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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]And a republic is better than a true democracy, in certain respects. Think about how many idiots live in America today. Would you really want them voting on issues of national security and such? I hope not. Of course, there always the idiots in Congress voting on them to make up for the rest of the idiots. Oh well... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly. Im disgusted with how all these BIg business's are acting. Come on, most of these guys are already filthy rich. It sickens me to see how much greed they are filled with. We have people dieing on the streets becuase they dont have a home or job, and these business men are sitting up in there mansions trying to figure out ways they can increase their bank acount. They need to be figuring out how they can give back to the community or something. If iot wasnt for us everyday normal average citizens, they would not be filthy rich. GREEDY B*****! On a second note, I think we should all be researching more cost efficeint(sp?) and more enviroment freindly fuels. BUt we also rely way to much on other countries for our oil. There is plently of places we can get oil form in america and offshore. California wonders why they have power problems, but everytime they try to build a power plant some activists stop them cause they are building it on some animals home. Dont get me wrong, im not saying that we should not care about endangered animals, but some people take it way to far. I know this isn ot the cause all the time, but it does happen alot. Main problems is, people want things that are good for the enviroment. They want things that can help preserve our earth and they dont want things that destroy it. But when you ask them to spend money, or get of their butts and do something about it, they immediatly change thier mind. I know where I live people constantly complain about education. When or governer introduces a tax bill that would raise property takes by 1% for the purpose of funding schools, everyone got upset and and would not pass the bill. The governor tried several other things. Nothing passed. The people here want it to change, but they dont want to have to pay for. they expect the goverment to just go use that million dollars they have sitting around somewhere. They are still sitting her wondering why our education spending is so low. Once again, i do not want to generalize everyone under this but there is a majority of people like this.
Sweet, thanks for posting the info.
Well if you have seen GW, Its pretty much the same concept as the ZERO System. Its just the same concept though, there are several differences in it all together. So if you understood the ZERO system, it should help you grasp the Psycomm, since its basically the same concept.
I have already been on "Vacation". We went to Seattle and Some town up in Canada. You can tell that the town in Canada was not very exciting seeing that I dont even remember the name. It was cool though. In Seattle, at the hotel we stayed at, the guy who played Jesse in "The Fast and the Furious" was staying there too. I got to talk to him and all so I would say that was the highlight. Me and my freind got a picture with him, so if I ever decide to reveal what I look like here, I will show you. Im heading to Pensacola Beach this weekend so I will not be on the boards for a couple of days. Me and my dad travel around to different airshows during the year, but due to some stuff that has come up this is only the second one I will have attended this year. But the Blue Angels are performing so I cant miss it. By the way if anyone is around Pensacola let me know, we might can meet up or something. Just for the fun of it. And no, I wont kill you.
Its in no way the fathers fault. Yes, he might have said the wrong things or was a little too harsh, But he wanted the best for his son. And to see your son sit and do nothing and not succeed in life hurts a father. It makes the father feel as though he has failed. He did whatever he could think of that might put some good into his kid's head. The kid is just a weak minded coward. I hope he is in jail untill he dies.
Yeah I know. I have a problem with patience...:) Really, I just wanted the real deal. I cant stand this edited dub crap they send over here. Some stuff is not that bad but some is. They have already changed the names of several of the Gundams to make them Politicaly Correct. Im getting the whole series on DVd for 60 bucks from a guy I know. And its legit too, its not bootleg or anything.
WHAT? Me a feddie? I am insulted....j/k But really, what made you think that? I must fix it fast. Yeah your right it does raise alot of questions. Some one posted earlier about a new Gundam series that would be a continuation or something after endless waltz. This is just a rumor as of the time being. I would rather see something else, like maybe more indepth with the Formula 91 series, but this is more likely due to the large succes of Gundam Wing in North America. GW was good, but its not the best of the series so I would be a little disapointed if they chose the Endless Waltz deal. I really enjoyed how they went back and did the 08th MS Team set back during the "One Year War". So i think it would be cool to see something like that but from a Zeon point of view. Either way I will do everything I can to get a hold of the series. The good and the bad, if its Gundam, I love it. [b]-EDIT-[/b] Oh, I see what your talking about now. For some reason I was thinking you where talking about AmpGFX. I found that drawing at a website and thought it was pretty cool. I could not find one for Zeon so I just used it. I thought the concept was cool. Since I could not find one for the Zeon, perhaps I will do one myself...
I dont really have much interest in the movies that are out right now. I saw MIB II but it was no where near as good as the first one. Im just sitting back and waiting for the Matrix II and T3.
18 is not realy that big in the States. Yeah your legally an adult, but thats about it. At age 17 you can get into R rated movies and by PA cd's. But theres no much at all that comes along with being 18 here.
Yeah, I read it a couple of days ago on Gundam Plus. Im a big Gundam fan so I can not wait. I still have a couple of series to see though before I can say I have seen them all. It will probably be 2 to 4 years before we ever see it, if we see it at all. I guess you can always get those region free subbed DVDs.
