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Everything posted by Soliel

  1. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]the important thing to remember is that no matter how crappy your life is there is always someone who has it much worse. Just read your local paper or watch CNN or some other news show. Or you could watch Jerry Springer and tell yourself that at least your mom didn't sleep with your boyfriend and your dad isn't on National TV wearing women's underwear.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN]ChibiHorsewoman makes a good point. You really shouldn't get too bogged down in your own sorrows, doing that only causes you to forget the things that really matter, but I can personally relate to where you're coming from with all of this; myself spending the majority of high school in a depressive state (whoever said that high school is suposed to be the happiest years of your life, was crazy because it absoluty is not true) :( Anyways, another thing you can do to help get your mind off your pain is to distract yourself with things you enjoy. For example, I really like listening to music, so every time I got really sad or angry (or both), I would go in my room, pop in one of my favorite CDs and crank up the volume. Mind you, this theropy would normally piss off my parents, but I was usually mad at them to begin with so I guess there was a bit of a revenge factor to this :devil: [/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE=DerelictDestiny][COLOR=DarkRed]Good for you, then you'll have more girls to yourself ;) Hmm, quite adorable, I think you look good without the braces although it seems you've still got that "I wear braces" smile :p I still do since I wore for about three years.. whew what a trial that was =^D luckily I didn't have to wear retainers after that. Braces are a spiteful price to pay for beauty but hey I felt it was worth it.. it just makes me cuter than ever ^_~[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN]I still have that sort of smile now and I got my braces off almost four years ago. Anyways, I actually had to go through braces twice. Once was when I was in third grade for a year. That time it was only on the top jaw but I also had to wear a chin strap thingy for my overbite, which really sucked. The second time I got braces was in seventh grade, around the time when most of my friends also had them. That time I had to get them on both jaws and wore them for almost two years. I just realized something, I'm still wearing my retainer from when I got my braces off four years ago. Oh, and did anyone else have to get a "semi-perminant" retainer (the one where they glue a curved braces wire to the back of your teeth on the bottom jaw), I still have mine :p [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=GREEN]Hum... I seem to be relativly accepting of most anime couples, but there are a few I didn't care for or didn't think would work out too well. The first is [B]Matt and Sora[/B] from Digimon. I don't know, I really think Sora should have been with Tai instead. They just seemed to go so well together :( Another one I don't think would work out too well is [B]Aoshi and Misao[/B] from Ruruoni Kenshin. Don't get me wrong, I think they're really cute together, but Aoshi just seems to be such a loner that he wouldn't really give poor Misao the time of day. Well that's it for me![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=GREEN]Okay, for me it has to be Dragonball/Z, hands down. This is the only one of my favorite series that ties with Sailor Moon, my fav. Yeah, I know, Sailor Moon and Dragonball, but those are my two favorite series. Anyways, I've just always been a major fan of high action anime. I also like Yu-Gi-Oh!, the original version, not the editted dub. The series is really good, and the same goes for Shaman King. I guess because both of these series have a lot to do with spirits and magic all mixed in with a lot of fighting. Oh, yeah, and I can't forget about GetBackers. That series is just really cool; a good mix of action and comedy. Okay, so I listed more than one. When it comes to my favorite anything involving anime, the top ones are usually really close. But as I stated earlier, Dragonball is my favorite. :D [/COLOR]
  5. Soliel

    Taboo [PG-VL]

    OCC~ Ooh, looks like fun! :D ----------------- [COLOR=GREEN][U]Name:[/U] Azuru Oto [U]Age:[/U] 17 [U]Gender:[/U] Female [U]Appearance:[/U] She has long black hair and pail green eyes. Usually wears a blue, Chinese style jacket, baggy black pants and a white sash belt. ([URL=http://tinypic.com/175udw]pic[/URL]) [U]Personalty:[/U] Azuru is very friendly and is always trying to make friends with anyone new. She is very optomistic and never lets people give up on something. She also has a very good singing voice. [U]Bio:[/U] Azuru has lived in the underground sactuary since she was about 9 years old. When she first started to show signs of her power, her parents feared for her safety, until they heard about the sactuary. Since then her powers have developed greatly. [U]Hero of:[/U] Sound [U]Weapon(s):[/U] -Sonic Mallet (silver in color, resignates sonic wave impulses at enemy when struck on ground) -Symphony Horn (healing device, anyone hearing its melody is healed, but it requires a lot of energy to use) [U]Magic:[/U] (I'm asuming this means magically promted attacks) -Sonic Boom (a large shockwave that temporarily immobilizes the enemy) -Thunder Wave (generates a thunderous wind that pushes the enemy back several meters) -Siren's Song (only works on male enemies, allows for temporary control over the one who hears it)[/COLOR] ----------------- I hope this is okay, if not, PM me and I'll change whatever needs to be changed.
