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Everything posted by Soliel

  1. [color=green]Okay, I've posted. Hope I did everything right with using my Death Card, but I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of this game :animesmil . Well, I'm off to bed. I'll try my best to post once a day, or once every other day at the bare minimum, from now on.[/color]
  2. [color=green][center][b][u]Group Two[/u][/b][/center] The ceiling continued to topple down on top of the remaining group as Oromis and Moatilliata struggled with the door. Meanwhile, Desmond just sat on the ground in shock. Witnessing Shilos' grim fate had made him completely oblivious to their current danger. "Not again. Not again!" The others ignored him as they sruggled with the door. Finally, it gave way, allowing the men and Lillathica to escape. However, Desmond was still just sitting there. "Come on! Get up!" Kayrel screamed over the din of the crashing rock. Desmond just turned and looked at Kayrel. He was only a cupple of meters from the door, but his face showed nothing but dispair. "What's the point?!" Kayrel dashed back into the cave-like room and grabbed Desmond by the collar of his shirt. "What's the point?! The point is to survive, you whiny little dipshit!" Kayrel glared at him for a moment then sighed as he released his grip from Desmond's shirt. "You know what? Do whatever the hell you want. I really don't care about someone who breaks down everytime someone disapears or is killed." He turned around and walked out of the cave-like room. Desmond just stood there. Suddenly a new realization came over him. He wasn't going to let this damned CCC thing get the better of him; he was going to survive, defeat it, and somehow find a way to rescue Brittany and Nadia. He began to walk unsteadily towards the exit when suddenly a masive stalagtite came crashing down on the doorway, blocking his way out. Frantic, Desmond began to grab and claw at the rocks, trying to dig his way out, but to no avail. The already dim lighting of the cave was begining to flicker out. "No!" He screamed in vane. "I'm going to survive! I'm going to get out of here" For hours, Desmond scraped and dug until his hands were bloody and raw. Before long, faitige and dehydration began to sink in. He collapsed, out of breath, still mumbling the same words "I'm going to survive... I'm going... to get out... of here..." He slipped into unconciousness as he went into shock, both from lack of water and loss of blood. [center]~*~ [img]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b269/MetalSonic700/deathcardpanopticon.jpg[/img][img]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b269/MetalSonic700/blackguy.jpg[/img][/center][/color]
  3. [color=green]Wow! I go to work, and all the drama breaks out. I think I'm all caught up now. Prem's out, four charaters got killed and one more got imprissioned. That's alot for 24 hours. I should have my post up by later tonight; sorry for not posting more :animeswea [/color]
  4. [color=green][center][u][b]Group Two[/b][/u][/center] Merik had been quiet for the most part during their ordeal so far. But the fact that he didn't have his precious camra with him was slowly starting to grate on his nerves. The idea of being here with this gathering of people pulled from all corners of time and space was facinating, but not being able to document it visually was annoying the crap out of him. Marik wasn't too thrilled about waking around in blood soaked clothes either. "Don't get me wrong, or anything," Marik finally spoke up, "I'm greatful to still be alive and everything, but this stuff really smells." Most of the group ignored him or wasn't paying attention in the first place. "Well, human blood is a bit perticular." A lofty female voice laced with a French accent spoke up. Marik turned to see what appeared to be a young woman with pale skin and long crimson hair. He arched his eyebrow in a questionable look. "And what makes you so sure that was human blood? That could have been cow blood or pig blood for all we know." "It was the taste." Again, Lillathica's tone was cool and complacent. "T-t-taste?!" Marik's face when as white as a sheet. He nervously covered his neck whith his hand. "D-don't tell me you're a..." "Vampire? Yes" She sighed. "And I wouldn't go around believing those foolish fairytales. I don't even like human blood. I would much prefer the sweet taste of swine blood than the intoxifying taste of human blood." "Fine. Whatever you say." Marik nevously seporated himself from Lillathica, not sure whether to believe her or not. Lillathica now found heself towards the back of the group. [i]Foolish mortal. Wouldn't be surprised if he were to die first.[/i][/color]
