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Everything posted by Soliel

  1. [COLOR=GREEN]Thank you so much CHW. I think I may have already known this, but my info may have gotten corrupted thanks to years of going to poorly maintained and misinformed SM sites. And I've always thought that scene you mentioned from the Sailor Moon S movie was funny. Thanks again![/COLOR]
  2. OOC~ I'm back :D ! Mardi Gras was fun, but now it's time to buckle down into my usual rutine (sleep, study, computer). ------------- [COLOR=GREEN]Terra rolled out from her sheets onto the bare ground. "Ugg... what a wake up call," she mumbled getting to her feet. As she got up, she strained her mind to rememer last night's events. So much seemed to have transgressed in the past 24 hours. Namia getting kidnapped; the attack on the outposts; Tanken's suggestion to cecede from the resistance, and... "Vincent!" The last thing she could remember from last night was sitting on the log by the fire next to Vincent, but she couldn't remember walking back to the tent. After a moment she just shugged it off thinking, [I]Maybe I was just so tired that I don't remember walking back.[/I] Just then, a delicious scent drifted past her nose. [I]What's that smell?[/I] she thought, poking her head out of the tent. Not bothering to grab her coat, Terra pulled on her boots and began to follow the aroma. Near a dying camp fire she saw it. "Mmmm! Lemon grilled fish!" Her mouth was salivating at the mear sight and smell. She then looked around. "I'm sure whoever cooked these won't mind if I take just one." And with that, Terra swiped one of the larger fish from the plater and began to stroll around the encampment with her dish in one hand and a fork in the other. After she had finished her breakfast, Terra began walking near the edge of camp, waiting for everyone else to wake up. Just then she heard voices coming from in the woods. "I knew I wasn't the only one awake." She quietly followed the voices into the forest, since she wasn't exactly sure who it was yet. But as she drew nearer she distintly heard Namia and Tanken's voices. The two of them were standing close to each other in a small clearing. [I]This is perfect,[/I] she thought, [I]If Namia won't tell me what's going between her and Tanken, then I'll just conferm it for myself.[/I] And with that, Terra began listening keenly to their conversation. "What's on your mind?' Namia asked. "Lots of things... mostly what has been happening for the last few hours... It's a lot to bear down on a guy, you know?" Tanken said, looking Namia in the eyes. "I know what you mean." Namia said, her voice betraying no sense of regret. They reached a stream, and Tanken motioned for Namia to sit with him. "It was smart to cecede, right?" He said, uncertainly. "You saw why? Does it bother you?" Namia shook her head. "It doesn't matter if I'm sure. It matters if you are. You need to realize that." She said, sitting next to him, leaning on his shoulder. "Yeah... I just feel like the world's fallen on my shoulders..." He smiled, putting his arm around Namia. "I love you, Namia. Thank you for hearing me out... I needed that." [I]Yes! I knew it![/I] But in her excitement, Terra accedently struck the tree she was hiding behind with her elboe, causing its leaves to shake violently. [I]Shit! Now they know I'm here.[/I] She quickly crouched behind a bush. "Who's there?" Namia shouted. "Yes, show yourself!" added Tanken. "Heh... Hey guys," said Terra sheepishly as she emerged from her hinding place, "What's up?"[/COLOR] -------------- OOC~ Yeah, Terra made the noise. You guys can decide what happens next.
