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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [quote name='Zeta']Well I think the reason why they spent so much time on the love factor is that the reason Anakin probably goes to the Dark Side may have something to do with Padme. She may die, she may leave Anakin, who knows. I think it is such a big part of the movies because it may play a part with him going to the Dark Side. Sort of makes sense. Shmi dies and he kills all the Tuskens at that camp, and if Padme dies would probably push him over the edge. *shrug* Just my guess.[/quote] [color=green]I don?t think Amidala will die (Her name isn?t Padme?), at least until the twins are born. After that, it?s anyone?s guess. I don?t think her actual death, if it occurs, will be a big step in his falling to the Dark Side. His relationship with Amidala opens him up to a whole score of emotions that are dangerous for Jedi. These feelings, in particular rage, jealousy, worry and protectiveness, are the ones that drive him to call upon the Dark Side. Combined with his naturally brash behavior, this is a recipe for disaster for Anakin. If any of you have been keeping up with the comic books, Anakin?s fall is already well underway and it?s painfully obvious he?s close to crossing the line. He?s been made a Knight at long last, and now is free of Obi Wan?s restraining influence; which is something, despite his accomplishments, that he isn?t ready for.[/color] [quote name='Zeta'] Siren is right. Sith were originally a race of alien beings and after humans and them intermingled the Dark Side users labled themselves Dark Lords of the Sith. If I remember correctly the Sith honor these Dark Lords and thats why of the Sith was added.[/quote] [color=green]That?s correct. The Sith brotherhood was once strong, but after it?s defeat by a large portion of the Jedi, Darth Bane was the only one who survived. He decided that the Dark Side was weakened when spread too thin, so he decided that from that day onward a single master would train a single apprentice. This practice preserved the Sith line for millennia, until the rise of Darth Sidious. Sidious broke the code and took multiple apprentices as part of his plan to restore the Sith Empire. These new followers became Dark Jedi, and Lord Vader was the first of their kind.[/color]
  2. [quote name='...'] Even if I were to be MUGGED, I would not just stand by idely and let them take something that belongs to me. [/quote] [color=green]As much as I like money, I'd rather lets someone have my wallet than risk dying over it. I'd defend myself in a more serious situation, but definitely would choose my battles. Unless it's imperative I act aggressively, I wont. Some things just aren?t valuable enough to risk getting hurt for.[/color]
  3. [color=green]I'm not normally a big fan of poetry, and even less a fan of poetry written by young adults (as most of it tends to be not only angst ridden trash but also lacking in any kind of style and/or verse), but I liked this work. The imagery was descriptive enough to convey the theme without overloading the reader, and the repetition at the end of each stanza served to bring the point home. Well done.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE=Zeta]Woo dang. I like Pellaeon as well. Though I like the Imperial Remnant itself. They are basically what the New Republic was before they became the New Republic, until peace was signed of course. I really like the Imperial Remnant in the NJO. When they jumped into the Ithor system and helped pull our Corran Horn and the battle at Ithor in the Dark Tide books, I got chills. The first book of the Force Heretic trilogy is quite possibly my favorite paperback of the NJO. I love the battle with the Remnant and Vong. Quite possibly my favorite right behind the invasion of Coruscant. Finally we get to see the Imperials actually flex their muscles at something, I love it, heh.[/QUOTE] [color=green]This is the true Empire, the true spirit of the post-Republic goverment perverted by the Emperor and his dark Jedi followers. Probablly the Empire's real golden age.[/color]
  5. [color=green][b]Name-[/b] William Somerset [b]Age-[/b] 47 [b]Appearance-[/b] [center][IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21472[/IMG][/center] [b]Bio-[/b]Born in Harlem, New York in 1962, Will was a product of the decade?s racial strife. His father was shot by police while protesting; his grieving mother was so distraught she couldn?t hold a steady job. Living on welfare was next to impossible, but they made do. Will was able to resist the temptation that ruined the lives of so many of his childhood friends, to drop out of school and make easy money selling drugs. He graduated at the top of his class, but wasn?t able to afford college. Instead, he applied to and was accepted to the New York City police academy. He served with distinction for fifteen years, solving many crimes that?d baffled other detectives for years. After his successful capture of the ?Eyeball Killer?, so called by the press for his trademark of removing his victims eyeballs after death, Will came to the attention of the FBI. He became a profiler for the Bureau and continued his pattern of success for a further seven years. Will retired from the FBI and became a private detective, but this didn?t last long. On the night of February 27th, 2007, a man wearing a trench coat approached him on his way