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Sign Up Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M - LS, pos V]
Soliel replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[COLOR=GREEN]I knew I should of posted this last night, oh well... [B]Name:[/B] Kyo Takanaka (first name first) [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] See Attachment [B]Location:[/B] [I]Coming Soon![/I] [B]Personality:[/B] Kyo is nice, outgoing, and sort of a goof. He plays soccer and is quite athletic. Even though Kyo likes to hang with more outgoing friends, like Ken and Drew, he also likes to talk with some of the shyer members of thier class, like Kaela, who he's constanly tring to get to come out of her shell. [B]Short History:[/B] Kyo was born in Yokohama, where he lived for 10 years before moving to Kitakata. In lower school, his parents constantly pushed him acidemicly, which caused him to become rebelious. He now tries to hide his inteligence by drawing attention to himself in sports and purposely slacking in his studies. [B]Subjects:[/B] Visual Art, Biology, Gym, Chemistry [B]Relationships with other students:[/B] ~[U]Alex[/U] (Reiku)- Teammate and friend from gym ~[U]Micky[/U] (Innocent)- Talks to sometimes in gym ~[U]Rin[/U] (Kitty)- Good friend. She is constantly bugging Kyo to study more ~[U]Zeph[/U] (Sakura)- Teammate ~[U]Ran[/U] (Opal)- Knows him from VA and gym class, talks to every now and then ~[U]Aka[/U] (StarrStruck)- Knows through Ken, get's along with her pretty well ~[U]Maria[/U] (Kairi)- Doesn't talk to much ~[U]Hoshi[/U] (Ozymandius Jones)- Gets along with pretty well ~[U]Jace[/U] (demonchild781)- Doesn't talk to much ~[U]Ken[/U] (Astdis)- Good friend both in and out of class ~[U]Kaela[/U] (Skye)- Talks to from time to time, tries to get her to talk more ~[U]Kina[/U] (Albel the Wicked)- Doesn't know too well ~[U]Drew[/U] (Jung-Woo)- Hangs out with from time to time ~[U]Haruko[/U] (lil kitsune boy)- New girl, doesn't know too well ~[U]Dirk[/U] (Raid3r)- Doesn't know too well, Dirk acts almost hostle towards him, Kyo has no idea why ~[U]Natasha[/U] (ChaosSquriel666)- Another new girl, doesn't know too well ~[U]Amy[/U] (Lady Dust)- Talks to occationally, tries to get her to open up more Okay, I added my picy, see below attachment. Just waiting on the map, Reiku :animesigh [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Ok, I've had writer's block, plus April's been hella busy for me. Just one more month of school and I can go home :animesigh [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] ? Everyone, lets get inside and get to that information centre. It?s our best chance at the moment.? Everyone nodded. [I]Yeah, easier said than done,[/I] Alexia thought to herself, however. Security around the premises was tight, even tighter than Lani had warned it would be. Plus she knew just how crazy the idea of breaking into the Pentagon sounded, I mean, this was the miliatary nerve center for one of the biggest and most powerful, military-driven nations on the planet. But she also knew the information they needed was inside, so Alexia didn't argue. The others spit up into smaller or single-person groups. Even though Alexia always got along great with others, she prefered to work alone since she worked best that way. She walked along the perimeter of the property, carefully studying the positions of the guards. She knew her best bet of getting inside was through the use of the speed spell tattooed on her ankle. The only thing was that, unlike the others, she hadn't really tried to use her tattoos since the battle with the Death Flower back on Milford Sound. She thought back to what Torin had said about their tattoos. Alexia closed her eyes and cleared her head. [I]My tattoo, think of the tattoo...[/I] she thought intently. Soon she could feel the energies of her body make their way to her legs and feet. "Alright, let's give this a try." she said quietly, reopening her eyes. Without waisting another second, Alexia quickly dashed through the front entrance as it was closing, past the guards and dogs in the yard, and into one of the side entrances to the building. [I]Okay, I'm in... Now what?[/I] [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] OOC~ Sorry, didn't really know what to write. I'd like it if Alexia met up with someone else after a bit, don't really care who.[/COLOR]
Discuss Welcome To Your Lesson On Love Underground [M-LSV]
Soliel replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[COLOR=GREEN]Very cool RPG! I will sign up, but I'm having serious writer's block right now (which is also why I haven't posted on "Tattoo" in a while). My sign up should be up in the recrutment(sp) thread by the end of the week :animeswea , just give me some time to think up a good character. Hope this goes well :catgirl: [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=GREEN]Alexia plopped down her stuff and collapsed on the bed as soon as she had entered the hotel room. That day had certainly been a long and trying one for her. She wasn't about ready to really talk with the others, so she figured she'd stay in her room and turn in early for the night. But as soon as she turned out the lights, the all the events that had happened over the past few days began coursing through her weary mind, especially those of the past twenty-four hours: seeing her parents murdered, seeing her brother Cory for the first time in seven years. After many fruitless attempts to lull herself to sleep, Alexia sat up in bed, grabbed the remote from the bedstand and began flipping through the channels on late night TV. After about an hour of this, she pulled herself out of bed and shut the TV off. [I]Nutin good's on this time of night, anyway![/I] she thought, frustrated. She walked out onto the small balcony, the cool night air making herself feel a bit better. Alexia gazed down to see Dave, Renee, and Dimitri head out somewhere. "Hum... maybe I should see if anyone still up around here wants to go out somewhere," She thought about this for a second than changed her mind. Alexia wasn't exactly the type to force socialization, though she would willingly converse with others if they showed interest in her. "I think I'll try sleeping again." So with that, she turned out the lights once again and slipped into bed, this time falling asleep almost instantly. [CENTER]*~*[/CENTER] The next morning, Alexia was rudely awakened by the early morning sunlight streaming through her open blinds, which she had forgotten to shut last night. "Go away," she mumbled as she pulled the sheets over her head. She managed to sleep for another hour and a half before some kids from a family staying down the hall, ran past her room, yelling and screaming. "Ug, how the hell can those damn kids be up this early?" She mumbled poking her head from beneath the covers. She glanced at the clock: 9:30. "OK, so it's not that early. Guess I should get up." Alexia pulled herself from the warm, comfy bed, dressed, then headed downstairs to the cafe in the hotel lobby. "What can I get you this morning?" asked the person working the counter. "Uh, yeah, can I get an iced cappichino?" "Yes, ma'am. That'll be $3.75." Alexia handed him the money and began waiting for her drink while glancing over the people sitting in there. She noticed Renee and Dave sitting a good distance away from the window. Renee sat there rubbing her head. [I]Well, I guess that answers my question about where they went last night.