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Everything posted by Amphion
Well this is going bye bye....hopefully.
WARNING- this post contains somewhat of a spoiler for Endless Waltz. I cant really thin of an ending that just sucked. there where a few I thought that could have had something different done to make it seem a little more exciting though. Only one I can think of was Endless Waltz. I loved the 3 part series but the ending was somewhat predictable and was weak. I mean everyone know that hero will come and save the day. But the way things unfolded was not that great. There was no good Gundam fight besides Hero and Wu-Fei wich had a stupid ending as well.
True. Actually they did do quite well, for the Spaniards to be as advanced in technology as they where. Well they were not that advanced but they were more advanced than the Aztecs. I misunderstood your post. I did miss the "reletive" part. Harlequin is right though, small poxs was devestating to many of the Indian civilizations.
I dont know. I usually just do things easy. My dog is 4 years old. Theres no need to calculate dog years. True they age faster, but I understand that 20 human years is old for a dog. See, no need for animal years. Its like Heinz 57, there is more work involved then there should be. Well thats my opinion, perhaps Im just lazy...
Isn't that how they all go? Yeah, it does look rather stupid. Its about a little kid, who gets hit by a big bolt of lighting (no injuries) gets these mad basketball skills, and starts dunking on some of the NBA's finest. The dunks even look fake. (well yeah, but I mean like bad 3$ special effects team fake) Sorry I just dont see anything in this movie worth paying the money to see it.
I still dont think you can say that their leaders where, in all aspects, "Perfect". They may have been close to perfect on the Religous side, but like with the Aztecs, you cant call their war efforts perfect. They did not put enough emphasis on scientific part of war, and they where destroyed by the Spaniards. To me when a civilization gets wiped out(well close to it) by an opposing force, it was not perfect.
Manick, that was good, lol.... Yeah James is right. But has [b]any[/b] country [b]ever[/b] had a leader that was god at [b]all[/b] of that?
I dont think the Jews are anti-Muslim. But look at what they are going through. People are just walking into their part of the Country and blowing themselves up killing innocent people. Imagine that happening where you live every single day. Imagine being scared to go to the movies, afraid someone will explode and kill you. If I was leader of the country, honestly I have no idea what Iwould do to handle it, but its got to stop. I saw of the news where they where showing video from a Palistinian childrens show, with little boys and girls sing and dancing yelling out phrases like Kill the Jews! and stuff. That is just plain out scary. You right though. Not all Muslims or Palestinians are the same. But I am not going to try and tell Israel what to do, because I dont know what its like to wonder if I am gonna blow up that day. If they can stop the attacks by going in and apprehending the terrorist, I think they should go for it. I dont think any nation has the right to tell them to stop if they handle it it in athe right way. As long as they dont just massacre people. They have tried peace for like 20 years. I dont see why they dont just create a Palestinian state. But not all Muslims are terrorist, just like not all Southern People are Racists, and not all Black people rob gas stations. AJ, Im just wondering, why are you participating in the Goods boycot if you dont have a problems with jews? You say its because the Goverment put you off? what do you mean by that. Im not trying to say your wrong or anything I am justy interested in why you are boycouting.
Im not trying to defend bushes actions. Some are good some are bad. But man, your wishing him to die because you dont agrea on the same thing, then your saying if a man who is responsible for killing thousands of innocent people, is a hero if he kills another one. Thats sickening...And make peace instead of war? How do you make peace with a man like Bin Laden? Your little Bin Laden comment was not funny. It was disrespectful to everyone who died by his or any other terrorists hands. Your sick.
Well, america does like to stick its nose in places it should not be. But I think alot of the things we do does help. And like with the people in Yugoslavia and Iraq. Theres no chance for them to put up a resistence, Its more of the minorities of the counrty where trying to save. Its like if America was exterminating Muslims. Do you think their are enough Muslims in America to put up a resistence? Well obviously not. Thats the kinda problem there having in Yugoslavia and Iraq. We have tried helping out that rebel group in Iraq, but they are just not strong enough. I dont think America is a "Punk". I do think we over step our bondaries from time to time, but at least we try to help. We are one of the wealthiest nations in the world. I think we should do all we can to help less fortunate nations, like Afganistan(sp?) That place barley has an erect building in the country. It would be stupid for us to sit back and not try and do anything for the 3rd world countries. Were are criticised for helping, but if we sat back and did nothing we would be criticised for not helping too. And about what you said, Cloricus at the end of your post. Ask anyone of the families of the ones slaughtered in Yugoslavia or Iraq or Kuwait if they wanted our help? They do need our help. -edit- Packies is a Racist word? I dont think its racist, they may not like being called that but that doesnt make it a racist word. A racist word is like the N word that White people gave blacks that was a demeaming word. The whites used in away that they where superior to the blacks as a race. Im sure Bush was not saying Whites or whatever is superior to Pakistany people. So I dont think its a racist word more of a demeaning word. I dont thing anyone would consider Yankee a racist word....
I think its just mainly the Australian members on the board beside you and me DOK. Yeah, I hate when you wake up seconds before the alarm clock. You close your eyes and then blam, it goes off. I can not depend on my internal clock though, cause if I do, it doesnt work. So I just set my alarm clock anyway.
I usaually stay online here, unitll everyone has stopped posting or close to it. I do alot of work though at night too. Im just a night person, I function better at night. Well in certain areas. I wish more people would stay here at the OB deep into the late night hours, usually around 2:00am there only like 2 or 3 people posting.
