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Everything posted by Amphion

  1. I dont see how the man handles public speaking effects the way he runs the counrty. Maybe he is the nervous type. I know when I have to do public speaking i get nervous. Everyone one says stupid stuff sometimes. Think back and try to remember some stuff you said that did not make sense. Whats the difference in us saying something stupid and the President saying something stupid? He is not supposed to be perfect. things like that just get noticed more cause he is always watched by the media and other people. Al Gore said some stupid stuff, Bill Clinton said stupid stuff, Bushes father said stupid stuff. I just fail to see the point of this post...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaioshin [/i] [B] [COLOR=teal]I'm loving this!! Everybody's opening up and being completely honest and serious. I hope this thread turns out to be reaaly big! Thanks for the advice Amphion! If you're in love - stay there[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, stay there, I am and will be. Thats why I say never give up. If you give up, then it [b]will[/b] fall apart. Believe me.
  3. Yeah, a gaming geek would be cool too. Some of the contestents are real geeky though. One girl collected tea cups!??? And one guy owned every album of the Partirdge Family. If you where a contestent on the show, what would be your geekiest thing?
  4. Dang it, I have been talking to poeple for a while and no one could tell me anything about it. Oh well, the info is there for anyone like me who was left in the dark. Im with you though, hope it will be good.
  5. I think any male who would make fun of another guy for expressing his feelings (Love in this case) Is an ignorant imbecil. Love is a part of life. Pretty much everybody goes through it. So anyone who makes fun of a guy for being romantic or anything like that is just plain stupid. Once, I was teased for bringing my girlfreind flowers. Teased by 10th and 11th graders over this. Of course it did not bother me, but I did get a kick out of how stupid they are. I do not have a problem showing the girl I love how I feel towards her. They should learn from that, they are still sitting around wondering why they cant get a date. I would just like to say that if you find the girl(or guy) you love, dont give up. No matter what may happen, or what is said. Follow your heart, and make shure they know how you feel. If she can't love you for that, then you dont need her anyway.
  6. Well its 1:46am right now. I have searched some and due to being so tired it took me forever to find this. Iron Man movie is confirmed. Its in heavy production right now. One source reports it wont be out untill early 2004.(d'oh) Yeah that sux. Iron Man is being played by Bruce Cambell and The Mandarin by Cary Hyruka-somthing. Well, I have nodded of twice trying to post this, so I am gonna call it it quits for tonight, morning, whatever. Heres some links below if you want to read about it. Enj....zzzz....zzzz......zzzzzz [url]http://www.corona.bc.ca/films/details/ironman.html[/url] [url]http://www.superherohype.com/ironman/[/url] [url]http://www.comics2film.com/ProjectFrame.php?f_id=22[/url]
  7. Yeah, I heard about DD too. Where in the super hero craze right now, Hulk will be out soon, DD, Spiderman 2....what else is next?
  8. Well, around here, I get the occasional, " What in the world is Gun- Dam?" People aks me why I still watch cartoons sometimes. I usually tell them something like,a cartoon is different from anime. Some people think its stupid but they never really tease, they just ask why I like it. There is one other guy at my school that is into anime. Other then that, thats pretty much it. I have gotten some of my freinds interested but they really do not take it seriously. Its kinda funny too, for some reason Sponge bob is real big at my school, (High School I might add) Why, i dunno. But even at that, I still get the why do you watch kiddy shows. This coming from a person who has a Sponge Bob t-shirt on. I only have two Anime shirts but I wear them and dont care. Seriously though, I think i should be concerned about the intelligence of my class mates. I dont think Anime is something that will go mainstreem in the US. Wether it does or not, I dont care. I am still going to be a hardcore Anime fans who goes broke buying anime collectibles.
  9. This is not a Game Movie (although he is in a game) but I heard some stuff about an Iron Man movie. Can anyone confrim this? If it is to be so, it better have Dr. Doom in it.
  10. Any body watch this? I kinda like it. I do not watch it regulary though. I always like to see who the guest geek is. Wish they would have an Anime one on. Well just looking for your thoughts.