  3. [COLOR=GREEN]Jeez, you guys really don't like kids, do y'all. I think my prefrances are going to be just the opposite of what's been posted so far. I can't stand blan, normal people; I need some insanity in my daily life. [B]Welcome Roomie![/B] 1.) Usagi from "Sailor Moon"- I think I could stand her personality, mostly because I'm a klutz like her. 2.) Ed from "Cowboy Bebop"- One of my best friends acts exactly her and if I can stand having her as a roommate, then Ed is most certainly welcome at my place. 3.) Al from "Full Metal Alchemist"- If you think about it, he'd make a good body guard just because he looks so menicing, but of course he's really nice and wouldn't get into any trouble (on purpose, anyway). [B]Get Out Now![/B] 1.) Hideki from "Chobits"- He is just too high strung to tolarate for long periods of time. 2.) Minako from "Sailor Moon"- She spends so much time chasing guys and she's a bit stuck up at times, and besides, Artimis even has trouble putting up with her antics at times. 3.) Conan from "Detective Conan"/"Case Closed"- Sorry, I can't stand know-it-all's, especially ones that are younger (or at least look younger) than me.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=GREEN]Okay, I have a question concerning the SM movies. Exactly how many movies are there. At first I thought there was five, one corisponding to each season, but then, as of late, I've only really seen three of them. I know if there's a Stars movie it probibly won't be released in the States any time soon. I've been trying to complete my SM collection (Very Slowly), and Monday I bought the R and S movies with some of my X-mas money, and it was this that got me thinking of this question. So if anyone could help me out here, it would be greatly appreshiated(sp?).[/COLOR]
  5. OOC~ Ug... too much work. Lucky I got a break, though. Oh, and I probibly won't get to post again until late next week since I'll be at home for Mardi Gras break (yes, I'm from New Orleans :D ) ------------- [COLOR=GREEN]Terra eyed the strange man who called himself Densi, earily. She began to move out when Cairo grabbed her arm. "Wait," he cautioned, "Are we sure we can trust this guy?" Terra looked at him for a moment then turn to Cairo. "We can't be certain about anything now." She turn around to face the target tower. "The best thing we can do now is carry on with the mission. Now I'll go first to try to catch any trouble we find off guard." She figured this would be best since what Terra lacked in physical strenth, she made up for in speed and stelth. She took of leaping silently from branch to branch, quietly taking out unsuspecting soldiers with her pole as she went. The others followed close behind. All was going well, until one soldier saw her and shouted to his comrades just before being taken out. [I]Dammit![/I] she thought, [I]Now they know we're here.[/I] Before long, a small band of soldiers, about 4 of them, had surrounded her. The one closest to Terra began to snicker, "Heh, what's a cute little kitty doin' way out here?" She turned around, ignoring his sinical remarks, and walked over towards the edge of the clearing. Her plan was to luer them over to where Cairo, Raion, and Densi were hiding and have them attack the idiot soldiers; trickery and cunning were her strong suits and she used them to their highest potencial. However, before she could take another step, the mancho-nizing soldier advanced on her. "Where do ya think your goin'?" he commanded, grabbing her by the tail. In a fit of rage-driven furry that lasted no more than a few seconds, Terra whipped out her pole, channeling her spirit into it to extend to about 5 meters, swong and hit him right in the neck, breaking it instantly. As he hit the ground, she took aim with her pole directly above his chest, and with such furosity, drove it though his armor and into his chest, sending up a light blood splater. The three remaining soldiers fled cowering, while her three comrades looked at her, astonished by her display of violence. She pulled her pole from the body and turned towards them, the look of rage replaced by one of innocent curiosity. "What?" "Um..." finally spoke up Raion, "Just remind me never to piss you off."[/COLOR]
  6. OOC~ Jeez you guys post alot. I'm gonna have to pay attention to this thing a bit more. --------------- [COLOR=GREEN]Since word first got around of Namia's kidnapping, the whole encampment was thrown into an uproar. The order had already been given that no one else was to leave, but it had already crossed Terra's mind a number of times to set out on her own to offer any support she could. But before she could take her leave of the camp, one of the low ranking guards got a hold of her first. "Terra, Halthan wants to see you ASAP." he reported to her. She gave him a conferming nod, and set off for the main tent. [I]What'd I do now?