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Everything posted by Amphion
Michael Jackson: Guilty or not Guilty?
Amphion replied to foxfire_2008's topic in General Discussion
No one knows what really happend except Micheal and the kids. That is it. We can speculate all we want to but no one knows. In my own opinion, I believe the evidence I have seen is not in his favor.To me the overwhelming testimonies of many people make it look really bad for him. And the argument that people are just saying these things so that they can get a huge settlement of money is simply a very bad argument that does not make sense. This is a criminal trial, not a civil. If he is guilty, he will go to jail for a very long time. If it was for any kind of money he would have been sued in civil court. Many of the people giving testimony against him have already had huge settlements with him because he did not want things to go to court. The others are not seeking any money. They want this man locked away very badly. Sothat makes me believe they are probably not making this up. But heck, I dont know. The media is a bunch of vultures anyway that can not be trusted. If they find him guilty, I will believe he is guilty, if he is found innocent , I will believe he is innocent. Thats that. -
Too much Sex? (slightly mature discussion)
Amphion replied to vegeta rocker's topic in General Discussion
Question 1: The thing about doing it too much is that it raises your odds of having something happen you may not be ready for. Question 2: In my own experince, once you are used to having sex a lot, it can cause problems if one wants to stop. Now there is a difference from stopping completly and toning it down. And I dont emply that this is in every case. The important thing is communication with your partner. Make sure you talk about it and come to an understanding. Question 3: I know some disagrea but I am going to say yes. Mainly for the fact it is getting to be more and more dangerous for peope to have sex with several different people. Plus, sex is a big commitment, it changes things in a relationship. Once you do it you can't take it back. I know a lot of people who have had their relationship ruined by doing it or in some case have felt trapped after it. I bleive also that a child needs a mother and a father. If by any chance something does happen, you and the child will need help from a father. Thats just something you should think about before you start doing things. Question 4: Only you can answer this one. You are the only one that knows the relationship you have with your partner. Examine your relationship and try and see if it is having any bad effects. If things are going sour or you or your partner are not happy, it may be becoming a problem. But like I said, you just have to talk to them and work it out. Just be responsible. -
What deep thought or quote do you think of regularly?
Amphion replied to Kyoko Makashiro's topic in General Discussion
[font=Verdana][size=2]I can not seem to remember any exact quotes so I guess there more princepals than anything else. But those would be:[/size][/font] [list] [*][font=Verdana][size=2]Don't worry about things you can not control. If anything laugh about them.[/size][/font] [*][font=Verdana][size=2]Be happy with what you have. [/size][/font] [*][font=Verdana][size=2]Don't care about what other people think or say.[/size][/font] [*][font=Verdana][size=2]Don't Whine.[/size][/font] [/list][font=Verdana][size=2]I try to live by these as much as I can but we all know we worry sometimes. Sometimes we want to know why Johnny gets a H2 hummer while you get a 88 corola. Its just life. Like Tom Cruise says in Collateral. "[Stuff] happens, you have to adapt." [/size][/font] -
Beating FFVIII. Diffuclty not the factor, just beating it before you turn 30.
I heard something from a co-worker the other day that still has me dumb-founded. He called me up at work to see what I was up to. When I asked him what he was doing, he proceeded to tell me he was playing Halo 2. I asked him when did he get an X-Box and he said, "Oh, I didn't get one. I'm just playing it on my PS2." I sat there for a minute replaying the words in my head trying to make sure I heard him right. Finally I was able to speak and told him that Halo 2 was an X-Box exclusive. And then, as if he thought I was his little sister that he could tell anything and have her believe it, he said, "Yeah, but this is a special version I had imported from Japan." I mean, WTH is that! We are adults here and he is telling tall tales like a 6 year old. I did not really know what to say to him after that. To be honest, I thought he was in dire need of a vicious slap.but I controlled my self and just said whatever man. I'm sure I am not the only one has heard something this stupid. But I was just wondering what stupid things you all might have heard someone say about a game. Mine seem to have a lot to do with people having games for systems that they are not made for. I also had my cousin tell me he had mastered GT3. This came about 3 days after he bought it. I asked him how he did it that fast and he said he was just that good. When I finally got a chance to look at his game file, he had used every cheatcode available on it. He tried to deny it but the $999999999999 dollars he had was a giveaway of the money cheat. He still denies it but what can you do. I then proceeded to show him how sucky of a driver he was. That made me feel better :D
[font=Trebuchet MS][color=Black][size=2]I agrea with Silpheed to a certain extent. However, I know from my own experience that not everyone has a lot of time to devote to playing games. Don't get me wrong. It drives me freaking crazy when someone starts poppin off about crap they have no idea about (and that goes for anything). But my point is, There is a difference between a casual gamer and a moron. I can not play games like I used to anymore so I stick to games that are fun and quick to play, and shy away from RPG's (I know your thinking, WTF!!!! but I just do not have time for them at all). In my own opinion though, this does not make me any less of a gamer. Being a gamer is fundamentally about playing the games you love because you love playing them. [/size][/color][/font]
thanx everyone. But see my case is a little complicated. We have been best friends for several years, and now that we are finally together it still feels a little ackward cause we have both been more like a brother/sister to the other. Thanxs again for all your advice, Its her birthday today so...yeah, ill try and let you know what happens. thanx
Okay, im not going to front or anything, I have only kissed a girl like twice. Deal is, Im in a relationship with a girl now that i really really care about, you know like the ones that scare you to death. I want to kiss her so bad but i just dont know how to make the move you know. Im scared of doing something that she doesnt like or at a time she doesnt want to and all. I just dont know how to do it, every time i get that chance i choke. Any advice?