  11. [b]Stanton:[/b] Gather around men! GATHER AROUND! [i] Several men in resistence uniforms ceased what they where doing and grouped themselves together around Stanton.[/i] [b]Stanton:[/b] This one aint gonna be pretty. Yep, thats right. We have a new mission. It seems Commander Shuartz lost a recon team over by Mount Corel. Thats just about 3 clicks North of here. His recon team never reported in and they can not get a hold of them. These guys could possible still be alive. So this is a RESCUE mission. NOT a search and recover. [b]Kulwalsky:[/b] C'mon Captain, we all know thats a bunch of BS. You really think they are a live? No team with out communications would last out there, not even ours. [i]Stanton, seemingly pissed, grabbed Kulwalsky by his color and pulled him right up to his face.[/i] [b]Stanton:[/b]Kulwalsky, If I ever here you say a thing like that, I will personally disembowol you with my grub knife and feed you to those mako freaks. [i]He released Kulwalsky, and he fell to the ground. He quickly jumped up and brushed of his uniform and got back in place.[/i] [b]Stanton:[/b] That goes for all of you! Now we have a rescue mission to carry out. Get you gear, say your good byes and be at the tramway at 0700hrs. If your late, I'll kick your *****. [i]The men saluted and walked off in different directions to gather their things and tell their families. Whenever they where givin the chance to say good bye, they did. With the world like it was now, anytime you leeve Gold Saucer, you may not come back. Stanton knew this. Even though he was very strict on his soldiers, he allowed them this, as for he had to say good bye to his familly as well.[/i] [i]Stanton entered his quarters. He looked around a moment. He focused in on the pictures on his desk. Mainly his fathers. Among the other pictures where pictures of his wife and kids. He thought about this to himself alot. Resistence teams were dropping like flies out their. Everyday they were loosing almost half of the teams that left. nd it was getting worse. He knew this was serious and that he may never get to look into his wifes eyes again. He knew he may never be able to pick his son up high into the air and spin him around. He knew everything, everything, could end with this mission. He had already told his wife about his new mission earlier. She was still in the bathroom crying over it. He walked up to the door and listened. He could hear here sobbing. He started to enter, but he stopped. He was over comed by emotion. He tried to hold it back but couldn't he stumbled over to the bed and broke down into a soft sob. [/i]
  12. I guess. But do not do anything too radical. Zeon did not really have anything as strong as a Gundam during the One Year War, so making a Suit that is stronger then a Gundam would not really be right. I wonder if we will have any feddies sign up.
  13. Bruce Willis should have been The Punisher. Anyway, yeah they need to put Venon in one of the films. He is one of the best characters in Spiderman.
  14. Yeah, if jackie Chan is going to be in Tekken, I hope its serious. Would notm ind seeing some Jackie Chan stunts though. I dunno, I think Nemisis will be great if they will just stick to the story. Although Chris and Claire would be cool, throw in Hunk, and Some of the others and it would really be sweet.
  15. Amphion

    Good Vs. Evil

    Yeah it does sound like Yu Yu Hakusho... I think I have heard of it before. I can not put my figure on it though... If you can post some links or soemthing, that would be nice.
  16. Well, I planned on leaving you guys alone untill I was verbally assualted again. If anyone wants to beleive in Mothman, thats fine. I was responding to what harlequin said to me. True its not all crap and not everyone who beleives it is un-intelligent. That I apologize for. Chicken, Yes I beleive in God. But beleiving in God does not take away my right to have an opinion on something. Heres anotherone, your a dumbass. Its people like you who annoy me cause they take offense to everything. theres alot of people out there who dont beleive in mothman, are you gonna wine to them too? What I said was true, if mothman exists, he is a living creature, which could be killed by a 9mm, so what I said might not have been what you was looking for it was my opinion. The only un intelligent ones here are Harlequin, who cant take a joke, and Chicken who has to stand up for him all the time. You both need to learn how to deal with life, your going to hear things and opinions you do not like, it just pisses everyone around you off when you wine and complain about them. There many opinions I do not lie, but I do not sink low enough to tell a fellow human being to go to hell over it. Thats all I have to say. Again I apologize for the comment cause not all of the National Inquirer stuff is wacked. But Harlequin and his daddy Chicken can get off my case. If you want to say anything else, pm me. Your spamming up the boards with posts like this, shows your intelligence level. Im through here.