[/I] she thought to herself as she crossed her arms and gazed up towards the evenning sky in a half annoyed manner. As she entered the tent, she could see several head resistance members discussing various manners. Halthan looked up from some of the charts and maps he was studying. "Um, they said you wanted to see me," she said, addressing him blankly. "Ah, yes, Terra. As you're aware, a rescue mission is already underway to recover Namia, so no one else is to leave camp." "Yes, sir. I'm aware of this," she said, looking off in another direction. She was impaciently bouncing on her toes, her arms behind her back fiddling with her tail. "I certainly hope you weren't planning to leave were you?" he eyed her suspisiously over the documents. "Because it seems you are somewhatly close to some of those who are gone." [I]Jeez, gossip spreads around this place like a plegue.[/I] she thought. "No sir, I wasn't planning on leaving," keeping up the half-acknoledging responses. "Nevertheless, it's been desided to place you on guard duty until they return." "What?!" she yelled, finally turning to face Halthan. "You heard me," he stated coolly, "You are to report to the northern edge of the encampment at once." She turn agrily to exit the tent, "Whatever," she mumbled. "What was that?" "Nothing, I'm goin', I'm goin'"[/COLOR] ---------------- OOC~ When you guys get back, let Terra be the first to see you. I'm planning a little hummor. But it's not much. :(
  7. [COLOR=GREEN]Ok, well I'm a Christian, Roman Catholic to be exact. But I'm [U]NOT[/U] a fundamentalist catholic. I do not believe in every aspect of my religion, I don't let my religion effect every aspect of my life and I don't take every word of the Bible at face value (that's just stupid in my opinion). I guess I could take up a good chunk of this post ranting about why it's stupid to take a book, that was written 50 years after the latest of the original events took place, literally, but I guess I already proved my point. Anyways, on a slightly more positive tangent, let me explain a bit of a unique situation. I'm a catholic, but I'm also a liberal. Many would think of this as an oxymoron, since many view a religion like Catholisism to be very conservative, but that not really the case in New Orleans (where I'm from). This city is majortiy Catholic and majority liberal, and I really don't think this has anything to do with religious values. The citizens of New Orleans are proud to be so unique and being liberal in a Southern state and Catholic in a Protistant country are just two of the things that make us so different.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=GREEN]I was kind of surprised when I found out; I sort of did a double take as I was skimming through the TV channels a few nights ago. I didn't believe it. Well, in case some of you haven't seen it yet, Adult Swim (on Cartoon Network) has been airing their own tribute to Johny, which I thought was very nice. I think it'll be running all this week.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=GREEN]Hum... I don't think I've ever taken the term "nerd" as an insult. Then again, I'm the kind of person who doesn't really care what other people think. In high school, my friends and I would jokingly call each other terms like "nerd" or "geek" or "otaku"; things that are usually meant as deragatory terms, but of course we were just messing around with each other since we were all honors students and some of us were into anime. Also my brother would constantly, and still does, call me a nerd, but I'd usually just call him a dumb jock and the insults would continue to fly (gotta love your sibs :rolleyes: ). I think I just, accidently, came to my point. Social classes like the "socially deprived nerd" and the "dumb jock" are molds that hardly ever fit in real life. For instance, I consider myself pretty smart, yet I have plenty of friends and my brother who is naturally athletic, also makes A's in subjects like math and Spanish. I guess what I'm saying is, that these stereotypes are hardly terms to describe real people, at least by their traditional meanings, and, at least where I went to school, people don't really use them as put downs any more.[/COLOR]
  10. OOC~ ok, while you guys sort out your little brawl, I'm going to put in my post, since I have a spare moment because my English class was canceled, yaaay :D --------------- [COLOR=GREEN]When it was agreed when and how they would storm Marich's palace, some of the others had gone into town to stock up on fire power, but Terra felt this was unnessisary for her. Though her prefered weapon was her staff, she did carry on her a standard revolver pistol in case of emergencies. I wasn't that Terra lacked any skill with a fire arm type weapon, her accuracy was actually pretty good. It was just that she felt that a person's combat skills shouldn't be judged on fire power, but rather their personal skills in a one on one fight. Guns, she felt, gave someone too much power; any two-year-old with a gun could kill someone, but it takes at least some skill, if only a little, to kill with a sword or other type of melee weapons. But of course, Terra knew good and well that the resistance wasn't going to be based on anyone's fighting princaples, least not hers. It was on getting a corrupt person out of power, no matter what the cost. After making sure her weapons were in good working order, Terra emerged from the tent and began to pace around the encampment. Earlier this morning she had thought she heard Vincent rush by and ask where Tanken was. By the tone of his voice, he seemed worried and anxious about something. But this had happened much earlier when Terra was still half asleep, so she was unsure whether it was real or part of some weird dream. Either way, she was still curious as to where Vincent might be since she hadn't seen him since last night.[/COLOR] -------------- OOC~ At this point, Terra doesn't have any serious feelings for Vincent, so for now don't try to go there. :p
