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Protecting files from parents...is this ok?
Soliel replied to asian_tofu's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=GREEN]As much as I'd like to stay all morral and clean here and say that you really shouldn't hide stuff from your parents, I don't really have the right to since I have, and still do at times, do the same thing. I'm an adult and there are some things that my parents still don't know about me (and if I have it my way, they'll probibly never will). In a lot of ways, having password protected files stored on your computer is like having a locked diary or journal. There are some things that people want to keep privet from other people, even the ones closest to them. So as long as your not planning anything illegal, I say it's fine.[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by[/I] [B]Zeta[/B] I just recently watched a documentary on Angola prison. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN]Were you talking about Angola state prision in Louisiana? If so, you just reminded me of a field trip my class had to take there Jr year of high school (yes, I did say that I went to a field trip to a state penatentury). One of the people who talked to our group was a man serving a life sentance for second degree murder, which he had committed sometime in the '70s. It was hard to believe that he had committed a violent crime. He looked so old and worn from the twenty-someodd years he had spent in prison. He did, however warn us that once you commit a heinous crime, you don't get a second chance. Now this may seem harsh, but that is just the way our society works nowadays. The fact that you can end up in prison for life, perminantly stipped of your freedom and privacy, are supposed to act as a deturant to crime. I don't take back what I said earlier, but I want to add that if a mistake is made in the trail of a violent criminal, that the trails be reviewed to make sure that person wasn't accidently sentanced for a crime they didn't commit.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]Nearly everyone else was silent at Jaht's words. After a few moments of no one saying a word, Ari, who couldn't take the indisisive silence any longer, stepped forward. "I'm in," she said with utmost confedince. The other's looked at her in astonishment. She had been so quiet before, yet now Ari was the first to speak up. In a way, she was almost surprised by her own actions. Jaht turned to face her. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, with a hint of doubt in his tone. "Never been more sure about anything in my life," she stated with a slight smerk on her face. Ari looked down at Gomamon by her feet. He noded up at her in agreement and she noded back, and with that the two of them walked over next to Jaht and Hawkmon. "Okay" he said, looking at the rest of the group, "Anyone else?"[/COLOR] ---------------------------- OOC~ Sorry, I couldn't think of anything better to write. Plus, I think I'm starting to get a bit sick due to all this cold, wet weather we're having down here. :sick:
If the elections were held tomorrow, who would you vote for?
Soliel replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=GREEN]I'm for Kerry; democrat through and through. I really don't like the way Bush has handled things these past four years. Let's start from the begining of his term. First, Bush was elected with less than the majority of the popular vote (he was elected due to a defalt in the electorial college). Then came 9/11. Now I'm not blaming anyone, especially Bush, for that horrific tragedy. No one knew exactly what was going to happen, with the exception of those involved. He did the best he could, under the circumstances, and I really felt like he was able to unite the nation after that. If the elections had been held in those first few months after Sept 11th, Bush would have been reelected in a landslide. After that he sent troops to Afghanistan to retribute for what they had done to us. This I also feel was a good move for Bush. Then, several months after that, he desides that he wants to attack Iraq because he thought it was a "threat". That's where my confidence in him dropped significantly. I have yet to see valid proof that Iraq was a threat to the US or that their government was working in cooperation with the Al-Qaada (not sure if its spelled right) terrorists. Plus the economy is going down hill and gas prices are the highest they've ever been (granted they are going down now). I just feel like we need a new person in office. Plus it's a proven fact that an incubant president is less likely to fulfill his campaign promises than his primary challenger. Why? Because of the two term limit for presidents; they know there's no way they can get reelected to a thrid term so there's so reason for him to worry about popularity or aproval.