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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. Abob slipped into the Bar with some of the regulars . He mingled in the crowd "reliving" them of their "burden($$$). He saw a well dressed woman at the bar and walked past her and reached into her pocket... WHAM! she whipped herehand back and grabbed his shirt collar, then hoisted him onto the bar. Then she looked him over, Nice try you little brat! she said gloatingly. Your good a that , arnt you. since when do you care? abob muttered. She sighed and took his arm and draged him out into the street. My name i Anima, im looking for a hacker and a piliot. I hear your both. "yeah" She continued, id like to have you as a partner . "how much" abob said instinctivly. room and board. deal she said quickly and she beckoned for hi to follow her back into the bar........... :devil: :devil: :devil:
  2. Well, i origionally only had 4 options(thanks to the mod who added the rest!!) if you like GD then vote for it on the poll please
  3. I own the special edition and allt the origional movies. I like the origional ones better. As for Son Gotens questions( the ones BabyGirl didnt answer), i will have em tommorow at the latest. (im going to watch the movies and find out!!)
  4. I like GD and RPGs personally. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
  5. :devil: :devil: :devil: Aliens... While i think the possiblitiy of finding a Alien life form on another planet is pretty good i think that finding a intelligent life form is close to zero. Although it would be nice to hope.... :devil: :devil: :devil:
  6. name Abob Teff age 12 gender male occupation theif appearence jeans, t-shirt , jacket, glasses, geeky looking weapons razor sharp 5 inch knife skills one of the best computer hackers :devil: :devil: :devil:
  7. what do you think about star wars comic books? I think their great. Especially the ones between epsoide 1 and 3. If you want you could give me some trivia too. So you going to answer my 2nd question or not? :devil: :devil: :devil:
  8. Actually this diconary was published AFTER epsoide one. The reference is under Darth Sidious. It says he was a former senator from Naboo who Became supreme chancllor after a vote of no confidence in Chanceler Vallorum. These facts match the movie. This is what i found out, This book was published by LUCASBOOKS. :haha: :haha: :haha:
  9. answers tothe questions you didnt get a idiots array is the best card assortment you can get in sabacc. it consists of a 2,3,and a idiot face card(literally 23) the golden sun is a collective group of polyps that are force sensitive . they are on the planet Sedri.It was mentioned in battle for the golden sun andgalaxy guide 4 You forgot the 2nd question!!!!!
  10. As to your query about Sidious and Palpitine they are one and the same(according to my starwars dicconary volume3)if you want more proof tell me and i can quote it.
  11. You want trivia? Ill give you trivia! as i remember it was my turn to ask, well here they are!(these are easy ones to start with.) 1 Who is the only former rebel alliance piliot to fight against two death stars?(get this wrong and you'll never hear the end of it!) 2How long is a imperial drone ship? 3 what are the cards in a idiots array? now this one is harder!! 4 what planet is the collective intelligence the"Golden Sun" from? the crystal star wasnt that bad in retrospect and i agree that Stackpole is better than Allston. on a personal notwe i will read anything and everything star wars. This excludes the Youzan vong series. I HATE the fact that chewie died , i refuse to accept that fact.
  12. *grumbling* 3 med specialists! what is the world coming to? i was the first one so the rest of ya had better pick something else!!!:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  13. Abob dove the opposite way into a alley just as the monster exploded. the he looked back for ken, he was gone. He didnt like being alone, not with all these mutants around and he had lost his rifle, damn. he headed out into the street, careful not to step in the acidic rat peices. then he heard Ken yell for all the civilians to leave. he ran off towards Kens voice.......
  14. i dont blame them, who wants to be in that stupid house? we should just have them be not involved.
  15. Dark saw another jedi enter the room. this wouldnt work he thought. i have to get out of here. He continued to fight but moved sowly towards the window then jumped out onto his speederbike and hurried off. his master wouldnt be pleased that he had failed................
  16. Id have to say Anderson. His books are some of the best. Although Aaron Allston, who wrote the x-wing series is good to. As to babygirls remark concerning Callista, she was ea good charecter. I hope to see her turn up again,even if it means shes a dark jedi.(that would be fun)
  17. i use Boba fett in star wars rpg's and Abob Teff(boba fett backwards) in all others.
  18. Do i really care about homosexual penguins?NO!!! although the points that have been stated above are quite interesting .
  19. Didnt realise someone else had restarted so soon...sorry. Anyway i think that if they have movies7-9 mara WILL be included. She is instrumental in the demise of thrawn and is now married to luke(21 years after return of the jedi) although she does seem like a loser to me.........
  20. Since this thread was closed in the intro section we'll put it up here instead. (it was adding onto my introduction) Anyway i hope you notice this and continue to post here. Now to answer questions... 1Asked by Dragon Warrior;Are the star wars books set after epsoide 6?Most of them are, some of the newer ones are not.(check inside the front cover or on the back of the book, it will usually tell you) 2Asked by Spikey;Will the Star wars books have a affect on the effect on movies 7-9? Yes they will have a major impact on those movies if they are made(we all hope...)If they dont then a lot of people will be angry and disgusted (including me)
  21. Dark was just about to leave when justin entered. Justin looked tired and sleepy. Then justin froze, he whipped around toward the windowsill just as dark leaped in they ignited their sabers and began to fight both of them using all their strength. After a few minutes dark had gained the advantage and was wearing justin down. Dark thought" he is extremely talented but has little experience in a fight.. if i can get him to release his anger..." Then they continued fighting. Justin, seeing that he was outmached called through the force to luke or any body else. Then a few minutes later the door opened and...............
  22. Abob turned the corner onto a lonely street. The helecopters were telling people to leave but nobody tol him what to do . His cell phone had gotten a disconnected number when he tried to call Ken . So he was heading home when he asw a 9ft monster bearing down onn a armed man,wait that wasnt just somebody, that was that Ken guy. He stopped his car and pulled out his sniper rifle and aimed it at the creatures head, the bullet hit but he creature had grown 3ft soit hit its back . He franticly pulled out a special"homemade" bullet, It was hollowand contained gasoline so that when it entered the target it caused a inferno. He aimed again and this time the bullet riped into the monsters head and the hidious beast fell to the ground. He ran over to Ken who was panting , when ken saw him he raised his automatic and said: Ken; Who are you , all civilians are supposed to be evacuated and what the heck is that?(points to Abobs heavily modified sniper rifle) Abob; Im Abob, the guy whose father was killed by Shock a few years ago... Ken; o you , So you want to help ? Abob; Help with what? Ken; This(he points to the monster then explains) Abob; ok they walk of dow the street owards the sounds of gunfire.
  23. *grumbleing* medic,medic why medic ? Im the medic!!!
  24. Personally my fav. sport is tennis. I just dont like anything else!
  25. :devil: :devil: :devil: 12:00pm NY,NY Abob Teff walked to the back of a abandoned building on long island. He reached his hand into the old green dumpster which was his drop /pickup zone. His hand felt the handle of a breifcase and he pulled it out through the garbage. He opened it, inside was a small pocket lockbox. He took a key from his pocket and opened it. Inside was hundreds of diamonds, his pay for a recent "job" the assination of a mob boss in san francisco. He was a bout to leave when he heard a stomping of feet, there across the alley were giant hidiously mutated rats. He started to run and the rats chased him. He ran to his car and flung himself inside. Then he hit the accelerator and ran a few of the rats over as he sped away. Then the realisation hit him, these were the monsters shock created!! there was only one person he knew of who could help him now ... he remembered a name .. someone he met long ago when he found out about his dad...Ken.. then a phone number.. he picked up his carphone and started dialing... :devil: :devil: :devil:
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