  11. [COLOR=GREEN]I don't know much about the story line in the Metroid games, but your story seems pretty cool. :D [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=GREEN]Well, I think gas prices have been going up and down between $1.55 and $1.85 a gallon since they peeked at around the $2 mark back in the summer (I think). But don't you think all that fighting in Iraq has something to do with the high prices? I mean, there's all this oil under there, and because of all the insergencies and fighting, no one can touch a drop of it. :huh:[/COLOR]
  13. Soliel

    Taboo [PG-LSV]

    OOC~ Thanks for clearing things up, Bloody_Moon. I was starting to get confused there since some of the posts were differing from your original story. ------------- [COLOR=GREEN]Azuru was in her room, sitting on her bed contemplating the day's events. A lot had happened that day, including finding Phayt, the Hero of Earth. She let her self fall back on her bed, her legs remaining in a sitting position. Staring at the ceiling, Azuru tried to remember the dream she had been having from earlier. She closed her eyes. Azuru stood alone in a mist covered area, devoid of life. The only thing that seemed to be there, besides her, was an old, dust covered mirror. As she approached the object, she noticed the frame was of black, polished wood, inlayed with silver musical notes. A dark figure appeared in the mirror, but this strange phantom didn't resemble Azuru in the least. She stood before it, silently, thinking of what this could mean. [I]My true self?[/I] she wondered. She raised a nervous hand to gently touch the mirror. The image, also did this, but in a delayed reaction. [I]No, a copy. And a bad one at that.[/I] Azuru sat up in her bed with a start. She put her hand on her forhead. [I]What the heck did that mean?[/I] she wandered intently. She shook her head. "Oh, well," she mumbled, "Can't sleep now. Might as well train some more." And with that, she got up, fasened her jacket closed, tied her sash belt around her waist and headed down the hall. As she strode down the hall to the training room, Azuru noted the strange silence in the halls. [I]I wonder where everyone's at?[/I] she thought. But as she approached the door to the training room, however, she could hear quite the comosion coming from inside. "Never mind," she mutered under her breath, "I know where they are." Azuru pushed open the door to see Mizu, Ziarre, Phayt, and some other guy whom she didn't recognize. They all turned to look at her as she entered the room. "Well, speak of the devil, here she is," Mizu said with a bit of a smirk on her face. "Here I am, what?" asked Azuru, looking extremely confused. "This guy is claiming to be you," answered Ziarre, motioning towards the strange boy. "But," started Azuru, cocking her head to one side, "He doesn't look anything like me." "We mean, he says he's the Hero of Sound," Mizu stated, starting to get agravated. "Oh," Azuru said, still looking at the boy, "Well, that's stupid. I'm the Hero of Sound." "We know that," said Ziarre, who, like Mizu, was trying her best not to slap Azuru for stupidity. But she soon regained her composure, "But why don't you try to convince him of that little fact," she added. A cunning grin quickly replaced the ditzly confused expression on Azuru's face. "Sure," she said with a smirk. "Phayt, could you hand me that hammer you were training with earlier?" "Uh, sure," responded Phayt, who seemed completely lost from the whole thing. He picked up the warhammer and handed it to her. "Thanks." Azuru gripped it with one hand, the cord loop on the base of the handle, draped loosly around her wrist. After a moment the hammer began to pulse, slowly changing from a plain dingy appearance to silver in color. She eyed her opponent across the room. He still held the same blank expression, but Azuru could tell he was nervous. "I can see you weren't counting on the [I]real[/I] Hero of Sound to show up." Her weapon began emiting small sonic impulses from its head. She lifted the hammer above her head. "Now begone, copy-cat!" she shouted as she brought the hammer crashing down to the floor in front of her. A strong sonic force wave shot from the place it struck in the direction of the stanger, slamming him hard against the back wall.[/COLOR] --------------- OOC~ Sorry to make it so lengthy. I figured since Mizu and Ziarre were kind of serious most of the time, that Azuru could be a bit ditzy and absent minded from time to time, but she's still serious in a fight. Oh, and Lazarus's creation thing isn't dead, just unconcious. Someone else can deside what they do with him. As for me, I'm outie.