  5. [color=green]Wow! That was quick. I just finished getting caught up with the main thread, but I'm exahusted from driving 6 hours today, so I'll try to get my first post up tomorrow.[/color] :sleep:
  6. [color=green]Okay DB, I just sent you my characters' info. I hope everything is in order. I'll try to take a look at the previously stated [i]Labrinth[/i] and [i]Maze[/i] tomorrow when I have a bit more time (and I'm not so tired). Well, I'm off to bed. Good night![/color]
  7. [color=green]Wow! This looks great, and interesting. I haven't been on OB for nearly two months, but I should be fine to post since it's the end of the school year. I'll start on my characters tonight and should have it to you by the end of the week.[/color]
  8. [color=darkgreen]OOC~ Again, sorry for the late post :animeshy: [center]*~*[/center] [size=1]Yuri had been silent the whole time at the table, not really paying attenttion to the conversation, but rather continuing to study the thick pilot's manual. In between initially boarding the ship and dinner, he had only one opportunity to try his skills inside the pilot's sphere. He was nervous about this at first, but seeing as this wasn't a combat situation and all he had to do was guilde the ship out and set the auto-pilot, the whole processes seemed to go off without a hitch. However, Yuri was still feeling a bit uneasy about the inevitible prospect of battle. In an attempt to ease his tension, Yuri was vigorusly going over his pilot's manual yet again. But his studies were interupted when the battle alarm sounded. Yuri dashed off from the mess hall towards the bidge, leaving his food and manual behind. Yuri reached the pilot's sphere rather quickly compared to before, [i]Heh, I guess I'm finally starting to find my way around this maze.[/i] He entered a small room that connected the sphere to the hall. Once inside, he stripped down and put his clothes and glasses in a basket then turned to enter the actual sphere. [i]Well, it's now or never,[/i] he took a deep breath as he entered. The door closed behind him, completely enclosing the sphere. As he reached the center, the surface of the sphere began to glow and the gavity was disengaed, allowing Yuri to float up to the very center of the sphere. Several screens appeared before him, one of which showed the enemy battle ship and the massive horde of robots heading strieght for the Obssesion. Instictively, Yuri raised his arms to face to shield himself. [i]SHIELDS ACTIVATED,[/I] a mechanical voice rang out. "Huh?... Well that works... I guess." Another screen displayed a computerized outline of the battle field, showing the Obessesion in the center, the Volkers as four green dots, and the enemy in red. He watched as the red specks began to vanish as the Volkers encountered them. Suddenly, two more green dots appeared. Yuri touched the screen where the dots were, opening up a channel link to those fighters. "You two, identify yourselves." "Basic Volker 1, Kain Mason." A male's voice responded. "Basic Volker 2, Naydine Realieu." This time a female. Yuri cringed slightly at the sound, but quickly let it go, as he had more pressing matters to deal with. He radioed the hanger. "Who are these two extra fighters?" "They are prinsoners that were just taken aboard the Obession shortly before battle," Xerinth, the ship's anylist, responded. "If they're suposed to be prisonors, why are we letting them fight?" "They asked if they could help, and we need all the help we can get out there." The connection was cut off. Yuri swore under his breath in frustration. "I know, I don't like it either," now it was the captian patching through. "Just keep an eye on them, they may try to make a break for it during or after the battle." "Okay," Yuri opened another link to the other Volker pilots. "Lex, Axel, make sure those two don't try anything funny." "Okay," responded both pilots. But, while Lex seemed sure of herslf, Axel, on the other hand, seemed to lack confidence. [i]What do you know? Some one on this ship is more nervous about this whole thing than I am.[/i] "Relax, Axel, You're doing fine. I've been watching the whole battle from here. And don't worry, I'll warn you before you can get stuck in a sticky spot." "Okay," he still seemed unsure, but there was nothing more Yuri could tell him. He let out a sigh [i]This whole thing just got a lot more complicated.[/i][/size][/color]
  9. [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Hey guys! Sorry I've been absent from the boards for a while. I've been bogged down with exams and testing to get into vet school. :animesigh [i]Why did I have to choose such a difficult career path?[/i] But anyway, I should have a post up shortly, as soon as I finish catching up. Oh, and Redemption, happy belated b-day![/font][/color]
