be dealt with more harshly.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]Maybe it was because the Israelis were tired of suicide bombings in the streets.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE=Kane][SIZE=1]Indeed it is a excellent find, especially in mint condition though I suspect that Gavynn's love of Star Wars would make it a near impossibility for him to sell it. Remind me of that episode of the Simpson's where Martin Prince's mother goes to sell Comic Book Guy all that rare SW merchandise she found in the basement. I'd personally advise you to store that away some place and enjoy it for the rest of time, it's like the first edition Star Wars videotape an uncle of mine has, yes the new DVDs may have better sound and picture quality but it just feels so much better.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=green]Perhaps he could... donate it. To me. As for the video, burn it to DVD before it wears out. I have all of the SE burned to DVD, and just as well because my tapes are beginning to wear out. I've been trying to get ahold of some OT tapes to burn to DVD, but so far I only have ROTJ. It's all made possible by my school's video lab. :) Before I was born one of my uncles sold most of his Star Wars action figures at a yard sale. Today they'd be worth a pretty penny. Alas, I have but a few of them. I'm even starting to get agitated over some of my older Rogue Squadron novels beginning to yellow with age. I'm distraught, to say the least. Ideas on preserving books in a fashion that'd make them readable?[/color]
  12. [color=green]I?m currently interested in these three games, which will definitely be appearing on my holiday wish list. XBox Halo 2 ? Many people have told me it stinks, and hasn?t lived up to all the hype. Judging by the hype, I don?t think it ever could have. I never owned Halo, so I figure it?ll be a fun game to run through campaign mode with and even better for multiplayer action with friends. Not to mention Xbox Live. KOTOR II- I just finished KOTOR, and if the sequel is anything like the first it?ll be well worth it. Finally, you don?t have to save the galaxy from evil? PC World of Warcraft ? I?ve begun to play a little using friend?s accounts, just to test it out a little, and it seems like an awesome game. I?m tiring of SWG, and most of my guild is moving on to WoW. Should be an absolute blast, at least until everyone hits the glass ceiling.[/color]
  13. [color=green]Poison Tongue and Drix vs. Taylor Hewitt[/color]
  14. [QUOTE]Boba Fett became Star Wars spokesman. He was later murdered for being insanely annoying.[/QUOTE] [color=green]Oi! In any event, this is definately one of your most entertaining stories yet, and something that I've enjoyed reading every step of the way. This is a very funny, mildly intelligent tale that's kept me laughing the whole way through and eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Well done, I'm looking forward to your next work. -Boba[/color]
  15. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004A6F']I really don't see the logic in that. So Britain was already occupying a land that was not theirs, and just hand over this illegally occupied land to the jews? If they want the jews to have their own land so badly, why didn't they just give them Britain? No country has the right to occupy another country and do what they please with it. Unfortuanately, european countries at that time saw themselves as superior to others and gave themselves the right to invade other countries to rob them of their resources. They come to the Americas and kill off the natives and steal a land that did not belong to them. They wanted to go to india and the middle east to get spices and other luxeries.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]If you don?t like it, go fight to change international law. Then we can redraw the borders of every nation on earth. The solution to this is to either peacefully assimilate the Palestinian people into Israel, or create a separate state out of the predominately Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank. Since the former is unlikely, and the latter has been tried with little success, I think that Israel should end the situation once and for all. Go in, remove the terrorists in these territories and hold real elections in Palestine. UN election observers can be there, if needed. The Palestinians can elect a government, have their state and live happily ever after so long as they don?t attack Israel.[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004A6F'] Well, the U.N made a mistake if they allowed the jews to go to palestine and destroy the palestinian homes and take over their country. I thought the U.N was all about justice and peace!You're only calling it biased because it's the only network that shows the atrocities the American government commits in other countries. The USA's government is one of the most decietful and selfish governments there are.