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=GREEN]At the risk of sounding repetitive, I'm going to have to say that all in all, your parents are only looking out for your best interest. I know they may seem rigid at times, but that's just part of being a parent. About your game, I'd suggest sitting down and calmly discussing things over with your parents. Tell them that you understand the difference between fantasy and reality, but do so in a very calm and mature way. If they see that you understand this, and act mature about it, they might consider letting you have your game back. My parent have been fine about my brothers and I playing violent video games since we've had a similar family discussion. Of course, it may take more than one try. This talk, like the ones parents give their kids on sex, drugs, alcohal, and smoking, are repetitive because parents fell the need to drill these ideas into their children's heads. Oh, and if your parents try to blame solely the game for you so called "obsession", tell them that they're partailly to blame. I hate it when over protective parents try to get rid of good games and TV shows because they think that those are the cause of their kids bad behavior. (Sorry, went off on a tangent there.)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]Okay, it's been 2 and a half years since I signed up at OB, figure I'll finally admit what my real name is *bangs head on table for agreeing to this*. My name's Alex but some of my friends I met in high school know me as Alie (pronounced ally). I'm from the Big Easy, New Orleans, and I wouldn't live any place else. Right now, though, I'm living in a little town in north Louisiana called Ruston where I'm currently a freshman at Louisiana Tech University ([/COLOR][COLOR=RED]Go[/COLOR] [COLOR=BLUE]Bulldogs[/COLOR][COLOR=GREEN]). I'm majoring in pre-veterenary medicine and minoring in art. I love animals and I worked at Audubon Zoo in New Orleans (one of the top five zoos in the country) for five years (1999-2004). Well that's it for me.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by[/I] [B]Midnight Rush[/B] I personally am in favor of the death penalty for violent criminals, rather than wasting money on prisons. Prisons are an obscene waste of money... think of all the expensive cars I could have if I had that money... damn![/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN]Um, actually, it cost taxpayer less to keep criminals in jail than to sentance them to death. When they exicute someone they have to pay all the workers involved overtime pay, plus there's all the legal fees and stuff they have to go through. I'm serious, I'm not making this up, I just had to write an English paper on it. Anyways, back to the topic at hand. No I do not think that criminals accused of violent crimes should have the right to parole. They were tried and found guilty of a heinous crime and the jail term they received is usually more than fair to them. Because of parole, many people fear that jailed criminals will be released, so they resort to sentencing people to death, which I firmly oppose.[/COLOR]
Anime Dating Anime Characters: Would You?
Soliel replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=GREEN]Hum... For some odd reason I thought I'd already posted on this thread. Oh well, guess I didn't. :sweat: Okay, guys in anime I'd want to date (this is a bit of a list): 1. Kurama, "Yu Yu Hakusho"- There's just something about inteligent guys that I like; and no I do not have a fetish for red headed guys. 2. Seto Kaiba, "Yu-Gi-Oh!"- Many people fail to see this, but Seto has the potential to be good, he's just too stubron to admitt it. I think he could be really nice, though. 3. Sesshoumaru, "Inuyasha"- Again the whole "potential to be good" thing comes into play. Plus he's really cute. I had another one but I don't know how to hide spoiler info. Does it bother anyone else that I really analyze fictional characters' personalities? :D [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=GREEN]Here are some things I did with my anime club last year. First off, we didn't watch anything along the lines of DBZ or anything else that was shown on broadcast TV or daytime basic cable. I figured if someone really wanted to watch these shows they could do so on there own time. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by[/I][B]Japan_86[/B] What you could do is have a Cos play Halloween party where everyone dressed up as their favorite anime or video game character. You could hold a contest for the best costume too. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN]I also wanted to do this with my club last year, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the club started in time. We also talked about any anime or gaming related news, such as TV schedual changes and upcoming conventions. Yeah, I tried to get the members to do the art contest thing, but people just didn't want to do it. Well hope I could help anyone who needed it. I know first hand how hard it is to start and maintain an anime club.