  10. [quote name='imablondeduh][COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=2][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well I think it depends on the anime show. I normally watch the first 5 episodes in both and if I don't like the dub than I stick with sub. Like Sailor Moon I definitely stick with sub becuase the people who dubbed sound so horrible :animeangr that I couldn't watch any more of it in dub. [/FONT] [/SIZE'] [/COLOR][/quote] [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Ooh, yes! Agreed! Sailor Moon is a great series, but was saddly cursed with a horrible dub. Other series, that not only have good dubs, but also make more sense in English, such as Fullmetal Alchemist, I'll go ahead and watch in english. The same goes for series that make more sence in Japanese, ie. Chobits, Rurouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, and other series set in past or modern Japan. But more times than not, I don't have a preferance and just watch whatever is available to me at the time: dubbed on TV, subbed on-line.[/font][/color]
  11. [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Well, I'm a bit of a sap when it comes to touching anime and manga moments, to name a few that hadn't been posted (if they have please forgive me) Voices of a Distant Star- [spoiler]Just the fact that the cupple just gets farther and farther away as she travels into space, and their text messages take longer and longer to reach one another.[/spoiler] Naruto- After the timeskip, [spoiler]when Garaa dies and they show Naruto and Garaa as little kids and how they're so similar to start, but then Naruto starts making friends while Garaa is still left all alone.[/spoiler] Gundam SEED- [spoiler]By the end of the series, most of my favorite characters had died.[/spoiler] Also the part at the end of the last episode [spoiler]where you think Kira is dead and Athrun and Cagalli are crying.[/spoiler] Sailor Moon Stars- [spoiler]When Usagi rejects Seiya and he asks her, "Am I not good enough for you?"[/spoiler] Bleach- Episode 31 or 32, [spoiler]The flashback that Renji has after Ichigo beats him. Especially the part where he regrets not going after Rukia and begs Ichigo to save her[/spoiler][/font][/color]
  12. [color=DarkGreen][size=1]Yuri let out a heavy sigh, as he trudged off, his bag in one hand, the heavy pilot's manual in the other. [i]Women! Why do they have to have women on this ship?![/i] He pondered over this sudden and shocking development as he tried to make his way towards his quarters. After about half an hour of getting lost and running into a few very disgruntled women, all of whom gave him a look of sever loathing, which Yuri tried to equally return, he finally made it to his room. He slid his ID through the reader and the door promptly slid open.[i]Home, sweet home, I supose...[/i] After putting his belongings away, he sat on the bed and pulled out the large pilot's manual he was suposed to memorize. Yuri had heard that the Obsession featured a new, experimental piloting system, and judging from the size of his reading material, the rumors were true. Just as he began to read the first chapter, his stomach let out a rather loud groun. [i]I guess it is about time to eat.[/i] Yuri made his way back towards the galley, his pilot's manual in tow. He figured he could get some reading done while he ate. He sat down at an empty table with a tray full of food. He took one bite of his bread, a sip of milk, than left the rest alone as he began to study his manual. The galley was packed with crew members, but Yuri managed to tune out the massive din. That is until someone taped him on the shoulder.[/size] OOC~ Tag, anyone![/color]
  13. [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Aw, kawaii! I especially love the avi. Thank you so much, cancer.[/font][/color]