  14. OOC~ Okay, I?m backtracking a little bit from where the story is now to account for where my character was during most of the fighting? -------------- [COLOR=GREEN]Several hours earlier- Terra sat against a wall near the entrance of the Resistance?s HQ. She watched, with a look of disconcertment, as other members started to slowly come through. [I]This is so boring[/I], she thought, gazing up at the ceiling, drumming her fingers on her forearm impatiently. ?Damn, when is this thing gonna start?? "Soon enough,? said a voice from beside her. Terra stood up with a start, holding a look of apprehension. It was Namia. Terra turned away from her, focusing her attention back on the ceiling. ?So, why hasn?t this meeting thing started yet?? Terra asked, without turning around, ?We waitin? for someone?? ?As a matter of fact, yes,? Terra turned her head towards Namia, but kept her body facing the other way. ?Tanken, isn?t here yet.? ?Hmf, so that?s all.? Terra began to walk towards the entrance hall. ?Where do you think you?re going?? Namia stood there with a serious look on her face. Terra paused at these words, then whipped around to face her with a glare on her face. ?For a walk. It?s not like you guys need me here.? And with that, Terra walked out without waiting for a final word from Namia. She couldn?t stand her preaching about how she should train her skills more or how she should learn to respect authority. The fact was, Terra had always had problems with authority. But just because she seemed to not respect authority on the surface, didn?t mean that she didn?t respect others like Namia in her own way. She respected the fact that Namia was older than her, and so, more skilled in her style of combat. She also felt a bit of a connection to her since they were two of the very few female fighters in the resistance. As she walked though the city streets of Balkazaar, a soothing calm fell over her that had been missing in the stuffy headquarters. It was the calming silence of being alone. The cool evening air was just starting to set in as she reached the city?s outer gate. She walked across the clearing between the city and the surrounding forest and stopped at an unusually tall tree. [I]Seems like as good a place as any[/I], she thought to herself, and with that she jumped quickly from branch to branch until she reached the highest one that could still support her weight. From there, Terra could see all of Balkazaar. ?It all looks so calm,? she said quietly. She sat down on the branch and leaned up against the main trunk of the tree. She gazed at the city, slowly beginning to be illuminated in the coming darkness of night. Before she knew it, Terra had fallen asleep. A swift wind shook the tree Terra was sleeping in. She awoke to the pitch black of night. ?I must of dozed off. I wonder how long I was out for,? she mumbled as she stretched. Just then, she noticed the city. Most of the buildings were dark and smoke was rising from select areas. ?Shit! How long [I]was[/I] I out for?? Not wasting any time, Terra quickly descended from her perch and made a dash towards the city. As she neared the city gates, she could see someone lying on the ground, injured. ?Vincent!? She skidded to a halt and quickly knelt down to examine him. [I]Good, he?s just unconscious[/I], she thought after noting that he was still breathing. But his condition wasn?t stable. Before she could treat his wounds, however, they needed to get to a safer location. ?Com?on, Vincent,? she said as she hoisted him onto her back, ?Let?s get you fixed up.? And with that she took off for the woods. She stopped in a small clearing a good ways into the forest. Terra then carefully propped Vincent?s body up against a large bolder. She dressed his stab wound, then went to light a fire. As she got it lit, Vincent started to wake up. ?Good, you?re awake. Looks like you?re gonna be okay,? she said, getting up. ?Namia?? he said in a weak voice. Terra stopped, glaring at him. ?Do I look like Namia to you,? she said in an aggravated tone. ?No, too much attitude. Must be Terra.? Terra regained her composure. Smiling she continued to walk over to him. ?There, I knew your senses couldn?t be that out of wack from a little flesh wound,? she said with a smirk. ?Where are the others?? asked Vincent sitting up. Terra went quiet for a few minutes. Vincent began to get impatient, ?Well?? Terra stared into the dancing flames of the fire. ?I don?t know.?[/COLOR] --------------- OOC~ Whoa! That one kind of ran pretty long. Sorry. I hope it?s not too crappy for you guys. Once again, sorry :sweat:
  15. [COLOR=GREEN]College life has been a real learning experience for me these past few months. When your living at home with your parents, a lot of things, if not all, are provided to you for next to nothing. I know a lot of Jr's and Sr's in high school who still don't know how to cook or do laundry (luckily, I already knew these things). It's simply amazing how much stuff you learn your freshman year in college, outside the classroom; things like how to get along with people on a whole new level (roommates, dormmates, etc.) and how to manage your money, especially if your financially independand, like me (meaning no or very little money from your family). As for myself, personally, I kind of figured I'd be supporting myself, since I'd feel really guilty having my mother support me, since she's a single parent who also has to support her elderly, and hadicaped, mother, and money-squandering son (my brother gambles with his friends and expects my mom to pay for his gas) who attends a privet high school. Of course, at the time I said this, I didn't realize how expensive everything would be, but luckily I only have to completely support myself for two years (until my brother graduates). Then after that, she'll give me some help. Also, up until a year ago, I saw myself going to LSU, insead of LA Tech where I'm at now. I'm majoring in Pre-Vet and plan to go to LSU vet school after I graduate, like I've planned since the 6th grade. I did deside, shortly after starting school back in Sept, that I'd also be minoring in art. I've always loved drawing and when I was really little I wanted to be an artist when I grew up; so I've kind of resurected an old goal. I think the biggest change I've had to make since entering college is the distance from home. There is a 5 hour or 300 mile distance from my home and school. The first month I was up here, I did get homesick a few times. I do talk to my parents on the phone every week, and I do get mail from home, but before coming up here, the longest time I've ever spent away from my family was two week, and the time between starting school and my first break was two and a half months. That's quite a difference, but once you get through the first half of the year, it gets better. They say if you can make it through your first year away from home, then your more likely to stick it out the whole time instead of transfering to a school closer to home.[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=Chaos]Finally, some Cresent City love here. Ruston? My brother was up there. Don't know where he's at now. Moves around so much for National Guard training. Oh, come on. There's more to Naw'leans than Mardi Gras. Going to the Quarter can be a trip of a lifetime if you go to the right places. I'm stuck in Metairie right now, almost on the Jefferson Parish line. And I can't get anywhere. I go to Riverdale [and it sucks. We can't even pull off a winning football season], and everyone I know is...well, not here. -_-; But, come on, let's have some love for the number one murder capital of the U.S. [spoiler]Blanco sucks.[/spoiler] P.S. After 43 years they finally completed West Napoleon down by Severn. Hu-friggin-zah, it took them long enough.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN]Yeah, someone else from the metro area. I was begining to think I was the only one here from Louisiana. So you live in Metry, yeah I have some friends from there, but most of them went to Mont Carmel. I graduated from De La Salle, but I did go to Franklin for two years, so I know all about loosing football teams. And I do know Mardi Gras isn't the only thing about N.O.; X-mas there is like no other; that's just the next thing I'm coming down there for. Oh, and in case any of you were curious as to what college I'm at, it's Louisiana Tech University;[/COLOR] [COLOR=BLUE]Go Bulldogs![/COLOR] [COLOR=GREEN](yeah, I know I'm a geek)[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=GREEN]I guess I'll start... [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22169[/IMG] "...and another 'benefit' to joining the army- open-air commodes!" ---------- [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22168[/IMG] "Ahh... puppy lovers" ---------- Okay, I know the second one wasn't very funny, but I'm tired :sleep: [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=GREEN]In a way I act older and in a way I act younger, so no one, not even in person, can be certain of my age. Let me start of with my real age: I'm 18, about to be 19 (this Friday, in fact). I'd have to say as far as maturaty and intellect go, I act older, some where around 25-30. I can carry on an intelligent conversation with most adults at or above that age (and I can confuse most people my age). But when it comes to just having fun or hanging out with my friends, I tend to act younger. I blame this on two things. One is the odd jobs I held during high school: babysitter, day camp councilor, etc. Because of this, I really enjoy working, and playing, with young kids, and thus, kind of act like one. The other reason is that I look young for my age: around 15 or 16. And I guess because most people who don't really know me think I'm this age, I sort of act that way on default, because that's what they expect of me.