home from the office. He offered a new life, new challenges, and a new opportunity to serve others. Will blew him off as crazy until he pushed a copy of the next day's [I]New York Times[/I] into his hands. Highlighted was a story about an airplane crash in which Will was listed as one of the deceased. Shaken, he refused to believe the stranger. He quickly got into his car and drove home, thinking no more about the incident. The next morning he received a call, a family emergency had come up and he was needed in California, fast. After packing quickly and phoning his secretary about his plans, he took a cab to the airport and boarded the first flight to Los Angles. Two hours into the flight, the first signs of trouble emerged. The pilot encountered heavy turbulence and lost all radio contact. Will began to worry, recalling the newspaper headline the stranger had shown him yesterday. The plane soon found the cause of the turbulence, a tornado was less than a mile to their left, and its fierce winds were buffeting the plane like a leaf. The pilot overcorrected and the plane plunged earthward. As the passenger compartment erupted into chaos, it seemed to Will as if time had slowed. The stranger appeared next to him, and repeated his offer. Faced with little choice, Will accepted. They both vanished in a flash of blue light. The plane erupted into a burst of flame as it smashed into a Wheatfield. Very few passenger remains were ever located. [/color]
  6. [color=green]This stuff really makes me annoyed. Most of the girls I know are always complaining that they?re too ?fat?, when they look normal. It?s disgusting how much the media and our society distort the way in which women perceive themselves. It?s been mentioned above that movies promote such trends, but I?m sure most of you have seen Barbie dolls. Seriously, she wouldn?t be able to stand the way she?s proportioned. This crap drives women up the wall, and discourages many from eating at all. Heck, one of the reasons I broke up with my girlfriend was that she never, ever ate. It drove me crazy. This trend is also true with boys, although not as extensive. Most male role models in the sports arenas and movie theaters are absurdly built up. G.I Joe dolls and all manner of similar toys have heads smaller than their fists. Yet another reason why parents need to be more active in their child?s lives, turning off the TV and talking to their kids about these issues. The results of not doing so can be tragic.[/color]
  7. [color=green]My parents are both off and on practicing Christians, and I went to church pretty irregularly up until seventh grade. At that point I began attending Catholic schools, which continued until the end of my freshman year of high school. Religion doesn?t really mean a whole lot to me; I?m pretty ambiguous at this point as to what I believe, probably closer to a deist at this point. It?s not so much that I?ve had negative experiences spiritually or been turned off by Catholic schools, just that I don?t see any kind of involvement by a higher power on the earth today. It doesn?t seem possible that any kind of caring god would allow the world to reach the state it?s in. I find religion very interesting, and have great respect for those who follow one. I?ve completed a CCD course as part of my schooling, and found it to be very interesting and enlightening as far as Catholicism goes. I still go to church with my parents with the rest of my family and participate out of respect for everyone else there. I do not, however, sing hymns or pray. That?d be rather hypocritical and, I feel, disrespectful. That?s my two cents on the matter, anyhow.[/color]
  8. [color=green]I?ve got very defined, rigid opinions that I won?t back away from. They?ve been cultivated for quite some time now, and I?m able to back them up with coherent arguments and facts. I feel that, if you?re going to hold an opinion about something, you need to be able to back it up. I?ll respect pretty much any person?s opinions, so long as they can state why they believe what they do. I just can?t stand people who say things, but when asked why they think that way, don?t really know. By the same token, it?s also important to have a reasonably open mind, no matter how strongly you believe what you do. This is probably the hardest thing to do, maintain a truly open mind. It?s important to be able to see both sides of an issue, and while you may not agree with one side or the other, be able to see why they think the way they do.[/color]
  9. [quote name='Tigervx][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]I personally like Pellaeon much better, one of my favorite imperial adrimals right after Thrawn. He really shows his stuff during the Yuuzhan Vong Wars, despite nearly loosing what the Remnent had left. He shows loyalty to his men and doesn't flinch in the face of fear. An all over very well rounded adrimal.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [color=green]While I agree that Pellaeon is loyal to his men and holds steadfast against threats, I see him more as a leader than a tactician.[/color]