  6. [COLOR=GREEN]"Man," Arora sighed to herself, as she took a seat in her last class of the day, Biology. "I don't have a single class with any of the guys this term." She took out her notebook and began to title the margin, when suddenly a strange feeling shot through her body. As it did, the view of the classroom began to fade from her sight. She saw the same scenes from her dream the night before, only this time they were much more vivid. "Miss Son, Miss Son are you alright?" The teacher was standing over her with one hand on her sholder and a concerned look on her face. Arora opened her eyes to find herself sitting at her desk with both her hands on her head. She looked around to she everyone else looking at her; her face turned as red as her hair. "Dear," she turned back to the teacher still standing in front of her, "Maybe you should go get a drink of water." She slowly stood up, still in a bit of a daze. "Yes, ma'am." she said and slowly walked out the room to the restroom down the hall. "What's going on here?" she wondered, splashing some water on her face. She dried her face and looked in the mirror only to let out a small "Eap!" in surprise. Arora looked to see the sign for Mars glowing in red on her forehead. "What the..." she muttered reaching a shacky hand up to examine it, but just as she was about to touch it, it faded back to her normal skin tone. Just then her phone, which she had set on vibrate, began buzzing violently in her pocket. Arora pulled it out to read the display: New Text Message Recieved. She scrolled now to read: [I]Hey guys. It's Chloe here. Can we meet up after school? At Angel's Cafe? Come if you can. It's urgent![/I] She put her phone away a stared at the mirror for a moment. [I]Chloe,[/I] she thought, [I]You have no idea how urgent.[/I][/COLOR]
  7. OOC~ Sorry for taking so long to post. This weekend was kind of crazy for me with homecoming and all, but now I'm back so here's my post... ----------------- [COLOR=GREEN]"Joe, where are you?" a distant voice inquired. He stood there surrounded by a void of fog, looking around aimlessly. "Joe." "I'm right here," he yelled out in desperation, "What do you want." He began sprinting in the direction he last heard the voice. He suddenly stopped as he saw the siloette of a woman slowly aproaching him.... BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Joe quickly sat up in bed and turned off his alarm, putting his hand on his forehead, looking down. [I] What does it mean?[/I] he thought, [I]This is the fourth time this month I've had that same dream.[/I] "Are you okay, Joe?" asked the stange, long eared creature sitting at the foot of his bed. "Uh, Terriermon... yeah," he said looking up at him. "The same dream again?" inquired Terriermon. Joe nodded, smiling weakly. "I don't know what it means, but it must mean something," he looked down at the floor as he said this, "Why else would I keep dreaming the same thing over and over?" Both were silent for a while. Just then there was a knock at the door. Joe quickly jumped out of bed and dashed across the room to answer it. "Yes?" he said opening the door. It was an older DIR agent. "Joe, you and Terriermon are to report to briefing room 3." He nodded, "Oh and one more thing," the agent seemed a bit embaressed about what he was going to ask, "Could you also tell agent Tairune that she and Salamon are also to report there. She's in the gym practicing her sparring and I don't want to get too close." Joe just laughed a bit under his breath and nodded again as he closed the door to get ready. ---------------- "Hya!" Tairu was in the gym, pumbling a large punching bag with an assortment of kicks. A small, tan, puppy-like creature sat on the mat, watching from a short distance away. "Kya!" she yelled, finishing up her routine with a turn side kick. "Why do you have to be so agressive?" Tairu turned to the small creature sitting on the mat. "Well, Salamon," she said, wiping the sweat off her face with a towel, "Would you rather me take my agression out on some unsuspecting person around here?" Salamon looked around the deserted gym with her eyes narrowed and one eyebrow raised. [I]And I was wondering why everyone else left when we came in here.[/I] "Hey, Tairu!" she turned around to see Joe and Terriermon standing by the gym entrance. Joe was the only one of the DIR agents who she would talk to willingly. "Hey there! What's up?" she asked smiling slightly. "We need to report to briefing room 3." he informed her. "Alright just give me five minutes and I'll be ready." and with that, Tairu grabbed her duffle bag with her change of cloths and entered the women's locker room. [/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Alright, folks... let's start improving the post quality in this thread, shall we? I'm genuinely shocked that it did so well initially, and it'd be great if we could keep it from travelling down that familiar slippery slope. One more thing-- [SIZE=3][B]USE SPOILER TAGS.