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Everything posted by Soliel

  1. [COLOR=GREEN]Finally, a good RPG story goes up! [B]Name:[/B] Emma Johnson [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]World of Origin:[/B] Ours [B]Appearance:[/B] Emma has shoulder-length crimson-red hair and dark green eyes. She stands about 5' 4" and appears fairly young for her age (she's sometimes even mistaken for a teenager!). [I]Picture to come soon![/I] [B]Personality:[/B] Emma is [U]extremely[/U] shy and will hardly ever talk to anyone if it can be avoided. This stems mostly from her upbringing which was not a happy one (see bio) because of this, she has disconected herself, emotionally, from everyone she knows. When she isn't off training by herself, Emma can usually be found with her nose in a book. [B]Bio:[/B] Emma was the middle child in an upper-middle class suburbian nieborhood. Her family prided itself as being your "typical, all-american family." Her older sister was a cheerleader and homecoming queen; her younger brother a starting varsity football player. Nerdy Emma stuck out like sore thumb in every way as compared to her family; from her hobbies and interest, which included martial arts, to her opinions of the government. Even her appearance stood out in a sea of blond hair and blue eyes. After high school, she attended West Point, since she didn't know exactly what to do with her life, but she did want to travel-- not to mention get away from her family. She eventually lost contact with them and accelerated in her classes and training. She became so aborbed she had virtually no time for a social life. Her greatest strenths were her quick reflexes under pressure and mastery of hand-to-hand combat. Emma entered the service immediatly apon leaving West Point. She spent 3 years in the Army before being approached by EDRI. I hope this is ok, Takuya. I'll edit some of this later.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=GREEN]Sure I'll give this RPG a try... [B]Name:[/B] Azuru [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Time Period:[/B] Past (Feudal Era of Japan) [B]Weapon(s):[/B] Two short swords kept in a single sheath on her back [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/747-20040930133010.jpg"]Clicky![/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Azuru is usually able to keep a cool head under pressure. The only things she tends to get worked up about are people calling her weak. Oh, I used to have an avi like yours :animesmil [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=GREEN]Alright, Dennis is almost a cat 5 now, getting worried now :animedepr [B]GreatBird[/B], I heard you guys got an unexpected pounding by Cindy, and I kinda know the feeling on the heading towards the storm; I'm supposed to go to Destin, FL in 2 weeks. Well, I did get power back on at my house at about 3 in the morning Thursday. Ok, I got to get back to work. :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=GREEN]Alright, techiqually, hurricane season started a month ago, but since I live near the Gulf Coast and my area just got pounded by Tropical Storm Cindy last night, I thought it would be aproapreate (sp?). Well, a record has already been broken by us having 4 named storms by this point in the year. I figured this can be a running thread about the hurricanes that come up this season. As for what Cindy did to us here in New Orleans, there was some flooding, but mostly wind damage, a good chunck of the area, about 250,000 homes, are still without power, including mine (I'm at work, and the power's on there). Driving to work this morning, I saw downed tree limbs everywhere! And it's going to be quite a race to get everything picked up, since TS Dennis is lingering just outside the Gulf of Mexico. Well, is there anyone who lives near the gulf coast or had/has to deal with Cindy/Dennis/etc. worried? Plus, anyone else who lives in a hurricane prone area, feel free to add your comments too.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=GREEN]Well, I found this site during summer '00 (oh so long ago :rolleyes: ). Anyways, I was doing a Yahoo search for Dragonball Z sites and came across theOtaku.com's Dragonball page. I eventually found my way to the boards and I've been here ever since, though I have used other screen names. I really like this site, and I guess it has a lot to do with the overall post quality. Except for a few nubies, most experienced members tend to do a good job with their post, especially compared to some other message board sites.