  10. [quote name='Kane']Actually Admiral Daala was Tarkin's lover and even though she was less brilliant than Tarkin he did impart many of his strategies to her before he died. In fact it was Tarkin who promoted her to the rank of Admiral even though she was a woman, because he saw potential in her, as well as something else..[/quote] [color=green]Bah, she was a pretty mediocre tactician. Anyone can play hit and run with a Hyperdrive and some turbolasers. I think she literally slept her way to the top, and then her superiors figured out she was a dud so Tarkin shipped her off to the maw so he wouldn't get in hot water over the whole thing. ...and probablly to allow him to get a new lover.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE=dMage]That is true, but you must also remember that Tarkin was 1) the most brilliant tactician the Empire had (save Thrawn) 2) Incredibly secretive. No one but the Emperor (and even some things were kept "supposedly" secret from him) got to talk to Tarkin much, or even learn of his battle strategies. The reason why Ackbar learned from him was because he used to like to gloat in front of Ackbar and show him how his people (the Alliance) would be defeated by him. so yea...thats all[/QUOTE] [color=green]I love it when people fall from high places due to arrogance. He refused a shuttle, refused to accept that the Rebellion might have found a weakness in the Death Star, and died. He underestimated both the rebellion's generals, and it's will to fight. With him went the last of the intelligent Imperial officers...[/color]
  12. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Is there much of a difference between beating a chicken against a wall, and beating say...a puppy? Is there something slightly unhinged about beating a puppy against a wall? Read between the lines.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=green]I don't eat puppies, I eat chickens. It's painfully obvious that since most people don't consume dogs, we are more emotionally attached to them than say cows or chickens. This creates a level of empathy with puppies that we dont have with chickens. There is a difference, and this allows us to rationalize violence against chickens. May not be right, or moral/ethical, but it's going to happen. Live with it.[/color]
  13. [color=green]I?d rather be general than go point by point over 13 pages of rambling? But I?ll look at a few. [QUOTE=Adahn][I]Rom 6:9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.[/I] If Christ lives within us, how is it that we can die? Jesus cannot die, therefore when we die, he cannot be with us. If he is not with us, then we certainly cannot get into heaven. We have to take what he said literally.[/QUOTE] You take this to mean that since Jesus lives within each of us, we cannot ?die?, since death has been destroyed (so instead we reincarnate and hopefully accept Jesus in our next life, or the cycle repeats), right? So how come the world?s population is growing? If we?re all reincarnated, and Armageddon has already happened, wouldn?t only those worthy be ?alive? in this repeating cycle of reincarnation? Wouldn?t reproduction foil the whole idea of God finding each of us worthy?[/color] [QUOTE=Adahn][I]1Cr 15:26 The last enemy [that] shall be destroyed [is] death.[/I] This is pretty straightforward. No more death. Not much interpretation. Jesus destroyed death, so we wouldn't have to endure it any longer. Of course, you can still die if you deny that he destroyed it. Your choice.[/QUOTE] [color=green]But how can you be certain Jesus destroyed death already? You?ve said that the events of Revelations have already come to pass, but what proof do you have? I take this to mean that, at some point in the future, god will destroy death and proceed to judge all those who have died.[/color] [QUOTE=Adahn]Christians have more faith in death than they do of getting into heaven. Jesus' purpose was to come here, take away sin [I]and death[/I], and show us the truth man failed to find in the old testament. Go ahead, tell me which you have more faith in. Do you believe more in death, or in life? [I]Mat 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.[/I] And you tell me you must die. You have no faith, all your glory is in death. I've moved my mountain, and you wait for yours to come crashing down on you.[/QUOTE] [color=green]Jesus destroyed death by offering sinners a chance at redemption through following of his word. He didn?t destroy hell, which is the destination for all non-believers. I still don?t see how this supports reincarnation. I don?t suppose asking some direct questions to a priest and posting his answers here would convince you would it? I?m fast tiring of this argument.[/color]
  14. [quote name='Shinmaru']Tony can't post in this area of the boards, so he wanted me to relay this idea here for him. He wants to suggest a section that shows the last five or so comments on your myOtaku. His reasoning is that sometimes people comment on older entries, and unless you actually took the time to look through your archives, which isn't very likely, there would be no way you'd know about them.[/quote] [color=green]That's a very good idea, I often have problems with that and dont realize people have commented on old entries till weeks later.[/color]