[/I] Alexia picked up her drink and headed over towards them. "Well, looks like you got yourself good and plastered last night," she said with a coy tone as she reached them. "Uh... please don't speak," was all Renee could manage to say in reply. --------------- OOC~ Sorry to leave it so abrubtly, but I've been working on this for over an hour and I can't write anymore. I'll let one of you guys take it from here. :animeswea [/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Don't worry, Retri, your not the only late one... Okay, again, I'm sorry I haven't been online in a while, but I actually suffered a loss of my own in the real world. One of by younger brother's best friends suddenly passed away last week. You can read my thread in Otaku Lounge titled "Sudden Losses" if your currious about the whole thing. --------------- Backtrack several hours: Alexia had really felt no need to go back. She honestly didn't care whether her parents were alive or dead. In fact most of her family had labled her a traitor to their town and even to the South as a whole. [I]Stupid, backwards thinking, rednecks! Serves them right,[/I] she thought frustrated at first. Then she thought of her brother, Cory, and young cousin, Danny. They had been the only ones to support her over the years since she finished high school. She had even managed to keep in conntact with them over the years, though she hadn't heard from either of them in a few months. The least she could do was go and see if they were alright. Soon, Alexia's flight had landed in Bermingham, AL. She rented a car and quickly started driving through open country to the tiny town of Rusty. Within an hour she had arived in what looked like at first glance, a run down old ghost town. "Huh, shoulda thougt, nothing's changed." she laughed coyly to herself under her breath. "Well lookie wat jus dragged her sarry ass intah town," Alexia rolled her eyes and groaned at the sound of this oh so familiar voice. [I]Oh, good God, not Bubba![/I] She whipped around to see a highly overwieght man in a stained white t-shirt and dingy overalls. "Wat da hell ya doin back, ya Yankee-lovin traitor." "Shadup, Bubba! I don't have time for this." Frustrated, Alexia turned to leave, headed towards her old house. "Ya sound kinda funny, ya been livin wit dem Yanks too long." Alexia whipped around at this, "Ok, I live in Miami now, which is in Florida by the way." then sarcasticly she added, "Can you say Flor-i-da?" streatching out the syllibles as if she were talking to a baby. Bubba stood there confused for a second, trying to figure out whether he'd been insulted or not. Meanwhile, Alexia quickly took her leave. As she approached her childhood home, she took a few nervous deep breaths, unsure of what she might find. The first thing she noticed was the screen door, which was lying on the porch in peices. [I]Not good,[/I] she thought fearfully stepping over the threshold and into the house. "He-hello?" she managed to stammer out. Suddenly she heard something break in the kitchen. Alexia quickly hopped over an overturned rocker and into the kitchen where she was met with a horrific sight. There they were, the bodies of both her parents, horribly mangled, blood covered everything. "No," was all she could manage to say horsely. A tear trickled down her cheek. She regreted everything, everything bad she had ever said, ever thought about them. Dispite the fact she hated them, they still didn't deserve a fate this cruel. The back door to the kitchen slammed and Alexia looked up to see a young man, clutching a stab wound to the sholder. It took her a second to realize it, but when she did her eyes grew wide. "Cory?" She quickly rushed over to her little brother, who wasn't so little anymore. In the seven years since she'd last seen him, his fine blonde hair had grown darker and curlier, and he was now almost a foot taller than her. At the hospital in Bermingham, Alexia sat with her brother in the examining room. They have been talking the whole drive there, but Alexia glanced at her watch and realized she had to leave soon. Rummaging through her purse, she pulled out a piece of paper, a pen, and one of her debit cards. She wrote her pin on the paper and handed both the paper and the card to Cory. "Here, I want you to use this to pay for the treatment and to get yourself a hotel room here." Cory opened his mouth to object, but Alexia just smiled at him. Just think of it as seven years worth of late birthday and Christmas presents. Now take care of yourself, while I go avange the parentals." "Good luck, and be careful," he called after her as she left.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]Thank you, guys, so much for your support. The feeling some of you described really hit the nail on the head in relation to my own feelings. I really think the hardest part of last week between recieving that horrible phone call and ariving back home last Friday night has been that I didn't really get to talk to anyone in person (only my parents and friends via phone). No one even asked if I was okay since I was walking around in a morbid daze. But I've managed to spend time with friends most of today and I've tryed to keep my thoughts possitive, thinking that in some way, shape, or form, he is still with us. I just can't beleive he's really gone, though.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]April Fool's Day was kind of gloomy for me, since someone I knew just passed away Tues (see my thread [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46486]"Sudden Losses"[/URL] for the full story). But yesterday, I found out about a certain April Fool's prank commited from [I]beyond the grave[/I]. I know that sounds a bit far fetched, but there's no other way to explain it, plus it made us all feel better about his passing. Friday, at my brother's (and my former) high school, every one had just gone inside for class when suddenly the power to the whole school (and no other buildings in the surrounding area) went out. The cause: a telephone poll had snapped in half, causing a transformer to blow. No one was hurt and only one car was barely scratched. Now, this poll, to everyone's knoledge, was a structurally sound one and the weather was fairly nice. And the break show that it wasn't cut, by natural means. The real cause: his spirit (or ghost) figured all his friends needed a day off, so it being April Fool's Day, he knock down the same phone poll he had jokingly punched in life. :animesmil [/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]Okay, after being MIA from the internet since Tuesday night, I finally feel emotionally well enough to post this. That night will be one I won't soon forget. Around midnight central US time I got a phone call from my younger brother, who is currently a jr in high school. I kind of found it strange that he was calling, since he hardly ever calls me and I had only left home after Easter break a day earlier. Two phases from that call still ring in my head. The first: "Something bad happened." which when I heard this, I automaticly assumed someone we knew had died. I expected him to say something like one of our pets or even our grandmother. The second phrase blew me away. "Chad just died a few hours ago." This I couldn't even begin to process until much later that night. First I should explain that Chad was one of my brother's best friends. He was also one of my brother's friends that not only could I tolorate for long periods of time, but I also got along with. He was only 17. The story of his sudden and highly unexpected death even made the news down in New Orleans (where I'm from). [QUOTE]GRETNA -- A New Orleans high school junior collapsed while playing rugby at a Gretna playground and died shortly afterward. Chad, who played football on the De La Salle High School team, was pronounced dead about 7:30 p.m. yesterday after arriving at a hospital. Elizabeth Evans, a forensic examiner with the Jefferson Parish coroner's office, says there's no suspicion of foul play but an autopsy has been ordered. Rugby is a club activity at the New Orleans school and is not an officially sanctioned sport of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association.