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=GREEN]Drew and Kyo walked over towards Alex, Kina, and Amy. Aka had disapeared down the beach to find her brother, Ken. "Ah! Kyo, you're bleeding!" exclaimed Amy in a scared tone that caught Kyo off guard. Kyo reached up and touched his forehead and noticed fresh blood on his hand. His head wound must have reopened in the ocean without him relizing, he thought to himself. "Uh, it's no big deal" he rerplied, quickly turning to face the other way. [I]This is just great, why do I have to be on the same island as her?[/I] Just then, Ken and Aka walked up carrying some firewood. "Good work you guys" praised Alex. Kyo stared out at the ocean [I]How the hell are we going to get out of here?[/I] he wondered. He turned part way back towards the others, "We still need to find some shelter," he reminded his classmates. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] OOC~ Sorry for the short-ness, home now and getting used to dial-up again[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=GREEN]Ah, a sibling thread... Well, I have three brothers, one older and two younger. Two of them are step-brothers (the oldest and the youngest) though. My older step-brother is 22 almost 23, about 3 and a half years older. I get along with him best out of the three, but he still acts like a 14 year old from time to time. My younger brother is 17, two years younger. Sometimes I swear he's the spawn of the devil and was sent here for the sole purpose of making my life living heck. He may be younger than me, but he's a lot bigger and stronger than me, mostly because he plays football, which is bad since we get into a lot of physical fights. Though we do get along a tiny bit better since I started college, this now gives him lisence to say I no longer live at home every time I go home for break. My younger step-brother is only 10, 8 and a half years younger. Him I get along with okay, mostly because he's into anime like me. As long as he doesn't bother me too much, and if he does I can always beat him up.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=GREEN]Hum... this topic seems familar. Oh, well. :D Jeez, I have so many embarassing moments, mostly because I'm such a klutz :animeblus But I guess the worst one for me would be one time in kindergarden (ah so very, VERY long ago). We had just finished "water day"- the last day of school you wore your swim suit and got to pay in the sprinklers, wading pools and water guns. I wasn't listening to the teacher (this still gets me in trouble from time to time) about how we were going to take turns changing in the cloke room. Well, with me lacking all since of modesty at the time, I got up in the middle of the class room and just took my bathing suit off. Well, I guess this wasn't very embarassing at the time, but thinking back on it, it was pretty bad. :animeswea [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=GREEN]Well, if you want to learn more about a specific anime title, OB's partner site [URL=http://www.theotaku.com]theOtaku.com[/URL] is a great source of info on tons of different series and movies. Anyways, welcome to the boards. Hope you have a good time here. :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=GREEN]Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Kyo groggily reached one hand from benith the covers and fumbled around for his alarm clock. After several failed attempts, he sat up and grabbed his clock. [I]That?s right I didn?t set it last night,[/I] he thought as he looked over at his ringing phone and picked it up. ?Uh? Hello?? "Kyo?!" the sudden volume of the high piched voice caught him by surprise. "Huh... Amy, is that you?" answered Kyo, still sounding half asleep. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" "No, that's alright, I was planning to get up soon anyways." "Well, did you get that letter from school?" "Huh, wha... oh yeah," Kyo suddenly remembering, stumpled over from his bed and picked up the letter lying on his desk. "Well, I was wandering if we could give you a ride to the airport." "Um, uh..." Kyo hesitated for a moment. He had spend a good portion of last night thinking about her; it felt weird, almost forgien to him. "Uh, thanks, but no thanks. I'll just take a cab, besides, I don't think I'm on your brother's good side right now. I'll see you at the airport, bye." He hung up before Amy could respond. He just needed a while to himself to get his thoughts and feelings together before he could really talk to her again. [I]Wait,[/I] thought Kyo suddenly reliezing something was out of place. "I don't remember putting my cloths away or pulling the sheets over me last night." "Kyo, sweetie, are you awake?" called his mom from the hall in a unusually careing and conserned tone. She opened the door, carrying a tray of food. "Gah! Mom! Knock please!" Kyo was still only wearing a pair of boxers. "Oh, don't be like that," she glanced down at the letter in his hand. He noticed and handed it to her, taking the tray off her hands. "This sounds wonderful, sweetie. Now