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The Final Cut

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Everything posted by The Final Cut

  1. Holy ******* **** this story is old Sorry for subjecting you guys to the horror that was this story, I'll probably post up my new (AKA BETTER) stuff sometime soon. I didn't even realize I left this up. Those of you who critiqued it I thank you. I trashed this story months ago, tried to rewrite it, and it didn't work.
  2. [quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] You confuzzle me. You lsiten to [b]Black Dahlia Murder[/b] AND [b]Killswitch Engage[/b] AND [b]Misery Signals[/b] AND [b]BTBAM[/b] AND [b]The Human Abstract[/b], but you don't like any deathcore or much metalcore? How do you feel about [b]ABACABB[/b]? They kinda straddle deathcore/mathcore. Also [b]Ion Dissonance[/b]. How about [b]August Burns Red[/b]? Also, have you ever heard of [b]At The Throne Of Judgement[/b]? [/color][/size][/QUOTE] It's not that I don't like any deathcore, it's just that deathcore and metalcore are genres that I'm particularly picky about band-wise. Not big on ABACABB. I'm a fan of Ion Dissonance. August Burns Red I'm iffy on. I've heard of At the Throne of Judgement, but I never bothered to check them out. Any good?
  3. My first word was "Data." I win this TNG contest.
  4. People should be protesting McDonald's because their food sucks, not because of some stupid animal rights thing.
  5. Do you belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve in life after love?
  6. I could never get into BTMH or Architects. I'm really, really into mathcore, but as for deathcore...meh, it's a genre I've only found a few choice gems in, personally. As for what I've been listening to, it's been a lot of progressive metal, metalcore, mathcore, progressive rock (new and old), experimental rock, post-rock, post-hardcore and melodic death metal lately. On the prog rock side, I've been listening to Coheed and Cambria a LOT recently; not only are they my favorite prog rock band, but they're my favorite band in general. I've also been listening to some Mars Volta, Pink Floyd, Circa Survive, The Dear Hunter, King Crimson, and 3. As for progressive metal, Between the Buried and Me. Between the Buried and Me. Between the Buried and Me. Misery Signals. Between the Buried and Me. Mathcore-wise, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Protest the Hero, The Human Abstract, The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza, The Number 12 Looks Like You, and Norma Jean are all good bands I've been listening to recently. All great examples of the genre, too. Metalcore isn't a genre I really enjoy, but Killswitch Engage and As I Lay Dying are guilty pleasures. Experimental rock gives light to The Fall of Troy, Fear Before the March of Flames, Thrice, and The Sound of Animals Fighting, all of which I've been giving listen to in the past couple of days. Post-rock bands I've been listening to are 65daysofstatic, Explosions in the Sky, and Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Post-hardcore is such a hard genre to narrow down and multiple bands I've already listed could be considered post-hardcore, but I really felt I should list The Blood Brothers and At the Drive-In, two really good bands I haven't tired of yet. Melodic death metal-wise, Amon Amarth, The Black Dahlia Murder, Arch Enemy, Mors Principium Est, In Flames, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, At the Gates... I listen to way too much ****ing music.
  7. [CENTER][B]Feeding the Fighting Inferno[/B][/CENTER] His limp body lay there; his eyes stared back at me as the explosive clanked down the shaft, and all the way to the core. I closed my eyes, and in the mist of the end, waited for the world to take its final curtain call. For them to survive, I'll pay the ultimate price.
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