I would have to say that right now the thing I love most in my life is my girlfriend. All my life my relationships have been horrible, I have been used, cheated on, lied to and more. I have never been with anyone who I loved and they loved me. Now that dream has come true and thats what I look forward to every day. So thats what I love most about my life. Wow, this place has changed alot since I have been gone. I wonder if anyone still remembers me...
Which is more competitive? I was told the other day that the NFL is just not as competitive or as exciting as College footbal is these days. Yes, college football has become far more exciting and competitive than it used to be, but does it actually out do the NFL. I enjoy watching both. What do you think. Do you think the NFL has lost its edge? Or do you think college football has reached the same level as Pro football? Whatever you think, please comment.
Well, its true that it could come up, usualy doesnt for most people but their is a slight possibility. And if it does come up, your going to want to be able to protect her. You dont need to know how to fight though, you just need to learn to use different strategies and tactics. For instance: The "SNEAK ATTACK". IF someone starts dissing your girl or messing with her, act like your just gonna take it and leave, then when he is not looking, take a chair, poolstick, trashcan, ect. to the back of his head. The "PHSYCO". I dont really suggest this one but it could work. Go phsyco on the guy and hope that he gets scared. Low probability of success, but may work. The "Nut-Shot". This technique will put any real man down. I dont suggest a real hard shot because that usual gives you a delayed effect were it actually nums them first and then later the pain starts to creep in. Go for a medium powered shot. Foot or hand, which ever you feel most comfortable with. After he is stunned start beating the crap out of him the best you know how. humor aside, these are legitimate techniques. There's other things you could do to even the score but you will just have to think about it and be creative. Im not trying to add stress or anything. Just Be creative, some of the best fighters in the world are not that strong at all, they just use their head.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheDarkOtaku [/i] [B]Well, well. Tech TV gets another plus in my book. It was already the only channel I really paid attention to recently. I can't wait to see what show they broadcast. :) [/B][/QUOTE] Same here. Its about all I watch. And now with the addition o the Anime, it will be watching it alot more.
To me, techTV is more of a "geek" network than a "tech" network. They air other shows like "The Thunderbirds" and "Max Headroom" wich were both shows that have a huge fanbase with geeks. True its not really tech, but I think it fits into the whole geek category. I feel that they won't be showing Anime like DBZ or Pokemon. I think it will be anime that is aimed at teenagers and adults since the majority of techtv viewers are in the category. But we wont really know untill they release some more info.
I loved the Assualt Rifle, but thats just because I am an assualt rifle kinda guy. My other favorite is the Tri-barrel machine gun that is mounted on the back of the warthog.
First of all, I have been away for a while, so I would like to go ahead and apologize if this topic has already been discussed. I did check around and run several searches and I found nothing. But anyway here it goes. If any of you watch "The Screen Savers" you might have heard Megan mention it yesterday. They were discussing "FLCL" and at the end of the segment Megan mentioned that TechTV would start airing Anime on December 30th. I have not been able to find much information on it yet besides what was said. I have searched the TechTv website but found nothing. I am very interested in finding out what Anime they will be airing. Thats pretty much all I know at the moment but I will try and post any new info I find out. Usually when I think I have heard something first it turns out I am really last so that could be the case here too. Like I said, sorry if this has already been discussed. Just let me know and I will remove it. Later
Or whatever you want to call it. Just something that grabbed my attention today after reading a short story in English class. I wont explain the story because it is really irrelevant to the rest of the post. Here is the scenario. >> You have been in love with something for a good while. It can be a person, an experience, or anything else. All of a sudden this thing that you love so much, is taken away from you. It crushes you and you grieve about it for a very long time. You finally seem to get your feet back on the ground when a man appears to you one day and tells you he can take you back to that time and let you relive that time with the thing you love but just like before, it will eventually end again. And remember, this is something that you are truely and deeply in love with, that made you so happy when you had it. Something that you wish you had everyday of your life. The question is: "Would you take the mans offer and relive it?" >>
I do agrea. I always tell my friends who ask for advice, Destroy all hope. Dont tell someone some crap like they are real nice you just dont want a boyfirend right then. That tells that person, well usually, that there may be a chance. Then they end up sitting in their room all summer grieving over that person hoping and waiting to finally hook up with them. Yes telling someone the honest truth may seem a whole lot more harsh and mean, but its really for the best. If you turn them down quick and hard, they get over you alot quicker, and dont have time to grow attached to you. This is one reason Im ready to go ahead and tell her how I feel. I want it to be over with. I will either be able to end the grieving and move on, or I will start a knew and better life with that person.
