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Everything posted by Amphion

  1. Amphion


    1.)What is your favorite Godzilla Movie? Godzilla 2000 2.)What is your favorite quote? "Its Godzilla!.....(Mouth continues to move)" 3.)Have you seen Godzilla X Megagirius yet?No 4.)How long have you been a Godzilla fan? about 13 years 5.)What is your favorite kaiju out of the Godzilla movies? Mekka Godzilla, I think it is also referred to Space Godzilla. I love Godzilla but I do not know where to find the movies. Can you give me some website or soemthing? I have about 4 but those are just the ones you get at Wal-Mart, none of the good ones I have heard about. Godzilla 98 was a good movie, but not a good Godzilla Movie.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]I had absoultey no problem with this battle. I was like level 70. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] How the hell did you get that high in only 6 levels? You must have used something like a gameshark or something. Sephiroths thing with archers work well but I never liked using archers much. I think I had one in that battle. 1 knight, 1 archer, 1 Wizard, 1 Chemist, Ramza, Delita , maybe algus too can not remember. I sent my Archer with Delita (or Algus) up the Raised area and had Ramza and the Knight charge forward. I sent the Wizard and Chemist right behind them to Kee everyone healed. I used the wizard to attak the knights and other wizards. I took out other archers with my Archer. I by passed that one bad knight and went ahead an killed the wizard. Then me and my knight took out the bad night while my wizard and Archer took out the remaining wizard. It was hard the first time I played the level but after you figure out how to use the abilities to your advantage you can do pretty well. Never underestimate the enemy.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]Man, I haven't made these in a while. Some of the older members might remember I made these. On to the questions!! I'll make these short. 1. You're part of an invasion force and your commander is a total nutcase (aka trigger-happy) about war. Would you rather follow his orders and die or just run??? 2. Your in a room filled with hydrogen tanks and you hear one of the tanks leak. Would you try to find the leak and patch it up or would you light up a match (if you're a pyromaniac that is) 3. What's worse: an all-out assualt by the Gundams or the Valkyrie series from Macross/Robotech??? 4. If you want to get rid the worlds from all the dictators, who would you get rid off first and why?? 5. What's worse: being persistent or being arrogant??? 6. Another what's worse question :rolleyes: and it's my last one. So what's worse: getting nuked or getting firebombed?? Yea, I'm a little crazed about dying today. :demon: I think this is the death version of the Choice and Opinion Survey.....LOL [/B][/QUOTE] 1. Well if he knows what hes doing follow orders, if he is an incompetent fool, I would not run, but I would yake matters into my own hand. 2. Neither both are stupid. 3.Gundams 4. Saddam Hussein 5.Arrogant 6. Nuke, if you dont die in the initial blast you get your body ripped to shreds in the shock wave, if you survive that you are infected with high level of radiation so you will become deform and live a little longer but it will all be paainfull.
  4. Is it? I was wondering, I saw several previews for it and ti looks cool. I was thinking about getting the dvd. I dont want to waste my money so your comments are welcomed.
  5. Okay, I guess my thoery is off, way off. I think I figured out what i was shooting for in the previous post.
  6. hmm....okay I think I am understanding you now. So your theory is this way. that initial feeling is lust but it grows to love very quickly, Its almost Love at first site, but once they start talking and getting to know each other they actually styart to fall in the deep mature love stuff. AM I understanding right?
  7. I agrea with july. Every episode is the same pretty much. Only time I watched it was when I got an email pointing out all these things that scooby doo had to do with pot, so 'I had to see f they where right and they were. (notice the smokealwasy coming out of the van, talking dogs, scooby snacks, and the hippi van.)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]Well, I would say Libra since it did take out an island. [/B][/QUOTE] Nods in agreement....
  9. Well I had problems with them too, this is how I beat them. I like time mages many people dont but if you use them right there awesome. If you have one, cast thingsl ikem ute or slow on them then take them down slowly with an archer. or Just have your characters rush the mages. This is a wild and dangerous tactic but it works for me if you do it tright. most of the time you get lucky and they will hit some of their own guys with their attacks. If you hit them in the back with your main character, in the early stages, you can drop them with one blow. or You can fight wizard to wizard but the previous tactic work best for me.