Welcome to the states man. Was Colorado burnt to a crsip when you landed there?
Hey....Iron Man is not THAT bad. Now AquaMan is taking it too far....
Reason I do not buy Abercrombie, its too over priced. I dont buy Old Navy just cause I hate their comercials. But I like Polo and Gap, some of their stuff is high too, but I like it so I buy it. I say buy what you like no matter if its 20 bucks or 1.50$. Well that is if you have the money to buy 20 dollar t shirts. If not thenstill buy what you like that is in your price range.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]I think age matters now that you mention it, but then I look back and realize that my first relationship started out when I was merely 15. Hell, it was a really horrible relationship since he was two years older, a jerk, and hornier than all heck. And I was an inexperienced 15 year old girl. Ugh...the memories o_O [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=seagreen] Ugh!...Guys like that disgust me. All you ladies need to give them a nice swift kick in the..well you know. It is so sick that thats all alot of people care about these days. Im sorry BG that you got mixed up with one of those rotten jerks. Thats very sweet of you the way you handled that situation. I know alot of girls would make a big scene if it was someone they didnt like. I had a close freind that got hurt really bad over something like that. It was a preppy girl too. She thoguht my freind was ugly and thought that by him giving her some flowers in public that her little reputation would be hurt. So she goes and makes a big scene and starts dogging him out. The guy was 16 and really realy liked her, he was pretty much crying there in front of everyone before he ran off.I ran offafter him, I did not know what he was gonna do. If she was a male I would have nocked her right on her ***. People like that disgust me. [/color]
[COLOR=seagreen]You know what I am gonna tell you alex...Go for it. I just think you should cause I have heard of too many times when to people really liked each other but never said anything, then they end up moving away. YOu never know what could turn out for those people. I cant help you with being nervous though. Even what I feel now, it scares me to death, yet I love the feeling. Yeah I understand completly what your saying Anna. Theres nothing wrong with it either. Its just that, when you find it, you will want it and nothing else. [/COLOR]
[color=sea-green]Yes anna, you make a good point. Im just saying dont be afraid to make a comitment to someone if you really feel you want to. If thats the only person you want to be with, be with them. And im not saying for everyone to go out and get hurt again. Like I said, thats part of the game. Everyone has gotten hurt before. some people more then others. You just cant let that scare you away from comitment...[/color]
[COLOR=green] Well, Im not going to stand here and try to tell anyone that love doesnt hurt. That would be a whole bunch of BS. I just dont want anyone to be afraid of it. Cause once you find it, it so great...you will say to yourself that all that pain was worth it. It will help alot in your life too, with other problems you may have. I know when I am having one of those days, just a phone call makes me feel better. Just hearing her voice makes all my troubles disappear. Just dont be afraid to give it a shot. If love pulls a Godfather on you and guns you down at the toll booth, pull your self up off the ground, and go for it again. Im telling you, its worth it. -EDIT- I AM TALKING ABOUT THE REAL THING TOO. There it goes again, people trying to tell others how they feel and how its not real love. I dont mean to offend you Anna, but your wrong. I know exaclty what love involves. I know you cant just say I love you and have everyhting work out great. Love comes first, then you work on marriage. Its not all together at once. I know I am not ready for marriage. But just cause im not is not gonna change the way I feel. Me and my parents talk about this alot, they know how I feel. I have learned alot from them too. I dont plan on rushing into a marriage or anything. And yes I can realisticly see myself in 20 years waking up with her and no one else. You want just give your life for somweone you dont really love. Im not saying your all wrong just that not everyone is alike. [/COLOR]
I disagrea with PiroMunkie. But not completly. You can love someone and not be on the verge of marriage. You can be in a boyfreind and girlfreind state and be in love. I know this for a fact. True, alot of people throw the word around like its a cheap wh....bad example. Alot fo people use the word too freely. But this is not everybody. A teenage couple can be in love though. And I am not directing this at you Piro, but I hate it when people try and say anything a middle or high school student feels is not real love. Or when people tell someone else they are just lusting. Yes, this can be true sometimes. But its just thrown around as bad as the word love is. I was told in a previous topic that I was not in love I was just lusting. Thats jacked up bull-****. No one has ability nor the right to tell another person exactly how they feel. Love is one of those things that no one can tell you when your in love, you just know it in your heart. I always say this. Picture yourself 20 years from now waking up in the morning. Who do you see laying in the bed next to you? And ask yourself can you see anyone else besides that person laying there. If you cant, thats a good indication that your in love. But as with many things in life, thats not fool proof. Just folllow your heart and don't let other people try and tell you what your feeling. If you do that you could mess things up bad. One last thing. Dont fear love. I know alot of people who say love is sh*t, and dont want to be in a relationship. Youll never get anywhere like that. Yes your gonna get hurt, but do not be weak, be strong and go out and find someone. Dont let the bad side of love defeat you.
lol, thats the way life usualy goes Piro. I think mine would be...**scratches head**probably on the subject of combustion cannons. I have like 40 of them in my garage. One is about 20 ft long and I can shatter cinder blocks with a patatoe, well thats not really that geeky. Anyway, It would probably be my huge collection of Comics.
Man, I think everyone knew but me. AquaMan movie? I almost could not even remember who that was. Why him? Nothing against him but I could think of several SH I would do a movie on before I got to him. They have to put Dr. Doom in Iron Man. thats like my favorite comic book character. I have the Iron Man vs Dr. Doom comics encased in a plastic display in my room.