  15. [quote name='Shinmaru']Anyway, I'll assume that some of you guys have seen the Episode III trailer by now. What did you guys think of it? Personally, I liked it, and it did what any movie trailer sets out to do: it intrigues you and gets you interested in the movie. I'm hoping beyond all hope that Episode III is where Lucas gets all of the pieces of the puzzle right, and comes out with a great film. Hell, I'll even accept a solid film, after the last two lol.[/quote] [color=green]I saw it, and liked it a lot. There were a few brief scenes that had potential for corny-ness, but it should be good. Let me rephrase that. This needs to be the best Star Wars film ever made. The acting, plot, dialogue, CGI, props and everything else need to be stellar. Being the last Star Wars movie, this film's reviews will be how most of the public will remember Star Wars. If it bombs like Episode I, I wouldn't be surprised to see a major backlash against Lucasarts, on a scale never before seen.[/color]
  16. [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]I will admit one thing to you, Siren. The only thing I got from the book as a whole was reincarnation. I could pull things out to try and explain it, but what I got was more of a [i]feeling.[/i] My feelings, by the way, tend to be correct.[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] [color=green]There?s an ego trip if I ever saw one?[/color] [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]It is an interpretation. I explained to you how I was right, and you explained to me how I was wrong. I bought into what you were saying just as much as you believed what I was saying.[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] [color=green]Explained? You?re taking quotes completely out of context and stretching them to the point where every teenager on the boards can puncture them without much thought. I just don?t see how you still believe in this theory after reading the bible. Hell is mentioned probably hundreds of times, but you deny its existence. You claim to be a Christian, when if fact your views as expressed here are incompatible with that faith. Get over yourself and admit your ideas are pure ********.[/color]
  17. [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1]In my own opinions [B]A New Hope[/B'] will always be the best, not sequel or prequel can ever compete with the first time we see and hear Vader.[/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]Sure, that was kind of neat, but I personally prefer [u]The Empire Strikes Back[/u]. For the first time we get the sense of the rebels being just that, rebels. Not hapless fools bumbling around the Death Star and emerging alive? somehow. The fight becomes real, the might of the Empire is revealed. It's the most dramatic, well shot and plot driven of the OT. Besides, seeing Yoda for the first time was more interesting to me than seeing Vader. Yoda was witty and funny, while serious and wise. Vader, the first time we see him, is a silent bodyguard to Tarkin wearing a plasteel getup. Pfft.[/color] [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']I personally enjoyed the storyline to it far more than any of the other.[/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]I found it unrealistic and rather silly. They should have been shot to pieces in the Death Star.[/color] [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1'] Han as the kind of rogue almost pirate was very enjoyable as well as A New Hope being the only one with a living Obi-Wan.[/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]Obi-Wan is in the prequels as well, although he's not nearly as well portrayed.[/color] [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']The battle over the Death Star was one of the best cinematic moments of all five films so far.[/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]One of the best, yes. The best is in ESB when Vader says: "Luke, [i]I[/i] am your father." Hands down, best moment in the trilogy.[/color]
  18. [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=darkolivegreen]Yeah, the end of the world happened 2,000 years ago, or sometime close to then.[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] [color=green]And you know this how?[/color] [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=darkolivegreen] Jesus already destroyed death, but man can still condemn himself by denying what Jesus did.[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] [color=green]This is leads back to your belief in reincarnation. Which just happens not to be spelled out in the bible. I think a more reasonable interpretation of Jesus destroying death would be that he died for our sins, allowing those who accepted him as their savior to rise to heaven come Armageddon. Those who deny him will be sent to hell pending the end of the world, where they will face judgment before god for their wickedness. There are far more biblical references supporting what I have just said that you can misconstrue to point in the general direction of your ideas. One final thing. If what you're saying is true, and we're all wrong, how is it that you found it? Found something that 2000 years of study by all manner of religious people and lifelong theologians failed to realize? Sounds a little presumptuous to me.[/color]
  19. [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][color=darkolivegreen]Revelation already happened. I'm not ignoring anything. [/color][/font'][/b][/quote] [color=green]Really? Guess I must have missed it.[/color] [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][color=darkolivegreen]Also, if you're calling the lake of fire hell, than what's the hell that's cast into the lake of fire?[/color][/font'][/b][/quote] [color=green]It's the end of the world. God has taken all of the living and the dead to be judged. Those found unworthy are smote. Those found worthy are lifted to heaven. Hell and death, now no longer needed, are destroyed. At least that's how I interpret Revelations...[/color]