  17. What annoys me? 1: People who are annoyed by everything. (Not to mention any names of anyone in particular here at these boards) 2: People who try and talk to you during a movie. 3: People who complain about everything 4: People who try to tell you how to live your life or what to beleive in. 5: Tabloids. 6: People who talk like they still live in 16th century Europe. Or Southern Redneck talk. 7: The Harlequin and Jesus Chicken
  18. Well, I have about 1000 point Salamanders army. Not really enough to play. Im still building it up. Everyone else I play with has been playing for years and have huge armys. One guys army has costed him over 1 thousand dollars in all. Thats just a little too rich for my blood. I still play but I am not into it like they are. I am more interested in using the Gundam rules created for it and putting my models out there.
  19. If a woman wants to serve her country, I repsect her for that. If not thats fine too. During WWII women where only factory workers. they were not allowed to serve on the front lines. Some women did not like this but if it where not for them being in the factories, the war machine breaks down.
  20. Okay, we have one sign up. I hope we get some more. Maybe 4 or 5. Ill wait a while see if we can get some more to sign up here. If not I will start the thread and let people join as we go.
  21. I would prefer, I am Adam, CEO of theOtaku.com. That makes you seem a little more powerfull to other people, then throw around some big business terms and peoplewill think your as big as Bill Gates, well maybe not, and hes not a CEO but you get the picture. On the Japanese encoding. If you have a CD with the IE on it it should have the endcoding on it to install. this is good if you dont want to have to downlaod it off the net. Just pop in your cd and look though it, not sure where but its there. ALthoug I am trying to find out how I did it and I can't.
  22. Flying is awesome. Its just like riding in a car. Well except for the whole being 15,000 feet above ground, but thats the only difference. Yeah I was about to say, It seems like all of Colorado is engulfed in flames right now. Hope you enjoy your stay in the states.
  23. NAME: Gregory Stanton AGE: 25 WEAPON: Twin Colts BIO: Gunslinger from out towards Nibelheim. His father was murdered by an uknown assasin. He spent most of his life searching for his fathers murderer. Then when the recent events broke out, he joined the resistence at Gold saucer. APPEARENCE: 5'10" Close cropped black hair. Always wheres his grey overcoat and black sunglasses. SKILLS: Has excellent Marksmenship. Also very Agile. PERSONALITY: Serious, but out spoken. Not afraid of offending anyone. Sometimes quite, other times in your face. Depends on who you are. ITEMS: 3 X-Potions
  24. Yeah your probably right Anna. The DBZ characters are not as detailed as other animes offer. I just dont see shoosing any of them over the NGE girls or others. But thats my opinion.
  25. It is possible to build a type of Mobile Suit. Gundam? No. We have no material capable of the results that Gundanium alloy has. Unless we stuble across something in space, forget it. MS's are different though. They are made out of standard materials. You could make an MS but it would not be anything like a Gundam MS. You could not possible control every aspect of a MS with two joysticks and some buttons. Well at least not fast enough to operate in combat conditions. We could perhaps power by a Nuclear source, but as with the problems in Gundam you would have to watch about blowing them up. Also we do not have anything like the gyro stabilizing system that keeps a MS from stubbling over. Another problems is our surroundings. Go look outside and Imagine a mobile suit trying to manuever(sp?) aruond your house and street. what would happen? You would at least have power lines down everywhere. So in conclusion, you can make a type of MS, but nothing like whats in the show, yet. With some technological advances I think we might could see one built. But not now. Plus theirs no real advantage to having them over what the military has now. A standard M1A2 would cost less and beable to easily gun down a MS.
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