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Everything posted by Amphion
Where did you see it Mist? I was wondering, Im stil ltrying to find it. It had several episodes for a series, and I think it had a movie. It started as a manga and then moved to an animated series. Im trying to find both but the animated series is prefered.
Its about a cop who's methods of busting baddies is a little questionable. He doesnt do things like bad cops who want money and power. hes a good cop who is dedicated to taking the bad guys down. But he uses extreme measures to get them. For example, he plants drugs on guys and threatens to turn them in if they dont talk. Hes not a good cop, not a bad cop, just a different kind of cop. Its a real interesting show.
Yeah thats another thing,DS, I am at one of those times where I feel like I do not have a good freind. Yeah theres people I talk to but they are not like good freinds that will be there for you when you need them. You guys here are better friends then what I have now.
I am not sure about these otaku marriages. I do not reelly see the point unless the 2 are very interested in each other and want to become more then freinds. And actually see each other.
I am scared to say anything. So far I am pretty much injury free. I have gone almost 17 years with out ever breaking or cracking a bone. I hope to keep it that way too. Its a good thing my desk is wood, I need to do alot of knocking on it....
Wow, i rememeber that. Barely but I rememeber it. It was one of those wierd shows. Anyway, I dont really know where you would find info on it. Bes tthign i know is to go to google and type in the name and see what you get.
Sorry I just read your second piost and I was looking up schniider when it was schmiger. Im still not shure on the Schmiger one but I did answer your question on the jager. [b][color=blue]Don't do this again thank you!--RickHunter[/color][/b]
Im hitting myself cause I should know this. I am a big tank man, but I have not study anything on tanks in about 6 months. I do know that Panzer is the german word for Tank. Schinder is not a tank, Im not shure what it means, my translater is bugging up so I cant get a match. Jager is, to the best of my knowledge, Destroyer. Most of the German heavy tank destroyers are called "Panzerjager". which literally means Tank Destroyer. As for schnider I am still confused. I will search my resources and try and find out. Panzer - Tank Jager - Destroyer Schnider - ???
I think it would be worth checking out. Suer Street said people who have never seen anime and did not like racing where still drawn into it. Im stuill trying to find somewhereI can buy it.
Kids + Model = Destruction of Model. My little cousin comes over sometimes, he got ahold of my baeutifull Nataku model and broke it to about 5 peices. I was devestated. I worked about 4 hours a night for 2 weeks on that thing. Did the best paint job I have ever done and then it is destroyed. I know have my model shelf very high on the wall.
Well I would lvoe to help. But I am only good with the technical stuff. When it gets to writing bios and stuff I dont do so hot. Plus I am a Mobile suit guy. dont car to much for the Gundams. But if my technical abilities can be of some service please let me know.
Sweet. I was wondeing, are you gonna have to pay to play XI online? The game looks great, and like anythign with the Final Fantasy logo on it, it will be a fun game to play.
I only have the Gundam Wing series. Its only one series but its still 49 epsidoes long. I am working on 08th MS team right now. the I plan on getting 0083. I love the Gundam Universe. I just can not wait untill we get F91 and G here in the states.
I did not get to see it. Several sat nights I have been gone at the time it was on. (late night partys sure are fun) I missed several eps. so I quit watching. The ones I did see where great. I think the best endind so far was on 8th MS TEAM. I am hoping to catch all the eps this time round.
Yeah, I rememebr when they stopped in the US. Hopefully they wont do it to you all. The anime has been going downhill everywhere though. Look at the toonami line up. The Adult swim on Sat is okay, I really only watch Bebop and Gundam.
I remember it well. I came home from school one day and turned on the tv. I was flipping thorugh the channels when I flipped onto some sort of cartoon. I was drawn in when I saw some guy in a weird lookinjg robot suit, blow this colony to peices with his gun. It was exciting, it wasnt like that sorry american crap you see all the time. I kept watching. I was drawn into the characters and got hooked. After that (Gundam Wing if you could not figure it out) DBZ came on, for some reason I kept watching and after watching a huge fight scene, I was hooked on it too. Like everything else I find interest in, I start looking them up on the internet. I found tons of info on both and started reading. My researchi s what brought me here. Ever since them I look at anime the way I do real movies. In fact I prefer anime over the real movies. Only prob is around here, there are no places to rent them so I just have tobuy and hope its good. Well thats my story.
