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Everything posted by Amphion

  1. Yeah, it seems like if its a young one it just makes it about 10 times worse. Im sorry for your loss.
  2. I live close to a lake, butthe closest beach is about 200 miles. I dont like the beach any way.
  3. No player battles? That sucks. they could at least offer different servers, Have one that allows play killing, and one that does not. I forget wich game does this but It works quite well.
  4. I did not really care to much for Blitz Ball. Right now I am still using the standard team.
  5. They go in order after that? I must have got some bad info. A web site I found listed them numerically and when you see them attack, and the attacks where out of order compared to what the Angels where numbered. I guess I just stumbled upon an idiots website.
  6. Yeah thats the bad part, with stuff like that you just never know. Im sure theres many things we do not know about. I know the goverment has to keep sertain things quite sometimes to protect our national intrest (or whatever they call it). And plus, they really would not like the world to know if they had invisble ships, think of all the confusion it would cause. All the countries of the world would be wondering if the US had a ship sitting right off the shore of their country. Im sure anything Einstein worked on could be a possiblity. Whats is even scary is, what if the whole things true. By know they would have probably put it to good use. If they could find away to stop the bad effects on humans, just think what could be going on. Kinda scary.
  7. I got a 68.2% Some of those questions where wierd. I mean come on, who "reads" porn anyway?
  8. I think the whole problem with being fued to the walls is beacue they claim the ship "dematerialized". So when it re-materialized they where reconstructed together. The green fog could be some kind of plasma. But we did a science experimentn last semester where we ran high currents of electricity through salt water. The results, the water turned a green color and started smoking. Theres little proof behind it. In fact the guy behind it all, Carlos Allende actually admitted it was a lie, but then came back later and said it wasnt. But even at that I dont think you can discredit the story completely. He had to stay constantly on the run, why I dont know, but he was always some where different. Perhaps he feared for his life. But like I said, whether these stories are true or not, they sure domake you wonder because someone always ends up dieing mysteriously.
  9. Yeah, your probably right. But its always funny, well interesting, that someone always ends up dieing over these things...
  10. I never downlaoded gator. but I installed something on my cmoputer that was supposed to spped up my connection. (bunch-o-s***) Gator came with it. It did not install but it put this little ad for it on my computer. Then when I was typing in passwords in this ugly gator would pop up and say, "I can make this easier" and say all other kinds of crap. I deleted the speed boost just to get rid of that stupid gator. Man, the things these companies come up with to sell there stuff. They are all idiots.It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that you dont sell stuff by pissing other people off.
  11. Good, for a minute their I thought people would just laugh and ignore me. Well they still have time for that. You should check your local listing and try and find outwhen the History channel will re run the episode of Histories Mysteries. Im have been looking for a good website that explain it all, but alot of the sites just sum it up. If I fined a good one Ill let you know.
  12. Anyone know about this? I just finished watching a documentary on the History Channel about it. I was facsinated by it. I have to say I am always skeptical about things like this but this seems different. Theres probably only a few here, if that many, that know the story behind the Philidelphia Experiment. So that you all will know what I am talking about, I will breifly summerize it for you. The PX is, like most everything, denied by the Navy. But we all know how that is. The Experiment was headed by none other then Albert Einstein himself. Allied shipping was having its butt kicked by German U-boats and the US Navy came to Einstein for help. Einstein had published a theory back in the 1920's called the Unified Field Thoery. the thoery was basically that if a strong electromagnetic wave was produced it could bend the light around it causing it to be invisible to the eye. The experimnt took place in a Philidelphia Naval yard. The ship was there and several observation ships. they turned on the generators and a green fog engulfed the ship. Later the saw a bright flash and the ship disappeared from site. And supposedly after that it appeared in a Virginia Naval yard. Then it was engulfed by another green fog, flahsed and returned to the Philidelphia Naval yard. Several crews were sent to check on the crew of the ship. Upon entering they found the crew basically insane. People where throwing up, and they found 5 people who had been fused to the fuselage of the ship. Several men where never seen again. The ones that survived where kept in special facilities becuase they where mentally unstable. theres also reports of people "freezing". That is, they apear normal, but at time they fade out and become invisible. Well, thats the story, but the story behind the story is what makes it wierd. The guy who reportedly witnessed this first spoke about it in a book. He bought a copy of The case of the UFO. He wrote annotations all thorugh the book and mentioned the story of the PX. He then mailed the book to the author(which was a brilliant scientist, sorry I am not sur eon his name). The author did alot of research on the subject and even had a reprint made of the book with the annotaions in it. He called a scientist he worked with who was also a friend, and told him he would meet him the next day at a resturant to show him all the evidence he found on the PX. The next day, he was found dead in his car, in an apparant suicide. His book with the annotations was confiscated by the Navy. Thats pretty much the story. Theres a couple of versions but this one includes only the thing the History channel mentions. If you want the whole thing with every little detail like the names and stuff you can run a search and read all the info you can. Sorry for the LOOOONNNGG post. Most of you may not even read this. But for the ones who are interested, let me know what you think.