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]The U.N. is the world?s biggest joke. This is an organization that refuses to enforce its resolutions, that bows to anti-Semitism at every turn and is very corrupt, as the Oil-for-Food scandal has shown. As for Al-Jazeera, you need to get your head out of the sand. Atrocities? Seriously? The US isn?t perfect, nor do we claim to be. The US armed forces have committed atrocities, and done terrible things, as has every other military force on the face of the planet. The US government too makes mistakes. These mistakes are revealed in the US media and through other media outlets worldwide. However, most news organizations are in the habit of using facts when making such incendiary allegations. [b]Al-Jazeera does no such thing.[/b] Putting it simply, they are twisting facts and sometimes plain lying to incite anti US and Israel feelings/violence in the Middle East. The US government is far from selfish, or deceitful. To say so is ridiculous, every way you look at it. The US helped end World War I, bringing peace to a worn torn Europe. A little more than two decades later, the US returned to Europe to stop Hitler?s Nazis and Mussolini?s fascists from continuing their wars of aggression. Once this conflict was over, the US provided billions of dollars in aid to rebuild all European countries. We forgave our enemies and offered a hand in rebuilding. The same was done to post-war Japan. When the Soviet Union began to spread communism, taking away basic human rights and oppressing Eastern European countries, the US opposed it. We flew supplies to Berlin day and night during the Berlin airlift to feed the people of that city when the Russians cut it off. The U.S. has sent billions to Africa to fight AIDS, hunger and poverty. We have forgiven billion in debt to poor countries. Selfish? The US is one of the most open and free countries on earth. Our press is allowed to publish whatever it wishes; even stories of dubious credibility are given airtime. While governments are naturally defensive and secretive, ours does its best to be honest with the world. Mistakes are made, like intelligence failures regarding Iraq, overzealous CIA operations during the Cold War, etc. Our government truly does strive to be honest, and serve the people it governs. Deceitful?[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004A6F']And since when did CNN show Islam in a positive light? Why call those so called Muslim Terrorists "Islamic Extremists"? If you ask me an "Islamic Extremist" would be one of the most peaceful and loving person in the world who is constantly worshipping his lord and is not involved in violence in any way. Why? Because Islam is a religion of PEACE![/COLOR][/quote] [color=green] [URL=http://search.cnn.com/pages/search/advanced.jsp?Coll=cnn_xml&QuerySubmit=true&Page=1&QueryText=Islam&query=Islam]Take a look here[/URL]. Find me a story that?s biased against Islam. An Islamic Extremist is someone who gets onto a bus filled with civilians and blows himself up, killing everyone onboard. Islamic Extremists flew airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, killing thousands. Car bombs set by Islamic Extremists kill innocent people daily in Iraq. Islamic Extremists like Bin Laden demand Israel be driven into the sea. Islamic Extremists sponsor terrorist training camps [u]for children[/u] and dress their own kids up in suicide bomber outfits. Islam is, like Judaism and Christianity, a religion of peace. However, there are radical Muslims who have perverted their faith and attempted to use it to justify their dastardly acts. It is they who we fight.[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004A6F'] In regards to the article, whether it be true or not, I wouldn't have a problem believing it. The disgusting photos of Iraqi prisoners being tortured and sexually asaulted on the news is enough proof for me that America does not give a damn about the Iraqi people. Many prisoners have done nothing wrong and didn't even approach the American soldiers.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]If that was true, why are we jailing those who committed those perverted acts? If that was true, why haven?t we just bombed the hell out of Iraq and pumped oil out of that country with fervor never before seen? If that was true, why are American soldiers fighting Islamic Extremists who are setting off car bombs that are [b]killing innocent Iraqis[/b]? If we didn?t care, we?d leave the country in chaos. We care enough too send our young men and women into deadly situations for the freedom of Iraq. We care enough to, when our own nation is in debt and still recovering from recession, give billions in aid to the fledgling Iraqi government.[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004A6F'] As for the insurgeons, (though I do believe they are really going overboard with the beheadings), they know that the U.S is merely trying to control Iraq, and that the Iraqi interm government is being controlled by the U.S government. How can they trust the U.S. government when they know that their dirty money lies in the pockets of the Iraqi interm government?