I was just wondering if you guys have seen this before. I never knew anythign like it existed untill I bought this months issue of Super street. It looks pretty awesome. All I know about it right now is that its a japanese anime about A group of road racers who head to the moutnains at night and do touge runs all night. The main character turns out to be really good at it, and starts to become the drift king. Anyone who does not know what touge runs are its simply this- Person gets a RWD car, heads to the mountains where the roads are very curvy and not alot of people are there. They gain hide speeds and start thowing there car into a drift (when your car looses traction and starts to slide, also know as a power slide). The idea is to slide your car alll the way down the mountain the fastest with out ever regaining traction. Its actually quite fun and exciting. It gets the adrenilin flowing for sure.
DOes anyone watch this faith fully? I saw the previews ever since it came out but never watched an episode. I turn it on for the Season Finally tonight and was blown away. I like it. I always like shows that are not afraid to show the harsh reality of life. Anyone under the age of 15 probably should not watch it though. It is pretty rough. There going to be rerunning the first season on monday nights from now on. So I am going to be sure to watch them. If anyone else is interested it comes on FX Mondays at 10 eastern. I do not know if they will still be showing it on tuesdays or not. As for you guys who are outside the US, I have no idea for you guys. If you have not seen it I suggest you watch it at least once, if your old enough.
I know how you feel. Couple years ago, my dog was diagnosed with heart worms. One day we where taking him for a check up, he sat up in the car, howled, and dropped dead. We rushed him to the vet, but there was nothign they could do. Docs said a wrom went straight to the brain or something. Im just glad it was real quick. Come to think of it I have alot of animal problems. My new dog was hit buy a car a couple months ago, lost a leg. Hes fine now though. Maybe I should quit having pets. Anyway, hope my story did not make you feel worse. Im truelly sorry for what your going through. My best wishes to you.
Thanks to all of you for helping. I got a good idea from my freind. When I am mad, It helps me to release that anger if I break something. So he suggested that I go to the dollar store and buy a box of these christmas tree balls. Now when I get really angry or feel I need to vent, I pick one of these balls up and throw it against the wall, stomp on it, or any other way to break it. It really helps me. And most importantly there not to hard to clean up. I just have trouble telling people about my more personal things. Also meditating doesnt always make things worse, just sometimes meditating on a subject gets me flustered and then it goes downhill. Maybe with my new method of venting, meditating will be more effective. Im still looking for a more positive, and less destructive way of expressing my emotions, but at least I am making progress! thanks again to all of you for the help. I feel now that I owe you guys a favor, so if you ever need anything, just hit me up.
All I meant by the blind date thread isthat I mentioned in it that I was having a relationship problem, so you dont have to go read it unless you want to. Im interested in what you said about the drawing what you feel. I intend on trying that sometime. maybe Ill post the results. Talking about it helps. but when it starts to get deep in to my emotions and into personal things it gets real hard to talk about. I do meditate about these things alot. I will sit on a grassy hill during the day looking at the sky and just meditate on the things happening. But all that seems to do is build up more emotions inside me.
Anyone who read the BLind date post probably knows that I am going through a relationship problem, but I am also going through other problems too. I have all these feelings built up inside of me. I have been looking for ways to express these feelings. I have tried some poetry, writing stories, art, music, and more. I can not find one that lets me express my self fully, know what I mean. Its like all those thing I tried do not turn out right, they just suck and I get discouraged. I am asking for your help. What do you guys do to express your feelings? If you can just give me some ideas that would be nice. I hate to bother you with my problems but these feelings need to get out. Its killing me inside.
Yeah, DOK, thats pretty much what my friends said. Maybe I will. It just doesnt feel right. All I think about is her. I will probably screw up and call my blind date by my ex's name or something.
Yeah I know what you mean. I do not really wan to go. My freinds think it is a good idea. Me and my girl broke up the day we got out of schoool for the summer. My freinds say I need to get over her but I cant. this is supposed to help me get over here. I dunno we have been talking and she mentoined us getting back together after summer. I dunno, maybe I should not go. I guess you could say I am in one of those relationship crisises. Do you guys think going on the date could hurt our chances of getting back together? She went on a date the other night, so should I too? D@MN IT! This stuff sucks!
Blind dates, So love them, some hate them. Me, Do not really like them, but some how I have been talked into going on one. Im the type of person who wants to see a picture first. But then its not a blind date. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you had been on one and what you think about them.