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Everything posted by Amphion

  1. I think Pearl Jam and Nirvana was big for the industry. Even though they where both not as much heavy metal but they paved the way for the good ol garage band headbangers...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] [color=red][b]But the problem is that ignorent little teenagers [i]don't[/i] think he's kidding. They think it's cool to talk about killing people because they are "b¡tches" and the such. Then they will grow up thinking that. Then they will end up killing someone.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Sadly enough, your right. As much as I beleive in that I still do not think banning or censoring anyone is the answer. If we take away free speech we take away the main building block off our nation.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] For starters, who said I was going to sue him? I'm only 13 for god's sake, I can't sue him, and I'm sure as hell not going to just to get money.... For seconders, a comment. If you don't like hearing people complain of being offended, you can start by ignoring THEM, just as you're telling people to ignore Eminem... [/b]THAT'S life... ;) [/b]Like I said before, I'm not going to sue, OR ban him.... I can see a fight brewing up here, amybe this topic should be closed. [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry, I did not mean for that to be totally directed at you, just speaking my mind about people who are like that. And yeah your right I should just ignore it.
  4. I love the X-Files. It started going downhill when the Ciggarett smoking man was takin out. Dogget (sp?) is okay and so is reyes but there no Mulder and Scully.Hate to see it go. I still have several tapes from the good ol days so I will be happy.
  5. Well Hitler really was not elected as much as you think he was. He had his little group that would later become known as the SS before he was put into office. He "eliminated" many people against him and that he saw as a threat to him. As for France trying to pull a hitler, wont happen. Main reason because we Americans see our self as the World Police and have to get in everyone elses business. No one stepped in and told us we were beeing bad when we where fighting for our independece,... but anyway. the US and British would beable to put a stop to anything they tried. The french dont have nearly the fighting force Germany had and the French have been known through history as poor fighters. It still makes me mad how some of the french treat americans after We saved their butts twice within 50 years...I hade a teacher that said the French could not fight their way out of a paper bag. Sorry Im not trying to be racist or anything but history proves there reputation as poor fighters...
  6. Amphion

    R&B music

    Usher is good and J-lo's remixes are awesome but for R&B thats about it.
  7. Yes downloading copyrighted material for free is illegal. Do I do it? Yeah. But I am talking mainly MP3's. And then I usually go out and get the cd anyway. Main thing I download is songs from artist that have like only one good song and is not worth paying 15 bucks for 1 song. Yeah its still wrong. I hate how Metallica blew everything out of proportion though. thats why I downloaded everything of theirs I could just to piss them off. Besides artist make plenty of money on concerts. enough that I could retire right now.
  8. Infinet wishes.... I would not waste my wish on world peace when you can accomplish that buy legalizing Marajuana in all parts of the world. Have you ever seen anyone stoned out of there mind robbin someone or raping someone. They can barely walk around with out seeing three of everything. And if it was a traditional genie or something granting my wish he probably would not be able to do the infinet wishes so I would ask for love. But he probably could not do that either so then I would just ask to be ruler of the world...:naughty:
  9. There are alot of stuff I like that is top brand and if I have the money I will buy it if I like it. But unlike others I also think Wal-Mart clothes are fine. Pac-Sun clothes are not too cheap but they are cool and I like them so I buy them. But as for Tommy and polo jeans thats were I draw the line. I held a Pair of Silver tabs up to a pair of polo. Exactly the same look, fibers and both made from the same stuff. Only difference was labels. Polo was about 80 bucks and the silver tabs was 45. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out which pair I bought. But I still see millions of people wearing polo. If you have the money to waste go for it. I dont enjoy wasting money so I make the smart economical choice.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]No matter how serious or non-serious his lyrcs are, they could still offend someone.... him, just by looking at him, offends my mum.... o.O;; [/B][/QUOTE] SO WHAT? I hate hearing people talking about getting offended. Someone calls you a nerd at school you get all up set go home tell your mom and they start trying to sue the school and all that crap. Getting offended is LIFE. You will be offend untill you die. The thing you do when you gety offend is ignore it. No country in this world tells you what to think or what to hear. SO JUST IGNORE IT. All these people who complain about it and try to sue over it are whiny cowards who just want to get rich of someone else instead of earning their money. Its easy to wright stuff you dont mean. I know me and my friends at school joke around and say stuff like if you do that I will kill you. We dont mean where gonna kill them do we? Well their still alive. And Vampire, if you said that you didnt mean it I would. People say things thaey dont mean all the time. Im sure you have been upset at someone and said something you didnt mean. Like I said before, if you dont like it, dont listen to him. No ione controls your brain. So ignore it and quit beeing a whiny B@$tard and trying to get him banned from the ones who do.
