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Everything posted by Amphion

  1. I dont have it yet. I have got to get it. I have heard most off it, and just like the previous cds I love everysong on there. I just love how the guy says whatever the hell he wants to and doesnt care about what someone thinks. Its great!
  2. Sell my Import and go buy a Supra or a RX-7. It would be fun to have a good, high powerd, drift car. Then all I would have to do is find a good place to go do some touge runs....
  3. It gives me a 404, I tried searching for it on there site and It returns no results. Little help here.... I really want to see it.
  4. Well its now Ofiicial! I finished my last two exams today. Im thorugh with school untill August. Im glad I will be out but I am also sad. Even though me and this girl are going to go out some over the summer I still do not get to see her daily like I did at school so thats got me kinda bummed. Anyway, I am applying for several jobs for the summer and Hopefully I will have one by next week. Well, I am off to celebrate some more...
  5. Thanks for all the support guys. We talked for about 2 and a half hours again last night. Can not wait till this upcoming weekend. Thats when I am planning to g out with her. Yes being yourself is important and thats what I am trying to do. Its actually kind of hard becuase I like her so much I do not want to do anything that will make her dislike me. And the Digimon Analogy was great, so dont worry about feeling wierd. It actually illustrates things quite well.
  6. Well for me today is my last day. Its kinda funny to Everyone I have talked to does not get out untill next week. what about all you guys hre at the otakuboards (That are still in school). I have to go and Take my English and Biology exam today and Then Im checking out.
  7. No, but my friend has almost accidently killed me. He drives a huge Gold Suburban and he was going about 100 down the road passing this guy and could not slow down in time for the turn ahead and the Suburban nearly rolled. We were lucky all we did was take out some guys fence. If you where wondering, No I do not ride with him anymore...
  8. Well there was good and there was bad... The bad first. We didnt get to go to together. Turns out I waited to the last minute to ask her (d'oh) and she had prior plans with her best freind. The Good. She said since she could not go tonight that I would have to take her sometime later. (cha-Ching) It gets better, She calls me on my cell phone while me and my frineds are headed back and tells me she was about to go to bed and just wanted to say good night, (another big cha-ching...) Last but not least, The movie rocked. (Spiderman) All in all it was a good night, It sucked she didnt get to go but maybe it turned out better. Excuse me while I go and do my happy dance....
  9. Oh Im so nervous right now. Its scaring me to death too. If you could not guess what I am so nervous over, its a girl. Me and My frineds are going to the movies tonight and I want to invite this girl that I have been talking to, you know on like a little date. Reason I am so scared is I have never been this nervous over a girl. We have talked a while and I really really like here more then anyone I have ever talked to before. Im scared to even speak around her for fear of saying something stupid. In a little while Im going to ask her to go And I just want you guys to wish me luck if you could. I would also like to know how you guys handle this situation.
  10. [quote]The original plan of the al Queda was not to take down the buildings... but to simply crash the plane into the buildings... the buildings falling was simply the cause of poor structural planning on behalf of the people who built it. The fact they did fall however, was more icing on the cake for the al Queda. [/quote] Actually the building was built to withstand the energy of a 747 crashing into it becuase there where accounts of accidents in the past. These where 767's but it was still suppsed to beable to withstand it without toppling over, Main thing was all the fire heated up the support beams and caused floors to collapse, and one by one they fell on each other. If you have a block sitting on multiple collums with several other blocks between the bottom and top you get a very sollid structure. When you take those int between blocks away it cause the structure to loose just about all of its strength. So when the floors collapse under the thousands of degrees of temperature you get a structure that can only support about 1/4 of its weight. Like I said before theres little you could have did to prevent such an accident from happening. At the time it was built it was one of the strongest structures made. On the TLC program anatomy of the collapse it explains all of it. Theres very little you could do about what happend with the technology we have today. Sorry to get all off on that. Im planning on becoming a Civil Engineer. About the Bush thing. I was upset to find out that they lied to us. But in reality they hear alot of stuff we dont. This is just one of the big ones that we where not told about. I just think if we where givin some sort of heads up we could have prevented some of the lives lost.
  11. Amphion