I know what your talking about. I turned on my tv today and I saw a house float by. I feel really bad for all those people. They have lost everything. I hope it will end soon so they can start rebuilding their lives. Terrible...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I don't yell at the game.... I throw numerous stuffed toys at the tv/console! [/B][/QUOTE] I should start doing that. At least that way nothing gets broke.
Mine sucked. Well not completely but heres the deal. It started off by getting up around 12:30 (yeah Im lazy). We cooked some stuff on the grill. Ate lunch. We then went to the movies to see MIB II. So far so good. We get back and I drive over to my friends house where she is having a big 4th of July party and shooting fireworks. I have a blast there. Then I get home and walk through my door and my parents inform me that our dog was run over, again, and this time he was killed and is buried in the back now. My dad is not taking it well at all because he was really attached to him, he was liek family to him. I used to get mad when he barked at 2 am in the moring right below my window, now I wish he was. But oh well, everyone dies at some point, theres no use in getting to down about it. Well that was my 4th. I thik I will go to bed now.
I have heard of this happening on more then one occasion. One, for example, this women left her 8 month old baby in the car for 6 hours why she went into acasino and gambled. Obviously the baby died. But this is happening more then you think. I am also sick with the people who are dumping their newborns into dumpsters and stuff. These people should be shot on the spot. But really thats to quick and painless. I say stick a water hose in their mouth and turn the water on full blast until their stomachs explode.
Dang Ray, it looks like we got ourselves another "Real" gundam fan. Your all over these questions. Yeah Ray is right. And hopefully I will be getting my subbed G Fighter DVD series in the next week or two. :)
If you could be eneyone on Otaku Boards, who would you be?
Amphion replied to anime goddess's topic in General Discussion
Sephiroth. I have never really talked to the guy, but something about the way he is just makes me respect him. If I had to choose a girl it would be Anna, then I would have the awesomest (sorry is that a word?) eye brows in the world. :) -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B]Nah, I don't really yell at games... I get angry occasionaly, but I keep telling myself there's no point to get angry at a game. After all, they [i]are[/i] just games... [/B][/QUOTE] I tried that the other day, but then I blew myself up on Halo and the covenants laughed at me. So that whole concept went down the drain. (After that I enjoyed sticking plasma grenades to their heads :) ) Like I said the one I yelled at the most was Blitz but some others that cause alot of frustration are: Wreckless Madden 2002 That old Nasa Space Shuttle game for NES, (Me and my brother could never get the dang thing to launch.) Half Life Im not saying these games are not good, but there are some moments where they make you want to pull your hair out.
Well, I never knew one existed untill now. But this is definetly a must have for a serious Gundam fan like myself, I will be locating a copy so Ill let you know when I find one.
Yeah, when me and my freinds are playing fighting games, it gets real loud. We are all yelling at our characters to quit getting beat up and fight...lol And iof you play Wreckless, you will be yelling on a couple of levels... Oh, and one time I almost shattered glass with my loud yell. My cousin thought it would be cool to Use some gameshark codes on my FFVII save file....Yep, I was hoarse(sp?) for a week. Sere, I know far to well about the Tomb Raider thing...lol
I read all of it....yeah, I had some free time. I thought it was funny, as in the funny because alot of its true. Well at least in my experience it is.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]I don't really yell so much as I do make fun of it, lol. I'm really just making fun of myself cause I'm controlling it, but I just make fun of the character for doing the stupid things I do. It's like blaming your dog when you pass gas, lol.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Lol, I find myself doing that sometimes too. Special if I am playing anytype of platformer. It is alwasy the characters fault if he missess the jump...:laugh:
Well, I still get asked to quiten down. I am more worried about trying to remember to not throw my Controller. Especially my X-Box one, 40 bucks to replace it. I think it helps though, you got to vent that anger, or else it just builds up inside and impairs your judgement.
Yeah, I preordered a GBa back when they came out. Got it and played with it for a couple of months, got tired of it and sold it. Now I am really kicking my self in the butt for doing it. All these awesome RPGs are out for it now, and many more fine games are on the way. I still can not beleive I sold it. Go ahead and slap me if you feel the need. I deserve it. Anyway, to bring this topic to some sort of point, I am about to purchase another one and I was wanting your opinion. I am buying the GBA and a Game when I go and get it this weekend. I can not figure out what game to get. I am trying to decide between the following: Golden Sun Ogre Tactics Breath of Fire They all look good, but I am not sure which one is better. I know most of you have played most of the ones I listed so i thought I would ask for your opinion.
Hell yeah! That was a real man there, spinning the car around and not even spilling a bit of his drink... I enjoyed it. It was not a great ground breaking movie but it was pretty funny. I thought there was a couple of shots at white peopel that could have been avoided. And yes, She Devil was hot...And the mayonaise thing, that was funny.