  14. [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Alrighty, I haven't been on OB for a while and it's good to be back. I was curious if anyone could make me a Sailor Moon banner and avatar.[/font][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=DarkGreen][i]BEEP! BEEP! BEEP![/i] "Enough! I'm up already!" mummbled Yuri as he knocked the alarm clock off the bedstand, trying to turn it off. He sat up in bed, still groggy from the celebrating he'd done the night before. Yuri's fatigued face studdenly broke into a grin as he reliesed just what he had been celebrating. "Today's the day!" he laughed as he bounded out of bed. He put on his glasses and picked up the alarm clock from the floor; glancing at the time, it read 2:05pm. "What! How'd it get so late?! I've got less than three hours." He quickly dropped the clock again and scrambled to get dressed and packed. An hour later, Yuri was all packed and was scanning his apartment for anything he might have missed. "Guess that's everything," he opened up his medicine chest one more time, when he spotted his contacts and eye drops. He picked up the case and sighed. Dispite much convencing from his friends, Yuri prefered to wear glasses. He went to replace the case, but stopped. Sighing again, he grabbed the case of contacts and solution and tossed both in his bag. [i]Just in case...[/i] Boarding Satellite dock 1, Yuri could just feel the excitement welling up inside him. But he couldn't help but feel a since of disbelief. "Hum... I wonder what the Obession looks like," noticing the windows were blacked out. "Oh well, guess I'll find out soon enough." He grinned as he floated along towards the eastern entrance. Finally feeling his feet touch the floor, he noticed he wasn't the first one here. He pulled his letter out of his pocket and scanned it over again. [i]Well,[/i] he took a nervious gulp, [i]here i goes.[/i][/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Yuri made his way down the street toward the recrutement office. [i]This is it,[/i] he thought with eagar antisipation, [i]This is my chance to really make something of my life.[/i] He let out a sigh, "Instead of wasting my time and skills working as a boring commercial pilot," he mumbled under his breath. As Yuri reached the entrance to the recrutement office, he though back to everything that had led him here: [center][i]8 Years Earlier...[/i][/center] "Alright, gentlmen, settle down." The man in his mid 40's addressing the stadium-sized room, waited a moment for the noise level to subside. "Congradulations on making it this far. The envelopes we handed you coming in not only contain your final grades, but your career assessment results. We know that each and every young man before us today, will do his best for the betterment of man kind." The room erupted in a sea of cheers and applause. A fifteen year old Yuri cluched his envelope with trimbling hands, he hadn't taken his eyes off of it during the entire commensment speech. Suddenly, he was yanked out of his trance by a heavy pat on the back. "Hey, Yur, whaddya get?" "Don't know yet, man," Yuri fixed his glasses which had fallen askew, "Haven't opened my envelope yet." "Well, what're you waiting for, dude." Yuri ripped open the envelope and unfolded the papers inside. "Betcha you're some sort of pilot; no one's logged in more hours in the flight simulators than you." Yuri looked up from the paper, chuckling a little, "You got that! But what I really want is to be with the millitary, you know, a battle ship pilot, or something like that." He continued to scan the paper, until his eyes stopped short on the line he was searching for: "Career Assignment: Commercial Pilot/Flight Instructer" [center][i]Present...[/i][/center] "Just fill out this form and return it to the desk," a suited man handed Yuri the application for the Obsession crew. He tapped his pen on the desk and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. [i]Let's see[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Yuri Grant [b]Age:[/b] 23 (third generation) [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Huh?! What's this all about?[/i] He looked up to try and get someones attention, but everyone was busy. Yuri just shruged. [i]Guess its just some stupid typo, oh well, guess I'll just hummor them...[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male (duh!) [b]Position applying for:[/b] Battleship Pilot [b]Reasons for applying for this position:[/b] I have extensive experience as a pilot, dispite my age. At the academy, I logged in approximately 1800 hours on the flight simulater. Since then, I've gained roughly 5000 hours of flight time and 10000 hours in battle-type simulators. Also I've grown tired or the dull life of a simple commercial pilot and wish to do more with my life. Yuri read over his appliation one more time before handing it to the man at the desk. [i]This is it. My big chance...[/i] [URL=http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs10/300W/i/2006/095/f/e/Anime_boy__Julian_by_EmoGhost.jpg]Yuri[/URL] OOC~ Sorry for the long flashback :animeshy: It's been a while for me on OB, glad to be back![/font][/color][/size]