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]As the other Chosen and their digimon partners went on the offenive, Ari could only look on in amazement. "Hey, Ari," said Gomamon in a worried yet eager tone. "Are we gonna do something or what?" "Uh..." "Come on. I need your help so I can digivolve!" Ari quickly snapped back to her senses. "Okay, are you sure you'll be fine?" Gomamon noded confidently,"Alright then, let's do this." She took out her digivice from her jacket pocket and immediatly pushed the flashing button on it's side. Gomamon suddenly became inveloped in a brilliant, white light. As it swelled, Ari had to back up several feet to prevent herself from becoming swallowed up in it as well. When the light dimmed and faded, a large mamoath-looking creature stood before her. "Whoh! Gomamon, you got big," were the only words she could articulate in her amazement. "I'm Ikkakumon, now," he said in a deep, gruff voice. Ari could only stand there in awe, looking at what her little pal, Gomamon had become. His face and body, which resembled that of a large walrus, was covered in long white fur. He also had a single dark horn petruding from his forhead. As she looked him over, she caught a glips of one of the Kuwagumon attacking from the rear. "Look out!" she shouted. Ikkakumon turned to face the enemy. "Harpoon Torpedo!" he shouted as the horn on his head, which was imediatly replaced by another, was fired at the attacking digimon. The missile made a direct hit. Ari breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't relax just yet," Ikkakumon informed her, "We still have a good ways to go."[/COLOR]
OOC~ Sorry this post may seem awkwardly written. I actually wrote out this post directly on the boards, but it was lost just before I submitted. I?m trying to rewrite this post by memory. Oh, and Heezay, sorry if I messed up your character. Just PM me if you want me to change it. ------------------- [COLOR=GREEN] Ari sat down quietly, away from the others. It?s not that she hated other people, she just always felt awkward in social situations. She looked across the table at Mika and Brice. She listened to their conversation as she took a bite of a strange piece of fruit. [I]Why am I here?[/I], she thought to herself. ?You okay there, Ari?? asked Gomamon, who had managed to climb onto the chair next to her. ?Yeah,? she said with a fake smile, ?Just thinking.? As she turned back to her food, one of the boys approached her. ?Hey, is it okay if I sit here,? he said, pointing to the chair on the other side of her. ?Oh, my name?s Akira, by the way.? ?I?m Ari,? she said, ?And yeah, you can sit here.? Ari quietly turned back to her food. She wanted to be alone, but if someone wanted to sit by her, she wasn?t going to stop them. ?So, how?s the food?? he asked trying to make conversation. ?Not too bad,? she said without looking up, ?It tastes a bit funny though.? Akira thought for a moment trying to think of something else to say. ?So,? he started, ?What were you doing when you and your digimon partner got sent here? I heard most of us were checking our e-mail or something.? He paused for a moment. ?I was playing a game on my computer when I got the message.? ?Yeah, I was just hanging out, checking my e-mail,? Ari said in an emotionless tone. ?We were swimming,? added Gomamon in a chipper tone. Ari quickly turned and glared at him for making the conversation go somewhere. ?Swimming?? Akira asked. ?Uh, yeah,? said Ari, turning back to him, ?You see, Gomamon, here, really likes the water, so I sorta snuck him into my school?s pool afterhours.? She quickly turned back to her food, a bit embaressed by the fact that she had done something illegal. But Akira just laughed a bit, ?That?s pretty cool.?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]"We're WHERE?!" Ari asked in amazment. "The Digital World," repeated Gomamon, "Remember, I told you this is where I'm from." "Yeah, I remember," said Ari, getting to her feet. "So, do you know where we are in this world?" "Uh..." Gomamon hesitated. "I have no idea," he said, sheepishly, putting one clawed fin behind his head. "Well, guess we have no choice but to explore the area," suggested Ari, and with that, the two of them started off towards the woods. As they walked among the trees, she began to get currious about this strange, new world. "So I guess you lived near the water. I mean, they do have oceans and other large water bodies here, right?" "Yeah, the oceans are so beautiful here. I hope there's one nearby. I really want you to see it. Maybe you'll even get to meet some of my friends." Gomamon was as excited as a child at christmas. Ari simply smilled down at him. "You're really excited about being home, aren't ya?" Gomamon just giggled. [I]I wander if I'm the only human here.[/I] She thought to herself. [I]Even if I am the only one here, I guess it won't be too bad. Just think, being in a world like this, full of peace and unspoiled; this is paradise.