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Everything posted by Soliel

  1. Soliel

    Sailor Moon

    [COLOR=GREEN] Ummm...err I guess because you're new here you don't know, but I don't think you can start a thread thats already been done on the same topic recently. I think I'm gonna have to let the mods know about this one. Sorry:bawl: [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=GREEN]I don't think they'll be putting SM back on the air for a while. The last time it was on CN is was only on for about a month or less (I can't remember). Anyways, because of that, all of the credible SM sites are severly outdated. I've given up any hope of seeing Stars dubed, let alone shown on TV. (They won't show Ranma 1/2 for the same gender switching reason) Well, anyway, my favorite character has either got to be Lita (I don't remember her Japanese name) or Saiya.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=GREEN] I've always wanted to try snowboarding. I live in the south so I'm lucky if I even get to see snow. I was 3 and a half the last time it snowed here. Anyways, I'd be happy just to get the oppertunity to snowboard.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=GREEN] I agree. You should definatly vote. Even if you don't agree 100% with any of the canidates you should still voice your opinion. If you don't, nothing will ever change in this messed up country.[/COLOR]
  5. :( [COLOR=GREEN]Man, I probily had the lamest New Years ever. I sat around watching TV, mostly South Park, til about 11. Then I went outside and started shooting firworks off with my brother. Then my brother went to go see what was going on at a party around the corner. When his friends came by the house to see where he was, we all ventured around the corner to find him, of course it was so crazy over there that we couldn't find him. Then my mom demanded I find him since it was five minutes til. I was in the park looking for him when the new year came. I also was acting very strangely for some reason dispite the fact that I had NOT been drinking.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=GREEN] Ya I have a class ring but I didn't get much choice on the details. Thats because I go to a stupid catholic school that cares waaay to much about public image. We only get the choice in metel, name and the picture on one side. The stone has to be a garnet and the mascot has to be on the other side. For the most part, all the rings look almost the same except for the graduation year (by the way I graduate in about 4 months) and other little details.[/COLOR]
  7. Soliel


    [COLOR=GREEN]My curfew varies depending on where and when I'm going but my mom's usually pretty laxed about it as long as she knows where I am and I call. In the city were I live there's a city wide curfew which is 11:00 on weekends, holidays, and during the summer and 8:00 on school nights. I think that kinda sucks.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=GREEN] There are so my screw ups in DBZ and don't even get me started on the plot hole filled movies. But there's one thing that always seems to bother me. In the episode where they show Gohan's birthday they say he was turning 11. Then 7 years pass and you have the whole Buu thing. But in a lot of sorces I've seen say that he was 16 during the Buu saga. I don't know, but that doesn't seem to add up (11+7=16?)[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=GREEN]I've had my TI-83+ since 8th grade and I've always had games on it. I have a bunch of super genius, computer geek friends and they make their own games. I have most of the standand games: *Fall-Down *Galaxian *Phoenix *Uncle Worm *Dodge Ball Plus some variation stuff like Fall-Up (same thing as Fall-Down except going the other way) and an infinat life patch for Phoenix. I used to go to this advanced education high school. Here everyone had the games saved that you couldn't simplly erase the memory to get rid of the games. But at my current school they hadn't dicovered that programing yet, so if a teacher cleared the memory on your calculator, the games were gone. The first time a teacher tried to erase my games by clearing the memory, I had the hardest time trying not to laugh. Everyone was wandering why I was laughing so much after class and I showed them that my games were still in tack.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=GREEN] Ya, I had to go through all that homecoming stuff last week. For some odd reason, I always seem to get brain washed by all the school spirit. As a result, I went to the dance dateless and am now $30 poorer. But anyways, I had a semidecent time at the dance and I even convinced some of my guy friends to stand in a picture with me. So even if you don't have a date to homecoming, you should go anyway. You never know what might happen.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=GREEN]A friend of mine was homeschooled up to eighth grade. I think her mom kept her that long because the schools where I live are really crappy. Anyways, she made friends really quick. I'm sure you'll do just as well as she did.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=GREEN] Lets see, I've done a lot of stupid things when I was little. For one thing I used to eat Play-Dough When I was two I thought I could ride a tricyle down a slide at my preschool. I ended up breaking my arm. Oh, and I used to think that when a person turned 100 years old, they turned back into a baby. I have no idea how I thought that one up.[/COLOR]
  13. Soliel


    [COLOR=GREEN]Actully I think I have kind of a neat job. I work at my local zoo. No, I don't do anything gross like clean cages (I got promoted from that a year ago). I actually help supervise one of the after-school programs. I just watch a bunch of 5th graders and tell them about animals and stuff. Plus I want to be a veternarian and this job will look great on my vet school application.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=GREEN]Yes there are two Brolly movies. The other one is movie 10 and takes place after the 7 year gap in the series. Anyways, I think it will be a while till they dub that one.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=GREEN]Hey, drawing takes talent, but so does coloring. And that is some of the best coloring I've seen in a while. Great job![/COLOR]
  16. Soliel


    [COLOR=GREEN]That's so sweet. I know how a dog can feel like your best friend sometimes and it can be hard to let go. My first dog was a chocolat lab mix and I cried for a week when we had to get rid of her. But anyway, that drawing is a real nice way for you to remember your dog. [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=GREEN] I think two weeks is the longest I've gone without it. I think that was when I went to Disney World and the only TV I had access to was Disney stuff. Anyways, I just set my VCR to record any new eps I knew were coming on.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=GREEN] I got my senior pics taken a cupple of months ago. I was kinda worried because pictures of me usually don't come out very well. But the lady who took my pictures was really nice and she took her time with me. The result... those are some of the best pics of me in my house. I might post my one later, but my scanner seems to have a mind of it's own.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=GREEN]Movie 8 was definatly my favorite, but when did they dub it? I've seen the original Japanese sub. I guess I havn't been paying too close attention to DBZ sence they finished the series on CN.[/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Charm Seyugoshi[/I] first of all...it doesnt.I was watching the other day,about two episodes after maha died,and one after sora died,and it just started over...the entire series,back to when he meets Mimiru and Bear.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN] The series .hack//SIGN did end. CN showed all of the episodes. But the entire .hack// series is far from over. To see how the story continues you have to play the video games and watch the OAV's. I think they pick up about six months after the end of .hack//SIGN.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=GREEN]It's definatly Tsukasa. It's spelled that way on the offical merchindice and DVD's and stuff. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=GREEN] Thanks. Ya, I was thinking of submiting that to My Otaku. That one is actually the better of the ones I've done before. I guess because I actually put a backgroud in it and I usually don't. My scanner's not working but I'll show you another when I get the chance.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=GREEN] My situation is kinda weird. Ya I have a lot of friends who aren't really into anime but they don't give me any trouble about it because they have strange intrest too. But surprisingly, its my brother, a [I]former[/I] anime fan, who bothers me the most about it. He used to be into DBZ and Gundum but then he went to privet school and he changed. Oh, well. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=GREEN] OK, every year I decorate the front of my binder with a random peice of art (if you could call it that) and my name and the subject in Japanese. Anyways, heres the one I did for my computer lit binder. I know its kinda slopy, but what do you think?[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=GREEN] Its kinda weird where I live because its really half and half. OK that may not seem so weird at first, but I've been to both puplic and privet school and it seems there are more (a lot more) anime lovers in public school than in privet. In the privet school where I am now, many people haven't even heard of anime. [/COLOR]
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