  20. [quote=adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]So, what you're saying is that Jesus destroyed death and not hell. Ok then, you've got two choices.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]1. Jesus destroyed hell and death.[/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]2. Jesus destroyed death, but he'll re-destroy it at the end of the world.[/color][/size][/font][/b][/quote] [quote=The Bible] Revelations 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Revelations 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.[/quote] [color=green]Seems to me as if the dead were judged, and those unworthy were cast into a lake of fire. Hence a second death. In addition, the whole casting-into-a-lake-of-fire thing sounds pretty close to hell to me? I?m going to say this [I]again[/I]. You cannot twist and selectively choose the words of the bible that you believe. You take it all, or you take none. There is no middle ground.[/color]
  21. [quote name='vicky][SIZE=1][B]I didn't say humans had degraded to the point that we all go around torturing chickens. [/SIZE'][/B][/quote] [quote name='vicky][SIZE=1][B] I guess as humans have evolved they developed a need to torture animals needlessly before they die.[/SIZE'][/B][/quote] [color=green]That sounds very Kerry-esque?[/color]
  22. [QUOTE=Afire][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]Quote from Ben here:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] her·e·tic (hr-tk) n. A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. her·e·sy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hr-s) n. pl. her·e·sies An opinion or a doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs, especially dissension from or denial of Roman Catholic dogma by a professed believer or baptized church member. Adherence to such dissenting opinion or doctrine Wow Ben...If you're going to call everyone a heritic that publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church...that's just funny. So basically, you're calling every non-Roman Catholic christian a heretic. LoL! [/QUOTE] [color=green]That's not at all what the definition of heretic means. A heretic, as stated above, is one who holds controversial opinions. The definition says [i]especially[/i], [b]not limited to[/b] one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. This word has special meaning and value when placed in the context of disagreement with the Roman Catholic Church, but its use isn't at all limited to that context. From a certain point of view, you could say all Protestants are heretics. However, this is clearly not what Ben is getting at. It?s obvious he?s using ?heretic? to describe Adahn?s twisted interpretation of Christianity.[/color] [quote name='Afire']LoL![/quote]
  23. [quote name='Lunai][font=comic sans ms][color=goldenrod]Well, you really aren't able to tell him he "can't"...I know a few people who believe in Trinity who also believe in the possilbilty of reincarnation. What you are saying is that there is no Christian doctrine that allows for reincarnation - but I have yet to read anything in the Bible that tells me that anyone cannot take ideas from other cultures and incorporate them in their faith. Last time I checked, the only ones telling me I couldn't do that was the Church itself.[/font'][/color][/quote] [color=green]There's a major difference between incorporating different cultural aspects into one's faith and altering that faith. Reincarnation isn't recognized in the bible, hell is. That's the bottom line.[/color]
  24. [quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=darkolivegreen]I don't think those children burn. Yes, they were killed, but if reincarnation is true, those children were reborn. This is one of the points of Christianity I challenge; its hell.[/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] [color=green]Yes, but every Christian group I know of, Catholic and Protestant, doesn?t hold any stock in reincarnation. There are many, many reference in the bible to hell. Far more than I'd care to quote, and I'd suspect more than you can twist to point towards reincarnation. How can you ignore this? You can't pick and choose biblical teachings, ignoring parts you disagree with and holding up those that support your ideas...[/color]
  25. [QUOTE=Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]1. The Christian belief that everyone gets one life, and if one doesn't accept Jesus in that life, one will burn eternally. I'll explain these a little bit. By the Christian belief, anyone who doesn't accept Jesus burns eternally when he/she dies. They insist everyone has the same chance. This is quite simply untrue. There are millions of people, including children, who are not presented with Christianity, and who die without ever having a chance. Tell me a 5-year old living in a native tribe untouched by civilization has the same chance as you or I of accepting Jesus, and I will call you a liar.[/color][/size][/font][/b][/QUOTE] [color=green]Really? I'd say that Christianity is exactly the kind of religion that would allow unsaved children to burn. After all, the god it worships wasn't above killing all the firstborn sons of Egypt to punish one man for stubbornness...[/color]
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