[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]Just with beheadings? How about car bombs in the streets? The killing of Iraqi police officers? Take a look in the pockets of your own leaders. I?d bet you anything that the leaders of the Palestinian people are far more corrupt than any in Iraq. Do a google search regarding Arafat?s fortune. He was rolling in dough while his people lived in squalor. The leader of the Iraqi government are not corrupt. If you insist upon this, [b]prove it[/b]. [/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004A6F']Anyway, back to Palestine. Whenever, any hate crime is commited against Jews, It's always on the news. Just the site of the swatzika drawn somewhere, and the police are on the case. But when the mosque in my community had it's windows smashed, there was nothing in the news. From everyhting I've seen and heard, people are in much bigger favor of Jews than Muslims. Propaganda is in their favor too.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]Really? That?s blatantly false. The UN has voted to condemn Israel, and does so [b] an average of 19 times a year[/b]. [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4002853.stm[/url] [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4051037.stm[/url] [url]http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/11/06/mideast/index.html[/url] [url]http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/10/12/mideast.violence/index.html[/url] There are a plethora of pro-Palestinian websites out there. I?d say that the sides are equally represented, and judging by the voting in the UN, Israel has far less good press than do the Palestinians.[/color]
  16. If only it were that simple. I�d just like to point out that the Israeli military, unlike Palestinian suicide bombers, makes an effort not to harm civilians. There�s a difference between firing a rocket at a car and accidentally killing civilians, and sending a human bomb onto a bus filled with innocent people. The wall is going up to protect Israel from those kinds of attacks. If the Palestinians don�t like it, tough. They�ll gain the assurance that no Israeli squatters will be able to encroach on Palestinian land. Since a peace is unable to be negotiated at the present time, this is a viable solution that saves lives by separating the two sides. Clearly, there is a difference. By that logic, your property is just a piece of dirt too. If I come and try to demolish your house, would you fight to defend it? This war is over more than territory. Tell me when and where Jewish leaders have called for jihad? I don�t think such a thing has happened� I really don�t think this is a dead issue, when it�s affecting millions of people every day. Perhaps in the Palestinian people come to the realization that their government is being walked all over by terrorists and their children are being corrupted by a culture of hate, they will rise up and end this conflict. Only a truly democratic Palestinian state can truly peacefully coexist with Israel.
  17. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Upon digging through my mum and dad's old records, I came across something mildly sexy. The original Star Wars soundtrack on a record! God my oh! So I took out the record player we have and tried it. I need help adjusting the thing because I'm not very fluent in... well... in crap. But wowness :^D That record is the shiz! If I could burn it onto a CD, I would (and it's possible to burn it onto a tape, but I don't use cassettes). Is this a treasure or what? Or do you all have one and want to make me cry? :([/QUOTE] [color=green]That's definately cool. I've never really thought about that whole aspect of records and such for science fiction before CDs. I suppose there have got to be some eight-track tapes out there as well. Definately worth something, especially if you have the cover. *checks Ebay for others[/color]
  18. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21622[/IMG] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR="#004a6f"'] There are either three choices with how to deal with Israel: Let the Jews keep it, give it back to the Palestinians and rename it Palestine again, or somehow, compromise.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]I think that the [I]Israelis[/I] should keep all of their present territory, and do what they wish regarding both the Gaza strip and the west bank territories. Although neither side is completely blameless, I see a distinct difference between the actions of the Palestinians and those of Israelis. The Israeli government doesn?t support homicide bombings that explicitly target civilians. In addition, the Israelis are eager to settle and are in some ways more interested in a Palestinian state than Palestinians. Arafat was not only a corrupt terrorist, but refused to an agreement negotiated under Clinton that offered 98% of all territory ?belonging? to the Palestinians.[/color] [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR="#004a6f"]Let me tell you that I am palestinian and I think Palestine is my rightful home and that the Jews have no claim over this land. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=green]Really? On Friday May 14, 1948, when the British mandate to over Palestine expired, the state of Israel was established and later officially recognized by the United Nations. This alone gives [I]Israelis[/I] perfectly legitimate claim over this land.