  17. [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Kiki was just finishing her lastest diary entry when the limo pull up to the enormise mansion and estate. As she stepped out into the bright sunlight and gazed upon her surroundings, all of her uncertincies seemed to melt away. The landscaping was simply spectacular. And the mansion, [i]Wow![/i] That was the only word to describe it she thought. A few more limosines pulled up besides hers and she could see a few others pretty close to her age getting out and beginning to explore. Kiki didn't want to waste any time and began to make her way towards the mansion entrance. With the view of the magnificant architecture outside, she knew it had to be just as wonderous on the inside. But just as she was about to grip the large metal handle a voice spoke up behide her. "Don't bother. It's locked; I already tried it."[/size] [center]*~*[/center] OOC~ Tag, anyone![/font][/color]
  18. [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]OOC~ Sorry Kairi and everyone. I've been having a crap week, and this weather isn't helping much either :animestun [center]~*~[/center] [size=1]"There that's everything," Kiki said to herself as she finished packing. She hummed merrily as she carried two light blue duffle bags down the stairs to the foier of her late grandmother's rather large house. She hadn't packed much, just a few of her favorite outfits as well as her most prized posession, a small, worn, lether-bond book with an intricate gold lock. The word "Diary" was emblasen on the front cover in fine gold script. She pulled the book out of her bag and read over the past few entries: [i]Grand Mere passed away last night. Today fell so surreal. I think a part of me still hasn't accepted the fact that she is really gone. Being isolated to the estate for most of my life, I sometimes wished to know what it would be like to live on my own. But now that I am truly alone in this world, I find myself overcome with fear. For the first time in my life, I don't know what to do next. [center]---[/center] Grand Mere's lawer came to help settle her estate today. She told me that she left the majority of her posessions to me, but I have no use for such a large amount of property, so I've made the decision to sell it and donate half of the profit to charity. I think it is what Grand Mere would have wanted me to do. As we were finishing the appasales a recieved an e-mail alert on my cell. I recieved the most bizarre message from a man by the name of Dante Lui'ci. He has offered a large sum of money and will grant our greatest desires if we agree to live at his mansion for six months. Now money is not something I am in great need of, of course, but the desires thing seems quite intruiging. Also, seeing as I still have no idea as to where I should go from here, I figure this may be just the thing to help me deside what I should do with the rest of my life.[/i] Kiki was pulled out of her reverie by the sound of the door bell. "Coming!" she shouted as she got up from the stairs and made her way towards the door. Kiki pulled open the door to see a man in a suit. "Good morning miss, would you happen to be Kirstin Gregorson?" Kiki nodded. "If you would please come this way, your limo awaits. Do you have any luggage?" "Just those two bags." Kiki pointed to her duffles sitting at the foot of the stairs. A second man in a suit hurried in an retrieved her things as the first politely led her by the hand into the limo. As he shut the door and drove away from the only home she had ever known, Kiki couldn't help but feel a sense of antisipation and fear. [i]I hope I'm doing the right thing,[/i] she thought.[/size][/font][/color]
  19. [color=green][size=1]Name: Kirstin "Kiki" Gregorson Age: 21 Sex: Female Location: Toronto, Canada Appearance: [url=http://i12.tinypic.com/2iag38g.jpg]Click here![/url] Personality: Very withdrawn and shy towards others at first. Once Kiki opens up, she is very nice and polite towards others. She always puts her friends and family before herself. Bio: Kiki lead a very sheltered childhood. She was raised and homeschooled by her grandmother. Whenever she would ask about her parents, her grandmother would simply smile sweetly and say, "They're in a better place now, sweetheart." As she got older she interpreted this to mean they were dead, but since she never really knew them in the first place, this didn't bother her too much. One day, while going through her personal documents to apply to university, she happened apon an old newspaper cliping. The headline read "Gregorsons Sentanced, Despite Pregnacy" In shock, Kiki read through the article which described the criminal couple of Richard and Harriet Gregorson and their grusom killing spree. When they were apprehended and tried, they