Thanks guys, although some had bad endings, all of them helped. My deal is, me and this girl went out last year, but we broke it off because we never got to see each other. But we have still been friends. She has said she still cares about me and She is the only one I have cared for since I have met her. No one else matters to me. She is the best person I have ever known, and I never really told her how I felt. I should have told her before, but when you find the "perfect" partner, its kinda hard to express yourself to them sometimes, know what I mean? Anyway, Im going to talk to her when she gets back from Kentucky. Im afraid of hearing something bad, but I cant let that stop me anymore. I missed my first chance to tell her, and now I have been given a second. I cant let things go this time. I dont want to have to live the rest of my life thinking; "If only I had told her how I felt".
Have you ever had a time, were you cared about someone more then anyone else. A time were you just wanted to be with that person. Well you finnally get up some nerve and you walk up to that person and tell them how you feel, grit your teeth, and brace yourself for the reply. Im sure some of you have. Im sure 90% of you have. Its just part of life. I was just wondering the results that you have had. I am hoping to hear good things, mainly because I am going to do it myself pretty soon. Bad results may discourage me, but nevertheless, I still would like to hear your experiences.
My dog was hit by a car a while back and killed. It wasnt really that bad. He had gotten hit twice before and we thought he was dead so we kinda did our grieving then. I dont mean this to sound funny though, its just how it was. It can be hard. I dont think theres anything that helps except to just grieve.
Fine. Im not only calling you sick, I would and will say the same thing to anyone else who says the things that you have said. Im through talking about this. You can generalize me, call me a name, yell a profanity at me, or whatever. I cant stomach any more of this ignorance.
DeathKnight, thats a bunch off ********. I had several staements here but I have realized that its futile to keep on trying to correct your ignorance. And saying that you have wanted to kil lyour parents for a while is just sick. I dont care if thats your beliefs or opinion or whatever, its sick. And your comment about the snipers was again, ignorant. Thats all you do is generalize people into one category that you choose. You generalize the Christians, then you generalize snipers all into one group that isnt even the majority. Im not sure why you "threw in the christians" Im not a christian, I was just stating that generalization of any group was ignorant and shows how unintelligent a person is.
Okay sorry! You all dont have to jump me, Im not sure about were you guys live but where I live, you dont hear much about people being attacked by lasers. And I am not a clinton hater. This was covered up by both administrations.
Hes a God? Thats so stupid, I will not go further into that comment. I love how you generalize Christians too, thats very ignorant. Generalizing any group of people is an ignorant thing. I still dont get what part of his skill you respect, as covered earlier its nothing but average. I still cant get over the fact of you thinking this guys "skill" is so good. Most of his shots were around 100 yards (90 meters). In the Boer War(1899-1902) Men would easily drop running antelope at 300 yards (270 meters), and shooting a stationary man at 600 yards (500 meters) was childs play. It was 1899, look at the rifles they were using. In Vietnam, several Snipers recorded kills of approximatly 1 mile (1.6 km) range. Hitting people on the run at 500(450 meters) yards takes some skill, hitting them at even greater then that takes even more. If you have learned anything about sniping and the history of it, you would know, a kill at 100 yards(90 meters) is nothing at all. This is what recruits start out at in training. If you want to respect some great skill just let me know, I know a list of snipers through out history that were excellent at what they did.
umm...yeah, I know. Yes they do hurt your eyes. But we are not talking a little laser pointer. The helicopter was on a photo recon flight, they were a good ways away from the ship. A pointer laser is not powerfull enough to have that kind of range. Sorry if I made it sound like "laser" as in, DEATHRAY. Im just trying to stress the fact of our goverment covering up another incident. Then not even offering the man support in court.