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Everything posted by Amphion
My anti-anime video store up the street finally got a copy of JTJ in so I immediatly swept it up. I was eager to play it and after seeing the awesome CG video at the begining was even more excited. I was quickly brought to disappointment. As soon as I started trying to conmtrol my Gundam I asked my self what were they smoking when they came up with the controls for this game. I have hardly ever seen control this bad. Usually control doesnt really bother me that much, but it made the game almost to hard to play on the count of the control alone. This may be after the fact that I have been playing ZF for about a month now, which fixed all those horrible control problems. I also thought the Missions where very lacking. Its an okay game but nothing I would buy. I would only buy it if your a hardcore Gundam fan. Just get ZF untill the new ZvsF game comes out. What did you guys think of the game? And are there any special features that are worth it?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SiOn_BaRzAhD [/i] [B]notsuma gave me new information that could answer some questions. they dont have the gundams,and there arent any enemies.they are just going through everyday life,he says. :devil: [/B][/QUOTE] Well someone is gonna loose there job over this one. Why the hell would anyone watch that? What is Gundam...WITH NO GUNDAMS. Please someone help the poor brain that thought this up, they obviously need it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Much better, Amphion. :) I think that once we start to recognize that (in this situation) both sides are at fault...then and only then can we start talking about how to find a solution. Clearly, it's going to take some huge and courageous compromise on both sides to achieve something useful here.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks James. I am sorry, sometimes I get too angry over someone having a dfifferent opinion, then I end up saying stupid things. I am getting better about it though. What do you guys think about creating a Palestinian state? Do you think that would stop this nonsense?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] If you wanna bring up that point, I can just as easily bring up the fact that rap encourages violence in the weak minded children and thus should not be allowed. It's obvious this "rap music" has encouraged Fly-T to want to shoot someone. Comments like that are NOT acceptable.... thats the end of the line. [/B][/QUOTE] Your right it may have an effect on "WEAK MINDED" children with no parents what so ever. But does that justify censorhip? There are people who throw their food up after eating because they want to be skinny like the popular kids. So we should not allow people to be skinny either? So that they want have the idea of throwing there food up and harming themselves? Yes that sounds stupid. But if rap music should not be allowed because of what you said. Then skinny people should not be allowed either. Cause its the exact same principals we are talking about. Yes little kids should not listen to it. But thats a decision a parent or legal gaudrian should make. Dont blame the media, the real fault lies in parents who do watch what their kids do. People usually bring up the point of kids who dont have good parents. Yes thats bad. But putting all these restrictions on the media does nothing to help this. We can bann everything but that will not create better parents. We need to put our efforts on the parents. Where the problem is. You dont kill the termites by burning up ant beds. I would also like to apologize for that comment about shooting him. That IS really something you should not play around with. When I posted the other night I was having personal problems at home and I was pissed. I know that does not justify ones actions, but I hope it helps you to understand.
Hey, Im sorry but it seems as though I may have come across as trying to say that innocent peoples deaths are okay in some situations. I did NOT mean that and I want to clear that up. All I meant was that it happens in war sometimes. It shouldnt but does. American Soldiers did it and so have Japanese, Germans, Israeli, and more. But as we say about a specific race or religion, one person does not reflect the views of the whole. I just think that if the palestinians would stop the suicide bombings, Israel would be willing to negotiate with them. But then also, if Israel would back out of Pal. territory they would be willing to negotiate. But if one side is not willing to do that, all that will result is a continuation of this war. I am still for the creation of a Palestinian state. Every race of people deserves a land they can call their own. And Delian I apologize to you. I think we both misunderstood each others posts.
Thank You Justin. You point out some good things. Maybe you can bring this topic back to order. I hope I did not seem like I was trying to justify the killing of the kid. Im just trying to say theres no proof of Israel massecreing people. Like you said, yes I do beleive some things happen like that. In WWII mad america soldiers who just saw their buddy get blown away would kill Germans who surrendered. This is wrong but it happens in every army. And on the organization of an Army, Im just saying theres other ways besides killing innocent children. That by no means is justifiable under any circumstances.