were both sentanced to life, but it was soon discovered that Harriet was pregnant. It was then that Richard's mother stepped forward to raise her unborn grandchild. "It may be too late to save my son, but at least let me save my grandchild," the article quoted. Kiki never said anything to her grandmother until she was on her death bed. With tears in her eyes, Kiki knelt down and whispered "Thank you for saving me." Several weeks later, she was going through her grandmother's estate, when she suddenly felt her cell phone vibrating in her pocket. She flipped it open and read "You have new mail!" Greatest Desire: To live in a world free of crime and hate Greatest Fear: Not to be accepted by others[/size][/color]
  20. [color=green]Welcome back, 0ber! I was gone for a little while too :animeswea [b]Name:[/b] Cycelia Vinette [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Hair Color:[/b] long silvery-blond, worn in high pigtails [b]Eye Color:[/b] brilliant emerald green [b]Height:[/b] 4' 11" [b]Weight:[/b] 100 lbs [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] long bow and a katana sheathed on her back [b]Psychic Powers:[/b] Clarivoyance and Telepathy [b]Personality:[/b] Like most Templar, Cycelia has seen the dark side of society far too many times. But unlike many of her colleagues, she still maintanes an outwardly hopeful out look, even though she too has given up on society ever being free of crime and sin. "I believe Hope is the only thing that has kept society from plunging into chaos. I want to keep that hope alive for people, even if mine is already lost." [b]Favorite Color:[/b] Silver and Blue [b]Astrological Sign:[/b] Capricorn[/color]
  21. [quote name='DeathKnight][color=crimson]We'll wrap this up soon so I'd really appreciate it if you guys help me out and post just a couple of more times so we can end this well-enough. You've done great thusfar, we just need to work together to wrap this up and [i]beat all the other Team's stories with our massive power[/i'].[/color][/quote] [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Um... Yeah, I would, but I was the last to post in the [b]Green Team[/b]'s thread :animedepr Any other takers?[/font][/color]
  22. [color=green]Looking good! [b]Name:[/b] Ally Parker [b]Years Lived:[/b] 1896-2021 [b]Age at Death:[/b] 35 [b]Personality:[/b] Ally can be a bit qiet and reserved at times, but once you get her started on something, there's no stopping her. She has a tendency to get really passionate about helping those who need it and believes everyone deserves a second chance. [b]Location of Origin:[/b] Southeastern United States [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]Coming Soon![/i] [b]Weapons:[/b] Katana (Japanese sword) [b]Type of Spirit:[/b] Angelic- Guardian [b]Life Bio:[/b] [i]Coming Soon![/i] OOC~ Sorry guys! I left out a few things. But all should become clear once you read the [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52826]Underground thread[/URL] I've just set up. Please make sure you read it! Okay Sky Moonflow, you're sign up is great, you're in. NekoSama101, there are a few details I'd like you to change: the appearance should be more of a human one, and unless you'd like your character to be a demonic spirit, I would suggest you take out the part about the split personality. But if you'd like your character to be a demonic spirit (see Underground for details), just PM. I've revised the sign up criteria. So new people pay close mind to that, but Sky Moonflow, you don't have to change anything. Alright?[/color]
  23. [color=green]Alright I guess due to the confusing nature of "The Guardians' Plight", creating an underground thread for this was ineveitable. If stumbled across this thread by chance, [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52787]click here[/URL] to get filled in. I'm pretty using this to define so key aspects of the world this story takes place in, but if you have any questions, please feel free to post them here.