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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. :devil: :devil: :devil: how do you get more than3 design maps??(if you can!) also, is there any quick way to beat sturm in the final battle? a quick response would be nice!!!!!!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:
  2. :devil: :devil: :devil: Dark was using the force to sheild his presence from skywalker but was growing tired . his mission was to try and turn skywalkers apprentice to the only true side of the force. he walked away to his ship to contemplate the jedi's conversasion. :devil: :devil: :devil:
  3. :devil: :devil: :devil: Fett awoke to a shrill beep of his computer. He got up, dressed and piolited his ship down to the planet he landed and assembled his speeder bike . After that he engaged the slave controls that sent his ship back up to space. he rode to a site 1 mile from the site where a sith infiltrator had landed. He hid his bike and approached the ship. He saw two sith dueling, Fett couldnt tell who was the master but then , when one fell of the ship. he aimed his rifle and shot the one who had fallen. He couldnt tell if the apprentice was dead because the master suddenly raised the cloaking sheild and started to run toward him, his saber flashing. Fett activated his jetpack and flew away at top speed. :devil: :devil: :devil:
  4. name Darth Dark race shido(shapeshifter) age ? siden sith description tall muscular white eyes and hair. bio born on corosant to the shidon ambassador he used his shapeshifting skill to play pranks. when his father sent him off to military school he rebelled and was found by a ssith who trained him. :devil: :devil: :devil:
  5. Name David zend age 35 race human /kardassian height 5feet 9inches weight 100lbs rank ensign specialty helmsman description human looking exept for coal black eyes and a seemingly scarred face(his kardassian side)
  6. :devil: :devil: :devil: The graphics are great but what makes it really stand out are the new 425 colors. :devil: :devil: :devil:
  7. Gba is fine the way it is:flaming:
  8. :devil: :devil: :devil: You can get a advanced campain ? What is nells sspecial ability? As you can tell i cant get enough of this game. Hey smokey joe, did my advice help? :devil: :devil: :devil:
  9. Boba Fett

    Star trek

    :devil: :devil: :devil: Were you guy s put off py the breifing, was it something i said? Please come back!!!!!!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:
  10. :devil: :devil: :devil: Fett was getting worried , abord his ship he saw several sith ships suddenly uncloak and then land on Dantooine. Then ten crimson Republic ships come out of hyperspace and land , he would have destroyed the crimson Republic ships exept that way he couldnt get their lightsabers. It looked like the conflict was finally heating up. then just as he was about to go to sleep a strange ship emerged from hyperspace. It was a old ugly cobbled together ship. "must be a darksider" he thought. then he went to his ststeroom and fell into a deep sleep. :devil: :devil: :devil:
  11. :devil: :devil: :devil: hello videl , Ben sure is taking a long time huh. Videl, you like GBA? :devil: :devil: :devil:
  12. :devil: :devil: :devil: hello anybody out there? lets start this thing!! :devil: :devil: :devil:
  13. :devil: :devil: :devil: While Axel is in the bar behind him Abob is playing cards with two wealthy businessmen... Abob "Full house, three aces and 2 kings!!" businessman1 " I fold " businessman2 " hey! I have four aces , your cheating us!" (Axel leaves the bar) A fight starts. The first businessman pulls a knife and the other punches Abob . Abob picks up the chair and throws it at them. he uses that split second to gather all the cash on the table and he runs out into the street. Two blocks away he stops running and gets in a black suburban in which he lives. He pops up a compartment in the floor and gets out a smooth sniper rifle he used when he found work as a hit man.Then he thinks about the circumstances . He thinks about the prophecy. Why do i have to have the spirit of darkness? Why do i have to bear the burden? then he thought back to when he was 9... he was walking to his old home in an old water pipe when a mugger tried to steal the money he had worked for so hard . He snapped and IT overcame him ,with a howl of rage he hurled himself upon the mugger and battered his bodt untill it was a pulp. then he finally regained control. He was still afraid of his dark side even now eight years later... :devil: :devil: :devil:
  14. :devil: :devil: :devil: name Abob Ttef age 17 stature skinny skill snipe element dark weapon sniper rifle armor right gauntlet bio abandoned as a child he makes his living as a theif and card shark description tall white hair cunning dark eyes :devil: :devil: :devil:
  15. History lesson; to win start by moving a md tank and a mech unit into one lander and a recon unit and a infantry unit into the other then moove it all north. park the landers on the island inbetween the two larger ones untill further notice. there you will find a submarine and a loaded lander kill them both in turn 2. there is also a cruiser take it out with your battleship. there is a enemy battleship in the top corner (on the side of the blue moon base.) send your subs to kill the battleship . once it is dead take the landers and land them right next to the enemy HQ. then capture it . if your captueing troops encounter artillety fire surface your subs near the coast and the subs will get hit instead. Have fun, :devil: :devil: :devil:
  16. :devil: :devil: :devil: hurry up and come back Benjemon!!!!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:
  17. Meanwhile somewhere else on Dantooine... Boba Fett had landed his Ship , The Razor , on the night side of the planet . He dressed , putting on his special evergreen colored mandlorian armor. It has10 built in accessories hidden throughout ;his wrist darts (poisioned and tranquliser), flamethrower, rope gun, jetpack rocket , jetpack, Yalsamari cage ( a yalsamari creates a 5 meter bubble in which the force dosent exist), thermal detanator launcher , blaster recharger , slave pad( this allows the user to control his ship remotely) and a comm unit. He checked each one then slung his blaster rifle over his shoulder and headed off into the lavender grass covered plains of Dantooine. Three miles later his helmet scanner picked up voices nearby: Li: Your skills are constantly improviNg Tar-Lain and I may not soon be able to teach you much more Fett moved closer to the source of the chatter and powered up his rifle His helmet continued to translate: Tar-Lain: Thank you my friend but I know clearly that you are holding back some of you power please if we are to duel with the Sith Lords then we must fight at full power against each other Fett moved to the edge of a cliff and saw them , two jedi a knight and a master dueling. He raised his rifle and aimed it at the master . He squezzed the trigger just a a huge paw sen t him hurling into a tree.His perfectly aimed shot went wild, His armor protected him from the blow although it wasnt damaged. Then he saw what hit him. It was a rancor . O no he thought. he raised his rifle and fired point balek between its eyes . It fell dead with a thump. Then he realised the jedi would be comoing back soon. He set 4 linked thermal deatonators to obliterate the evidence and used his jetpack to fly away. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
  18. at last i have eagle!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. This means we can start?? :devil: :devil: :devil:
  20. :devil: :devil: :devil: 1 i dont like to have to stick with my old charecters 2 do we have enough people now????????? :devil: :devil: :devil:
  21. (muttering) putts it off ,putts it off why Mrs Hamanaka giving to much homework ? We are in ch7 in science where are you? :devil: :devil: :devil:
  22. Boba Fett

    Star trek

    Mission breifing stardate 1324.7 The edge of kardassian space your mission is to use the captured borg total cloaking device to enter kardassian space and capture the trator Skallf llif. he is a former spy of theirs and must be captured before he tells them sensitive information. If you are discovered SELF DESTRUCT this is a security 3 mission. good luck and Godspeed There is the mission breifing , any questions? :devil: :devil: :devil:
  23. :devil: :devil: :devil: Hurry up and star this thing :devil: :devil: :devil:
  24. Boba Fett

    Star trek

    :devil: :devil: :devil: Nobody likes star trek:flaming: Why????????????????
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