Okay, so now we all know that you can not read either. I said in my post do not talk to me. I never said killing inoccent was right. I never hinted at what your where saying to be made up. Your probably right. My country is at WAR right now. I thought you watched the news. We had to develop a warning scale to tell us each day how much of a threat is posed to us by terroists. Pretty soon we will be as bad off as the poor Israeli's. So see, you dont know what your talking about. ITs not immature to not like someone. We all have people we dont like. See there you go again. Let me try this one more time. Dont waste my time and board space talking to me. [color=red][size=1]I advise you to calm down, Amphion. Read my advice to Delian and follow it yourself. -Justin[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Amphion you must be one of the most pathetically ignorant, narrow minded people I have come across. My proof is that I saw footage of this happening. I saw a soldier kill that boy. His head fell on his father's lap, His father is now in a mental hospital. I've seen footage of Palestinian houses get destroyed by enemy soldiers because the desperate people (majority of whom are women and children) living inside refused to give the only thing they have left...their homes... How would that make you feel? Joyful...yeah I don't think so... Like I said before, I watch as much news as I can, even foreign news channels. I see both Governments are as bad as eachother. Both are to blame for the violence and hatred. But the destructive power lies with Israel. The Palestinian people are desperate. Where do you get your misguided information from???? A talk show maybe... Please do not insult me by posting up your garbage. I have respect for everyone's opinion here, but yours is highly misinformed I can't believe I'm even justifying myself to a someone like you. [/B][/QUOTE] Your the narrow minded one my freind. You insult me over an opinion I stated. I did not see this Video you speak of. But innocent people die in WAR. You a fool if you think otherwise. But there is a difference between the normal civilian deaths in a WAR and massacres. I was simply stating that your trying to say Israel is massecreing people when you have no proof. One boy getting shot in the head, and it was probably unintentional, is not massecreing people. Therefore, you dont have proof so you are wrong. You dont know everything. Just cause you watch all the news channels still doesnt mean you know everything. You dont know everything unless you experience everything. All the news that you see is going to favor one side. So some of the stuff you see your not goin to know the full story on. So shut up. Your just making your self look dumb. I dont like you so please do not talk to me again. Its like no one cares what is happening to the Israeli's. They only care about the Palestinians rights. Thats fine, but your putting everything off the Israeli's are going though. I never said that WAR is great. But it is true that sometimes WAR is the only answer. And just becaus ethe Palestinians wont organize any kind of army to fight Israel, doesnt justify in killing innocent people day after day. What did this all start over anyway? Their would be no raids if they would stop blowing up. Israel is not thier land anyway. Like I said in another post. Anybody who knows there history, klnows that the Jews where run out of Israel by the Romans. Afterwards the Palestinians moved in. So the Palestinians have no right to claim it as rightfully theirs.
Yeah, whatever. My double post was justifiable. We have mods here, so they will notify me of any wrong doing.
No, I think it was neccessarry. To many stupid people that think Rap does not involve talent. First off all it does take talent. Second, if the actual singing part did not involve talent (which it does, if you dont beleive try to rap and post it up so we can hear it, we will probably laugh our butts off at you) You still have to make the music, right lyrics, and one of the hardest of all, get into the business. So saying Rap doesnt require talent is just plain out stupid. If it doesnt take talent why arent you sitting in a mansion right now, earning millions of dollars rapping?
Are you referring to my post?
Yes delian is right. theres always going to be civilain lossess. Most of the time they are inccidental or unavoidable, which is just part of war. But Things like carpet bombing citys is just not exceptable. But WAR is just that, its war. Anyone who thinks its possible for countries to work things out all the time and never have to have civialians killed is ignorant. Main thing is, a Country should target another countries War effort, not their civialians. Palestinians are targeting Civilians. You never see them blow up any thing military related. The Israelies are going straight for the extremists, whuixh is exactly what they should do. If these extremist where even somewhat smart they would attack Israeli military targets so they want beable to respond with these raids. but like I said, its stupid for a Goverment to sit and watch its people die. So I dont see anything wrong with what the Israeli's are doing and I hope they do more of it. I dont know where you get your stories of Israeli masscres Delian, but you should have hard proof of these things before you start saying stuff like that. Peace should always be the first option, but if you cant gain peace through negotiations you have to result to negotiation by force. You attack and force them into peace. Thats the only way it can happen. Israel has been blown to bits long enough. They sat and did nothing about it at first. what happend? The attacks kept coming. When they did attack the extremist the attacks stopped. War is never the answer but you have to understand that it is necesarry sometimes. sorry, I know this is a bad illustration, but it has a whole lot of truth to it. Look at the Sank Kingdom in Gundam Wing, Thats exactly what I am talking about. If the other side does not want peace, people will continue to die, sometimes you just have to fight.
No addiction. the internet is a great source of info. So as long as you spend your time wisely, even an addictiction can be a god thing. I probably spend to much time online. But I enjoy it more then other things. I think you should do the things you like in life. Theres no reason to do things yuo dont like when you can do something you like.
lol....yeah, Monty Python is a very good source for quotes.
