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Everything posted by panther3751

  1. here, here! (p.s. and not sasami we mean in particular, but tsunami. she and tenchi seemed to. . . get along well, shall we say?)
  2. do those chocolate-filled koalas count? ^_^;;
  3. there is a new tenchi series, as already stated. here are some links to info on the subject: [url]http://www.john.trev.org/tenchi/[/url] [url]http://www.aicanime.com/interviews/kajishima012001.html[/url] [url]http://www.vap.co.jp/movies/realaudio/ram/tenchi5.ram/[/url] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/sagepage/rw_save.html[/url]
  4. bah humbug :o i am single and bitter. :flaming: yuchhy valentines' day. :demon:
  5. well anime is now so commerciallized that my mother judges (on first site) a "good anime" from a "bad anime" on which one seems to be made on the sole purpose of selling toys. that's how bad it is:drunk:
  6. somehow, the series would seem strangely falsified if spike magically came back to life.
  7. ok i just read an article in the scientific american about this. currently, they are working on prototypes for an exoskeleton suit, much like one would expect for a "primitive" mobile suit. they were talking about how useful it would, and the mechanics were easy, and how easy this one would be to operate. the problem? power. they haven't figured out an effecient power source for these things yet. if they had, they said, they would have a working model already. as it is, they are looking at working models in, say, three years.
  8. i can't think of gundam sites, other than what's mentioned, off of the top of my head. but [url]http://www.sagepage.cjb.net/[/url] has very good links to some great gundam sites.
  9. i don't look like a anime chara but i do look like hermonie! ^_^;;
  10. my ideal anime would involve a science-fiction/fantasy mix, involving magic, space travel, and old with new. swords are cool :D but you have to remember cool jets. and mechas :eek: and don't forget the tough-not-so-pretty-but-still-cool girl chara
  11. i sing the real folk blues in my sleep and moon revenge when i'm happy.
  12. "wise man" is just plain creepy. and you must feel sorry for prince diamond, emerald, and especially saphire
  13. :angel: my fave is sailor moon r, then sailor moon s, then sailor moon, then super s. no, i have not seen stars yet. . . . . :(
  14. :worried: yes it is a movie :smirk: but i actually liked it a lot. i thought that it had beautiful animation and a good story, as well as very nice voice acting (in both the sub and the dub. . . surprised?)
  15. :wigout: yippie! sailor saturn of the outers, and sailor mercury of the inners. :laugh:
  16. my fave is probably duo of the wing pilots, and otherwise the endless waltz zechs marquis. second fave is quatre :blush: and of course deathscythe is the coolest suit :devil:
  17. what are you people talking about? :therock: :: sigh :: in gundam wing, the main charas are about 15. now, most of them do not act this age. BUT RELENA DOES! most people consider her "annoying" because she acts her age. in reality, she is strong, vibrant, stubborn, and somewhat argumentative woman. many other charas are like that but are not considered annoying, or only slightly annoying. relena acts her age. while that might make her "more annoying" than the other charas, that does not make her simply an "annoying person" sorry for that rant :cross:
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