[/color] [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR="#004a6f"'] Make sure to look for a variety of "reputable" resources when making your post. Aljazeera should not be ignored. While many people think it is biased, CNN probably is too.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]You?re joking right? Al Jazeera is the most biased news source in the world, and a terribly obvious propaganda wing of Islamic extremists. It?s no coincidence that all these terrorist tapes and videos we hear about are delivered there first. Take a look at their English version site; tell me if you can find a single report that portrays America or Israel in a positive light. [URL=http://www.aljazeera.com/cgi-bin/news_service/middle_east_full_story.asp?service_id=5875]Do you seriously believe this?[/URL] Al Jazeera is not to be trusted, period. If you can?t see that, you?re in serious trouble.[/color]
  19. [color=green]Will returned to his book, but suddenly look up at Abby, unwilling to let the conversation go. [b]Will[/b]: ?Last I checked, [u]Across Five Aprils[/u] didn?t have a character named Will. It?s been a while since I read it, but I thought that the main character?s name was Jethro.? His heart skipped a beat, and he could feel the adrenaline rush through his veins. Perhaps this was it, a subtle change in the timeline that was indicating something bigger. Maybe something that would get him out of the compound and onto another case. The book was written shortly before the Spanish American war, right before the dawn of the 20th century? [I]Abby blushed and began to speak.[/I][/color]
  20. [color=green]Sauce Head, you?re beginning to sound like the kind of guy that, I?d suspect, very few girls would want to go out with. Much less sleep with. I don?t think that girls want to date guys who are looking for one thing, and one thing only in a ?relationship?. Furthermore, would you even [I]want[/I] to be in a relationship like that? There?s really only one point here that I?m going to bother responding to, since most of them are not only ludicrous, but have also been refuted. [quote name='Sauce-head']2-Wear nice clothes-By "nice" I don't mean Gucci or Armani, just wear clean clothes that fit your body type and style. I think the most important thing here is to find a look that fits you. If your a skinny piece of ****, don't go wearing XXL football jerseys and huge baggy pants. That will just magnify that fact, that your incredibly underweight. Get a pair of white shoes and black shoes. You can wear those colors with anything and it will show a girl you have a sense of style.[/quote] Clothes don?t mean much. As long as they?re clean and decent looking, you?ll be fine. I wear a yellow sweatshirt, black cargo pants and black sneakers every day. I?ve worn this for a year and a half now, and I have far more female than male friends. Why? It?s not because I have an insane sense of style, or any of the other silly reasons you listed above. While those are important on some level, I feel what really gets you a date is [b]your demeanor[/b]. If you?re a nice person who?s considerate of others and isn?t a jerk all the time, you?ll do fine. The poser pimps that think they?re hot **** and hook up with the two sluts in the whole school wont have relationships. They?re the ones that are going to die alone.[/color]
  21. [color=green]Will stood in front of the mirror for a few minutes, attempting to comb his unruly hair into some semblance of order. After several minutes of this, he sighed and gave up. Tossing his comb down on the countertop adjacent to the sink, Will left the bathroom and headed for the door. His comb bounced off the heavy plastic countertop and onto the floor with a click, followed by a soft thud. Will scowled, and grabbed a hat off his dresser. As the door slid shut behind him with a soft woosh of air, Will was already walking briskly down the hall. The Temporal Police didn?t have assigned beats, per se, but rather were a reactionary force. They simply waited until the world changed, or temporal disturbances signaled that someone had entered the past with malicious intent. While they waited, agents usually pitched in by reading books in the library. This allowed them to spot small changes in the timeline, which were usually indicators of larger problems. Will entered the library, a large room with vaulted ceilings and a quiet, relaxed atmosphere. It was a mix between traditional books and other reading materials, and computer terminals from which all manner of literature could be accessed. In between the towering bookshelves and compact workstations were scattered a hodgepodge assortment of large plush reading chairs, couches and divans for reading. After pulling a random history book off one of the shelves, Will walked across the library to his favorite reading chair. As he approached it, he noted with a scowl that there was someone sitting in it. Slightly annoyed, Will slumped down on a nearby navy blue couch, setting his legs out across the other seat, and opened the book. It didn?t look like a in which it was written gave him a headache before he even difficult read, length wise, but the Shakespearian English began to give him a headache before he?d finished the first page. Grumbling, Will took a look at the spine of the text. [u] Summa Theologica[/u] by Thomas Aquinas. [b]Will [Under his breath]:[/b] ?Ak-in-as, what kind of name is that?? He returned to the book, slightly bored. This day wasn?t off to a pleasant start?[/color]