Actually I do have someone close to me with a handicap. She is a 2nd cousin of mine and she is Mentally retarded. I dont think we should use the word retard cause that is a deamining word. If she killed someone, I would probably say that she would need life in one of those institutes. but she is so bad off she is confined to a whell chair. So I cant realy picture her killing someone. Unless she could figure out how to use a gun. But now come to think of it I dont think they should deserve the DP if they are that bad, cause I know she cant help some of the things she does.
Yeah but how much does california pay to keep up all the people that are in for life? I have never seen that statistic. Im not sure though, see a person can be declare mentally unstable but still no the difference between right and wrong. So I think you have to draw a line some where. I guess it all depends on how bad they are. Then again, no matter if they knew it was wrong or not they still comitted a crime and took a life. So if they dont get the death penalty then they would have to have life.
I love the Airline quote......Hes right though, you should know how to work a seatbelt.
Okay, I think you explained it better in that post. I agrea that we have done some stupid stuff "for the sake of demcocracy" or whatever. Im not sure though. I think that the US is better off then most countries but I dont mean that in a we are superior way. But with Vietnam and Korea was mainly the US trying to take the threat of comunism away. You have to remember back then people were terrified of comunism taking hold in america. But I dont think alot of our efforts since then has been like that. I am all for helping people but it needs to be for that reason only. not to take shots at comunists. But yes I think I see your point now.
Im not sure what should happen to Murder's that are MR. To me anyone who Murders someone is messed up in the head. I guess my opinion is, if they are MR, then no, the DP should not be a punishment. But for someone who is sane who murders innocent people (Timothy Mcvay ect. ect.) then yes, death penalty is preffered. I would much rather get rid of scum like that guy then use tax money that could be feeding the poor to keep him fed in jail.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]But we still need to do everything we can to help the things we love, but not kill everything you hate. [/B][/QUOTE] Thats a good quote. I only wish everyone lived by that.
And why do Gundam Wing? Although I love Zechs, I would rather see something set in the UC time period rather then AC.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Because we present and claim ourselves to be.... [/B][/QUOTE] No, its not the US as a whole, its the FEW goverment officials that think that. Yes we beileve that our country is better off than alot of other countries. It is. And I am not sure what you mean by we present ourselves to be perfect, how do we do that?
I think its just the ignorant people in this world that think that a race of people all feel the same way. I dont mean that in a bad way, but I mean it by the true meaning of the word "ignorant". they just dont know any better. Many of your points are right. I just stand by my opinion that Israel should not just sit there and let their civilians be blown up. WAR is never good. We should always strive for peace. But you cant just sit there and hope the other side wants peace too. All thats does is make more people die. I support Israel. Anything they do to stop this horrible crap thats going on now I support. I dont see why people should support it. As long as they are not massacring innocent people, I have no problem with it. I think the truth is the Extremist groups dont want peace, they want to take Israel back. And you cant make peace with someone who does not want it. Its ignorant for the Palestinians to think that ISrael is rightfully theirs though. If you look back in history, the Jews were run out of Israel by the Romans, then the palestinians came in after the jews were gone. Theirs just no sense in fighting though. Theirs nothing to fight over. There would be no fighitng if the extremists would not kill people.
Why is the US so criticised for not being perfect? First of all, hes not worried about all the countries that have balistic missiles. Hes worried about those in particular. The US is not going to launch one of its nukes at some part of the world to settle a dispute or to murder innocent people. Iraq, well prime example, they launch scuds at Israel during desert storm. they could have been easily packed with a nuclear warhead. And North Korea, launching missiles over their neighbering countries. THOSE are the countries we are worried about. Second, I stand behind what Bush says. Iran is known for harboring terrorists, Iraq, well we all know about Iraq. And North Korea. Im not sure about what all goes on there, and I dont really care, but I know that they do have nuclear missiles. Their Dictator ship several years ago was a very agrresive and anti democratic. Im not sure how their leaders feel now though. I dont think it angered many countries, just the Comunistic, terrorist harboring, anti democratic ones. I dont know why you feel the need to jump on the US every chance you get, you seem to have alot of hatred for the US too. All we do is try and protect our selves, and protect others. When did that become such a bad thing. Any country that is attacked, will defend it self. So why are we being criticised for doing just that. Sure we make mistakes, everyone does. Im not sure where you live but just imagine your neighboring country launching ballistic missiles over you. It doesnt feel to good. Yeah we have Missiles but we dont misuse them. Bush was correct, any country that: Harbors Terrorist Kills Innocent People or Misuses Ballistic Missiles is evil.
I got 20 bucks, where does that put the pot at now? :) Lol, yeah, if you noticed you would probably be hauled off to live underground for the rest of you life. Unless, the MIB is on location. But we all know what happens then.