  13. I guess I have been watching Anime for about 2 and a half years. I guess thats not that long compared to some. Anyway, Yeah the media always blames something besides people. Peopel dont like to hear, "You caused this because your a bad parent." They like to hear, " It was not you fault that your son blew away 5 of his classmates. It was the video game that persuaded him to do it. Not the fact that you where never home, stayed out late and got drunk, or just plainly did not parent your kid." Sorry, I did not mean for the topic to give them impression I was reffering to hentai. I think the big difference is Culture. American culture sees cartoons. They see Animated bugs bunny running around and they see simba. Thats the kind of stuff we have seen here in America. Japanese Culture includes Anime. They see the stuff aimed at kids, then they see stuff aimed at teens, and finally they see stuff aimed at Adults. America has never had that. All we have seen since Animation was developed, is 90% Disney. Thats why with this sudden flow of Anime in the country, tv stations like CN has to put warning up every where, or either edit the hell out of them. The average middle aged mother is gonna let their child sit down watching Cartoon Network- which for an American mother means alot of kiddie shows that can occupy her kid with out exposing him to any thing violent or vulger- is shocked and upset when she see an Anime on that is aimed at a teen audience. This is understandable. But it is ridiculous when they feel they have to make some big issue out of it. If you dont like dont let your kid watch it. He may see it anyway, but when he is old enough to find out he can get away with watching it with out his mother knowing, he is probably old enough to not be effected by it, if it has an effect at all. One last thing, I thik it stupid how everything blew up over the games and movies. It is plain to see that congress men and other goverment officials are quick to blame something other then society. A few parents protest about games are too violent. Well bingo theres a scape goat for the congressmen. All the shooting can now be blamed on something so congressmen and senators can make it LOOK like they are doing something constructive and trying to end these shootings. When actually all there doing is pissing the gamers of America off. So know when we are old enough to vote, we will be voting them the hell out of office. They over look the fact that Over hafl of the population of teens are vivid gamers. So when we reach the age to vote, where gonna remember how they blamed everything on the gaming industries. This shows how intelligent our Goverment leaders are. Because if they were smart, they would be trying to get on our good side. Becuase the youth of the nation will be the workers of the nation pretty soon, and we will be the one electing people to take office. I know I will make note to not vote for anyone who blamed all this on games and movies. I want vote for them or anyone associated with them. Cause that alone shows, they dont care about improving American society, they only care about making it look like they care and are trying to help. :: takes a couple of breathes :: okay, I am through harping on this now. Sorry to be so long winded, I get rellly fired up over this topic.
  14. Well, Its kind of hard to get into those kind of jobs, unless your a professional with training. I know that if you have a website, that gets around 10,000 visitors a day(not hits), That you can get advertisers to pay to advertise on your site. buddy Of mine charges 500$ for front page, 200$ for the rest of the pages. He makes around 1500$ a month. But you have to subtract expenses like paying for the server. So he only makes a couple hundred profit. Alot of websites dont pay their staff. They just help out cause the want to. And most of the sites that do pay, only hire people with training and a real good portfolio. SO I doupt there is much to find out there.
  15. Pop ups are bad enough. But when soemthing starts taking over your computer like Comet and Bonzi do, it becomes a nightmare. I think I have rid my computer of all these problems now. I will watch what I download from now on. Please if you know of more of these intrusive programs, post them up. A list of programs to avoid would be nice.
  16. Halleluja! Everybody hold hands and sing. Comet is finally gone!!!! Thank you Rick. If you where of the opposite sex I would kiss you. But your not so Im not going to kiss you. Anyway, I knew about that Add/Remove thing but it never hit me to do that. Even when I did do it, It popped up and started saying are you sure you want to delete comet cursor. It was telling me I would be missing out on this and that. FIinally after about 5 pop ups worth of it telling me what I would be getting rid of-which could have been summed up to fit on one page by saying, Bunch-o-s***- I finally seen a button at the bottom of the window that said unistall. I clicked it and its gone. But now, theres another problem. I have this bonzi buddy thing waiting to go off any moment now, and it doesnt have a little thing in the Add/Remove. No unistall either. WHERE DOES IT END?!
  17. SON-OF-A-B****! Thats just the crap I needed to hear....If I had the money I would sue. I think I will call the Screen Savers or something. I know they hate stuff like that. I might can get on the air this way....finally get to talk to Marty....anyway, Since I have posted this topic, it has popped up 12 times. It doesnt understand the command close.... This almost justifies the use of a virus....but I dont want any jail time so I won't bother.