[/QUOTE]It was eventually discovered that he died of a heart defect he had been born with and could have died at any time, the doctors said. Chad was a sweet kid who everyone who knew him loved. My brother, who was Chad's friend and teammate, was there when he collapsed and called me after he had gotten home from the hospital to give me a first hand account of what happened. He told me he died happy, joking around with his friends, having the time of his life. The wierdest part for me was the fact that I saw him just last Friday (Good Friday). This was one of my main reasons for driving five hours back to New Orleans a week later to go to his funneral, after being back at school for less than a week. I just got back up to school a few hours ago. This weekend has been a very hard and trying one for me and everyone involved. Now I'm very sorry for making you read all of that, but here comes my question. Have you ever experienced and sudden and/or unexpected loss like I just have? I'm not really refering to the death of a terminally ill or elderly person, not to demean those losses, but something along the lines of fatal accedent, murder, etc. Thanks guys, for your patience in reading this long post.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]Sound a lot like "Dawn of the Dead" but a bit different. Still seems pretty cool though :catgirl: ---------------- [B]Name-[/B] Erika Katanin [B]Age-[/B] 23 [B]Gender-[/B] Female [B]Appearance-[/B] [URL=http://mail.ntust.edu.tw/~B8910010/3d-anime/Poly-Her__June2003__POSTER-II.jpe]Picture[/URL] She usually wears old scruffed up sneakers, baggy jeans, and a tight, light green tank top. [B]Gold Item-[/B] Antique gold brouche (pin) [B]Other/weapons-[/B] hand gun [B]Nickname-[/B] Reika --------------- I'll finish my sign up later[/COLOR]
Anime The Official Otaku Boards Top 50 Anime Series: Voting Thread
Soliel replied to EVA Unit 100's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=GREEN]I've always thought about compiling my own top 10, but I never got around to it until now... [B]1. Sailor Moon[/B]- This has always been my favorite series. I guess much of the reason lies in the fact that nearly all the heroes in it are female, proving that girls can hold their own in a fight against evil and don't [I]always[/I] have to rely on a guy. [B]2. Dragonball/Z/GT[/B]- All three of these series (I've always thought of them as one) come in a close second. I think the blend of action, fantasy and comedy create the mass appeal. [B]3. Fullmetal Alchemist[/B]- Ever since this series premired on Adult Swim, I've been hooked. I'm not sure whether it's the fanasy with a bit of science thrown in (I'm a science nerd :animeknow ) or the lovable characters (the bond between Ed and Al is just so heart-warming) but I just can't pull myself away. [B]4. Gundam Seed[/B]- Of all the Gundam series, this one is definately my favorite. I think it has something to do with all the cupples I like, [SPOILER]especially Kira and Lacus, they are just so cute together.[/SPOILER] [B]5. Wolf's Rain[/B]- The animation in this series is nothing short of sheer beauty. Plus it has music by my favorite artist, Yoko Kanno. [B]6. Inuyasha[/B]- (Can't beleive I almost forgot this one) Again with the fanasy, action and romance, plus a little comedy thrown in. Plus I love seshi! (there, I said it) [B]7. GITS: Stand Alone Complex[/B]- Though I have yet to see either of the movies, the series, I think, is spectacular. Tons of action, plus it brings up alot of political issues, which I find interesting. [B]8. Gad Guard[/B]- I don't usually find myself watching GRA's (Giant Robot Anime's) too often, but as with Seed, I'm always willing to make an exception for unique-ness. I really like the jazzy theme music. Plus Hajiki kind of makes me think of "Digimon", an old fav. Guess it's the goggles. [B]9. Zatch Bell[/B]- This is another one I can't keep away from. Again with the fanasy, plus the sheer crazy-ness of the whole thing is what keeps me watching. [B]10. Cowboy Bebop[/B]- I love everything about this series, the music and musical references, the animation, the unique characters. Plus one of my best friends act just like Ed, I sware :catgirl: [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Yeah, sorry again for taking a while. I went home for Easter and didn't have much time to post :animeswea ---------------- Not knowing much else to do, Alexia desided to take a stroll through the woods. It was very calming and quiet, much to her liking. For some reason, things just felt right being among nature and all its beauty. Most of the others were near the cabins and the lake, leaving her in the peace and quiet to think about all the things that had happened over the past cupple of days. All of her thoughts seemed to lead back to her tattoos. It had been nearly seven years ago since she'd gotten them; Alexia thought back. She had just started college in Miami. Living on her own for the first time, she had quite a list of things she wanted to do that her parents never allowed, and tattoos were one of them. They had said that tattoos difiled the "perfect" body God gave you and to change it in any way was a sin. This was one of many reasons Alexia dispised her parents, they beleived religion was the answer to everything. Not that she dispised religion, it was just that she didn't beleive the Bible was the end all solution to all of the worlds problems. Following a worn trail through the woods, she found herself by the cabins again. She was just about to head back to her own cabin when she heard the loud noise of someone's door being broken down. Alexia dashed over towards the cabin to see the Irish girl, Yuna, standing on her cabin porch, smoking, the broken door by her feet. "What do you want?" she said with a bit of annoyance on her tone, noticing Alexia standing near by. "Oh, uh, nothing really. I heard your door break down and I just wanted to see if you were okay." "Well obviously I am." "Yeah, well I'll leave you be then." Alexia turned around and began walking off. [I]Dammit girl, why do you always have to talk to the reclusive ones.