  11. Reading books that are required by your english teacher. I got a test on this one book Monday and I am on chapter 3. I dont think I will finish it. Time to go read the cliff notes...
  12. Are clothes a big deal at your school? Do you have to where all the High Dollar clothes like Tommy or polo to be in the "Popular" group? I was just wondering. At my school its pretty big. You go the Preppy polo wearing group, then you have the middle class who wear nice clothes but not the overpriced tommy stuff, then you have the people who wear the same stuff like three days in a row. I am middle. I could probably buy the polo stuff but I dont see the point. Your just getting ripped off when you can buy a t shirt just as good for about 40 bucks cheaper. I do spend alot on stuff like Jerseys, jackets, and pants. But I get most of my stuff at foot locker and pac sun.
  13. First of all anyone who says you cant call his music...music is saying that all hip hop and r&b is not music. most of you complained that his music was all about hate and then turn around and say you hate him and one person took it as far to say he needs to be shot. whats the logic behind that? As he has said many times, half the stuff he says he just makes up to make you made. Its quite funny to cause he has done just that. All of you said he is nothing and never will be anything are stupid. A person who is nothing doesnt sell millions of records and show his face a tv. As for being sued by his mother. If you knew the half of what his mother did to him you would not say that. [QUOTE]His lyrics are stupid drivel. No matter how non-serious they may be, they are retarded and useless. Not at all thought provoking, just there for "shock-value". And quite frankly, it isn't shocking, just dumb.[/QUOTE] I found this quite funny and stupid since it comes from someone calling himself "Wrist-Cutter" which is a subject mentioned several times in eminems lyrics. I said it before, I love his music and I respect what he does. He makes good use of his right to free speech. No I do not beleive we should kill people, rob liquor stores, do drugs, or stuff like that but his music is good so i will listen.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Blah... his "music" is far from anything good... so I'm sure any of his new "music" will be just as bad... [/B][/QUOTE] Obviously thats only the opinion of a very small amount of people. His records sales prove that his music does not suck. It may suck to you but not All around. I love his music, They are awesome plus hilarious. I love his sarcasm with some of todays issues like Parental Advisory's and censorship. I love his little bin laden dress up on his new video too. I own Both his cds and will soon own his 3rd one. Even if you do not like his music there is no way you can claim he is not a talented artist. I do not agrea with everything he does but I love how he exercises his right to free speech.
  15. Well so far so good. Today was great. I sat back and watch things unfold and followed the advice I was givin and everything turned out okay. So far everything has turned out good, but it really is not supposed to get good untill the middle of the week. I have to say that I have had one of the best days since....well can think of the last good day I had. Still do not know how credible the whole horoscope thing is but I think wether you beleive in them or not, there still full of good advice.
  16. Heres the deal. Im going to run an experiment. Anyone else who wants to try it can too. I have read my horoscope for this coming week. Im going to follow this week carefully and see what happens, at the end I will compare the things that happen over the week to what my horoscope says. As usual there hardly ever 100% correct but I am just curious to see how much comes true. My scope basically says, in short, Make sure that what you are shooting for is really what you want because you are likely to get it. Theres more to it then that but thats is the basics. This sounds like it will be very interesting to see what the results turn out to be.
  17. Im claustrophobic. I have this fear of like falling in a well head first and getting stuck. I also have this fear of death by a huge knife. Like on saving private ryan when that guy gets that huge knife driven right down in to his heart. Thats about the only two I can think off. Raven, you got a name for that knife one?
