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Everything posted by Soliel

  1. [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Ha! Oh, yeah, I've killed me some threads. I think I remember killing the first five or so RPG's I was in. I remember thinking that this had something to do with me and I didn't sign up for any new ones for a while. I eventually grew out of that, of course! Anyway, Minako, I know how you feel with the whole "I keep killing threads, I suck" vibe. I think we've all been there, but then we post in a thread that just won't go away then the post quality goes down hill because only newbies are posting in it so the mods are forced to lock it... Heh, sorry about that... got off topic :animeswea [/font][/color]
  2. [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Hey there! I was wandering if someone could make me a banner and avatar set with either Cagalli or Lacus or both. That's all I guess. I've attached some pics you can use.[/font][/color]
  3. [color=green][B]Name:[/B] Haruna Kimishino [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Coordinator, Natural, or Newtype:[/B] Newtype [B]Gundam:[/B] Blitz Mk II [B]Bio:[/B] Haruna grew up in a ruel, land locked region of the Orb nation. She lead a relitively sheltered childhood, not knowing what she was or why she seemed to accelerate at everything she did. When her parents finally told her she was a Newtype, she became so distraught, she ran away from home. Haruna spent the next few months living on her own in the nation's capital, when Orb was attacked by the Earth Alliance fleet. She ended up getting caught in the crossfire while trying to evacuate and barely escaped with her life. She finally made it to safety and back to her childhood town, but when she arived, Haruna was shocked to discover that her home had been looted and detroyed, her family was nowhere to be found. Once the government was re-established under Orb control, Haruna eventually moved back to the city. But she was never the same again. When Orb eventually found itself under attack by the Earth Alliance, Haruna was once again in the process of evacuating. Finding her only routes out of the city blocked, she headed to the millitary base. The next series of events took place so fast, Haruna barly had time to think. One minute she's staring at these three massive mobile suits while a forth is trying to fight off a Earth Alliance mobile suit. The next minute, she finds herself inside one of them, the Blitz MK II. [B]Personality:[/B] Haruna is very withdrawn. Ever since the incident, she has hardly ever talked to anyone. She will open up eventually once she feels comfortable with a person. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://i1.tinypic.com/o93lhd.jpg]Haruna[/URL] [B]OOC~[/B] Hope that's all right. I tried to follow and stick with your story as best I could, Domon.[/color]
  4. [color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]No prob, Reiku. I'm currently struggling through winter quarter finals. (I hate chemistry :animestun )! So if we have to wait a little while to start, all the better for me at least :animesigh Good luck at school![/font][/color]
  5. [COLOR=GREEN][FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]Name:[/B] Gerina Falon [B]Nickname:[/B] Gari (her friends will also call her "Shorty" on occation, just to tick her off) [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i1.tinypic.com/nz0d5j.jpg]Clicky![/URL] Minus the wings, of course! Usually wears black cargo pants with black boots, a red, kimono-style top, and two crossing sheaves on her back to keep her swords. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Gari was born in the land-locked town of Copper's Village. When she was only five, her home was attacked by bandets, and in the confusion, she was kidnapped. Her captors forced her to work in the dingy kitchens of a sweatshop located in the costal town of Baroar. There, Gari made out a meager existance for the next ten years. The only possitive things she believes she gained out of that experience was some decent skills with a blade, and the ability to make even the most horrid gruel taste edibile. When Gari was about 15, she managed to escape the confinment of the sweatshop during the confusion caused by a pirate raid. She snuck abord their ship in order to nab some food and other provitions, but ended up getting caught. Gari thought her life was over right then and there, but the captain, Cross-Scar Kane, had a proposition for her: if Gari could prove useful on his ship, she would be alloud to live, as a member of his crew. She then became the cook's assistant on board Cross-Scar's ship. [B]Short Personality:[/B] As not only the youngest, but the shortest (5ft/1.5m), Gari is often not seen as much of a fighter, but this girl's tough. She's fairly friendly towards most people, dispite her childhood. The only thing that tends to set her off is when someone brings up her hight. [B]Position on Ship:[/B] Cook [B]Weapons:[/B] twin katana's (plus the occational assortment of cutlery) [B]Devil's Fruit power:[/B] N/A [B]Dream:[/B] Gari's dream, as it stands right now is fairly simple: to discover the ultimate essence of flavor, and rid the world of blan, bad-tasting food. She figure's this will make people happy. Well, I'm back! Hope everything is in order here, Reiku :catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [color=green]Wow, I can't believe I'm actually posting in this thing... I know I'm shy :animeswea [b]The Legionnaires[/b] Very original, and daring, idea, Shy. I'm very proud to be part of this massive RPG style event that has seemed to unite members from all over the boards. Shy also has the patience of a saint to put up with all of the conflicts and road blocks this event has come up against in the past six months. Great job! [b]ChibiHorseWoman's Hurricane Katrina thread[/b] Being a native of New Orleans, I was very happy to see this thread come up. And even though some of the things said there made me want to jump through my computer screen and strangle some people, it was still a very good place for me to vent my near constant exasperation of the whole situation. By the way, I would never wish that experience on my worst enemy, it was that bad. [b]Reiku[/b] All I can say is, you rock. Your RPG's are great and fun to be a part of. You've also made me feel welcome when others have just dissmissed me as this shy little girl. Thanks a ton! [b]Everyone who replied to my [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46486]Sudden Loses[/url] thread[/b] Hurricane Katrina wasn't the only thing crappy that happened to me in 2005, in fact it wasn't even the first. Exactly five months to the day prior to Katrina's landfall, my younger brother's best friend suddenly passed away. This was another trying time for me and my family and I'd just like to thank everyone who replied for thier support.[/color]
  7. [color=green]Oygah! Gomen! Gomen! :animeswea I'm really sorry to the members of [b]Green Team[/b] for my lack of involvement, especially seeing as Aura is playing a key role in this extra-demensional benefactor buisness. January has been a very taxing month for me. Between Christmas, my birthday, Ushicon, and various other tasks, I barely had time to keep up with the postings. Now that I'm caught up, I'm having a bit of writter's block, but I'll try to have something up by tomorrow night at the very latest. Once again, sorry for the late-ness![/color]
  8. [color=green]These arguements on wether homosexuality and the like is born or learned reminded me of something a friend of mine passed on to me. If homosexuality is hereditary, then judging someone on that is like judging them on their race, something also beyond our control. But if it's a learned trait, then judging someone on that is like judging someone on their religion, something you have a free choice in. Eitherway, judging someone because they are homosexual is just wrong.[/color]
  9. [COLOR=GREEN][font= Comic San MS]Well, since this is a major facet in my life, I must comment. To answer CHW's original questions: I think that homosexuality is a born trait, not inherited. The only [b]choice[/b] made it wether to accept who you are or to hide it. In my personal opinion, I think it's a greater [i]sin[/i] to falsify who you really are, which, if you believe that God created us, would be an insult to God. It's like saying, "Thanks for the great gift, but I don't this part. I'm just going to keep it in the closet because I'm embarassed by it." I say there is nothing morally wrong with something that doesn't hurt anyone. As for the issue of good parenting, sexual oriantation has nothing to do with wether a person is a good parent. So on that note, same sex couples should be treated exactly the same as heterosexual couples in determining acceptable parenting. Judging someone by their sexual orientation is just like judgine someone on terms of race, it's just stupid. And same sex marrage doesn't effect those not involved; if a leisbian cupple in LA got married, a nun in Boston wouldn't drop dead as a result. Now I'm the treasurer of my college's newly formed Gay Straight Alliance, and we also happen to be located smack dab in the middle of the "Bible Belt" so I know a lot of the arguments people use against homosexuality. Would you people please stop acting like religion was the driving force in our country's founding. The words "under God" were [b][i]ADDED[/i][/b] to the Pledge in the 1950's, during the Cold War. This was just another blind attack on communism. Also people may use the Bible to support their arguments against homosexuality, but slave owners used to use it to support slavery, and abusive parents also use it to support child abuse.[/font][/color]