  22. [quote name='O-Ushi']Personally, I feel that I would much rather prefer to live in a perfectly Communist society, if only it was possible.[/quote] [color=green]Exactly, it isn?t possible. I choose democracy over communism any day. Not only is a democratic, capitalist society more in line with human nature than a socialist or communist system, it doesn?t have a track record of abysmal failure.[/color] [quote name='Siren']I'd go with Perfect Socialism, because Capitalism is still founded on competition, while Socialism is not.[/quote] [color=green]Living in a society devoid of competition simply doesn?t appeal to me. It sounds all right on the surface, but it provides no incentive for hard work, innovation or excellence. The brain surgeon, who works very hard to perfect his medical skills, is treated the same as the garbage collector. In this type of society, who?d want to be the brain surgeon? With no incentive for people to fill time consuming, high stress occupations, it?d be doubtful that a society could survive. Without competition, I think that civilization would collapse. Socialism is a very nice concept, [b]which will never, ever work.[/b]. Human nature makes a perfect socialist society impossible, and people will find ways to exploit the system. Socialism then becomes communism, and we all know where that has lead. A democratic, capitalist society is the closest to perfect that we?re going to get.[/color]
  23. [color=green]The elevator doors closed and the screen above the door changed; the numbers began to count down by one. Leaning against the wall in the right corner of the elevator was an African American man, dressed in grey sweatpants and a worn sweatshirt bearing the Time Cop Training Academy logo. As the elevator came to a halt, the elevator?s lone occupant looked up. The screen read, in clear green letters, Sub Basement 2. He stepped towards the door and pressed his right index finger against a pad next to the floor selection panel. A tingling sensation crossed his finger, as the light from the print scanner moved from the top of the pad to the bottom. The system processed for a moment, and then the reflective metal doors of the elevator slid back. The hallways were much emptier than those on most other floors, due largely in part to the significant number of temporal police, or ?Time Cops? as they were referred to informally, that were quartered on the floor. He?d been here quite some time, although one could never fully take in all the aspects of an operation that dealt with time in its entirety. He entered his room, tossing his sweat soaked jogging clothes in a mound next to his dresser and getting in the shower. As the hot water poured forth over him, it washed away not only the sweat and grime of the morning?s exercise, but also everything he?d been thinking. Much in the same way the steam cleared his congested nose in flu season, it cleared his mind. Chuckling at the absurdity of that last analogy, Will toweled off and dressed in his usual work attire. Just another morning in what was likely the most unpredictable job ever created?[/color]
  24. [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1]Ah yes Cloricus I remember his arguements though in my opinion he was nowhere near as bad as Crimson Spider, now there was an *** when it came to opinions. If I remember correctly he made some jackass point about homosexuality in a thread about six months ago. Got a few [B]Most Opinionated [/B'] votes for all the wrong reasons. [/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]I'd completely forgotten about a lot of members brought up in this thread that have since left the boards. Brings back a lot of nice memories. It's funny how in retrospect everything seems to fade into warm happiness. I really don't remember nearly as much of the negative as I do the positive. I remember when the Otaku Lounge, or whatever it was called back then (Sadly, I can't recall off the top of my head) was filled with controversial topics, and I'd race to post and debate before they burned out of control and were locked. That certainly doesn't happen much anymore. /shrug Good times, good times.[/color]
  25. [quote name='Siren']Anybody else suffering from this? lol[/quote] [color=green]For me it's more online abbreviations, especially from SWG. I find myself thinking in such terms, but I don't recall having actually used any in conversation... yet. ... as for getting wasted on Dathomir, that's pretty funny. It's rather easy to get buffed, drink brandy, get armored up and go kill pretty much anything within reason. And if you are on a planet such as Dathomir where you will occasionally be in mortal peril, clone. Saves on the wounds. :P[/color]
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