[/I] --------------- OOC~ Please excuse the crappiness :animeshy: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Eek! Sorry for taking so long to post, I had some personal crap I had to deal with. But I'm fine now. This starts before the Death Flower showed up. Upon first seeing the freakishly sudden blizzard, Alexia?s initial thoughts were [I]Wow! Snow? Real snow![/I] since living in Florida, she didn?t get many chances to see the white stuff. But her joy quickly turned to fear when she saw who was standing in it: the sinister looking man in the black trench coat with the long blond hair. ?No? Torent?? was all she managed to say as her body seized up with fear. After she had gotten on that plane from Miami, Alexia figured she was finally safe, and meeting up with Lani and the others had only ferther hammered down that idea, after all, they say there?s safety in numbers. But now, Torent, the same enemy who had attacked Alexia in her home thousands of miles away, was slowly approaching her, ready to attack. Alexia began nervously backing up. She had had virtually no experience in fighting and normally tried to avoid physical confrontation at all costs. As she backed up, she suddenly stumbled on a small rock buried in the snow. She landed with a thud on the ground; her jacket slipped off her right sholder just enough to expose her falcon tattoo to the cold air. As Torent drew nearer, she saw him extend one arm straight out to the side. Suddenly, his arm became smooth and rigid in shape and becoming silver-ish in color. Before long, it had completely transformed into a blade. [I]Oh, crap![/I] thought Alexia nervously. ?Well, well, well, my dear. It seems we meet again,? snickered Torent who had come to stop directly over Alexia, who was still pinned to the ground in fear. ?Any last words before I kill you,? Torent pointed his blade-arm at Alexia?s throat. Then, just as before, she could feel the energy in her body collect at her falcon tattoo. She could feel him come to life as he peeled away from her skin. Except this time, something was different; she felt control. Once he had emerged, Rei, who she had come to call the falcon in his manifested form, perched himself gently on her lap, being careful not to pierce her with his talons. This was different from the other times; usually he would immediately do what needed to be done to save her, but now Rei seemed to be awaiting orders or something. ?Not you again,? said Torent remembering his last encounter with Rei. ?No matter you shall easily be dealt with,? he said, starting to swing his blade. ?Rei, attack!? yelled Alexia. Torent?s blade came swinging across Alexia?s lap where Rei had been, until he flew quickly into the air escaping his attack. The blade only managed to rip Alexia?s shirt and give her a shallow cut on the torso. Rei, meanwhile, had sored several feet into the air and began his quick desent towards his target. Talons posed, he quickly clawed at Torent?s blood red eyes before he even knew what was happening. Alexia quickly stood back up and backed away from Torent, who was now on the ground covering his heavily bleeding eyes. Rei landed on her sholder, his task completed. Suddenly, Torent began reaching his blood covered hand towards her as he got back on his feet; an evil grin spread across his face. [I]Come on, think![/I] thought Alexia nervously, [I]What did that Maoui chief say about bringing our tattoos to life? Something about infusing with the spirit or something?[/I] ?Come here my dear, Alexia. I promise it won?t hurt for long,? Torent laughed menacingly. Alexia backed up and closed her eyes tightly. [I]Concentrate! The tattoo on your ankle, it?s a spell for speed. If I can just focus my energy on that, then maybe I can activate its power willingly.[/I] She could feel the warmth of the power spread from her ankle tattoo throughout both of her legs. Suddenly she could feel herself move and when she opened her eyes, Alexia found herself standing a good distance away from the battle, on a near by hill. ?How the hell?? she said in shock looking at herself. She looked down on the battles between the others and their respective ?collectors.? She spotted Torent who looked like he had tried to grab her the second she sped off. It didn?t take Torent long to spot Alexia on the knoll. The rage building up in him was evident, even from Alexia?s standpoint. A circular wind began forming at Torent?s feet; it soon grew into a huge whorl wind which quickly enveloped him. ?I?m coming for you my dear,? he said in his menacing laugh, which somehow had an ecco effect due to the wind. But this time Alexia showed no outer signs of fear; she had a plan. ?I hope this works?? closing her eyes tightly then opening them again. ?Rei, attack Torent through the eye of the tornado, throw off his concentration.? Rei took off from Alexia?s sholder. He flew swiftly into the air then dove directly into the center of the whorl wind. Moments later, Alexia saw the whorl wind subside. ?That?s my que,? She sped off towards Torent and the dying wind and quickly began circling him repeatedly to create her own whorl wind. The wind soon propelled the weakened assassin high into the air and he soon came crashing back down to Earth, landing near the edge of the lake. --------------- (OOC~ Fast forward to after Reiku?s post) Grusome images of death filled Alexia's mind. The blood covered dead bodies strewn every where along the streets of a demolished city. THUD! Alexia awoke to find herself on the floor of her cabin, twisted up in her bedsheets. "Ow!" was all she managed to say as she rubbed the knot on the back of her head. "Was that whole thing just a dream," she wondered as she finally got up and walked over to a mirror. She shreched her arms, causeing her tank top to rise up and reveal a faint, yet visible cut across her lower torso. "It wasn't a dream," she said in amazement touching the healed wound. "I wonder if I can summon Rei now," Alexia said, feeling confident in her new found control. She focused her energy into her tattoo. But nothing, Alexia couldn't even feel his presence any more. She lightly touched the tattoo on her sholder. "Something's wrong..." she said.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]When Alexia got to her cabin, she immediatly tossed down her bag and fell face first into the soft bed. [I]Jet-lag's a bitch,[/I] she thought to herself as she nezzled her head deep in the pillow. Before she knew it, she was fast asleep. A few hours later she woke up. "Ug... I musta dozed off," Alexia mumbled. She glanced at her illuminated watch, "Six! What the heck? It's still dark out." Alexia suddenly reliezed she had forgoten to reset her watch from Eastern time. She looked over at the clock on the bedside table as she set up. "Midnight, that sounds about right." Still sitting on the bed, Alexia looked around the cabin. So much had happened over the past twenty-four hours; it seemed a little much to take in at once. As she glanced over the contents of the room, Alexia's eyes fell on her bag, lying half open in the corner. Suddenly she noticed something tiny and black poke out of the bag. "What the..?" she said with curiosity and surprise, as she got up and walked across the room. Stooping down and opening her bag, she pulled out her small speckled kingsnake. "Kane, you little stoaway, how'd you get in my bag?" Alexia stood back up looking at her pet. In truth, she was glad to have him along; a little piece of home. "I really can't sleep anymore now. Let's take a walk outside," she said, still looking at her snake. Kane hissed in reply. Walking outside, the cool night air felt refreshing. The night sounds and clear sky put Alexia at ease. The natural setting and beauty of this place was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Soon she came to the lake. Taking off her shoes, she sat down on the shore and dangled her feet in the cool water. She sat there mezmorized by the moon's reflection in the water. Several yards away she noticed one of the guys standing on a rock, looking over the water. [I]I guess I'm not the only one who couldn't sleep.[/I] Suddenly she noticed him slip and start to fall into the water. Alexia quickly stood up and grabbed her shoes, but before she could take a step, she noticed he was back on the rock. [I]What the hell! Did I just immagine that?