  10. [QUOTE=Shy][size=1]Um, yeah. I expected more activity during the holiday (historically the boards are slightly more active thanusual during the break, at least in my personal experience...) but I'm going to [b]extend the deadline for current Red, Green and Blue mission threads by two weeks[/b]. I've been out of town myself, I apologize for the confusion. I'll try to get a PM out to everyone ASAP, since it appears not everyone reads this thread. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [color=green]That's good to hear. The internet at my house was working up until New Year's Eve, then it just went out without warning. I guess services and utilities aren't completely fixed since Katrina. I'm back up at college now though, so I should be posting a lot more. Oh, also, I just want to apologize for my cruddy last post; 2am and feeling rushed for ideas. :animeshy: [/color]
  11. [color=green]I have a question regarding when Green Team's mission is supposed to wrap up. Will the posting end on the 1st, or will it continue longer? It just seems like we weren't given very much time, considering we were posting during the holiday season.[/color]
  12. [color=green]Everything happened so fast. One moment Kaida was chucking the micro-sized bomb from the room, the next, the thirty-some odd MS13 members had the two surrounded. "Well, chief, looks like it's time to put that little plan of yours into action." Aura mumbled to Kaida. A shot was fired at her from the crowd and Aura jumped out of the way to avoid it, landing nonchilantly on the shoulders of the gunner. "Not very bright, are you?" She leaped down behind him and planted a swift ax kick to his shoulder. Three others opened fire with their suphisticated weapons. Aura once again jumped from harms way as the three ended up shooting at each other. Aura glanced over at Kaida to find her firing at the MS13's with that special gun of her's. After a few more minutes the gang members sent after them were all either dead or unconcious. Aura stooped down and picked up one of the strange weapons. "Something about this thing is familar, I just can't put my finger on it," she informed Kaida as she finished checking in on Vinovka. "So what are you saying? Do you know who these mysterious "benefactors" could be?" Kaida asked. "Well, not exactly. These guys are supposedly from another dimension, right? So I've probibily been to the world where this thing came from. Maybe if I inspect this thing more thoroughly..." "That's good, but I'm more worried about another problem. I doubt MS13 expected us to be taken out by that explosion. It seems that Mirror's theory on our enemy's having a counter for each of us was correct." "So, you're worried about who our counters could be. I see your point; kind of hard to counter an alian and a genetic experiment."[/color]
  13. [color=green]Aura, in her natural state, leaned against the wall of Green Team's little "make shift base" not saying much since Z left. She had tuned the others out, thinking to herself what skills she could bring to this mission. She had her shifting ability, but Mirror was better suited to that being as "she" wasn't restricted by gender and form as she was. Aura really didn't see this as a weakness though, being as she seldom relied on that ability in battle. She sighed as she lightly tapped her foot against the floor. A soft jingle followed the tap and Aura was drawn out of her train of thought. She glanced down at her feet and noticed her gold anklet nano computer. Aura rolled her eyes and grinned, "Well, duh." "What is it?" asked Kaida, turning towards her. Aura sat down on the floor with her legs crossed. She began to turn the nob on the anklet as you would your average combination lock and a small holographic screen was projected from it. Kaida and Mirror gathered closer. Vinovka continued to stand and the far side of the room, but gave a side long glace in Aura's direction. "This is a type of highly compact, nano computer that was issued to me by my creators." She said this as she punched in a code from a displayed key pad of unEarthly symbols. "Yes, I remember reading something about that in your bio," Kaida chimed in, "So what do you plan to do with it?" "Well, with this little device, I can easy hack into any computer mainframe on the planet." Before Kaida could respond, Z's voice came through the com-link. "The kids are split into two groups, I think," he said in