  10. Yeah my parents about had two cows each in my bedromm floor the day they saw me watching mine. I told my parents that I was old enough to understand what I am seeing and know the difference between movies and life. they said, okay. I also play mature games and I am fine. Somehow I dont have the mysterious violent urges to kill inmnocent people like the media says I should have.....interesting....
  11. Oh my gosh! (drops to knees and starts thanking the lord) Now all I have do do is talk my parents into getting Direct TV.
  12. Well you too are right to a point but I do beleive, and its my opinion, that knowing someone is the person you want to be with the minute you see them is possible. My dad for one said even though he dated other people he still knew that he wanted her to be his wife. My mom did not date much but she said she always knew deep down that she would marry him. Now this could be a communistic lie bu i dont think people would just make something like that up to tell their son. I have also heard stories from othe rpeople that were similar to that. Once again, you cant base everything on that but its good enough, I think, to prove that it is possible.
  13. Well like I said, mine is only a theory, a half baked one at that. Thats an interesting point you bring up too. Perhaps its different for people, perhaps it just depends on certain things. Some times you dont realize how much you love someone untill they are gone. I cant say that theres one true theory of how its done because I have herd different things from many people. I have heard alot of love at first site things (if you want to call it that, I like the term, "Predestined Soulmate") But I know of several cases locally of what your talking about. Okay what about this, Some people just realize there love for the other quicker. For some people it may take longer to realize how much you love someone. Some poepl know it when they see them others have to gain it with time. I kinda like this theory better cause it gives me a chance to fix things in my own personal life. I hope no one spontaneusly combusts trying to comprehend this, please dont have a reletive sue me if you do.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]It's stared out. It's not profane. It's like being bleeped out. it would be profane if i didn't star it out.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well even when things are edited most of the time you still know what there sayign and meaning so whats the big point of it anyway?
  15. As you probably have learned by now, I think way too much. With that out of the way I will state my .....er.....statement. How does someone find that special person they will spend the rest of their life with? I think everyone thinks about this alot not jyst people like me who think to much. I do not think we know exactly what goes on, but its a free country (well for those in the US) so we are able to thoerize. It kind of sucks when you meet that special someone that you just love so much you want to go get married right away, except you can not get passed the fact that, THEY DONT LIKE YOU. Or what about the person you dumped or treated poorly then it turns out you liked them more then you thought or wanted them back and couldnt get them back. What if you just messed up your future? You could have married her in the future and lived happily if you would not have said something stupid or messed up in some other way. It kinda gets you scared to even open your mouth around someone being afraid of messing things up. My theory is, when you meet the person your going to marry in the future, you just now it. You can just feel it. No I am not married and have not flet this feeling yet, but I am basing this on what I have gathered from many married people. I beleive that your wife is walking around somewhere now or doing something. You dont know who it is yet but shes there and soon you will meet. And when you meet you will just know its right and that thats her and he is him. So if I am correct, you could sit around your house and never date anyone nd still eventually get married to the girl of your dreams. (or guy for you ladies out there) But theres always the thought of, what if like time travel and the future, each decision you make changes your future. What if you do (a) and end up with (b) or you choose to do (b) and end up with (a)?You will still know your spous when you meet them but it will be changing untill it actually happens. I find this not as rational as the previous because I think about when and how it is decided when you meet your wife. So if its always changing how does it decide when you meet the current one your at? Are you following? You probably got lost. thats pretty much it, I could elaborate further and further but you guys are probably already asleep or somwething. Sorry if this bores you, maybe you will be intersted in it. Like I said before, I think too much.
  16. Cool, I have always liked that episode too.
  17. Oh yeah, let me pull out one of these many 50 grand bills and go buy one. Untill they get to where they can do whatever I say for them to do I will not pay a dime for one.
  18. Flash has a good point. If I said fooglesnacking yukker! And ment it in a bad way, and lots of people starting using it what keeps that from beeing a bad word? If people would not classify words as bad you would not have a problem. If someone did not lay down the law that certain words were bad, no one would be offended if I said Oh S**T, cause to the world it would be just a regular word, right? And that was a good point about the middle finger. How did that get so bad. It went from showing they could shoot a bow, to meaning for someone to go to hell, to F-U. How does it do that? It shows the these things are man made, and that we just do this to our selves. If we didnt do things like classify words as "BAD" would we not be better off? True you could still hurt people with them, but I mean as for saying Oh my f'n toe when you hit your toe on something. Okay I am getting lost in my head thinking about htis again so I will go ahead and end this post now.
