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Everything posted by Amphion
That was a good poem, just please dont carry any of those actions out.
Anime Which Is your favorite gundam series?
Amphion replied to phoenixflames's topic in Otaku Central
08th Team has been my favorite so far. Im still watching 0083 and I am about to get all the episodes of X on VCDs.Next seies I want to see is mobileg fighter. -
Main thing is. Parents need to understand their kids. As long as someone is mature engouh, I do not see a problem with it and their should not be. But we all know that many 17 year olds are not mature enough to be watching R rated movies too. Someone asked me before, if I would let my son watch it when he was a teenager. I told them, If I thought he was mature enough, yes. That mostly depends on how kids are tought too. Me and my friend went to the mall tuesday, he wanted to buy max pain. I told him he probably could not since we were not seventeen yet. He tried anyway and the store clerk told him he couldn't. Well we went and got his mom to come up there to purchase it. The clerk when into all details explaining the game to her about the mature stuff in it. (of course he did a real good job of making it look worse then it actually is, because I have thwe game I know.) She did not want him to buy it. I know that this makes alot of kids angry but this was a good thing. We all get mad at the stores for doing this but you have to remember the kids who (a) have bad parents, or (b) have ways of sneaking around an getting things behind their backs. Then he wantwed to come over and play it. I have known my frined for several years and I dont doupt one second that he was to imature to handle a game like that, but his mom just didnt like the content of the game. Even if the store clerk would have let him buy it. He knows that his mom doesnt like that stuff. I know for a fact she would have seen him playing it and got really mad and took it from him. This is how you parent. You dont go fire the clerk, you do your job. Sorry for this long example, but i thought it would be good to share it.
Well I just recently fell in love with 3d Animation. Its kinda frustrating too, because I have some many ideas I want to use but I am trying to learn the software and its holding me back. Another passion is modeling (no not that kind). I could sit for hours working on a model, go to sleep, get u early, and work for hours again. Some people think it is boring and ask how I can stand to sit and cut, glue, and paint for hours and hours each day. For me its fun, working on a model for 30 hours to finally complete it and set it up on the shelf next to the other masterpeices just gives me that fuzzy feeling inside. Last one, Telling Stories. Although my methods are different. I like to tell stories with objects. I have wonderfull stories in my head but I can never transfer them to paper right. Thats why I like 3d Animation, it lets me bring my story from my head to the real world quickly. Thats another reason for modelling, each model I paint I give it special detail, detail that if you look at it it tells you about its past. What it did before it came to its final resting place on the shelf.
I think its safe to say that the outlook guys have on cheerleeding is totally different from what girls have.
Chris Tucker all the way. If you here him on DefJams, you better be laying in the floor, cause you will fall over laughing. I also like Stephen Lynch. IF you dont know who he is, go downlaod some of his music. Thats the only place you can find it.
I like the one were they reck the jeep and everyone gets up with different car parts sticking in there head. Then Sid says, "Interesting." I knew about the chocobo on Aki's night dress but I had no idea about the one running behind the jeep. [b](Puts FF DVD in DVD Player and starts watching it again.)[/b]
Yes, I agrea with you Merchent. I will turn 17 later this year. I think its 17 that you have to be to purchase and watch R rated material. Right now, I f I buy it I still have to get a parent to buy it for me. Witch I agrea with the system but it has a few problems. We need to have like a little card or something we can get from a parent that tells the store clerks we are allowed to buy it. But thats beside the point. Back on subject, I have a little cousin who is almost 10. He loves anime and when he comes over we watch some anime DVD's I have but he knows that certain anime dvd's I have are off limits. I told him when I thought he was mature enough I would show them to him. (Cause you know Vampire Hunter D and others too, are some of the best out there). I still like the main fact off they are more like what most people consider, A real movie. I still like other animes like Gundam and Esceflowne. But these animes are also really aimed at teenagers. That is untill they pass through the american meat grinders(editors). Some I just cant watch cause they seem too childish. Not to hurt anyones feelings with this but some of those are like: Pokemon and Dragonball. Well I guess I will shut up now although you probably fell asleep reading this a couple of lines up.
Step 1: Go to yahoo (or other search engine) Step 2: Type in, Gundam Step 3: Click on a web page that shows up. Step 4: Read, read, Read, and Read. If you dont get good enough results with Gundam try these: Mobile suit Gundam and Gundam Wing.
Eva, Escaflowne, Trigun, and Bebop. Vampire Hunter D would be nice too.
I was just wondering, How many of you watch the Adult Anime (the real adult kind not this crap they say is for adults on adult swim) like Akira and Vampire Hunter D. True some may think these and others are not that bad, but the viloence and topics is nothing a kid should be seeing. I am not quite old enough to be classified as an adult but I watch them. When I mean Adult Anime, I mean stuff that would and some is, rated R. So, yes, there is nothing wrong with someone under the age of 17 watching it but Im not sure where it should stop. I guess Ill go ahead and try to make this make sense. Do you watch it? If your under 18 are you allowed to watch it? Also I like the feel of the Anime's cause it puts off the feeling of, "Hey, this is no cartoon!" These questions are nothign important, I was just wondering how big the fan base was for Mature anime. Please, post your comments on anything related.
My bad, I didnt think of those who dont have it. Theres an egg on the DVD that lets you watch a remake of Micheal Jacksons Thriller with the cast of FF. You really need to see it. They have the moves done great.