an almost inaudible whisper. "Twenty MS13 are on one side, I figure the same's on the other. That puts us at 50, maybe. Probably more. Kids seem fine, if scared, and there's guns all around. The back way in is open and there's little surveilance back here, so it should be safe to move in. Got all that?" "Got it, Z," Kaida said. "Now, get out of there so we can regroup." She turned back to Aura "So are you saying you can find out how they know so much about us?" Aura noded, the grin on her face growing bigger. "Yeah, no sweat! I just need to..." "****! Kaida, reinforcements, no - " Z's shocked voice came through the com-link without any warning, and cut off just as suddenly. "Z! Z, come in! Can you hear me? Z" Kaida yelled throught the com-link, but to no avail. D****t! Lost him! Aura, is there anyway you can find his location?" "Already there. I've just taken control over a millitary imaging satalite. We should have a picture right about... now!" An airial video image of the warehouse flashed to life across the nano computer's holographic screen. The image quickly changed to infrared and began to zoom in on the compound. "Let's see," she mumbled as she scanned the screen for Z. She noticed two heat signatures near one of the rear entrances. One seemed cooler and was not moving. The other was a short distance away, moving a little and seemed to be ladened with much tech. "That must be Z" said Aura pointing to the second heat signature. "Good work!" complemented Kaida in her usual monotonistic way. Aura was about to shut down her comp when she saw an unusual heat pattern in a far courner. Just as she was about the get a better look at it on the sceen, it suddenly vanished. [i]That's weird.[/i] she thought, but she just dismissed it as a glitch in the system and shut down the comp and stood up to stretch. "So what's our next move?" [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] OOC~ Hope this is fine![/color]
  14. [COLOR=GREEN]Wow! I finally get a chance to participate in this thing at long last. I'll be ready to post in the Green Team's mission thread by Wednsday at the very latest (just a warning to my possible lateness). Oh, I just want to point out one thing, Shy. You sort of mixed up my character's name and my new OB user name. So just to make sure everyone is on the same page, my character's name is Aura, not Soliel. Ok? Look forward to playing with everyone![/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Ug... Exams! ('nuf said :animestun ) [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] [FONT= Comic Sans MS]"For the last time, I AM FINE!!!" Fyoura was yelling in retort at the stuned healers who where only following orders in checking her out. Fyoura on the other hand, had been in a fowl mood ever since leaving Madrid. Everything that could have gone wrong on that recovery mission had. In fact, the only thing that had gone even somewhatly right was finding Kalei, but even that had gone over quite as expected; instead of rescuing her, she had found the survivers in a hospital and had to bring them back to the Wakanda headquarters to recover. Fyoura left the hospital wing in a huff. She returned to her quarters, tossing her bag in a couner and throughing herself on top of her bed. "I need a bath," she mumbled randomly. She drew a bath of steamy, hot water and slipped in without even rippling the water. "Ah, nothing like a nice bath to help clear the mind and relax the soal." Fyoura took a deep breath then slipped beneith the surface. Meanwhile, a tall, teenage boy rapped on the door to Fyoura's suit. "Ms. Fyuora, are you there?" He knocked again, but still no answer. "Hum..." He glanced down at the sheet of paper in his hand, "This is the right suit number, and she already left the hospital wing. Ms. Fyuora!" He tried the handle half-heartedly, and to his surprised, the door opened. The boy hesitated for a moment before entering the room. "Uh... Is anyone here?" He ventured past the bed and glanced through the open bathroom door, just in time to see Fyuora's head resurface in the bath. Fyuora had just enough time to see the boy's face turn a deep shade of red before he quickly ducked out of sight. Fyuora was rather confused by the boy's sudden appearance, but besides that, unfazed. "Uh... hello?" she spoke up from the tub. "Oh, Ms. Fyuora, I'm really sorry, I didn't know you were in here. I was told to find you, and they said you already left the hospital wing, and, and... ah, I'm sorry!" Fyuora could tell by the tone of his voice that he was under much distress. "It's alright, you didn't see anything," she giggled a little to herself. "Now what do you need?" "Oh, right. My name's Jordan and they told me that I was to be you appentice and to do what