you just eat and get dressed, I'll get your things packed and when your ready, I'll drive you to the airport." "Um.. okay," Kyo figured his mom had found out about what happened at school yesterday and was being extra nice out of consern and guilt, but he didn't care, it was a nice change of pace from the normal morning lecture. After about half an hour, Kyo loaded his bag into the family car, and his mom drove off. There was an akward silence in the car a good portion of the way there. "Um.. don't you and dad have work today?" asked Kyo breaking the silence. "Oh, don't worry about that," was all she responded with. They pulled up to the carpool loading area outside the airport entrance way. "Thanks for the ride, mom. I'll see you in a week. Love you." "Kyo you take care of yourself!" she called after him. He waved good bye as he made his way to where the others were. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] OOC~ Ok, Isadora, I know what your thinking, no this is not the end of Kyo and Amy. (see my PM for details) As for me, I have to finish packing. I head home this Friday, so I probibly won't be on again til next week.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=GREEN]Well I grew up in the "Big Easy" (aka- New Orleans), where underage drinking is common place. It's not like I have to go out and get wasted every night, but I do drink from time to time, and occationally get drunk. I don't really like beer, but I do like wine and mix drinks, especially strawberry daqueries(sp)-- (Note~ New Orleans is the home of the drive-thru daqueries). When there's enough drinks around that I'm willing to drink (ie. not beer or straight liquor) I can get pretty wasted. I'm not really a violent drunk, more of a tipsy, giggly drunk. My brother is more of a drunk than I am. Ever since late 9th grade, every weekend, him and his friends would sneek a few cases of beer into his room and get completely plastered. My mom is surprisingly well aware of this fact and is cool with it, as long as they don't leave the house. A funny story about one time they did: My brother and two of his friends, drunk, were walking in the park near our house in the middle of the night. The were stupid enough to bring his bb gun and fire it off, getting the attention of the park security guard. I guess we all do stupid stuff when we're drunk.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=GREEN]Yeah, I'm 5' 2.5" and I make sure people know about that half inch (yeah, I'm pathetic :animesmil ). I guess I'm not really super short, but compared to my younger brother (who plays football) and his friends, I feel short. That's why most of the shoes I own have some sort of platform or heel.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ I've said it before and I'll say it again: Exams suck ass! :animeangr [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Kyo slowly walked down to darkened city streets after leaving the resterant. [I]I still haven't heard from mom or dad yet,[/I] he thought as he pulled his cell out of his pocket to check his messages. No voice mail, missed calls or messages of any kind. Kyo put his phone away, dissapointed. "I don't know why I bother checking, they never call." Just once, especially concerning the events that had transgressed that day, he wanted his parents to act a bit more like normal parents. He desided to take a walk through the park, both as a short cut home, and to clear his head. Kyo turned the corner to see Amy sitting on one of the park benches all alone, playing her violin. The music was so sweet yet so sorrowful. Kyo just stood there entranced by the ballad, listening to her play. As Amy concluded her song, she finally looked up and noticed Kyo standing there. "K-kyo!" she stammed out in shock and embrassment of having an audience. "H-how long were you standing there?" "Oh, not very long," he said smiling and walking over to the bench. "Mind if I sit down?" "Oh, no. Go ahead," answered Amy nervously moving her violin case to make room. "Thanks," Kyo sat down next to her. "You play really well," "Uh... Thank you," Amy blushed a little at the complement. Kyo then began gazing up at the stars, trying to clear his head. It had simply become too stressful to think about everything anymore. Amy, meanwhile, just sat there looking at Kyo. He was completely dense for choosing that place and time to space out, but she didn't care. After several minutes of akward silence, however, Amy desided to restart the conversation. "I would have thought you would have gone home by now," Kyo jurked his head up and looked at Amy, surprised by the sudden bout of talking. "Well, there's really no point for me to rush home to an empty apartment. My parents usually work late, and I only see them in the mornings before school." Kyo's