  18. I have not paid any attention to horoscopes for a while untill recently. I have recently started reading my daily horoscope and found out 2 things. My Horoscope profile matches me perfectly and, My daily horoscopes are somewhat are hitting right on target. Also it said that My sign and My x girlfreinds sign were incompatible. It turns out that we really liked each other but our relationship was not working out. Weird eh? Im a very skeptical person, Im not sure if I beleive in this horoscope thing yet or not. What do you guys think? If you have not tried it before just go to yahoo, and then go to the horoscope section and read about your sign some. This could all be a coinccidence (sp?) or just some wierd things going on, but I intend on finding out if horoscopes are True or just a bunch of crock. Give me your opinion on this please.
  19. My favorite Mythology by far is Egyptian. Roman and Greek is good too. But thats all I like. I have read a little Japanese Mythology on Dragons but that is all that draws my interest. I think Any Religion we have could be considered a Mythology in the future. Back then their Religion was as real to them as ours is today. the greater we advance in technology the greater amount of knowledge we gain. I would not be suprised if in the future say about 1000 years we do not grow in knowledge so much we start TRUELLY believing that we are the Gods ourself. Also, these so called religous wars are stupid. I wish people would no go into it like that whenever a post like this is posted unless its specifically for debate. People have a natural right of thought. They may beleive whatever they want. This is true in all countries, you can not police the mind (though some try). No matter what you think is right, it may not be someone elses idea of right.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B] bleh, I talked to my friend again, it turns out he used get right to download it, but it had lots and lots of alternate places to download. See getright downloads faster because it finds other places that have the same download, and downloads from them. So if you are downloading from 20 differant locations, all loading to the same file, naturally it would go faster. Besides, he told me he lied about the 56k :whoops: he has a 112k . . :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, I kinda got excited there for a minute. I thought their might be hope for my 56k dinosaur after all. Oh well. Ill just leave it connected over night downloading those huge programs f of Kazza.
  21. Some reason I do not think you can download a 100 mb in 1 hour on a Dail Up. It may be possible but I know for a fact that you cant even get the maximum 56 k connect spped no matter how good your line. Fastest every reached on a 56k modem by the Guys at TechTV (aka Computer Sages) was 42k, and that was only once. Even then you dont download no where near as fast as you connect. Also just cause it says you connect at 32k or whatever, it alway changes and usually drops well below what you connect at. I usually connect at 32k and get at max, 8 kb a second. I have never had a download accelerator help any either. It may add 1kb but thats it. If what you say is true please tell me where to get this software, I want to test it.
  22. It seems there is a pretty strong Steller-fan base here so I thought everyone would be interested in this. I stress that even if you are not into astronomy that much you still need to check this out, you may be dead before you ever see anything like it again. Well no further waiting here it is... [i][b]Exert from Astronomy Magazine(May)[/i][/b][i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get a good look at this May's Sky - you won't see anything like it for years to come. The bright planets are gathering for a brilliant show in the evening sky. April's lineup was impresiive, but this month you can capture several planets in the same binocular field. The next series of multiple-planet groupings won't take place until 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn will share a small patch of sky once again. However, even that conjuction will be less spectacular because Mars and Mercury will not be in the area. The bright planetary beacons Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter are garunteed attention grabbers this month. As luck would have it, Mercury simultaneously puts on its best evening show of the year - a performance wherein it's even brighter then orangy Mars. Saturn, Venus, and Mars form a tight triangle in binocular view from May 4 to 7. Watch how Saturn slumps below the climbing pair of Venus and Mars over the next week. Then the crescent moon adds to an already dazzling visual feast from May 13 to 16.[/i]
  23. Its better then anything in the world. The earth cannot offer anything better. Do not be afraid of getting hurt. Thats just part of life. I think everyone experiences loosing somone.
  24. hes okay but not that good. Why cant they have Bruce Willis week.
  25. No its not just you. I do not know about the rest but I always thought Quistis from the CGV at the begining of VIII look pretty good.
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