you needed me to do for you and such." "That's right," Fyuora tapped her head, remembering. She stepped out of the tub and slipped on a terry cloth robe, her body and hair still dripping wet. She exited the bathroom to notice Jordan facing the wall opposite the bathroom, his face still a slight tinge of pink. "Er.. do you you need a towel or..." "No, that's okay. I'll manage." Fyuora pulled her long, sopping wet hair over her shoulder and ran her other hand over her hair. Water droppet began pulling themselves from the hair and collecting in a sphere in her hand. When she was finished, her hair was dry and sphrere about the size of a softball hovered in her right hand. She turned towards the bathroom and effortlessly tossed the sphere back into the bath. Jordan looked at her in amazement. "Wow! That's amazing. You have such persise control over your power. You must be very strong." The smile on Fyuora's face fade as she looked away towards the window. "No, I'm not strong at all. If I were, [I]he[/I] would still be here with us."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=GREEN][FONT= Comic Sans MS]Cons! I love to cosplay, and anime cons are the best opportunity to do so. I've been to Numa Rei No Con in New Orleans, which is the biggest free anime convention in the nation. And, yes, I think it will be coming back next year. You see, where it is held is actually on the West Bank of the city, which didn't get any water. But anyway, I'll be going to Anime South in Destin, FL the weekend before Thanksgiving. It should be pretty fun, and I won't have to pay for a hotel since I know people there. I'll be cosplaying Kagome, and I just need a few more things to finish it off. I'm also going to Ushicon in Houston the last weekend of January. I'm going with some friends in my university's anime club. I'm not sure what character I'll cosplay as, but I have my winter holiday breaks to figure that out.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='Gin][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkslateblue]My Question: Do male mosquitoes suck blood? Because I?ve herd before that only female mosquitoes bite animals, but if that?s true how do male ones eat?[/color][/font'][/color][/quote] [COLOR=GREEN][FONT= Comic Sans MS]Yeah, only the females bite and suck your blood. The males are a lot bigger in size and I think they only drink water. Insects are interesting creatures, in that they don't live for very long in their adult stages, and therefore don't really need to eat. The female mosquitoes only suck blood in order to help their eggs develop; they bite, suck to their fill, then fly off to the nearest pool of standing water to lay her eggs. Okay, enough of me showing how much of an animal science geek I am, time for my question: This is aimed mostly at those of us still in school. How much do you care about your grades?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=GREEN][FONT= Comic Sans MS]Hey DC, I have a few questions conserning the whole thing with some of our characters being paired with apprentices. First off, just to make sure, we will be playing the character of our character's apprentince, right? Also, is Fyuora's apprentice, Jordan, male or female, or does it matter? Just wandering, since Jordan is one of those names that can be both guy or girl. I just wanted to find those things out before I posted again. This RPG is going great; very appropriate for this month too :catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [quote name='Sage][SIZE=1']PS. and to all of my apparent "archvillains" at these boards, I'm not posting this to whine, I just want a confirmation to what's going on in the game so I won't be totally lost... :/[/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=GREEN][FONT= Comic Sans MS]Hey you weren't the only one, Sage! Even though my character isn't a part of any of the missions this go around, I've been checking up on the mission threads and as of late, I've been getting pretty confused about many of the points Sage brought up. Thanks for answering those questions, Shy. I just hope you haven't forgoten about us few who haven't gotten a chance to participate in a mission yet. I don't know about the others, but I just want my chance to shine![/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=GREEN][FONT= Comic Sans MS]Well, I remember last Halloween for me was pretty pathetic. All I did was watch scary and Halloween themed stuff on TV and mooch out on candy, that was supposed to be for the Trick-or-Treater's that never showed up. This was all at my friend's house, and even though I dress up, no one else did! This year, however, there are at least 2 or three parties I'm going to, the first of which is tonight. I'm going as Hermone from Harry Potter, reusing the same costume from when the book came out back in July. I was thinking of Kagome, but I couldn't get it finished in time for Halloween, so I'll just wear it to a con I'm going to next month. In the small town where my university is, Halloween is being celebrated on Sat, but I just may very well were my costume to class monday just because. (It rocks not having a dress code for school anymore!)