  18. I was wondering the same. But I am not finished with series yet. But this info is helpfull. I was wondering how the angels are numbered. Like, the first one you see is Angel 3 and the first one you hear about attack was Angel 1.more attack and but they are not in order. So how are they numbered?Confusing? I hope you know what I am talking about. Like I said, I am not finished with the series yet.
  19. This kind of stuff should be illegal. I have that BOZI buddy too, but it has not started dancing yet, thank God. I am going to take care of that thing right now.
  20. Well, I decided to start this thread after a nightmare plauged me all this week. Bad part is, it is still at it. It all started a while back. Several months I do beleive. I downloaded a COMET cursor. That was a big mistake. Well, I did not like how it was popping up every where so I deleted it. It did not have an un-install so i had to do it manually. Well it hid a little bit of itself somewhere, problem in my systems folder or something. It was deleted but it was still hanging on by a thread. About once every other week, it would pop up and say comet cursor was out of date and ask me to update or cancel. Well this has happend for a while. The other day, I was busy and it popped up. I got extremly pissed and jerked the mouse over to it and clicked................and then it happend, a slight error, I had accidently clicked update. Well it brings up a box and starts downlaoding. It had no buttons, you could not cancel it at all. I swing the mouse pointer up to the X in the corner to close it. The button does not respond....it just keeps downlaoding. I knew how much of a pain that thing was when I had it so I was starting to get nervous. I start hitting alt ctrl and delete franticly. The little close program window came up and I searched for it. It was not there. I started to close everything hoping to stop it. I closed everyhting except the one I needed to keep windows running. No EFFECT. Still it set there downloading, I felt like it was laughing at me the whole time. I could not do anything to stop it. Could not close it, could not use end task....nothing. So I sat there and waited for it to finish. It finally did and nothing happend. I thought it was gonna leave me alone. I open everything back up and start to surf the web again. BAM! its in my face with some kind of tool bar on my IE browser. So I close it. I go to the next page, it pops back up. I turned it off again. Then one popped up at the bottom. I was being assualt by COMET and could not find a defense. I searched my files, and can not find a folder or anything that has anything to do with COMET cursor. I disabled the task bar button, but it still pops up. I can not find any way to get rid off it.It has no uninstall or anything. And it is still popping up as we speak. BY ALL MEANS DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING THAT HAS COMET ON IT. DONT TOUCH ANYTHING FROM ANYONE WHO IS ASSOCIATED WITH COMET. Well sorry, I hope you did not mind the long story there. Well, thats the kind of horrors I am going through. I was just wondering if anyone had some Horror Stories to share. And please, if you had the same prob I did, please tell me how to get rid of it. Man, you can bet those people at comet will get a nasty, profain, and insulting letter from me. Im gonna use every profaine word I can think off........TWICE.
  21. I use Kazaa. Spyware and all...lol I dont really care. Maybe theyll get some excitement out of whatching where I go. Anyway... Kazaa is good. I have not looked for many foreign songs on it. But for everythign else its pretty good. I think I will try WinMX cause I can not find any good songs from Megaheirz on Kazaa.(Megaheirz is a German industrial band)
  22. Hmm....isn't this advertising? Which is not allowed. Which is also clearly stated in the rules. Which you where supposed to read. Which you obviously didn't... BTW* How much you want for Blood TLV?
  23. Run, run fast. I can feel the mods about to pounce....lol They normally dont like these "bored" topics. So dont be suprised if they close it and yell at you. BTW* I have that same Pichu thing. I hate pichu too. I dont know why I have it or where I got it from.
  24. Just finshed watching thism ovie earlier today. In short, I loved it. I do not think its soemthing I will watch over and over again, but I do think it is a good anime. I thought the plot was fine, true it was not too deep, but it wasnt to shallow either. I was a little turned off by the 1970's style charater animations, but the digital animation and sound more then made up for it. I just love the scenes where it shows the city and then zooms in on it. The sound was amazing. I watched it at my Grandma's so I did not get to experience the surround sound, but even in stereo I thought I was sitting at home with my SS. It does seem like they have a sound for everything on screen. Even the english dub of it sounds good(thats rare too). The DVD comes with two discs. One that has the movie and a few trailers, and a small, gamecube sized one. The small one has a Photo Gallery, Making of, Animation sequences, History of Metropolis, and Interview with filmmakers. The Animation sequences is cool too. It lets you watch how they did one scene in about 5 layers, then put it together for the final cut. But do not be turned off by the Old charater styles...Once you see it it throws you into a daze, cause it looks old, but the graphics are so awesome. But I agrea, you may want to rent it first. I think its great but I can see where some people may not like it. Especially if the 1970 micky mouse look gets to you. I dunno know though, It didnt really bother me after the first 5 minutes. But just rent it first to be on the safe side. Two Thumbs up!
  25. Amphion


    Good poem. I liked the ending....
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