[/B][/SIZE] For the love of all that's holy, try [i]not[/i] to ruin a show for your fellow fans. I was innocently scrolling through the second page of the topic when I stumbled across a post which may have totally ruined the ending of Wolf's Rain for me. I haven't ventured near the WR thread for weeks, simply because I'd like to see the final episodes on DVD without being spoiled by people who've already watched them on Adult Swim. Alas, now all my efforts seem to have been made in vain. :mad: So to reiterate, using spoiler tags is simply common courtesy. All you have to do is type [*spoiler]text[*/spoiler], minus the asterisk. If any of you have questions, please PM me or one of the other mods. Thanks in advance. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN]Okay, I just thought of some more favorite characters, but first I just want to add something to what Dagger said. She brought up a good point to use spoiler tags, but some of you are a bit unsure when to use them. Some of you may think that just becuase you saw a movie or episode on TV that everyone else has seen it; clearly this is not the case. This is sort of a guide line I use for implementing spoiler tags: 1) Any show that has not been dubbed, some people only watch anime in English. 2) Any show that is only available on DVD or VHS, regardless of how long ago it was realeased, their are some people who haven't seen some movies such as Akira or Vampire Hunter D but still plan on watching them sometime in the future. 3) Any episodes of a series currently running on TV that have only aired once or only recently been aired, this would include Wolf's Rain, Inuyasha, Dragonball GT, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Gundum Seed to name a few. And, 4) Any show that has only aired on primium cable or satilite channels such as Tech TV and Anime Network. Okay, I hope this helps everyone, and now, back to my post... Let's see ... First their's Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin, because he's really strong and yet can act really goofy as well. I really like funny characters; serious ones are a real snore. :sleep: Thier's also Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh! He seems to have this mysteriousness to him where you can't quite figure out whether he's good or bad, but I think no matter how tough he acts, deep down he's good. Hum, one more should do it, [SPOILER]Ginji[/SPOILER] from Get Backers. [SPOILER]Again with the funny character thing, I find it amusing how he can be only focused on food during some of his conversations with Ban. It's also cool how he can control electricity.[/SPOILER] Well, I think that's it. Do you think I listed too many?[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=GREEN]Hum... for some reason, this thread seems familar. Guess there have been others like it, but none resently. :rolleyes: Well lets see, I've got quite a few favs as far as anime characters are concerned. I guess to shorten the list, I'll just pull my favorite character from each of my favorite series. From Sailor Moon it's a three way tie between Usagi, Makoto, and Seiya. I can relate to Usa's clumsiness, Mako's a brunnet tomboy, like me, [SPOILER]and Seiya may act like an arogant idiot, especially when he starts hitting on Usa, but I think he can be pretty cool too.[/SPOILER] From Inuyasha, another tie, this time between Sango and Sesshomaru. Sango is a girl who can hold her own in battle, and I just think Sesshi's cute (so sue me). From Dragonball, I'd have to go with Gohan because he's really sweet and he's also a bit smarter than the other fighters. Okay I guess I can't think of any more right now. I'll post more when I do.[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=ChibiMuneMune]I was here when the boards weren't online. ^^;; I was in the chat room alot. My anme was 'LonleyMelfina' It would be nice to talk to some of my old chat friends again. :o[/QUOTE] [COLOR=GREEN]I remember the chat room, but I could never get it to work on my old computer back then. So I never got to talk in there. :( But that was how I found out about OB. :babble: [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=GREEN]Alright, why did some of you people start talking about Batman, of all things? I think PaifulLife was asking for real experiences with pain, not the experiences of a fictional character. Okay, I just had to say that before I continue. So you wanted to know about painful experiences. Well, heres one for you. Probibly one of the most prominant ones in my life was when my parents first got divorced. I could hardly believe they were doing this, and I couldn't figure out why. I guess I really didn't take to change all that well, because the thing that scared me the most was the fact that everything would be different. This was also the first time I got really depressed, or at least had a reason to be. I guess the best way to deal with situations like this is to look at the positives. For instance, in my situation, I get twice as many Christmas presents and I got an older brother whose actually pretty cool. So yeah, that's what I have to say.