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=GREEN]Well, let me think about this one for a moment... I would have to consider myself more of a pacifist than anything else. For one thing, I think most (not all, but most) of the violence in the world today is pointless. I'm not talking about fighting for what's right and all that, I respect that kind of fighting, but rather killing someone because they said something mean to you. I guess, I'm just the kind of person who can let petty insults roll of her without me even achknoledging the insulters. I guess I'm also too [I]lazy[/I] to really fight back with people most of the time. But just because I don't fight back, doesn't mean I don't get angry... The past few weeks, I've had these weird dreams where I've been extremly violent to people I don't really like (like the preppy sorority girls on our floor who come in noisy and drunk at 4 am). Now anytime I feel the urge to be violent, I usually take my temper out on inanimate objects (pillows, punching bags, jocks), or guys who are obviously bigger/stronger than me (friends and family, not strangers). I usually don't fight other girls since most of the girls close to my size are weaker than me, and just don't feel right fighting some one weaker than me.[/COLOR]
  20. Soliel

    Taboo [PG-LSV]

    [COLOR=GREEN]Phayt whorled around to see Azuru standing there with a grin on her face. "Well, let's see," she said glancing at the clock, "They should be serving lunch right about now." Azuru walked over to the serving line and motioned for Phayt to follow. "So how did you know I was hungry?" he asked as they got up to the counter. "Well," she started as she scooped some maccaroni onto her plate, "For one thing you found this place on your own. Also, I could hear your stomach growl from the other room." Phayt's face turned a shade redder at this. "And that mountain of food on your plate is also a dead give away," she added. They sat down and started eating. "Are you really going to eat all of that?" she asked after a few moments. "Yeah," he managed to say between bites, "Like you said, I'm pretty hungrey." He said this with a bit of sarcasm and annoyance on his tone. "Well, by the way you're inhaling your food, it almost seems like you haven't eaten in days," she said jokingly. Phayt put his fork down and was quiet for a moment. "Well, actually... I haven't." His face turned slightly red at saying this. Azuru's hand slapped her hand over her mouth. "Oh man, I always seem to stick my foot in my mouth," Avoiding eye contact, she picked up her tray. "I guess I'll let you finish." "Wait," Phayt grabbed her jacket sleave, "It's okay, and thanks" "For what?" Azuru asked with a puzzled look on her face. "For showing me around the dining hall and talking and stuff," he said with a sort of blank expession and tone. "Okay, no prob," she replied kind of puzzled. Regaining her cheery composure, she smiled adding, "If you need any thing else I'll either be in the training room or in my room, it's the third door on the right. See you later." And with that she walked out the room.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=GREEN]Whaaa! :bawl: No one from my state. Well, I live in the US, the very southern US, New Orleans, Louisiana to be exact. Of course, right now I'm at a university in the northern part of the state, and what a very boring town Ruston is. There isn't really much to do up here; I guess that's what I get for coming from a big city to a small town to go to college. Oh, well, I can't wait until I go back home for Mardi Gras though :flasher: [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=GREEN]Whoa! This one has a lot of detail. Now, onto my sign-up! -------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Terranali (Terra for short) [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Murhyrr [B]Class:[/B] Thief [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] Spirit Pole (steel, can extend to any length from 10cm to 10 meters) [B]Weapon Style:[/B] Shin Torent- "Pouncing Tiger" technique [B]What side they're on:[/B] Resistance [B]Why they fight:[/B] Terra has always held a firm grasp on the idea of helping those who are wrongfully oppressed. She also knows first hand, or at least holds the opinion, that those in charge aren't always right. [B]History:[/B] The village where Terra grew up was seeped in very old, traditional values. She desperately wanted to train under the "Pouncing Tiger" style, but was forbade from being conventionally taught because this was a disiplin strickly for men. However, this didn't stop her from observing the training sessions and training in secret. This blatent disregard for authority caused her to develop a rebelious, almost thieving, personality. She left her village at age 17 and has wandered through the country ever since. [B]Appearance:[/B] Terra has dark green eyes and short, reddish-brown hair, and pail skin. She usually wears a long black coat over a worn cream-colored halter top, baggy tan pants, and black boots. [URL=http://www.tinypic.com/1s12xi]picture[/URL] [B]All in all:[/B] Terra is rebelious at times, but she has a good heart.