[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=GREEN][FONT= Comic Sans MS]OOC~ Uhg... Midterms suck! [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Fyoura sat up, more stunned than physically hurt. She tried her best to wrap her mind around what had just happened, but it was just too hard to believe. [I]Did that just happen?![/I] She replayed the images in her mind; seeing that look in Talyn's eyes, it was the look of a cold-blooded killer. "No!" Fyoura shut her eyes and clutched her head in both hands. "No!" she sobed, "That couldn't've been Talyn. It just couldn't be!" Fyoura didn't have much time to deny the painful truth to herself, because at that moment, Kalei came bursting into the room. "Are you alright?!" Fyoura was jurked back to present conciousness as Kalei came over. "Yes, we are both fine," responded Priest, who was over tending to Ena. "Ena is unconcious, though." Fyoura pulled herself together and went over to help her. As they loaded Ena into the car out in front of the hospital, Sin returned, looking somber. Their trip to the airport was a quiet one. Fyoura propped her head up with one arm as she gazed out the window. A single silent tear running down her face went unnoticed by the others. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] OOC~ Edited! Sorry for the sort-ness this time around, but I didn't have much to go with :animesigh [/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE=Derald][FONT=Lucida Console][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]I myself am a catholic. However, I'm not one of those catholics who is overly enthusiastic about worship. I just don't see how praying is going to do me any good. I mean if god has a "plan" set out for someone (as many of you out there still play into it) then obviously praying is not going to save you from an oncoming train if god says, "It's your time." Also, as I stated before on my thread "Existence Theories," I hate the thought of anyone or anything, be it a divine being or not, creating me just to use in their grand scheme.( I shall also state this: any christians out there who feel like criticizing my views, you can just bite me. I am my own being. I love others out of my own soul, not anything acting through it.) I also find that I don't like the way that it's foretold that the human race will eventually die out. I find that I like this phisical "realm," if you please, and I believe anything and anyone can be saved. I have helped out others in my life, and I find it soothing to know that I helped ease another's burden. I see how many of you could hate me for my beliefs, but I care for others more than myself, and I hate to see someone suffer due to something that was "meant to be." Defiance is my thing.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN]Yes! Another Catholic that thinks like me! Well, not exactly, but I agreed with a lot that you said, Derald. A few years back, I actually came very close to converting to Atheism. I had just gotten sick and tired of the Bible and what it said about certail things, but at the time, the only way I was taught to interpret the Bible was literally, word for word. But then, my 11th grade religion teacher taught us that the book is better interpreted on a more symbolic level. After that, things just seemed to fall into place in my life and I could finally accept my religion. I have gotten into an argument with my Babtist roomate on how I interpret the Bible. I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but it is my belief that the Bible just can't be interpreted literally, especially since most of it was written a minimum of 50 years or more after the events transpired, and that's only of the gospals. Its just all too possible that some of the details could have been exagerated. So back to the initial topic, techniquly I'm a Roman Catholic, but even with my open minded view of the Bible, there are still some things in my religion I don't believe in. Those are my beliefs, I'm not asking anyone to accept them.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=GREEN]The ambush has happened so quickly and with such force that they barely had time to react. The next thing Fyoura knew- darkness. Fyoura heard voices but didn't open her eyes. The first was a voice in a spanish accent. [I]Dammit! Where am I?