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=GREEN]Hum, I guess I could be considered an old member, since I've been registered here since version 3 in 2001. Okay, I've been here for four versions, I guess that does make me sort of an old member. The only thing is that I haven't really posted a lot; to this day, I have less than a hunded post, so as a result, people here don't know me all that well. Only as a person who puts in her two cents on a topic every now and then. But lately I've been trying to post more. Weird huh, I'm too busy to post all through high school, but when I get to college, I seem to have all the time in the world. Okay, sorry, I'm getting off topic. But anyways, I can't believe I've been here that long.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=GREEN]"Arora! You're not up yet?" Arora just groaned underneath the comforter. She could hear her mother coming up the stairs to make sure she was awake. "It's 7:25. You're going to miss the bus." "Alright, I'm up!" she shouted back to her mom as she rolled out of bed. Arora quickly threw on her uniform and dashed downstairs to the kitchen. "Morning, mom," she mumbled as she grabbed a blueberry muffin from the table and headed out the door. "Bye mom." "Have a good day, honey," she called out after her. As Arora made her way down the tall stairway that led up to her house, and the shine they took care of, she stuffed the remainder of her breakfast in her mouth and glanced down at her watch. [I]I have plenty of time[/I], she thought to herself, [I]I could have slept another 2 minutes, if mom hadn't woken me up.[/I] She got to the bus stop with plenty of time to spare. A few minutes later, one of her school mates, Sarah, walked up to the stop. Arora didn't really talk to her all that much, since she was a year older than her, and Arora also saw her as a bit over flirty. And sure enough, she could see her eyeing one of the guys waiting with them at the bus stop. The bus pulled up to the curb and Arora took a seat towards the rear. She began thinking about a strange dream she had had the night before. It invovled pirimids and ancient Egypt, and she also had a forboding feeling that this dream ment something, but she couldn't figure out just what. Suddenly, the bus came to a quick stop. "Oh dear I am sorry." she heard Sarah say. She had fallen over on the guy she was eyeing at the bus stop earlier. "Um..It's okay," he responded. Arora just rolled her eyes. [I]She probibly did that on purpose[/I], she thought. The bus soon stopped at the school, and all the students on board got off. She sighed as she got of the bus, looking up at the school. "Well," she said to herself, "Here goes another uneventful day."[/COLOR] ------------- OCC~ Um, Kittychanann, I hope you don't mind.
  14. [COLOR=GREEN]Sunglasses, huh? Yeah, I find myself wearing them quite a bit, but usually only in the summer months. But I guess my real fetish would be hats, I'm usually always wearing one and I've lost count of how many I own. :wow: Well, guess that's all I have to say on this subject.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=GREEN] Hum, you say that your not for either Bush or Kerry, Siren, but you seem to be leaning more towards Kerry. At least that's how I interpeted your post. Anyways, I figured this would be a good time for me to bring up a fact about voting in this country (the United States). Our political system is a two-party system. Yes, I know there are several other minor parties, but right now there are two major parties that share power, Democrats and Republicans. Now you may be wondering why the heck I'm talking about stuff most off us already know, but just hold on, I'll get to my point in a second. Now what I'm saying is because of this two-party system, most of the time, it's a canidet from one of these two parties that wins the presidential race. So the point I'm trying to make, if you haven't gotten it already, is that if you're really against a cerain canidet, you should vote for the person most likely to win. I say this because it really seems that people really don't like either of the people running for office, but they seem to dislike one more than the other. I just want to ask all of you to keep this in mind when and if you vote. And before anyone starts yelling at me for demeaning the minor parties, just let me say this. I never said that minor parties were not important in the political process, in fact, they can be quite valuable. Third-party canidets aren't afraid of what the public thinks of them, since they know they'll lose the race anyway, so they bring up touchy issues that the major canidets may be afraid to talk about but still need to be addressed. In this way the public can get a better idea of where they stand on these issues and make a more informed desision at the polls on election day. Or maybe I'm just giving to American people too much credit. Well, I just wanted to add that to the discussion. And I got my absentee ballot in the mail today, finally. :D Looking at what wrote, I guess I actually did learn something in Civics last year.