eyes were down cast as he said all of this. He then turned back to Amy. "What about you? Weren't you walking home with your brother earlier?" Amy looked away and was silent for a moment. "Yes, well... I desided to stay around here for a little while, and... Mickey needed to get home... and, uh..." she trailed off. Kyo could tell from her tone she didn't want to talk about it, so he dropped the subject. After a few more minutes of quiet, Kyo broke the silence. "It's getting pretty late." He stood up and stretched. "How about I walk you home?" He said turning to Amy. Amy nodded and stood up, putting her violin back in its case. They were silent most of the way there. Kyo could help but feel something was wrong with Amy; he wanted to ask so he could help her, but finally gave up when they reached Amy's apartment. "Well, thank you, Kyo," said Amy, bowing slightly. "Hey, no problem. Now you just get some sleep; we've all had a long day." He turned to leave, "I'll see you later." "Good night, Kyo. And thank you again." [CENTER]*~*[/CENTER] When Kyo finally got back home, he noticed a letter from school in the mail slot. He walked in and took his shoes off at the door, and played the messages from the answering machine: "Kyo, sweetie, work is running a little later than usual. Dinner is in the freezer, just warm it in the oven for 30 minutes. Love you." Kyo just sighed and walked to his room with the letter still in his hand. He tossed it along with his bag back onto his desk and went to take a quick shower. After he had come out, he grabbed the letter and sat down on his bed, wearing just a pair of boxers and a towel draped over his wet hair. Kyo ripped open the envelope and read it over. He raised an eyebrow, but then sighed again as he flung the letter back towards his desk. "Great! Now I'll never get to sleep." He fell back onto his bed and shut his eyes. He didn't bother getting up to turn out the lights or to pull the bed covers over him, but before long, he had fallen asleep; so much for not being able to sleep.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=GREEN]I have a feeling this thread is going to get off topic soon, so I'll add my bit about prom while I can. I didn't go to prom my junior year (we had one prom for juniors and seniors), and I kind of regreted it going into my senior year. I knew if I miss it that year, I would regrete it for the rest of my life. Any ways, I did go my senior year, and had a really good time; you don't need a date to have fun at a dance, just some friends. Even though I did have a date for prom, it was my first school dance I went to with a date all through high school. Also some of my friends who went didn't have dates. I guess my opinions of all this come from the fact that there weren't really segragating cliques at my high school, at least not with us honors student (I guess we were too smart for cliques). But let me add this, if you choose not to do something just so you're not following the "conformists," isn't it just as bad as doing someing just [B]to[/B] follow them?[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Ug... Writter's block's a bitch :animesigh [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Alexia poked her head out from a vacant room. The alarms were blaring in the halls and guards and other personnel in the building were scrambling hastily. "Dammit! Some klutz musta tripped the alarm," she wispered to herself. She ducked back into the room just as a group of armed guards turned the courner and quickly marched down the hall past the door. [I]That was close,[/I] she thought, trying to keep quiet. She looked around the room for another way out. It was completely empty with no windows or other doors. The only way out was a ventilation shaft that ran across the top of the room. Then suddenly a strange feeling came over Alexia. She didn't know exactly how this would help, but something in her gut was telling her to summon her falcon tattoo. [I]How exactly is Rei supposed to help?[/I] But the feeling kept persisting. She finally let out a sigh as she took off her jacket and tied it around her waist. She then focused her energies on Rei. The falcon pulled away from her skin as it matterialized. He hoovered for a bit before landing on her bare shoulder. Rei nipped playfully at Alexia's ear. For some reason she sinced something "real" about him, but the feeling soon passed as the falcon suddenly took off from his purch. "What is it?" asked Alexia. Rei flew up to the grate in the vent. He scraped away at it until it jimmied open. "Well there's a way out, but how am I suppossed to get way up there?" the vacant room held no furneture that could be easily moved. Rei swooped back down and grabbed Alexia's wrist in his talon. "Crazy bird, you can't lift me... can you?" The falcon eyed her with a look that seemed to say, [I]Just watch me![/I] With that, the falcon took off, still gripping her arm tightly and amazingly Alexia's body lifted off the ground, not slowly, but rather quickly. Once close enough, she grabbed the edge of the vent opening with her free hand and Rei let go. He flew up into the vent while Alexia pulled herself up and in and shut the grate behind her. [I]Okay, I guess I should head this way,[/I] motioning in the direction she was facing in the shaft. She wondered if this was the right way, but she also wondered why Rei hadn't dematterialized yet.