[/I] Alexia watch the long, dark haired guy walk off. "I think I'd better head back too." -------------------- The next morning, Alexia was woken up by someone knocking on her cabin door. [I]Ug, it's too damn early for this[/I], she thought, rolling out of bed and making her way to the door. "Yeah, what is it?" she mumbled, opening the door to see the same guy she saw last night. He seemed kind of nervous about something. "Oh, it's you, uh... I'm sorry, I'm horrible with names," she said, becoming more alert. "Oh, it's Alex," "Really? My name's Alexia." He was quiet for a moment. "Um... Did you want something?" "Oh yeah, um... do you have anything to eat?" He glanced over to the side, avoiding eye contact. Alexia looked at him oddly. It didn't seem like that was all he needed. "Uh.. I don't think I have much. Maybe a bag of chips or something. You can come in if you want." "Uh, thanks," responded Alex nervously. He walked in, closing the door carefully behind him. Alexia stode over to her bag and began rumaging through it. "Sorry, all I got is gum, but think I remember Lani mentioning some sort of Common Room where they serve food. If you give me a few minutes to get ready, I'll walk over there with you." "Sure, I guess, but I really wanted to talk to someone about something." Alex called after her, but Alexia had already disappeared into the bathroom, clutching her day cloths in one hand. "Just talk, I'm listening," she called back from the bathroom. "Well, it's just... I've been thinking..." suddenly Alex glanced down to see Kane curled up on the bedside table. "Um, Alexia, do you know you have a snake in your room?" "Oh, that's my pet, Kane. Don't worry, he's harmless. Your not afraid of snakes, are you?" "Um, no, not really." The bathroom door swung open and Alexia quickly strode over to a chair and began pulling on her boots. "Good," she said without looking up, "So you won't hurt him like my psyco, ex-roommate tried last month." She stood up in front of a mirror and began braiding her hair. "Didn't you want to talk about something? I'm still listening." "Yeah, well, it's just... I've been thinking... why exactly are we all here?" "What do you mean?" inquired Alexia, still fooling with her hair. "I mean we've all been attacked because of our tatoos. Then we find ourselves flying around the world to some distant country." Alexia tied off her braid and turned to face Alex. "What I'm saying is, what exactly does this Lani girl have to offer that we can't already do on our own?" They were silent for several moments. "Well," said Alexia, speaking up finally, "She seems to know more about this whole thing than the rest of us." "Perhaps, but I've still considered heading back home." Alexia was quiet for a moment. "Maybe we should just hear her out; see what she has to offer. Then we can deside where to go from there. What do ya say?" She offered her hand to him in friendship. "Stick around just a bit longer?" ------------------ OOC~ Okay, Retribution, if you've got any problems with this just let me know. Thought it interesting, though, that the two American char's have similar names :catgirl: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN][I]Miami, FL, USA[/I] The sun was just starting to set as Alexia stared over the balcony of her apartment. Her place was on the fifteenth floor, so she could easily view the sunset on the coast. She stood there with a soda in her hand, wearing a tank top and scrub pants, lost deep in thought. Not much had really happened that day, with the execption that she thought she was being watched earlier when she was on her lunch break. She sighed and took another sip of her drink. Something, however, was knawing away at the back of her mind, like something big was about to go down. Suddenly she felt something cool and slinder slide past her foot. Alexia looked down to see a black snake with pale yellow speckles slither over her feet. Without the slightest bit of fear, she stooped down and scooped up the snake. "Kane, how the hell did you get out of your cage?" Kane stuck out his tonge in reply. Alexia just smiled, "Your probibly hungry, huh?" Alexia carried her pet back inside and placed him carefully back inside his terrarium. She then pulled a dead mouse from a mini-frig under the counter and dropped it into Kane's enclosure. After making sure Kane's cage was firmly secure, Alexia stood up gazing around her small apartment. It looked more like a pet store warehouse than an apartment, with so many animal cages everywhere. Hobbling over piles of dry feed and bedding, she managed to get to the kitchenette. The full sized frig (where Alexia kept her own food) was covered with pictures and cards from friends, but none that seemed to be of family, and if you asked Alexia about it, she would simply reply coldly that she had no family. There was a knock at the door and Alexia hopped over the random piles and peered through the peep hole on the door. A man with pale skin, long blonde hair, sunglasses and a dark trench coat stood at the door. Alexia, no recoginzing him, quietly locked the dead bolt, turned out the lights and slowly backed away from the door. After a few moments the was another knock, this time louder and much more violent. "Come out, come out, Alexia." He said in a sinister sing-song voice. "I have come for your tatoos." Alexia, now panic stricken, cluched her falcon tatoo on her right sholder with her left hand. She quickly dashed into her bedroom, gabbed her backpack and hurriedly began stuffing as many esencials as she could think of: cloths, wallet, money, passport, anything. She darted back out of her room and headed to the balcony, she gazed fearfully down the fifteen stories to the busy street below. Suddenly there was a huge cracking and a thud, as Alexia's front door broke completely off of it's hindges. Alexia quickly whorled around to see her intruder enter the apartment, stepping over the mangled door. In a last ditch effort for self defense she grabbed a rusted metal pipe lying on the balcony. "Wh-who are you? What do you want?" "My, my, how rude of me not to introduce myself," he said in an arogantly posh voice. "I am Torent and I suppose you could call me a collector of sorts, tatoos namely." "What kind of sick wierdo collects other people's tatoos?" Alexia yelled, half out of fear and half out of confusion. "You're about to find out." And with that, Torent began to roll up his sleeve, revealing a cyclone tatoo on his lower arm. Alexia, meanwhile, halfhazerdly charged him in a poor attempt to catch him off gaurd. Torent, however, simply flexed his palm in her direction followed by a huge gust of wind that threw Alexia into the wall and several cages including Kane's, causing them to shatter. Kane slithered away quickly to seek shelter in Alexia's backpack. Torent walked over to her and pinned her down with one hand. He removed his sunglasses to reveal blood red eye. A wicked grin spread over his face as he tossed away the shades and raised his other hand pointed directly at her throat. Alexia winced, readying herself for the fatal blow. [I]Rei, help me![/I] the only thought that raced through her mind. Suddenly the falcon on her sholder began to peel away from her skin. It then instantly attacked Torent's eyes with it's sharp talons. The distraction allowed Alexia to quickly grab her bag, jacket and shoes and dash out the door. "Come back here you little bitch!" She hastily pulled on her work boots and she hopped towards the stairs. The ancient incription tatooed on her left ankel bagan to glow. Suddenly, Alexia took off with amazing speed out the building and down the street. Before long, she was at Miami International. Alexia rushed up to the ticket counter. "When's the next available flight out of here?" she asked the clerk. "Um... Let's see... Tokyo in 5 minutes..." "I'll take it!" -------------------- Several hours later Alexia was in the Tokyo airport. [I]Good thing Kat made me take Japanese back in college,[/I] she thought to herself. As she passed by one of the resterants on the bottom level, one perticular conversation caught her attention, mostly because is was in fluent English. She then heard someone in the group mention tatoos and an attacker. It was at this point she walked over to intrude and introduce herself. ------------------- OOC~ Bleh! Yeah, that last part kinda sucked but it's pretty late where I am now. Oh and incase you couldn't guess, Alexia's snake came with her :animesmil (accedently of course)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN][B]Name:[/B] Alexia Jones [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Origin:[/B] Southern United States [B]Appearance:[/B] Alexia has long dark brown hair, which she usually keeps pulled back in a single braid, with messy bangs, lightly tanned skin and dark green eyes. She wears a dark green jacket over a black tank top, a red skirt, black knee-lenghth boots, and [URL=http://tinypic.com/22f62b]this hat.