[/I] "What's that?" asked Gomamon, pulling her out of yet another daydream. "I dunno." As Ari listened, she could hear voices in the distance. "I think there may be other people here, afterall," she said to herself. She began to follow the voices, curious as to whether or not there were other people here. Gomamon followed close behind. She finally reemerged from the woods to another clearing. There she saw three guys and two girls, who each, like her, seemed to have their own digimon partner. She looked towards the other side of the clearing where she could see a third girl with a dog-like digimon walking off. As she looked at the other teens, her face wasn't lit up with excitement, rather, it held a look of disapointment and fear. "Let's go, Gomamon," she said with a depressed tone. Just as she was about the reenter the forest, Ari heard a voice from behind. "Wait! Don't go!"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]SPLASH! It was late evenning and Ari had snuck into the school's pool after everyone had already gone home. It wasn't that she was any sort of thrill seeker or anything, she just didn't like to be around other people and after hours was the perfect time to be alone by the pool. The only thing was, she wasn't exactly alone. "Come on, Ari, the water's perfect!" shouted a small, white creature from the water. "Your supposed to be quiet. Remember, Gomamon," she responded back. "Sorry," he said,"I'll be good." Ari smiled at her digimon friend, as he swam laps back and forth across the pool. As she did, she began to remenese of when she first met Gomamon. [I]It was cold and stormy, the day of her parents' funaral. She was still standing at their grave once everyone else had left. It was then that Ari heard a splashing coming from a nearby pond. Currious, yet still in a bit of a daze, she approached the pond to find a bunch of geese attacking somesort of unconcous, water-logged animal. Ari quickly came to her senses and chased the geese off. She had always held a strong desire to help animals, but this time she felt an almost personal connection. She picked him up, wrapped him in her coat and made her way home. Ari had always found it strange that once she had nursed Gomamon back to health and started to converse with her, she was never really frightened by the fact that he could talk. It was also that evenning that she had found her digivice on her desk, next to her laptop.[/I] Just then she was brought out of her revere by a splash of cold water. "You awake now?" Gomamon asked, laughing. "Sorry, Gomamon. Just thinking about the past." Just then, her laptop, which she had brought along to do some homework, began to beep furiously on the table behind her. "I thought I turned that thing off," Ari thought to herself. She opened the cover to reavle her e-mail display page. She only had one e-mail from an anonnamous sender. "What's with your computer?" Gomamon asked, as he climbed out of the pool and crawled towards her. "I dunno," she said, "I got this strange e-mail. I don't know whether I should open it or not. Might be a virus or something." "Didn't you tell me that you upgraded your protection software a few days ago? Why don't you just open it and find out?" "Easy for you to say. You don't have to shell out a ton of money to fix it if it breaks. But your right about the upgrade." Ari double clicked the e-mail. The screen went blank then read a single message: [B][I]You have been chosen. Your help is needed. The light will guide you to me. You must come now. I do not know how much time I have left.[/I][/B] Suddenly, Ari felt a strong pull towards the computer screen. Her digivice began to vibrate and beep even louder than the computer had a few minutes earlier. "Ari, hold on!" shouted Gomamon. Just as she grabbed onto one of his clawed fins just as the two of them were pulled through. Ari awoke in a daze, in the middle of a clearing. "Oh, good! Your finally awake." "Gomamon..." she mumbled, trying to sit up, "Where are we?" "We're in the Digital World!"[/COLOR]
I hope it's not too late to join. Your story line sounds really interesting and fun. [COLOR=GREEN][U]Name:[/U] Ari Taretsuei [U]Age:[/U] 16 [U]Gender:[/U] Female [U]Appearance:[/U] She stands about 5 ft with short, brown hair and green eyes. Ari normally sports a blue jacket over a pale green tank top and denim shorts. She usually has a very kind and friendly dispossision, but seems to hide a sorrow deep within. (see attachment for picture; it's messy because I drew it in five minutes and I couldn't find a better picture) [U]Bio:[/U] Ari lives on her own in an apartment near her high school. Her parents passed away in an accident a year earlier. Since then, she doesn't socialize well with other people. Her closest friend is her digimon partner, Gomamon, whom she met around the time of her parents' death. Ari may seem really care-free and friendly on the surface, but deep down, she's almost given up hope on humanity. [U]Personallity:[/U] Ari can be very withdrawn, espeically with people she doesn't know that well. Once she gets to know someone, she's usually very nice and a bit care-free at times. She seems to be kinder to non-human creatures than to other people, making her and Gomamon really close. [U]Digimon:[/U] Gomamon [U]Digivolution Chain:[/U] Gomamon- rookie, Ikkakumon- champion, Zudomon- ultimate, Korrikkakumon- mega[/COLOR]
