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Everything posted by Amphion

  1. Yeah, maybe they should look into downsizing the size of that warhead. I think its main purpose was meant to be used in space, I am not sure but if you where to launch that in to the middle of a fleet, the results would be devastating. But then again any way you use a nuke is devestating. Is that Japanese version any different? Has CN cut some stuff out? 83 will probably be the next series I get on DVD.
  2. I am getting a SD Zaku II to place on the dash of my car. Wish they would make some bobbing head gundams. I think I will get a perfect grade next. IT would be nice to have huge one for a change.
  3. I know the Boards is not buzzing with alot of big Gundam fans, but I think we have enough to have a good RPG. I do not rememebr ever seeing one here so I thought Iwould through one up and hope some people participate. So this is the sign up. read the following then post accordingly to sign up. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Time - U.C. 0079 Beginging of the One Year War. The One yaer War has just begun. Both sides are begining to heavily engage in battles. A colony has wiped out Sidney, and Half of the population on boths sides have been wiped out. Side 6 declares itself nuetral. Antartic Treaty is formed banning the use of weapons of mass destruction. This brings us to the current time which we will start at. Zeon is forming an Earth Attack force headed by Garma Zabi. Federation is preparing for the assualt. You character has to be original. No you cant be Char, or Shiro. Sorry. I want this to be an original story with the basis on the One Year War. Main characters can be incuded, you just cant play with them. Fill out a character sheet like mine below if you want to join. You can be on either side, Feddie or Zeon. If any fights take place between opposing sides we will handle them like any other RPG. So the same general RPG rules apply. If you have any questions PM me. Im not sure when we will start. It is all based on the how many people sign up and when. Here we go: Name: Robert Law Side: Zeon Rank: Lieutenant Age:19 Height:5'9" Weight: 170lbs Current Suit: Zaku II Bio: Little is known about his past. He grew up on Side 3. After graduating from Secondary School, Law enlisted in the Zeon Military Acadamy. Soon after the War had begun. So many people where killed Zeon was having to use more and more younger pilots. Law performed exceptionally well at the Academy so he was one of the many who where pulled on up and put on active duty. He is a Lieutinant in the 182nd Deathwing unit. His unit is one of the many units assigned to Garma Zabi's Earth Attack Force. Well thats it for the sign up sheet. Current Mobile suit is the one you currently have (duh). But I used it that way because Both sides where constantly upgrading suits, so feel free to upgrade later on. Well I do not know how this will do, but I thought Iwould give it a a shot.
  4. Yeah he was okay back in the day. Remember Mike Tyson's Punch Out? Sadly enough they drop him from from the label cause he got arrested. He was pretty tough on that game too. It was sad that all those guys in yellow shirts had to line up across the ring afterwards, guess they where afraid tyson would go on a biting rampage.
  5. Well I would not use it in a battle against another mobile suit. Would not want to kill myself too, unless it was a last resort. Its best used exactly how gato uses it in 0083. You will see soon enough in an upcoming episode.
  6. This thread has been up for awhile, I had even forgot I posted here. The reason I like 08th team the best was because it was more realistic then others. They where not invincible, Karen found that out. It had good animation. Great plot. And they even squeezed a love story in the short series. You got to love it.
  7. I juts love how Tyson alwasy uses those big words that he has no idea what they mean... I guess he did not have time to power up his bite attack this time...lol
  8. Well theres a few for me. No brainers are Rei and Sakuya, Lady Une if you can get past the attitude, shes alright with her hair down. Aina is cute. Misato too. Oh and Rikku. Thats about all I can think of.
  9. Inteligence? This coming from one who beleives in the National Inquirer crap... Excuse me, I will leave you and your mothman alone...
  10. I dunno about Mothman, batboy either. I dont see how there so bad, their nothing a 9mm cant stop.
  11. Im not sure, I own the uncut DVD series but I have not seen any original japanese ones besides X so I guess I cant say for sure. I am tired of parents complaing. Who lets their small child (who should not be watching it) stay up to Midnight anyway? Thats when Uncut was airing...Anyway, Most of the animes though, when they are translated loose some of the dialouge from the original just simply cause we would not get it and sometimes for other stupid reasons. thats why its best to get subs and not dubs...
  12. Do you mean 03 Orchis or 03S Stamen? I have not seen all of 0083 so Im not sure what your talking about. Either way it sounds good. Orchis - [url]http://www.gundamw.net/0083/gunpics/denorchis2.jpg[/url] Stamen - [url]http://www.gundamw.net/0083/gunpics/denstamen.jpg[/url] [b]- EDIT -[/b] sorry, I think I know what your talking about its this right here: [img]http://www.operationgundam.com/Images/FP/FP-Dendrobium.JPG[/img] Thats one hefty Price tag too. And just to clear things up its the Dendrobium Orchis. Not Dendrobium Stamen. I would definetly buy it if I had the money. If you want Gundam models go to Operationgundam.com. if they dont have it, no one does.
  13. I know what you mean Raven, Bad thing is they have only seen all the episodes of the butchured, "Dubbed" versions. But its like those kids who buy a skateboard and call their selves extreme skaters...when all they do is go out and skate around the local parking lot.
  14. I always like the one where he uses the toilet as a shower. Gets in, *Flush* gets out. Cera drew hobbes perfectly. Maybe she should continue the series since they have stopped.
  15. I have only gotten one virus before. It was nothign bad and I fixed it in less then 5 minutes. Its suprising too since I am real bad about opeing those wierd emails with attachments that you dont know who they are from...