[/URL] [URL=http://tinypic.com/23m9av]Click here for full picture.[/URL] [B]History:[/B] Alexia grew up in a backwoods southern town, one that you really can't leave unless you manage to get a college scholarship. Luckily, her own hatred of her own town gave Alexia the motivation she needed to study hard and get and full acidemic college scholarship. Her outspoken discontent for her town also led to being on bad terms with her parents during her later years of high school. Soon after graduation, she moved away and lost contact with them. She is currently in her third year of graduate school, studying to be a veterinarian. She loves science, nature, and animals which could possibly be due to the fact that she has some Native American blood. [B]Personality:[/B] Alexia is very outspoken and can sometimes have a bit of a temper if you touch the wrong nerve. Most of the time, though, she can be quite nice, and even helpful if someone she knows needs support, both physically or emotionally. [B]Tattoos:[/B] She has a falcon, with wings spread, on her right sholder and an ancient celtic inscription around her left ankel. Translated into English, it reads: "He of the fleet foot becomes of the wind and air" and is supossedly some sort of spell for stelth.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]?Ugg? where am I? I can?t move? Terra?s hands and feet were bound and she was lying on a cool hardwood floor. She opened her eyes and attempted to focus in the dark. All she could make out was a dark silhouette. ?You?re with me, away from that human filth.? He knelt down of the floor besides her and lifted her chin. For a moment she thought it was Tanken, but after regaining her senses, she reliesed it was that Myrhyrr who had attacked her and Vincent earlier; it was simply freaky how much he looked like Tanken. "You really are quite lovely." Terra whipped her head away from his hand. "Where's Vincent? What've you done with him?" He stood back up again. "Vincent?" he asked, arogantly acting clueless. Terra, who had managed to sit up, simply glared at him. "Oh, yes. That human companion of yours. He's alive for the moment," he bent down to meet her at eye level, "but don't worry, that will soon be taken care of." "You! If you harm even on hair on him, I'll make sure that you die most painfully." Terra glared at him with a firey hatred burning in her eyes. "My, my, so touchy," he said getting up and walking to the door. Apon reaching it he turned again to face her. "Besides, I really don't think you are in the possision to [I]make sure[/I] of anything, my sweet." And with that, he strode out the door, which slammed shut behind him. Terra immediately began strugling with her bindings, but to no aval. It was now that she noticed that her coat along with her belt that contained her pole and guns had been removed and placed on a high shelf on the other side of the room. [I]Looks like he's not as smart as I thought[/I], she thought to herself, [I]I wonder...[/I] Terra began fumbling her fingers along the back of her right boot. She often kept a razor hiden near the base, just in case a situation such as this should come up. "Ah, yes." she wispered once she located it, and began to cut away at the ropes. "Now to get out of here," she said rubbing her wrist once she was free. Terra quickly walked over to the shelf where her things were stored. She reached to grab them when suddenly an electrical impulse shot through her arm, causing it to go numb temporarily. "Shit! The damn basterd must've put a spell on my stuff. I guess he is as smart as I thought." --------------- OOC~ Ok, sorry for the crappy-ness-- I just got back from break and I'm getting reaquanted with sleep depervation :sleep: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Gah! Sorry for beeing MIA for over a week. First exams, now I'm home on break, which means limited internet access :animecry: I did manage to get on at my dad's though. ------------- Five years earlier: A sixteen year old Terra sat on a lower tree branch just outside her home village. She sat there staring up at the clear blue sky through the branches. A young boy with sandy-blond hair, about the same age as her, walked up to the base of the tree. ?Yo, Terra!? She didn?t acknowledge him. ?What the hell are you doing? You were supposed to talk with the village elders over an hour ago.? ?Pff, whatever,? Terra mumbled. The boy sat down at the base of the tree. ?Ya know something, Ter, I really don?t get you. Here you are, the best sharp shooter in your class, and you insist on studying a combat discipline not only out of your chosen weapon class, but one that you aren?t even allowed to practice because of your gender.? Terra was quiet for a moment. Then she took a rolled up paper target from her belt, folded it in quarters, and tossed it into the air. She then took out a miniature laser pistil and shot, singeing one of the corners. ?Listen, Shakra, someone like me needs more of a challenge then shooting fish in a barrel. Besides, I don?t think there?s really any honor in using fire arms in battle.? ?Well,? responded Shakra, ?Your pride is getting you into a world of trouble with the village elders.? ?Yeah, well what do they know?? Terra jumped down and began walking back towards the village. ?Well I guess I?d better get the torture over with.? Shakra watched her walk off, then noticed the paper target still lying on the ground. He picked it up and unfolded it, revieling a perfectly circular hole in the target's bull's eye. --------------- ?Ms. Terranali, you are aware of why we?ve called you here, yes?? ?Yes, ma?am,? responded Terra trying her best not to act like a sarcastic smart ass in front of the village council. ?You were caught practicing the Shin Torent pole combat technique, against the ancient laws of our tribe.? Terra couldn?t stay quiet any longer. ?Our laws are stupid!? she shouted. ?They haven?t been updated in like, hundreds of years.? ?If that is how you feel about our laws then perhaps you should leave our village.? ?Maybe I will!? and with that, Terra stormed out of the council. ---------------- The present day: ?Ugg? where am I? I can?t move? Terra?s hands and feet were bound and she was lying on a cool hardwood floor. She opened her eyes and attempted to focus in the dark. All she could make out was a dark silhouette. ?You?re with me, away from that human filth.? ------------- OOC~ Sorry I didn't know much else to put, so I slipped in a little about Terra's past :animeswea [/COLOR]
Anime Which animes should be on or put back on t.v.?