I think a few of you touched on this, but I think the most attractive thing about Astronomy and outer space in general is the fact that we know very little about it. With out knowing much, like in the old, old days, we are able to let our imaginations go and theorize our selves about what its like and what it contains. most of the things you here about space are only theory in the first place. You can gaze up and wonder if someone is gazing back wondeirng the same thing you are. Im pretty sure one day we will harness the power to explore the universe but it want be in our life time. We have a long ways to go. Think about it, We are not even close to reaching lightspeed, traveling to the nearest galaxy or star still takes like a 1000 light years. I think our genereations will be the ones to take the initial steps, but we will never see it ourselves.
I dont knoow if the thriller is really an egg since its not hard to find at all. (For those of you who dont know, Second cd, got to the second page, down at the bottom select the frame that shows the cast dancing) Anyway, Is it me or was this not pretty funny. I loved it. I thought the jokes and outtakes was pretty good too. Didnt think Sid was gonna beable to break it down like that. :)
Is anyone here interested in Astronomy or Cosmology? I love it. I could read for hours about Black Wholes, Dark Matter, Pulsars, ect. ect.
Yeah, I usually watch it. Even though its cut I still watch it mainly just to see anime. Something else I dont understand is how they rate it TV14 (in the US dont know how it is else where) but then say on the warning, that its for adults over the age of 18. If it has material that is "Mature" should it not get a TV MA rating like South Park? Oh well, guess it does not really matter.
Anime My opinion on the Bandai gundam games
Amphion replied to _Shiro Amada_'s topic in Otaku Central
I like all of them. True some may not be that great but there is just something about seeing them and interacting with a mobile suit that just drives me crazy. I love it. -
I never tried winning it but Im glad i did not now that i know you could not have used it. The sword looks sweet but I would not take it into battle. Two shorter katana's would do more damage in the right hands.
It looks great. I am kinda disappointed to here that the endning sucks though. I think I will wait 'till it comes out on DVD.
I think your right. I am just a little partial to 08th Team.
I love the Gouf, especially the flight model that you see very little of. I think they all look great but as for the best fightihng capabilities I would say the Custom Gouf in 08th Team.
funny I was just now about to post about the same thing. I also wanted to mention the fact of the name changes and Cartoon Network having to make sure it is Politically correct. I was looking forward to it untill I read the part about the changes. True they nmay not seem that big but who knows they could change more. It doesnt matter how big the changes are i just dont like it when they make stuff PC. Its about as stupid as a gender freindly bible. About 5 years from now you want be able to have a show that mentions anything towards anykind of religious beleif, specifies a gender, or is in any way a negetive thought, picture, or word. May not beleive me but look at history. look how we are progressing over time. Each year we get more and more PC. God forbid someone gets their feelings hurt. It must be the end of the world when I get called stupid. Maybe Ill start sueing every name caller i can find.......Sorry got carried away there. Im through with my preaching now. (woops preaching is a rleigious term better edit that out, I might offend an atheist.) (Sorry bout my harping on the subject I was mainly trying to point out how stupid it all is. Of course I could be blowing it out of proportion.) What do you guys think?
Those are good reply's all of you. After reading What Babygirl and James said I have come to agrea with what they said. Like what was said about welfare, it is very messed up in the US. On MTV the showed a rapper (ODB) who in no way needs welfare ( he makes millions) goiing to the welfare office and cashing his welfare check that he still gets. If thats not messed up then what is? I have also heard veterans say things about their country not owing them anything and they if they really need help they would get it. I guess for me its one of those things that you feel very strongly about both sides of the issue.
I have been thinking about this lately and it doesnt make sense, yet, it does. I was in Atlanta the other day driving through, and I see many, many people sitting out under the bridges. Their only possessions are the close they have on, and if their lucky a Milk Crate to it on. After seeing this I thought more and more. Why are these people like this? US can spend billions of dollars feeding other people of the world ( wich many are our enemies ) but we cant do anything about our own starving people. This is absurd and is basically a slap in the face to these people from their own country. Many of them also have fought in Vietnam for their country when they should not have been their anyway. The homeless starving people in atlanta are not the only problem. Theirs homeless starving people all across america and yet we can not help them as much as we can because we have to help other countries first. Im not trying to seem selfish here and helping other countries is good. But you have to fix yourself first. These politicians only care about what the world thinks of america. It just breaks their heart if another country disapproves of us. We also eem to have to be better then everyone else. All the while we have are own america blood laying on our streets. It disgusts me. This is my opinion. You may criticise it all you want for it will not bother me. What do you all think about this?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Just to clear a little something up for those asking questions, I personally don't think that African Americans are stereotyped; [i]just under represented in the rpg genre. [/i] I was just posing a question based on complaints that I've read, lol, I don't think that there's anythng wrong with Barret. [/B][/QUOTE] So gaming companies are now under the obligation to make at least one of their hero's black to make sure African Americans dont feel left out? I am not a racist and I hate people who are, but personally I think that is stupid. I am thinking of going into the gaming industry myself and I dont feel that I should have to include a balck hero in my game just please the african american crowd. When someone makes a game they write a story first. They dream up the story in their head and its want they want it to be about. they have the right to make their story however they want it to be. When I start making games I dont want my imagination to be regulated just cause someone may feel left out. I have nothing wrong with a black character, I might even have one in a story of mine. but it should be there cause thats what the writer had in mind not just because a certain minority is under represented. I dont mean what I have said in an offending way. I am just stating my opinion on the subject.