  16. Yep, I did not know who all knew but Lewis beat Tyson. 8th round, Lewis laid one right in Tysons face. He had already bloodied both eyes and nose of tyson. You should check the photos out at Yahoo. Did every one want Lewis to win or was anyone going for Tyson? Check this pic out.... [url]http://sports.yahoo.com/m/box/gallery/20020608/1023599533lewis_tyson_mxp173.html[/url] [img]http://us.news2.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20020609/capt.1023599533lewis_tyson_mxp173.jpg[/img]
  17. Thanks, I might need it. I wanted to make sure you did not think I was mad at you. Im not. Its just weird when you like someone so much you dont like it when anyone does anything that might hurt her, you know. Talk to you later... [b]- EDIT -[/b] Its okay Anna. Its not that I was chickin, Its just hard to explain the way I feel. I dont expect anyone to know how I feel. But just understand that one day when you care about someone a whole lot, like pretty much being in love, you will understand.
  18. Just thought I would report in. Nobody critiscize(sp?) me, but I did not go. I just could not go. It just did not feel right. Im the kind of person who lives by my gut feeling. It has never let me down yet so I go with it. You wont really understand until you feel the way I do toward someone. Oh and you did not offend me DOK but please dont call her those things. Its not all her fault. But thanks to all of you for the advice. IT really helps.
  19. I have seen it several times in places I would not expect. One was in a car magazine and the use of the word there was so wrong that It confused me and I had to read the article several times to understand what they meant. So yes i think it is getting over used. Mainly by people like Mike Tyson who try to use big words when they dont know what they mean.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman [/i] [B][size=1]Calvin & Hobbes is total w00tnessagitude!!!!!! I have all of the books that are out... My teachers don't like them much though :) -Herman[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry but whats that big word again? lol... I agrea with Pyro, I am tempted to go buy a bunch my self and hand them out to people who have never sen them. Then again, that would be alot of money so nevermind. You get my point though...THEY"RE GOOD!
  21. DOnt care what anyone else says, I liked the poem alot. You are no doupt a good writer. keep on writing, you have talent.
  22. Yeah, thats what I meant it will be included in the Bios. sorry if I confused anyone. Yeah it will be a but load of money. Just a regular Gouf is around 70 tons of metal. Who knows the price on lunar titanium. Oh well, Ill do some more research.
  23. I have no idea. No titles have been confirmed for GC or XBOX. I would liek to see one on XBOX though. I am confused. I keep heering reports of Lost War Chronicles, but I am also hearing about a game called, Feds VS Zeon. LWC lets you choose between Feds and Zeon, so I think that is what some people are calling LWC. I figured they where the same games but I recently seen them both mentioned together. I have not found any info on FVZ so if any one has heard anything please let me know, Thanks
  24. GundamW.net says it will air July 1st, at 5:00pm on Toonami. [url]http://www.gundamw.net[/url]
  25. Well I finally went out and bought it yesterday. Overall its a good game for any Gundam Fan. Although like all games, this one has its share of a few problems, but other then that its a great game. Their are 4 main suits in the game (Zaku, Zaku II, Gouf and Dom) each is upgrade several times to a newer model. Your main character also accuires a Gouf Custom, almost exactly like Norris's except fro the abscence of the 75 mm Vulcan cannon thats mounted on the shield. It is a little short on missions. The total missions is only 13. However several features make up for that. You are supposed to play it through twice. Second time around units are altered to make it more difficult but you get to start with the same suits you finished it with the first time. Second theres programs for the sim you unlock along the way. These total up to 33 and include some neat fed missions. One thing I must mention about the programs is, If you ever dreamed of reneacting the final part of 08th team where norris goes through the city with his Gouf taking out the MS team one by one, nows your chance. P11 pits your Gouf Custom by yourself, you have to go through the city and take out several guntanks and G units. Its a real blast. Gameplay is pretty good. The controls will take some getting used to and the Instruction booklet doesnt help much. Once you get used to it it will be fine. One thing I did not like ws lack of freedom. You can not fire your gun unless you are locked on to an enemy. So you cant go around destroying those pretty cities anymore. Also the jump packs only work if your moving backwards real fast and its too slow to be effective. You cant jump or crouch either. Sometimes it feels like your MS is sluggish but you will get the feel for it soon enough. But the rest of the game features make up for this downfall. This is more of a sim instead of action shooter so that you will have to get used to. Its very real, one shot can kill you from a beam weapon. It stays true to the show too. Zaku mgs cant peirce gundams armor so if you want to destroy it you have to get it with a heat hawk or something. Also al Gundams you face will have to be taking out with a beam weapon, your guns just cant peirce the armor, which is realistic, but can make things difficult.Your back armor is very weak too, I was killed once by a feddie tank cause it scored a direct hit in the back. some may not like this but I do, I like the realistic stuff where you dont have 100% health. You will have some confrontations with White Base and the White One, during the missions though you have no hope of destroying them. You only get to do that in the programs. Theres also a new protoype gundam you will have to fight, while its not all that bad, it will piss you off a couple of times. Sound is good, graphics is good. I had one time that it slow down on me but other then that its fine. Opening sequence is awesome. Theres also a part where you can watch the story of the Midnight Fenrir, but mainly all it is is a collection of clips from gundam that have to do with the battles Fenrir was in. Its actually quite good though. Overall, if you like Gundam, GET THIS GAME. Especially if your a fellow Zeon Spacenoid. You can also unlcok Garma and his Zaku, char and His Zaku and several others, even some feddies. I am loveing it. Its way better then side Story. Story is good too, it blends right in with how events actually happend. Garma and the Tri Stars deaths are incorparated into the game too. Its a blast to play. Theres something that could be improved upon, but nothign bad enough to cause a problem. Go BUY IT NOW! Now we just wait till the make one that lets you have space battles.... oh the fun we would have.
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