[/color] [color=navy]The world that this story takes place in is ruffly 50 years into our future, so basically all of the world's events up to our current point in time have happened. [b]In that 50 year period[/b], the Iraqi War, initiated by the US, came to a horrible conclution. Despirate to end the war once and for all, the government authorized the use of Nuclear warheads. These were then dropped on Iraq, Afganastan, and several other Middle Eastern nations. The United Nations and the American people, equally apauled by this, called for immediate reform of the US government. Millitary power was stripped down to esencial defence, freeing up millions of dollars in government funds to be used towards public education and heath care, social security, and other such programs. Also, representatives in congress were now required by law to vote the way majority of their state or district would want, if not, they could be fired, or even arested. These actions set the pace for the progressive and peaceful world that would exsist in 2058. [b]The idea of Heaven and Hell[/b], that exsist in this story is taken mostly from the Christian belief, but with a few alterations. Basicly if you're for the most part good in life, you be youself, treat others kindly and don't try to take advatage of them, you'll asend to Heaven and you will become an angelic spirit. If you sin, no matter what it is, and you truely feel sorry for your actions, than you still go to Heaven. If you're corrupt and you are not sorry for the sins you committed and the people you hurt, you're soul is condemmed to Hell and you become a demonic spirit and a servent of Satan. Notice that the qualifications for Heaven and Hell did not include race, age, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. That's because these things don't matter because we are all human, and as long as we enbrace and accept the way we were born, we're good. (Sorry, if that sounded a little religious; this is just the set up for the story and in no way am I trying to inpose on your beliefs.) [b]The Angels[/b] that can decend from Heaven all share on thing in common, they all have some sort of grave or memorial that links their soul to Earth. If their grave becomes destroyed, or if their is no one alive on Earth that remembers that person, the link is destroyed and that soul must remain in Heaven. Now there are three types of angels that can desend to Earth (*more may be added later): [u]Guardian[/u]- Clearly the most important in this story. Their job is obvious, to protect people on Earth from harm without being seen by the person they're protecting. Despite popular belief, every person on Earth is not assigned their oun Guardian, this would be a waist of resources since no one needs to be protected 24/7. Guardian Angels include~ [i]Coming Soon![/i] [u]Mercy[/u]- These angels help to ease the physical pain and suffering of the living. Sometimes this is done by healing the sick or injured, other times it involves helping that person pass on. The latter has earned them the nickname "Angels of Death" Mercy Angels include~ [i]Coming Soon![/i] [u]Conscience[/u]- As the name implies, these angels act as a person's conscience. They remain invisible to the living, but wisper to them suggestions to do the right thing. Depending on the purity of the person's soul depends on how persuasive their conscience can be. Consciences include~ [i]Coming Soon![/i] [b]As for those in Hell[/b], the demonic spirits are tied to the same rules of going to Earth as the angelic spirits, they must have some sort of grave or memorial in place. Most demonic spirits do the bidding of Satan, wispering evil suggestions to people, tempting people into sin. Demonic Spirits include~ [i]Coming Soon![/i][/color] [color=green]I really hope this helped to clear up some of the confusion. Just be patient with me, I'm new to running my oun RPG :animeswea [/color]
  24. [color=navy]It was late night at Lake Lawn Cemetery. A student from a local high school was snooping around, trying to prove whether someone really died or if it was just some elaborate hoax. The boy had reason to doubt the mysterious legion that had floated around his school for almost 50 years. This story told of a perfectly healthy, star football player that suddenly dropped dead on the playing field one game, and now his ghost haunted the school, pulling random and mysterious pranks from time to time. Now the student had no trouble believing that this person actually existed; his picture, stats, and a district championship trophy with his name on it, were all displayed in the front lobby of the school. It was whether he was truly dead. ?The administration probably faked his death just to get some free publicity,? he said quietly as he walked along the grassy isles, a shovel slung over his shoulder. ?They were probably as much out for the spotlight half a century ago as they are now.? He stopped in front of a fairly aged, moss-covered grave stone. The stone read: [CENTER]Chad Baker June 5, 1988-March 20, 2005 Our Teddy Bear #66[/CENTER] A picture of a teddy bear was engraved in the stone below the writing. Well, here it is, he thought as he took the shovel off his shoulder. ?I wouldn?t do that if I were you,? a female?s voice echoed from the darkness. ?Wh-who?s there?? the boy asked nervously as he