  19. I never really have regretted saying a comeback to someone or anything but I did regret not saying something, and that was telling someone how I really felt about them. Now its too late and I doupt I will ever get the chance again. And thats something I dwell on everyday. [b] Anna! Check your PM's tell me if I answered your challenge correctly. Thanks[/b]
  20. Well I have to get back to my anime roots. I have went to long without buying a new DVD. Sounds like Ghost in the Shell will be a good one to start my buying frenzy again. Last thing I bought was the fisrt DVD of Eva Series. Think I will go get it and ninja Scroll.
  21. TN Brings up an interesting point. I think I am going to agree with you. Thats pretty much how I feel. But what If someone tells you that the word is offending to them. To them it is considered a curse word. Is it different for everyone? I dont think there should be a universal standard for this like our rating systems have. I don't have a problem with curse words but I am the old fashioned type and I think its highly inapropriate to say these things around women. Well I do not have a problem with it to a point, some things I can not tolerate like the N word or fa**ot used on someone of a cetain beleif or race. To me your no longer cursing your just being racist witch I think is a higher crime above cursing. If you consider cursing wrong. I have a religous background and I study the bible sometimes trying to decide for myself what is right and what is wrong. I dont just sit back and go with what the preacher says, I am going to make sure what he is saying is right. Anyway I think its very hypocritical and do not real understand why that alot of people say every word under the sun from D*** to F*** but they get very mad and angry when someone says GD. I understand where there coming from but It does not make since. In our society we dont rate GD as bad as say the f word.
  22. I pretty sure it does. I beleive its in the new testement. But I do not really want to turn this into a religous thing. I just wanted to see what Everyone thought. Cause most of the time people dont think about these things, they just go with it cause its what they have been tought for so long.
  23. Man thats some great work. I really enjoyed them. You need to do some more. BTW* what program did you use to make them, I ant to try it out.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]Aw c'mon. I'm sorta newbie, and i've read the rules and I think people are getting banned and threads are being shut here TOO easy!! just few carelessly chosen words and you're outta here:mad: Well, rules are rules...but don't mock us newbies, I'm quite old and i know how to behave myself:smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] Your right rules are rules. I think the moderators do a good job. I wish there was a way they could just delete the whole post so we dont have to look at the trash. But none the less they are doing a good job filtering out the mess.
  25. First off all, I know there are younger members here at the boards so I would like every to refrain from using actual curse words. I gues I just think to much, but I have been wondering lately. What actually makes a word bad? We constatly here, "Don't say S***. Thats bad!" HOw is it bad? Most of the morales of no cussing comes from a religous back ground. And if you notice that even a few of our curse words are in fact, spoken in the bible. Religous people read in the bible it says to not curse, but it does not say what a curse word is. I think the main thing is the meaning. Not the word but the meaning. If i am wrong, why is it okay to use the word A** when refering to a donkey but not when your refering to yours or someelses butt? Another thing is, who decides what a curse word is? Do they hire some guy to look at all the words in the english dictionary and decide what he thinks is bad? Just about every curse word we have comes from a word with an original meaning that is not bad. So once again, I say its the meaning not the wiord itself. If my theory about the meaning and not the word is correct, Should it not be just as bad if you said OH S***! as it would to say OH Poo!. As wierd as this seems, is it not the same meaning? Are you not saying the exactly same thing any way? I also heard a Religous girl the other day tell me she doesnt say cusre words, because the bible says its wrong, but she only quotes them from other people. (like if she is telling someone what someone else said. )She also says Dang, crap and other minor things like that. But like I said before, whats the difference. Its okay to say I bought me three A**'s the other day at the farm. But its wrong to use it the other way. So evidently its not the word, its the meaning. So is it not like this, people who think cursing is wrong but say things like oh crap, and Ill kick your butt are still cursing? I apologize for the long post. I hope I have not confused anyone either. I also hope this doesnt get closed for the subject matter, I am real serious about this and I think we can have a mature conversation about it. Please post your comments. p.s. I am not trying to put down anyone that thinks cursing is wrong nor do I endorse it. I just think to much really.
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