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Everything posted by Roxy89

  1. Congrats Safer!!!!! I wish you the best in your relationship!!!:D....I'm sure you all will be happy!!!!..Congrats again!!!! :):)
  2. Aw..well goodbye! :( and goodluck with school and everything!!!:( bye!
  3. [COLOR=indigo]Hi Hbomb! Welcome Back!!!!!:D[/COLOR] :cross: ~:devil:~
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Actually, I noticed the same thing. I'm curious about that as well...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well I am glad I'm not the only one...:cross: ...um but yeah safer do you want to get married?
  5. Roxy89

    I'm happy

    [color=indigo]Well that's good that you are happy[/color]:):) [QUOTE] [i]Originally posted by Sephiroth: [/i] [b]I'm happy because I'm going to be a father.... I'm not so happy because I could be getting married....[/b][/QUOTE] Why aren't you happy that you could be getting married?...You do love her right....Then why wouldn't you be happy?
  6. [b][COLOR=darkblue]Happy B-day Treble and milliardo[/COLOR][/b] ~:devil:~
  7. Congrats Safer!!!!!!!:D:D I'm so happy for you!!!!! Transtic I think that you are going over the line about not liking kids and thinking that Safer is too young...Ok I agree that people should use condoms if they are teens...But Safer is 20 and is very responsible..Can you be happy for him at least?!...And if you hate kids then what are you doing here at the otaku? hmmm....Well anyways congrats Safer!..:D:D:D ~:devil:~
  8. [COLOR=indigo]Happy B-day[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]RAIDEN, SUNNYPRO, FOREDADDY AND TERRIERMON!!![/COLOR] :D:D ~:devil:~
  9. [COLOR=indigo]I think that he is jealous of you safer....hmmm[/COLOR] ~:devil:~
  10. [color=indigo]Congrats BabyGirl!!!!! You are going to be a great mod! Congrats again! :D:D[/color] ~:devil:~
  11. [COLOR=indigo]Kool! I have been to 2 events..I had great time too...:D..Did you have good seats?[/COLOR] ~:devil:~
  12. [color=indigo]Happy B-day[/color] [COLOR=darkblue]DragonBallZMan!!!!!:D[/COLOR] ~:devil:~
  13. [COLOR=indigo]Welcome back Safer!!! Glad you had fun :D....[/COLOR] ~:devil:~
  14. [color=indigo]Wow!!!!!That is reallly good...You are very good at writing.:cool:...Keep it up!..:wigout::D[/color] ~:devil:~
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kittie [/i] [B]there's treally no answer to this riddle... [/B][/QUOTE]so then it isn't even a riddle is it?...oh nevermind I'm :confused: ~:devil:~
  16. [color=indigo] HI! I [b]was[/b] hyper but I ran out of sugar....:(...I'm going to get some more though...uhm anywaaaaays:babble:...Welcome to the boards!!!!:p:cross::p:cross:[/color] ~:devil:~
  17. [color=indigo]Happy B-day[/color] [COLOR=teal]stormwing!!!! [/COLOR] ~:devil:~
  18. [color=indigo]Happy B-day[/color] [COLOR=orange]Neo_ladie [/COLOR] [color=indigo]and[/color] [COLOR=seagreen]pedro!!! [/COLOR]:D ~:devil:~
  19. well if I have to I guess I would pick 12 hours because I do everything on my pc..I also use it alot for school..soo..12 hours it is. ~:devil:~
  20. Roxy89


    [color=indigo]Welcome back Adam![/color]:wigout: ~:devil:~
  21. [color=indigo]:flaming:OH! I HATE THEM!!! I have gotten soooooo many....Yes I have gotten the "curse" one!:flaming:...And ones that say if you send this to so many ppl your crush will fall in love with you :flaming: ARGH I HATE THEM!!!![/color] ~:devil:~
  22. [color=indigo]Well on the old boards I saw someone with the name roxy99...But I don't see that person here now..Also about my avatar I've seen people use it,I don't really care either.:babble::p[/color] ~:devil:~
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]well guys, today is the last day I will be here, tomorrow I will be leaving for Malta, 3 1/2 hour plane trip, but I think I'll manage, after all, its going to be me, my girlfriend, my friends, and her friends, its gonna be a blast, I will miss you guys though, after all, I've never left the boards for vacation until now.... [/B][/QUOTE][color=indgio] Have fun!!!!!!!!:wigout::D[/color]
  24. [color=indigo] I like number 2!!!!!!Go with number 2!!![/color] ~:devil:~
  25. [color=indigo]:(wow that is sad....R.I.P:angel::([/color] ~:devil:
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