whorled around looking for the source of the voice. A gust of wind blew through the depressing old graveyard. He sighed, thinking his mind was playing tricks on him. As he turned back to the grave, the boy toppled over out of shock and fright. Sitting on top of Chad?s headstone was a young woman who didn?t look a day over 25. She was dressed in a pure white, ninja-like outfit, her silky brown hair pulled back into a high pony tail. An intricate gold cross hung from a thin gold chain around her neck. This mysterious woman almost seemed as if she had a spot light shining down upon her, but as far as the boy could see, there were no other lights in the cemetery. ?Wh-wh-who a-are you?? He finally managed to stammer out a question. ?Hm? let?s see,? she put her finger to her chin in thought, then leapt down to face him, placing one hand below the hilt of her katana strapped to her waist. ?I?m just someone who doesn?t want to see the resting place of a kind young man defaced.? She slowly drew her sword. The boy, with a look of both fright and shock, immediately got up and high tailed it out of the grave yard. ?What a baby,? the woman laughed to herself as she sheathed her sword. ?Come on, Ally. You know you?re not supposed to do that.? A large teenage boy, who stood over six feet tall, appeared behind Ally. He was wearing grey slacks and a white football jersey with the number sixty-six printed in maroon lettering. He also seemed to be admitting the same unearthly glow. ?You can?t let yourself be seen by the living unless it?s to protect someone from mortal danger.? ?Well, I?m sorry, but I had to make an exception in this case. He was going to dig up your grave.? Chad sighed, ?I know. Without my grave intact and maintained, I can?t descend from Heaven.? ?Yup! And we can?t have you stuck in Paradise for the rest of eternity. Not when there are still people down here who need your help.? ?But there seems to be lesser need for guardian angels as there used to be.? ?You?re right,? Ally?s smug grin faded to a serious expression, ?We?re down to just reducing petty crimes. There hasn?t been any major conflict in the world in almost 40 years.? ?I guess ?World Peace? has come at last,? Chad added, smiling. Ally just sat down on the cool grass and gazed up at the clear starry night. ?Yeah, but at what price??[/color] [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][I]The year is 2058. After much reform in the US and world governments, the nations of the World now stand on the verge of real peace. Many believe this is the perfect time to live. However, the balance of Yin and Yang is off. The Light greatly outweighs the Darkness, and this balance must be restored, even if it is by Satan himself?[/I][/COLOR] [CENTER]*~*[/CENTER] [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Welcome to my very first RPG, The Guardians? Plight. Today (3/29/06), marks exactly one year since my brother?s friend, Chad Barcia, passed away due to sudden cardiac death. I originally came up with this story as a way to help myself deal with the pain, but eventually came up with the idea to turn it into an RPG. In case you didn?t figure it out, this story takes place about 50 years in the future. There is an Underground thread [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52826]here[/URL] that contains much more detailed information, please read it before signing up. Also, just because you sign up, doesn?t mean you?re automatically in, but don?t worry, I?m not too strict, just make sure you at least put some effort into your sign up. If you have any questions regarding the sign up or the story in general, feel free to PM me. Now onto the [U]Sign Up:[/U][/font] [B]Name: Years Lived:[/B] (birth year to death year; being as your character?s grave is what allows them to descend to Earth, their birth year shouldn?t be earlier than 1850). [B]Age at Death:[/B] (just for reference) [B]Personality:[/B] (optional) [B]Location of Origin:[/B] (Country or general region where your character lived) [B]Appearance:[/B] (picture or description) [B]Weapons:[/B] (optional, no more than two, please) [B]Type of spirit:[/B] (Angelic or Demonic, if Angelic, please specify guardian, mercy, or conscience) [B]Life Bio:[/B] (short story of your character?s life) [font=Comic Sans MS]I?ll post my sign up later. Good luck and have fun![/font][/color]
  25. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]Indeed. Well, the fun train is hopefully rolling again in Green's thread. What fun.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Um... is that going to happen any time soon, guys?[/font][/color]
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