[/I] Then she heard the familiar voices of Priest, Sin and Talyn. She opened her eyes to find herself in a hospital recovery room. She turned her head to see Priest and Talyn holding Sin down to his bed as he injected himself with his serum. Fyoura turned her head away as Sin began to thrash about. After a few minutes she heard Sin dash from the room. Fyoura sat up in her hospital bed, brushing a few strands of her long, sandy-brown hair behind her ear. "Oh, I give up!" The doctor treating them threw his arms up in exasperation as he left the room. Talyn and Priest turned to see Fyoura sitting up in bed. "Fyoura, you're awake," Talyn said. "Are you okay?" asked Priest. "Well, I'm sore and generally, I feel like crap, but I'll live." Fyoura's gaze drifted around the room, "So where are the others? You don't think their..." she couldn't finish. She looked down at her lap. After a moment Talyn spoke up. "We can only hope."[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=GREEN]As the vampire hord attacted, Fyoura noticed that they seemed organized. What more, she also noted that they seemed to be concentrating their attacks on some of their group more than others. She rushed to aid some of the others, despite the fact she felt increadibly volnerable at the moment. This was mainly due to the lack of her element, water, in the area, both in liquid form and in the air. Fyoura would have to rely entirely on her physical strength. Before she could be of any help though, one of the vampires converging on Jade broke off and charged her. His speed was incredible and before she knew it, he had her by the cuff of her shirt. Fyoura twisted her body and landed a well placed kick to the side of the vampire's face. He landed several feet away in a heap on the ground. Fyoura regained her posture and examined her handy work for a moment. [I]I guess that last minute training session payed off,[/I] she thought. She had no time to contemplate her increase in strength however. Suddenly a second vampire, a bit stronger looking than the first, attacked, sending her flying through a nearby shrub. Fyoura remained frozen on her back, expecting at any moment for her attacker to follow and finish her off, but after nearly a minute he still hadn't persewed her. It was then that she heard the voices of some of her compainions. [I]At least some of us are still alive,[/I] she thought grimmly as she followed the voices. After a few minutes, she caught up to Priest and Ena. "Fyoura, you managed to get away too," greeted Priest. "Yeah, but just barely. One of those bastards caught me off guard, but for some reason, he didn't finish me off. I guess I lucked out," Fyoura looked around. "Are we the only ones who managed to escape?" "Well, we saw Sin move ahead rather quickly, but we had trouble keeping up so Talyn dashed ahead..." Ena was cut off. "Talyn got away too?" Fyoura asked anxiously. "Well, yeah. Like I said, he's up ahead talking with Sin." Fyoura was silent for a moment as they began moving again. Their group of warriors against the vampires had been nearly cut in half, but they had to focus on their mission none the less; they had to find Kalei.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=GREEN][U]Prior to landing[/U] Fyoura snapped her fingers twice."Priest? Hello?" She blinked some quickly looking at her. ?Huh? What . . . " she blinked looking confused. "You didn't hear a thing I said did you?" Priest tried to shake away the image of the church."No. Sorry." Fyoura sighed, "I said, did you see what just happened to Talyn. He was going through these wierd convultions." Priest sat up and looked over at Talyn, who was now talking with Sin. "He seems alright now, though." Fyoura bit her lower lip as she gazed worriedly over at Talyn. She knew those convultions could only mean one thing, he was starting to change. [CENTER]*~*[/CENTER] The helicopter landed and the team began to disembark. Fyoura held back for a moment until nearly everyone had gotten off. Just as Talyn was about to get off, Fyoura grabed his arm to stop him, "Wait, Talyn. I need to tell you something." Talyn turned around to face Fyoura. "What is it? Can't it wait until later?" "No, I have to tell you this now before it we get wrapped up in battle again," Fyoura took a deep breath then continued. "I know about you injury and what's happening to you." "What are you talking about?" "It okay, you don't have to pretend everything's fine. I sorta accidently over heard you and Katima talking in the hospital wing back at the Wakanda temple." Fyoura looked away as she said this part. She turned to face him again. "I know you've been bitten, Talyn."[/COLOR]
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