[QUOTE] [I] Originally posted by [/I][B]ultimamilz[/B] I think the 80's was the best decade because some good classic anime came out in Japan in that decade, such as DBZ. It started the anime jump into america, ya know? The 80's showed that anime could come to America and be big. It might not've had the greatest shows, but it was best for anime. It started the big anime craziness in America I believe. Then the early 90's were good too. This decade continues to show those shows that technically started around the 80's. -MILZ[/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN] I agree that anime as a genre did start to significantly gain popularity in the '80s and it did spawn some of the great classics that we all know today. But I believe one of the biggest boosts in anime's popularity came in the mid to late '90s. Many current fans are reluctant to admit it but series such as "Pokemon" :ball: hooked a lot of American fans onto anime. I would guess that anime has actually been rising in popularity in the States since the 1960s. So my final answer... I believe that the best years of anime are yet to come, but so far it would have to be the 1990s.[/COLOR] :rolleyes:
[COLOR=GREEN]I have cosplayed and I have been to an anime con, I've just never cosplayed at an anime con. I've actually only cosplayed twice, both were for Halloween. The first time was as Sailor Jupiter from "Sailor Moon." I figured this would be easy since I already had long-ish, brown hair. It wasn't too big of a disapointment but I still think I could have done better. The second time I dressed as Sango from "Inuyasha." That one was a disaster, mostly because I bought a cheap wig and I did most of the sewing last minute.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE] [B] Originally Posted by wiccansamurai[/B] [I]While my family was away on vacation, my mom's best friend was watching our farm. Around that time, we had had a bit of a problem with a racoon eating our animals food. Being the person she is, Sue catches the over sized rodent. She gets advice from a friend how to put it out of its misery humanly. (Sue is the same woman, who in an attempt to get rid of a possum, shot off three of its legs and finally gave up trying to kill it O_o) So she put the racoon in a cage. The cage went behind the car, with a blanket over it and the exhaust pipe. Sue turned on the car and left it like that. What her friend had failed to tell her was that you're supposed to put it on nuetral and step on the gas to get more fumes. Sue, seeing the racoon not moving, figured it died. She began to load it on the back of a truck to put into a burn pile. Not even half way there, the racoon wakes up. Sue promptly gets out of the car and starts beating, tried to run it over, even. This not working all that well, she managed to get it to the pond and started to drown it. As soon as the bubbles stopped coming up and the racoon was unconcious, Sue threw it in the truck, floored it to the burn pile and set it on fire. So much for a humane death.[/I][/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN] She didn't get charged on Animal Cruelty for that? Anyways, I have two cats and four dogs who are [B]Always[/B] getting into trouble. One such instance was around Halloween. My younger basset hound, Sadie, was wandering around my door in my room, during a storm. She usually gets scared by the thunder and I guess she wanted to get something to eat. I let her into the kitchen and was getting some food for my self. It was dark and I didn't bother to turn on the lights, which I now regret. I was backing up away from the frig when I stepped on something soft and furry. It was my cat, Sandy, and man did she shreek. That caused Sadie to start barking and that woke the whole house up. :eek: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]I think the first anime I saw was the old Sonic series. I, like many of you, didn't realize that this was anime until several years later. I was about 6 or 7 at the time. A few years later, I got into Sailor Moon. Also, I remember seeing one episode of a strange series around this time. I would find out later that this series was Dragonball Z. I don't remember exactly when I found out that these shows were anime or that they were even from Japan, but it must have happened around seventh or eighth grade, and it must not have bothered me too much. Seventh grade led to my Pokemon phase (nearly every anime fan between the ages of 15 and 20 has had one, so no one should be embaressed). It is my opinion that Pokemon was responsible for many of today's young anime fans. From there it went to DBZ and Gundum Wing and since then, I've been hooked. So that makes 12 years of watching anime and 6 years of being an avid fan of it.[/COLOR]
Anime What's your Favorite Anime Soundtrack?