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Sleepy, oh, so sleepy :sleep: *falls over asleep in library computer lab* *people stare* :animeblus [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] "And what would you like, cutie?" Ran's aunt asked Kyo with a smile. She ruffled his black hair a bit, which was still pretty dirty with soot. "Uh.." thought Kyo who was a bit red in the face from all the attention, "Um, some curry please, if it's not too much trouble." Kyo was usually pretty polite with adults. She left and the five of them were left to talk amonst themselves. "Sorry again about my aunt," apologized Ran, "She seems to get like this a lot." "Then why did you choose to come here?" asked both Amy and Kyo at once. "Jinks!" yelled Amy before Kyo could say another word. Kyo chuckled a bit, deciding to play along with her little game. "Okay, what do I owe you?" "Let's see..." Amy grinned mischeviously. "How about.... a date." "A WHAT?!" said Kyo and Mickyey in unison (no jinks). "You heard me, a date," this didn't improve the expresions on their faces. "Oh, don't worry. It doesn't need to be anything romantic. Just treat me to the amusement park or something." "Well, uh..." stammered Kyo. "Your not going to back out are you?" asked Rin, coyly from the other end of the table. From her expression, she seemed to be enjoying Kyo squrim. He looked around at every one else. Ran seemed amused by the situation as a whole. Mickey seemed about ready to kill him. Amy, meanwhile, just looked at Kyo antously(sp?). Kyo finally let out a huge sigh. "Alright, I'll take you to the amusement part this weekend. Is that fine with you?" "Yay! Thank you, Kyo! ThankYouThankYouThankYou," Amy shouted with excitement as she quickly jumped out of her set and hugged Kyo tightly around the neck, nearly choking him and knocking him to the ground in the process. "Okay, careful though. I'm injured, remember?" he said pulling himself up. Kyo looked at Amy who seemed to be extremely happy for some reason, more happy than he'd ever seen her before; he was glad to see her smiling, but he just couldn't figure out why she was so happy. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] OOC~ he he :animesmil Poor Kyo is so clueless! :confused: [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Whoo Hoo! Free time before class! :animesmil Edit~ Sorry, I added some stuff, thought of something better in class. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] [I]Uh, how boring[/I], thought Kyo as he walked through the city after leaving school. He turned a courner without really worrying too much about where he was going. Suddenly, WHAM! Kyo stubbled back a few steps but didn't fall. He shook his head and looked down to see a kid about a few years younger than him on the ground. He looked pretty preturbed when he saw Kyo standing over him. Kyo noticed there were about five other boys with him. "Hey man! Why don't you watch where you're going next time?!" yelled the kid as he quickly got to his feet. "Hey,sorry, I wasn't paying attention," said Kyo as turned to walk the other way. "Well that's obvious," snapped the kid with an attitude. Kyo just rolled his eyes and continued walking. [I]Great! Another wannabe gang banger punk,[/I] he thought. "Hey, don't walk away from me!" yelled the kid as he charged up behind Kyo. Kyo, however, simply whipped around, smacking the kid in the face with his school bag. "Listen, kid, I'm not in the mood for this. I have a headache." Kyo said as he turned to face the hot-shot punk, who was once again on the ground. Kyo then turned and headed back towards the main street without another word. He didn't want to head home yet; but then again, it didn't really matter since his parents weren't home yet. Both of Kyo's parents were research professors at a major medical reseach lab downtown; they were often home late, so Kyo never really saw much of them noadays. "I wonder if they've even heard about what happened at school," he thought. He looked up from kicking a stay stone down the gutter and saw Rin and Ran head into a nearby fast food place. Kyo thought about joining up with them, "Well, it's better than wondering the streets all day," he said to himself and followed them inside. "Hey guys, mind if I join you?" asked Kyo catching up to the two of them. "Oh hey Kyo," said Rin turning around, then she noticed Kyo's bandaged head. "What happened to your head?" she asked, a bit worried. "Oh this? I'm okay, something must of hit me when I was still inside the school." responded Kyo, smiling and lightly tapping his bandaged wound. "Don't you think you should take it easy?" asked Ran, "You know, head home, get some rest." "No, I'm fine, like I've been telling people all morning," Kyo snapped back. He then heard his stomach growl loudly. "I am pretty hungry, though," he said glancing at the menu. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] OOC~ Opal, Kitty, hope you don't mind... :animeshy: [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=GREEN]Sounds like this thing is going to get pretty interesting. Can't wait! :catgirl: Oh, and on a side note finals are coming up for me in these next few weeks, so please excuse me if I don't post for a long period of time. :animeshy: [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=GREEN]I have a '98 Ford Escort ZX2. It's a nice little car that still runs pretty well considering its age. The only thing is that it's got a fair amount of scratches and dings in the hood, plus most of the features are manual (windows, locks, etc.) except the side mirrors. It does, though, have an awsume amount of trunk space for it's overall size, which comes in handy hauling stuff back and forth between school and home :animesmil [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Sorry again for the late post. (monster hangover + major micro test = late post :animeswea ) [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Kyo blinked his eyes then suddenly sat up, which he quickly regretted doing. "Uh, my head." he said horsly, bringing his hand up to his injured head. "Easy, son. You suffered quite a head injury there." Kyo looked to his right to see a paramedic standing over him. "Yeah, Kyo. You gave us all quite a scare," said Amy with a look of serious consern on her face. She was kneeling on the ground next to Kyo. "Do you feel okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine," He looked over at the smoking school building. "What happened?" "There was an explosion in the chemistry lab, from what I heard," Amy informed him. "Oh, yeah," remembered Kyo, "I was in biology when the explosion when off. Pieces of the ceiling and walls came crashing down on us and smoke filled the room. Then everything goes dark after that. I guess I must'a hit my head or something. The next thing I remember was Drew carrying me out on his back..." Kyo paused for a minute. "Hey where's Drew?" "I'm right here," chimed in Drew walking up to them. "Think you're alright to stand?" he asked, offering a hand. "Yeah," said Kyo taking his hand and using the suport to pull himself up off the ground. "Kyo, are you sure you should be standing up?" asked Amy getting up and dusting herself off. "Like I said before, [I]I'm fine[/I]. Ooh!" Kyo put his hand to his head again, "Just have a bit of a headache, that's all."[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=GREEN]"Kyo! It's time to wake up," he heard his mother call from downstairs. Kyo rolled over, reaching for his alarm clock, and ended up rolling right out of bed, onto the floor. "Ug, damn hardwood floors," he muttered from the floor. He reached up and pulled the alarm clock from his bedside table, as he rubbed his head with the other. "Agg! Baka! I thought I set this damn thing!" Not waisting any more time, Kyo quickly pulled on his uniform, grabbed his bag and tie from his desk and headed downstairs. "Morning, son," greated his mother in a condesending tone, "How nice of you to finally grace us with your presence. "It wasn't me, mom. My alarm didn't go off," stated Kyo, trying to defend himself. Kyo's father sat at the table, his head buried in the newspaper. "Mind your mother, Kyo." he said without looking up. He quickly grabbed a peice of toast as it popped out of the toaster. "Gotta go." He made his way to the door and slipped into his shoes. "Bye." [I]Jeez, parents of the frickin' year. I wish they'd get off my back and stop pretending they care.[/I] thought Kyo as he made his way to the train station. As he broaded the train, he tried to stiffle a loud yawn. "Man, I've gotta stop watching those late night movies on TV," he said to himself as he took a seat. He propped up his head and began gazing out the window, trying to keep his eyes open, but before long, he had dozed off. "Morning, Kyo," he heard a cheary voice say. He opened his eyes to see Amy sitting next to him, smiling. He always seemed to see her with a smile on her face, now a days; a smile suited her pretty little face. Kyo smiled back, "Morning," he replied, stretching from his nap. "When did you guys get on?" he asked, wandering how long he had been out. "About five minutes ago," replied Amy. "That's good," he glanced down at his watch, "I wasn't out too long. Hey, Drew." Kyo called over Amy's sholder. Drew was sitting on the other side of the car, talking with Micky. "How come ya didn't wake me up, man?" "Aw, but you looked so peaceful over there," Drew replied, jokingly. "Ha ha, very funny," Kyo said sarcasticly. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] OOC~ Sorry for the late-ness, my friends dragged me out to eat. Also can't think of any more to put. Sorry again :animeswea [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=GREEN]Well, as far as education atained, I've already passed up my father and my grandmother on my mom's side. My dad did finish high school, but never went to college. Also my older brother tried trade school for a little while after he graduated, but it didn't work out. In fact, I think I'm the first one from my father's side of the family to go to a traditional four-year university and really know what I'm striving for. My mom and her side all went to college, though. I know for a fact that I'm not smarter than my mother, and I don't think that will ever change. But when you think about this question, you have to take into account the average education level of a generation. This has steadily increased on its own ever since the dawn of mankind. For instence, my grandmother only went to school through 8th grade, then got a job as a secratary. And as far as knoweldge of technology, that too will increase with time. Example: My mom sometimes has trouble with the VCR timer and my camcorder, and my grandmother gets easily confused when trying to work the mouse on the computer. And in 30 or 50 years, our children and grandchildren will be making fun of us for not being literate in the technology of that time.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=GREEN]I've been all over the southeast US and even out of the country three times. I'm also a klutz very prone to embarassment. I think, on that note, I should share the story of when I got lost in Grand Caymen, as a 10 year old :animedepr My aunt and uncle had sprung for a good chunk of the family to go on a cruise for a family reunion. Since my mother was in nursing school at the time and my dad couldn't take a week off of work, and since they figured my brother was too young to go without the parentals, I went with my grandmother as a guardian. Now, one of the islands we took port at was Grand Caymen and my cusine and her family were going on an excursion to snorkle with stingrays and I really wanted to go with them. So the day we made port was quite confusing, since by the time they could get me a pass for the excursion, my cusine had already left the ship. So one of my aunts rushed me out, and in the confution, accidently passed me off to a complete stanger! :animeswea Well, obviously I was eventually reunited with my family. I was very lucky the guy I was with was nice and was on the same curiuse ship as well, he also had a daughter my age, who I was able to talk to and hang out with. But now, almost ten years later, some select members of my family won't let me live this down, even though it technically wasn't my fault. :animeshy: [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=GREEN]Well you asked for the opinion of Roman Catholics... I really don't have a major opinion of Pope Benedict XVI since I really don't know too much about him. The whole thing about him being a Nazi symphythizer is all BS in my opinion. It's just as stupid as the whole thing about John Kerry's anti-war thing during Vietnam. What many of us don't reliese is how life can be in a dictatorship nation; if you don't do what the boss says, your dead. My grandfather and his family was some of the lucky ones who were able to leave Germany before the war, but aparently, our new pope's family was not so fortunate. Well, that's my input on this for now.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=GREEN]I am truly sorry for your loss, and I do, unfortunately, know how you feel. A good friend of my younger brother's passed away just last month of a heart defect, three months shy of his 18th birthday. Like your friend, he is now greatly missed by all who knew him. For some reason, today I thought about him a lot. How he's no longer here with us, how I'd just seen him less than a week before his passing, how I'll never see him alive again. But I've also had a renewed belief in my faith; it's made me feel better to know I'll see him again someday and that for now, he's in a better place. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Michelle's family.[/COLOR]
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