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=GREEN]Whoa! This one has a lot of detail. You said you needed more female characters, since amgoddess seems to be the only one signed up as one so far, so here I am. But is it alright if I'm not a baddie? I will be if it seems too inbalanced, so just PM me if you need me to change it. Now, onto my sign-up! -------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Terranali (Terra for short) [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Murhyrr [B]Class:[/B] Thief [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] Spirit Pole (steel, can extend to any length from 10cm to 10 meters) [B]Weapon Style:[/B] Shin Torent- "Pouncing Tiger" technique What side they're on: Resistance (if posible) Why they fight: Terra has always held a firm grasp on the idea of helping those who are wrongfully oppressed. She also knows first hand, or at least holds the opinion, that those in charge aren't always right. History: The village where Terra grew up was seeped in very old, traditional values. She desperately wanted to train under the "Pouncing Tiger" style, but was forbade from being conventionally taught because this was a disiplin strickly for men. However, this didn't stop her from observing the training sessions and training in secret. This blatent disregard for authority caused her to develop a rebelious, almost thieving, personality. She left her village at age 17 and has wandered through the country ever since. Appearance: Terra has dark green eyes and short, reddish-brown hair, and pail skin. She usually wears a long black coat over a worn cream-colored halter top, baggy tan pants, and black boots. All in all: Terra is rebelious at times, but she has a good heart.[/COLOR]
  24. Soliel

    Taboo [PG-LSV]

    [COLOR=GREEN]Azuru quietly ate her breakfast as she listened to Ziarre and Kayin talk. "Hey Azuru, are you ok?" asked Kayin. "Yeah," added Ziarre, "you're usually more talkative than this." She looked up from her cereal. "Oh, sorry," she said smiling, "I'm fine, I was just thinking about something." She took a sip of her juice. "Were you thinking about where Hiroshi is?" asked Ziarre. "Um..." Azuru took another bite of her cereal, "Yeah, but that's not really what's bothering me." The three of them were silent for a moment as Azuru finished her breakfast and stood up from the table. "Well, I guess I'll see you guys later," she said with a light smile. Picking up her tray, she put it away and picked up an apple from a fruit basket in the food line. She walked out of the dining hall and down the hall towards the training room. As she took a bite of her apple, she couldn't help but feel like something was going to happen. [I]I know it's stupid for me to think like this[/I], she thought to herself, [I]but I can't help it[/I]. She threw the apple core away and paused outside the training room door. [I]Ok snap out of it[/I], shaking her head, [I]I'm just getting worried about nothing[/I]. She took a hair tie out of her pocket and pulled her long, raven hair back into a pony tail and pushed the door open. "Mornin' Mizu," she said with a cheary smile as she entered the room.[/COLOR]
  25. Soliel

    Taboo [PG-LSV]

    [COLOR=GREEN]Azuru rolled onto her stomach under her bed covers. "Ug... can't sleep anymore," she mumbled, still feeling half-asleep. She tried to push her body up but after a second or two she gave up and let her face fall back into the pillow. "My mind may be awake but my body isn't," she grumbled. Closing her eyes, Azuru tried to remember the dream she was having, but it had already faded from her memory. She gazed up at her wall clock. [I]5:30, might as well get dressed[/I] Azuru finally pried herself from her bed and stumbled through an assortment of books, stuffed animals and other random objects scatered across her floor to get to her dresser. She pulled on her worn-out blue Chinese jacket over her black tank-top but left it unfastined. "I guess this is fine," she said looking at herself in the mirror. She then continued on to make up her bed and pile the stuffed animals from the floor on it. She hummed a cheary tune as she did this, in a feable attempt to make herself loose the forboding feeling she was getting from her forgotten dream. Azuru then left her room and strode down to the dining hall. She wasn't really expecting anyone to be there since it was still about quarter til six, but when she walked in, to her surprise, she saw Mizu and Ziarre were already there. [I]I wonder if they also had strange dreams,[/I] she thought. She quickly shrugged it off and went to join them at the table.[/COLOR] ------------ OCC~ Whoh! I was kind of surprised that this got started. But I'm glad it did. I hope it doesn't die.
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