Soliel replied to 0ber0n the Neko's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]wolfy129[/B] [I]Anyway, When I was .hack//SIGN, I absolutly loved the music in the background. Each song is started perfectly and ended right where it needs to in the series. The whole anime was pulled together by the soundtrack in my opinion... (Though, I didn't realize the opening theme was in English until I got the DVDs... =^._.^= heh)[/I][/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN] It was the same way with me; I didn't relize the openning theme for .hack//SIGN, [I]Obession[/I], was in English until I saw the episodes on DVD. Anyways, for my favorite soundtracks, I enjoy most of the songs from Sailor Moon and Inuyasha, especially, [I]Fukai Mori[/I] and [I]My Will[/I] from Inuyasha and [I]Miracle Romance[/I] (the original SM openning theme) and [I] Princess Moon[/I] from Sailor Moon. The song and lyrics are just so beautiful.[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]maikiratori[/B] [I]I'd love for someone to start an anime club at my school... The only problem is you have to have a teacher sponser to do any kind of club, and most of my teachers don't even know what anime is... The ones who do alreaday sponsor a club or don't want to sponsor a club (apparently it's too much hassle)[/I][/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN]So you want an anime club at your school. Well, here's a little tip on how to get a teacher to be your moderator. Just try telling the busy ones that all they really need to be there for is to supervise meetings and screen the titles that you watch (you have to be careful what you show in school, even in high school). Also, the moderator doesn't need to be a complete expert on anime; the teacher moderator for my club has only seen [I]Spirited Away[/I] a few times. You can also try to get more than one teacher to alternate the moderating job. Remember, if you really want an anime club at your school, [B]YOU[/B] should take the initiative and try. If not, then it may never get started. That's what I did, and now, for some odd reason, I'm my school's leading informant on anime. If you need any more help, just PM me. Good luck![/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]Okay, I have to agree that all six episodes of FLCL were crazy. As for craziest moment in an anime series, I'd have to go with the episode of Sailor Moon Stars where Saiya tricks Usagi into going on a date with him and she keeps wigging out, thinking he'll take advantage of her or something to that effect. Anyways, it's a really good episode.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]Well, there was a recently licenced series called "The Twelve Kingdoms" that I just came into contact with. I've only seen the first few episodes, but it looks really good. Also a manga that I just started reading called "Get Backers" previewed not long ago in an issue of "Anime Insider." Oh, and I just remembered another anime, "Lain" which can be confusing, but looks good all the same.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]Okay, for the most part I agree with most of you on the "Moving to Japan" issue. Queen Asuka is right in that it won't be easy to just move to Japan and expect everything to just fall into place. I'm 18 and a senior in high school, and I'm finding it difficult figuring out how I'm going to support myself through college, even with partial scholarships. Though, I do want to move out to Japan one day, but only after I've finished college, obtained a decent amount of money, and visited Japan and am fluent in Japanese language and customs. As for the original question, my parents never really cared about my obession with anime (yes, I will admit that), but they never really understood it. My mother, when I was younger, didn't understand that I found it offensive when she or my brother would constantly mispronounce names or titles on purpose. But in resent years, she has gained more of and understanding for it and occassionally tries to learn more about it. My father never has and never will understand it. I have tried to pursuade many parents of young anime fans at my school of the benifits of anime, so that their parents will allow them to join my anime club.[/COLOR]
:p[COLOR=Green] OK My brother got me into this game several months back. I've recently been able to build a deck of my own. It's just a regular deck without a theme, though I am trying to get more Light element monsters since I seem to do better with those.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SandyBrown]Non-Tribute Monsters (13)[/COLOR] Magician of Faith Bio-Mage Enchanting Mermaid Fairy Guardian 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom Aqua Spirit 7 Colored Fish The Unfriendly Amazon Mystical Elf Dancing Fairy Hysteric Fairy Fire Sorcerer Lady Assailant of Flames [COLOR=Orange]Tribute Monsters (6)[/COLOR] Illusionist Faceless Mage Soul of Purity and Light Empress Mantis Ryu-Ran Dark Magician Wingweaver (my favorite :D ) [COLOR=Navy]Ritual Monsters (1)[/COLOR] Performance of Sword [COLOR=Purple]Fussion Monsters (0)[/COLOR] Total Monsters: 20 [COLOR=Plum]Trap Cards (7)[/COLOR] Castle Walls Gamble Solemn Wishes Enchanted Javelin Waboku Fairy Box Chain Destruction [COLOR=Teal]Magic Cards (13)[/COLOR] Dark Hole Jam Breeding Machine Scroll of Bewitchment Yami Commencement Dance Invigoration Remove Trap Insect Barrier Soul Release De-Spell Monster Reborn Graceful Dice Change of Heart Total Magic/Trap Cards: 20 [COLOR=Green]Total Deck Count: 40[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]Subbed vs. Dubbed, I haven't encountered this question in a while. Well as for me, personally I favor the dubbed, if its done right. But for cases like "Knights of the Zodiac" (which has really bad dubbing) I would prefer the subtidled version. There's also things like "Dragonball GT" that I first saw subbed, and it seemes kind of wierd dubbed. When I started an anime club at my school several months ago. I had to make the desision whether we would show subbed or dubbed anime. I let them decide and it turned out that dubbed was what they wanted, not because of any personal preference, but because many of the Basic level students couldn't read the subtitles.[/COLOR]