Soliel replied to graysky07's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=GREEN]First and formost, I would definately want to see [B]Sailor Moon[/B] put back on the air, but maybe show it uncut on AS, that way they could show [B]Sailor Moon Stars[/B]... or maybe not :animeshy: I really miss that show coming on TV, but soon I'll have all the eps and movies on DVD, so I guess it really doesn't matter any more. Also, I'd like AS to hurry up and put [B]Detective Conan (Case Closed)[/B] back on the air. I like the show, but the real reason I want them to do this is to get my roommate to stop whining, since she's obsessed with that show.[/COLOR] -
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Soliel replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=GREEN]Let's see, first I'd have to say I'm a lot like Usagi (Serina) from Sailor Moon. I can be really ditzy, clumsy, and whine a lot when things don't go the way I want them too. But I also can be really nice and often show a lot of consern for others. I'm also a bit like Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist, even though I'm a girl. We're both small for our age, and I can often times get pretty snappy when people try to treat me like a little kid. Also I, too, have a younger brother, who is more often than not mistaken for the older sibling :animeangr [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=GREEN]I live in New Orleans (which I've said a zillion times before :animestun ) What's special about it? Let's see, this could be quite a list: [B]Mardi Gras:[/B] Okay for those of you who've been living under a rock and don't know what this holiday is, it's celebrated on the day before Ash Wednesday, which starts the Catholic fasting season of Lent. Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuseday, is suposed to be one last party before you have to settle down and give something up for six weeks. In my opinion, the only correct Mardi Gras is the one celebrated here and in the surrounding areas. [B]French Quarter:[/B] This is the oldest part of the city and was once the entire city shortly after its founding. This district is filled with traditional architecture, musiums, resterants, and tourists. [B]Adubon Zoo:[/B] Not too many people know that one of the best zoos in the United States is located in New Orleans. One of ten musiums and parks run by the Audubon Nature Institute, this facility serves as a crusial tool to pubic education on conservation and the preservation of endagered species.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]I've actually thought about several things I could do to improve this nation (the US). [B]First off,[/B] the welfare system would be thrown out and replaced with one that would include job training, so they wouldn't have to stay on welfare forever. [B]Second,[/B] an award of a heck of a lot of money, (plus royalties, a patent, and all that stuff) to the first person or group that can design an automobil than runs on some sort of renewable resourse (ie, solar power, electricity, trash, etc.) and still go as fast as gas powered cars. If we can find an alternative to fossil fuels then we won't have to worry about the Middle East and we could just isolate them from the rest of the world until they promise to stop attacking us with suiside assults. [B]Thirdly,[/B] the nation's budget would be overhalled. Too much money is going to the millitary now, when I think that money should be going to things like education. And speaking of education... [B]Last,[/B] the public education system (levels K-12) would be changed to something similar to the system American universities use. I don't know exactly why, maybe it has something to do with more funds, but the public university system in the US is one of the best in the world. Even public lower schools whose management has been taken from the local school board and been given to a university show drastic improvement.[/COLOR]
Sign Up Digimon: Rising (PG13 for V,L, and S if you want it)
Soliel replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
[COLOR=GREEN]Glad you're giving this RPG another try, Takuya. I'm only signing up as one character this time, as opposed to the two human characters I used last time. ---------------- [B]Name:[/B] Tairune Takanaka [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Tairune, or Tairu for short, has short brown hair and green eyes. She stands about 5' 6" and usually wears a denim vest over a white long-sleeved shirt with black pants. (I might post a picture here if I get time to draw one this weekend) [B]Bio:[/B] A month before Tairu was asked to join DIR, her life was quite happy. She lived in Tokyo and worked as a program designer for a prominant software company. Her boyfriend, Seiya, had recently proposed to her. She was also very skilled at Martial Arts, which she used as a way to exercise and relax. But all her happiness soon came to an abrupt end one stormy Sunday night. That night, an armed robber broke into their appartment. Trying to protect Tairu, Seiya was shot. On the way to the hospital, she could feel her fiance slipping away. She was approched by two men from DIR while he was in surgery and was asked if she would be willing to leave everything behind. Since, by this point she could tell he was gone, she accepted without a second thought. With her experience in Martal Arts and technology, she quickly advanced though the training. Tairu, however, had become very withdrawn as a result of her fiance's death. [B]Personallity:[/B] Tairu is very withdrawn and cold towards her fellow agents. She doesn't want to risk getting hurt emotionally again. The only one she usually talks to is her digimon partner, Salamon. [B]Area of Expertise:[/B] Software design and hand to hand combat [B]Digimon:[/B] Salamon [B]Digivolution Chain:[/B] Salamon, Gotomon, Angewomon, Ophanemon (Note~ The Ophanemon I'm using is not any stronger than the mega levels of the other digimon partners of the DIR field agents.) ---------------- I hope this RPG lasts a bit longer this time around :catgirl: [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ I finally got around to finishing my picture of Terra. So if your currious as to how she looks like, [URL=http://www.tinypic.com/1s12xi]click here[/URL] ----------------- When Halthan had barged in on Namia and Terra, Terra felt a bit relieved that she had gotten out of spilling it all to Namia. As they ran though, Namia desided to restart the conversation. "You never told me what's going on between you and Vincent." "What?" asked Terra, shocked, "You want to finish this now?" Namia nodded with a cunning smile. "Well, there isn't really much to say. We would've kissed if you hadn't been so rude as to interupt us." "Heh, sorry about that," said Namia, "It just seemed like the perfect time for payback. Anything else?" "Just that I'm unsure about his feelings for me." With that the two of them slowed down to a walking pace. Halthan turned around to see why they stopped. "Oy, luvs. What's the bloody 'old up?" he shouted impaciently. "Just go on ahead. We'll catch up." Namia shouted back. Halthan and Cairo took off, leaving Namia and Terra to talk. "Well, do you know how you feel about him?" she said placing a hand on Terra's shoulder. Terra looked up at Namia expecting a face of coy curriosity, and instead she found one of consern and friendship. "All I know is that I love him and just want to be with him." "Then it seems you should be with him now." said Namia, seriously. "Your mind clearly isn't on battle right now," Terra opened her mouth to say something before Namia continued. "Besides, I think we have enought fighters here." Namia then turned and dashed off, following the others. "Now you go on back to camp, and tell Vincent how you feel." Namia shouted back. "Alright," Terra shouted back, and in a quieter tone she said, "Thanks." ---------------- Back at camp, there was no one around at all. "Where the hell is everyone" she muttered. She walked over to Vincent's collapsed tent to find that both him and his things were gone. "He must've taken off. But where the hell did he get to?" Terra stood up and sniffed the air. Though her sense of smell wasn't as good as a tanni's, she could still tell in what general direction Vincent had taken off in, as long as it hadn't been too long. "It looks like he headed... wait, that's the same direction as the mercinary town Tanken wanted us to head to. Should've known he'd go there." And with that, she headed off. ----------------- [I]Jeez![/I] Terra thought as she entered the deserted town, [I]It looks like this place was hit pretty hard. Seems that Deus jerk really didn't like this place.