    MIB II

    it looks good. I have not seen many previews though. I will probably go see it.
  12. I play, I just recently got into it,. I have been mainly playing with a Green and Blue Deck with loads of Flyers. I Actually beat my freinds who have played along time my thrid game because I barraged them with flyers each time and they did noth ave anything to defend against them with. It was quite funny. Mainly becuase they where ll talking smakc about how they would tear me up. I beat one of my freinds who was playing with a fire deck first then I beat the guy who was playing with a white deck. Ahh...thats was my day in the sun... Its a real fun game. Its perfect for us at school because we can play a game in about 1 period so in our free classess we have just enough time to have a good game.
  13. I remember when Linkin Park first came out, they where telling everyone that they would probalby be a one hit wonder and Look at them now. Another one is probalby Robby williams. Anyone remmeber that song Millenium?
  14. Ally McBeal. I cant stand that show. thats really all I can think off right now that I was totally appalled by when I laid eyes on it.
  15. Risk. We have had actual fights erupt at home over this game. Its funny how everyone is making a big deal of stuff like GTA3 when we have beat the crap out of each other over a game of risk.
  16. Im still embarressed about blowing up over this last time so I will keep my cool this time. I am American and I think we are too arrogant. We look at our selves as the leader of the world. We always go somewhere on peace keeping missions and get other troops involved. Now when we are attacked thats understandable, but for something that does not involve us, we should not get involved. Bush is by far not that best President we have had or will have. I do think he is handling our situatuion ok. Everytime we do one of this stupid peace missions it always seems to pull in trooops from many nations, They have nothing to do with it either. Those men are the ones dieing because American goverment pressures them into Keeping the Peace. We are not the world police. Side note, Isnt it funny how America always wages war on anything. What I am trying to say is, We have the war on Drugs, the war on Terrorism, ect. ect. why do we not have the War on Hunger, War on Homelessness? To me those are worse then the war on drugs.
  17. I just wanted to apologize for my previous post. Said somethigns I should not have and maid claims I had no evidence to. I was frustrated last night and embarressed when I woke up this morning and read what I wrote. My apologies.
  18. Get over it? Yeah we need to get over it. But we have to take precautions. humans have the ability to reason. If someone touches a wasp for the first time and it stings them, they will remember the next time they see that wasp that its is a danger to them. You dont just get over it and let it sting you many more times. Its just like the whole Israeli thing. They have been harrassed long enough, One thing is for sure when they started taking it to the palestinians instead of doing the PC thing, The bombings stopped. As soon as they started pulling out they started back. but thats anoher thing. James I am curious where do you live? I agrea with you that Bush has not done much but Im still glad it was him who won and not that imbecil, "I invented the internet" Al gore. Anyone who supports Clinton is showing everyone that they think its okay to cheat on your wife, Lie to everyone in the world and conduct unnapropriate "entertainment" when he should have been trying to make our country better. They also beleive in sending our young boys to die in foreign lands where they dont belong. Everyone who supports that kind of man sickens me. And aslo james how do you know what I know and dont know? If you really want to PM me some detailed, factuall info with resources on one thing clinton did for this country.Then I might beleive you. Yeah its bad that a 14 year old son cant see his parents. I was just stating that, as an american it makes me feel safer to know that my country is now actually looking at who comes into this country. As I said before FF I hope they let you in the country.
  19. 1) How many people have heard any J-Music? I have heard a little. 2) If yes, how much of it WASN'T from an anime? N/A 3) If you haven't heard J-Music, would you be interested in hearing some? Maybe 4) If yes, what genre would you like to hear? Rap and hip hop but I imagine that would be more funny that tight... 5) Do guys in drag and lots of makeup (who may or may not look Gothic) disgust you, facinate you, or you don't care what they wear as long as their music sounds good? goths no, Drag, disgust me. 6) Straight girls, gay/bi guys, and straight guys comfortable with their sexuality: Does this look sexy? No, and I am very comfortable with my straight sexuality. 7) Straight guys, gay/bi women, and women comfortable in their sexuality: Does this look sexy? Yeah shes cute, but almost looks to much like a kid. 8) If you listened to J-Music, what groups/singers did you enjoy the most? None 9) Does Japanese culture/music intrest you in the least? Culture yes, Music no 10) If no, why not? I have heard some japanese music, some is okay but none of it is really my type.
  20. Dont really have a team, I am just now getting into Basketball. I am usually A highlight real fan because I never get the time to watch a full game. Im not a big lakers fan though. I also love the NHL Playoffs, I have been faithfully watching them.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B] *Sighs* Name for me, if you will, the transitional states of matter, and how they change state. Back to topic: I'll admit freedom of speech is very important. [b]Hell, isn't this forum about expressing opinions.[/b] But doesn't anyone think we need to moderate things like Eminem's lyrics according to the audience? I don't like the way I'm sounding here. The worst thing about censorship is that it desensitizes people to violence. Censorship IS violence! [/B][/QUOTE] The stuff in bold was funny. This board is anythign from free speech, just look at the post called Fighting, that poor kind must feel horrible now after transtic nerve made an idiot out off him, which was very unprofessional. But I dont want to start anytrouble or anything, so back on topic. I know how it is, I feel sorry for the kids who do not have parents that care, Definetly little kids should not listen to PA cds but I thyink 16 year olds should have enough of an understadnig to realize that you dont just kill people. Censorship-No Restrictions-Yes. Im glad kids are no longer able to by Mature games and PA cds even though that keeps me from buying them as well, My parents know I understand so they get them for me. this is how it should work. When you sdtart getting into Censorhip you start to move from democracy to fascism.
  22. I beleive in them a little only because I have experienced a little bt of paranormal stuff myself but not alot. Some stuff is just stupid though.
  23. Sorry, no offense but I dont feel sorry for you. I am glad they are like that. We just had 8 to 10 people come over here on visas to go to school and the used it to learn to fly and take out two of the biggest buildings in america killing loads of innocent people. Age doesnt matter either, there are young 15 16 year old palestinian suicide bombers. I dont think they sould cut people from coming all together but I am glad they are very strict now. Thanks to the wacked Clinton administration just about anyone could walk over here when they felt like it. I doupt seriously you wont kill anyone so keep trying I am sure they are just trying to keep anything bad from happening, thats something yuo will just have to understand.
  24. Amphion


    I dont like them but they are neccesarry. My favorites are the Mellow Yellow Commercials on how to stay smooth. Man you can learn so much from them!!!;)
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Have you ever known somone who tripped on acid and tried to drive? I do. That promotes more chaos than anything. I have also known people who were high when they were driving, they crashed too. I don't see any peace in that.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] It was a joke, Most of the guys I know that do that mess, when they do they just sit on the couch and talk about how much time has passed when only like 5 minutes has passed. But maybe there different.
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