[/I] She stood there utterly perplexed in the middle of the debree stroon streets. There didn't seem to be anyone left alive to ask about Vincent. Suddenly she heard a woman scream. [I]Looks like someones still alive,[/I] she thought, heading off in the direction of the scream. When she got there, two Mantean soldiers had cornered a terrifide looking woman in what looked to be was once a bar and inn. "Well, sweetie. Are you gonna tell us where the others are hiding?" said one of the soldiers, pointing a rusted dagger at her throat. She could only sit there, trembling. "Don't worry," he said kneeling down next to her, "We won't hurt you, much anyway." The other soldier laughed while his partner on the ground began to fondle the panic-stricken woman. She suddenly pushed him away in fear. "Why you little winch," he said standing up and raising his dagger, "Die!" Suddenly, a swift bullet caused the soldier to drop his weapon. "What the fuck was that?!" he said tunring to the door. There stood Terra, smoke still rising from the barrle of her antique revolver. "Why don't you leave her alone you Mantean pigs!" snapped Terra with a furious look in her eyes. Nothing got under her skin more than shovenistic men who thought they could take advantage of a weak female. She walked over to them, putting away her pistol and taking out her poll. "Ma'am," said Terra looking down at the barmaid, "I'd suggest you take cover someplace safe." She quickly hide behind the bar. But before she could sit down, both soldiers were on the floor. One of the more able bodied ones took off out the door, but one had to be tossed out by Terra. "Well, that takes care of the trash," she said, a smile returning to her face. "Are you alright?" "Oh yes, I'm fine." responded the woman. "Thank you so much. I guess I really should have stayed put like Vincent told me. Oh, my name is Dora, by the way." "It's nice to... whoa! Back up a sec. Did you say [I]Vincent[/I]? As in, Vincent Wurlitzer?" "Yes, he came by here not too long ago. He's gone off to try and rescue some of those captured earlier by Deus's men." answered Dora. "Are you one of his friends?" "Yes," Terra answered quickly, "Now please. Can you tell me which way he went?" Dora nodded, "I beleive he headed to the far north." "Thank you," Terra stood up and head out the door, until Dora stopped her. "Wait, miss! Could I get your name please?" "It's Terra, ma'am." she said turning in the doorway. "Then Vincent asked me to give you this message: He said to tell you that he love's you." Terra stood a bit shocked at this news. Then she smiled, gazed down at the ground, placeing a loose fist over her heart. "He said that, did he? Well," she looked up, "I guess I'll have to return the favor in person." She stepped outside and gazed north. "You better not have meant that as some sort of 'good bye,' because I'm following you, Vincent. Whether you like it or not." -------------- OOC~ Uh, yeah. Sorry it's so long. I just had a lot to put in there :sweat: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ I guess I had that coming :D Your lucky I blew off studying tonight. --------------- " What's up guys?" Namia asked. Vincent's and Terra's faces instantly turned bright red. "Gah! Namia! What the hell!" Namia just looked at them smerking. "I was just seeing what you guys were doing, but I see you're busy. I'll come back later." Namia turned and left, grinning to herself. Terra, however, had quickly gone from shocked to pissed, and immedeately followed Namia out. She jumped into the air and sumersalted to land in front of Namia, her pole extended in hand. "Ok, what the hell was that all about?" asked Terra angrily. Namia just laughed. "Simple, sweetie. Payback!" responded Namia "This is about earilier, huh?" questioned Terra, "Well, it's not like I ever walked in on you and Tanken." "Hum, true. But at least now you know how it feels to be interupted from one of [I]those[/I] kind of moments." Namia turned to head away. "Just you wait," Terra said furiously, "When you least expect it..." "Wait," Namia cut in, turning back to face her, "If we keep this up, it'll never end." Terra looked at Namia puzzled. She lowered her pole, "Huh? What do you mean?" "Listen. We've both been nagging each other lately about our relationships with Tanken and Vincent. And we've even resorted to evedropping on each other, all because we couldn't just say what the other wanted to know" Terra tilted her head to one side, "And your point with all this is...?" "What I'm saying," Namia continued, "Is that I really think we should talk about this. That way there's no secrets between us, and we don't resort to spying to find out what we want to know." Terra, looking down at the ground with a slightly disgruntaled look, thought for a moment then looked up with a light smile. "Sound fine with me. But lets go somewhere a bit more privet. I'd rather our conversation be kept to ourselves." And with that the two of them, weapons still in hand, walked into the woods. ----------------- OOC~ So yeah, Terra and Namia are gonna talk it out and not fight, hope this is ok with you, amgoddess, but that doesn't mean some of the others can't [I]think[/I] a major "cat" fight is about to ensue.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=GREEN]Terra?s head emerged from the rubble of the collapsed tent. ?Sabin!? she yelled in frustration, but Sabin had already taken off, knowing full well that a pissed off Terra was no one to tangle with. Then she heard Vincent mumble something from under the tent cloth. She ducked underneath it to see if he was ok. ?You ok?? she asked. Vincent rubbed the back of his head then looked at Terra. ?Uh? yeah. What the heck were you doing in here, anyway?? Terra?s face turned a shade redder at this. ?Um? uh? Well, uh? some wake up call, huh?? she stammered out in a feeble attempt to change the subject, ?Though, uh, I didn?t mean for it to go quite like this.? Vincent looked at her for a moment then burst out laughing. Terra looked at him puzzled. ?What?s so funny?? ?Nothing,? he managed to say through the laughter, ?Just you.? Terra started to say something at this, then thought to herself. Her stuttering had been pretty pathetic and at this, began giggling herself. After spending a few minutes laughing over something that was rather quite pointless, the two of them sighed and looked at each other. Terra noticed how deep and pure Vincent?s dark eyes looked. They leaned closer to each other, their lips inches apart? Suddenly someone lifted and pulled the tent cover off of them.[/COLOR] ------------------ OOC~ I hope this is ok. If so then I really don't care who finds them..... On a side note, I may not get to sign on as much as usual since I have quarter finals coming up. So if I disappear for more than a week, I just passed out from cramming. Happy late Valentine's :love: !