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=GREEN]Hum... yeah, I guess your right in that humans aren't really worth saving. Now that I think about it, some of the things people have done, just in the past 20 years, makes me want to scream. As for what I'd be doing if the world came to an end during my lifetime, I'd probibly be doing all the things I hadn't done yet in my life that I've always wanted to do. That way I could go to my grave happy (to an extent). I think too many people take life for granet; they think it's too short so they try to remidie this by trying to make life longer, but I think they should simply live fuller lives. I think we could all benifit from this. (sorry went off on a tangent) :D [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=GREEN]I'm so sad to hear you're RPGs didn't work out. I thought your last one was pretty cool. This storyline is great and I'd be surprised if this one didn't work out. I think I'll sign up as two human characters, if that's alright. If not, I'll take one out. [B]Name:[/B] Tairune Takanaka [B]Age: [/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Tairune, or Tairu for short, has short brown hair and green eyes. She stands about 5' 6" and usually wears denim vest over a white long-sleeved shirt with dark blue pants. [B]Bio:[/B] A month before Tairu was asked to join DIR, her life was quite happy. She lived in Tokyo and worked as a program designer for a prominant software company. Her boyfriend, Seiya, had recently proposed to her. She was also very skilled at Martial Arts, which she used as a way to exercise and relax. But all her happiness soon came to an abrupt end one stormy Sunday night. That night, an armed robber broke into their appartment. Trying to protect Tairu, Seiya was shot. On the way to the hospital, she could feel her fiance slipping away. She was approched by two men from DIR while he was in surgery and was asked if she would be willing to leave everything behind. Since, by this point she could tell he was gone, she accepted without a second thought. With her experience in Martal Arts and technology, she quickly advanced though the training. Tairu, however, had become very withdrawn as a result of her fiance's death. [B]Personallity:[/B] Tairu is very withdrawn and cold towards her fellow agents. She doesn't want to risk getting hurt emotionally again. The only other person she usually talks to, besides her digimon partner, Salamon, is Joe Shimimoru, who she feel a strange connection to. [B]Digimon:[/B] Salamon [B]Digivolution Chain:[/B] Salamon, Gotomon, Angewomon, Ophanemon ------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Joe Shimimoru [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Joe has messy brown hair, green eyes (same colors as Tairu), and stands about 5' 6". He usually wears a long-sleeved blue button down shirt and khaki pants. [B]Bio:[/B] Not much is known about Joe, just that one day he just seemed to show up out of nowhere and just fit right in to the small mountain community that he called home prior to becoming a DIR agent. When he was aproched by two people from DIR, he accepted, knowing not many better things were there in that small town. He is also very agile, both in mind and body. [B]Personallity:[/B] Joe is relitivly quiet, yet not afraid to put himself out there. He's always felt like something was missing from his life and would wander from place to place in search of it. When he first met Tairu during his training to become a DIR agent, he felt some sort of strange connection to her. [B]Digimon:[/B] Terriermon [B]Digivolution Chain:[/B] Terriermon, Gargomon, Rapidmon, Cherubimon ------------------- These two characters are really twins, but are unaware of this at this time. I know the whole "long lost twin" thing is a bit clecheed, but these characters are adapted from some original/fan fictions I'm working on, and I figured it could work with this storyline. If there's any problem with this, PM me and I'll change it.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=GREEN]Ooh... a SM RPG! Must join!! Sorry, I just had to get all the oogling out of my system. :D [B]Name:[/B] Arora Son [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Arora's personality is very contradicting to her predisesor, Rei's. She's very happy-go-lucky and a bit clumsy at times, often shuning work to go goof off. But, when it comes down to fighting, she's not afraid to show her opponent who's boss. Arora also feels a bit of "time displacement", where she feels like she was born in the wrong time period. Before becoming the next Sailor Mars, she often wished her life could be more exciting. [B]History:[/B] Her family takes care of an old Shinto shrine, but Arora doesn't want to be tided to it. She doesn't take the fortune telling aspects of her family's traditions seriously and thus, rarely practices it. She does, however, have moderate psychic abilites and can sometimes sense danger before it strikes. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/747-20041027235847.jpg]Normal[/URL]- Arora has tosaled, flaming, red hair and brilliant green eyes. Her uniform consists of a dark green pleated mini-skirt, a white, short-sleaved blouse, a light tan sweater vest and a dark green tie. Outside of school, she usually wears a red baby-T with the kanji for fire printed on the front in black, with black pants and a forest green jacket. Sailor Mars- (I'll fill this in later) [B]Planet:[/B] Mars [B]Weapon:[/B] bow and arrow [B]Attacks -[/B] 1. Simple - immobilizing talesmen (stops enemy from attacking for a short time) 2. Intermediate 1 - piro ball (basic fire-ball attack) 3. Intermediate 2 - fire curse spell (magic causing small outbursts of external spontanious combustion in a selected area) 4. Advanced - flaming spell circle (immobilizes and surrounds enemy in flames) 5. Ultimate - cursed piro inferno (engulfs enemy in raging flames of death) Sorry if it seems a bit lumpy, my roomie's trying to rush me out the door. I'll edit this later. :sweat: [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=GREEN]Hum... I wonder why I didn't notice this thread earlier. Well, anyway, I'm from Louisiana, so I've kind of had some experience with hurricanes. Florida isn't the only state that is at risk for hurricanes; any state along the Atlantic or Gulf coasts are at risk. Well, this was already stated in earlier posts. :sweat: During the week that Ivan was in the Gulf of Mexico, I was worried sick about all of my family and friends in the southern part of the state. According to what they told me, everything was closing and they were telling everyone to leave. For everyone who stayed, the city (New Orleans) put up a 2pm curfew to reduce the possibility of looting. All the worrying I did, didn't make my first week of college classes any easier.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=GREEN]I really want to trick-or-treat this year, unfortunatly, I'm living in the "Bible Belt" right now, and the people hear aren't really into that stuff. [SPOILER]Damn Conservatives![/SPOILER] :angry2: I am going to dress up this year, even if it's just to walk around campus in. I'm dressing up as Sailor Jupiter. I actually wore this costume a few years ago, but it didn't come out right. So this year I went back and fixed it a bit. I think it looks a little better now. I love to dress up for Halloween. Even if I don't plan something out, I can usually come up with a costume last minute. Well, I guess I won't have to use my procrastinater skills this year. :D [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=GREEN]Hum... my painful experience is kind of odd, only because I can remember this from so long ago. I'd have to say that one of my most painful experiences was when I broke my arm 16 years ago. I was two years old (OK you can laugh now). I think the fact I can remember this from when I was that young, shows that this was a painful event in my life. I did it doing something stupid too; I wanted to ride a tricycle down a slide. :stupid: The only other time I can think of is when I was sick with the flu for a week, a few years back. I had a really bad hacking cough that made it feel like I had tacs in my throat. Then that lead to strept thoat. That wasn't a very fun week. :moron: [/COLOR]
  22. OCC~ Sorry for taking so long to post, I kind of got overloaded with school work earlier this week. I actually have enough time to post something now. Okay, anyways, here?s my post. Oh, and JoyKaiba, if there?s anything wrong with your character, just PM me. --------------------- [COLOR=GREEN] As the fractured group walked along a beaten path near the stream, Ari hung back, but continued to follow close behind Jaht and the others. Once again, she began to wonder just why [I]she[/I], of all people had been chosen to come here. ?Are you sure you?re alright, Ari?? inquired Gomamon for about the fifth time. ?Because I was kinda surprised that you wanted to stay with the group. I thought you would have gone out on your own.? She stopped and looked down at her digimon partner. ?Well,? she paused for a moment, ?To tell you the truth, I did consider it, when I first met up with the others. You know, good and well, I don?t usually like being around other people, but this time, it?s different. My gut instinct is telling me I should stick with this group, at least for the time being.? ?Hey,? Ari and Gomamon looked up to see Mika and Demidevimon heading over towards them. ?I though you were gonna stay with us?? she asked. ?Uh? yeah,? Ari gave Mika a fake smile, ?Sorry about that. I was just thinking about something.? She laughed nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck. ?Well, then, I guess we should go catch up with guys now.? And with that, the two girls and their digimon continued on their way. Mika could only look at Ari, perplexed. She couldn?t understand how this girl could go from being all mopey to happy-go-lucky in a matter of seconds. [I]She?s just too complex[/I], she thought to herself as they caught up with the boys. "Does she often act like this?" she asked Gomamon, curious about Ari's behavior. "Sometimes," he answered, "but judging by her actions, she must be really worried about something."[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=GREEN]Memerable Halloween experience and costume, hum... let me think. Okay, I have one. My most memerable Halloween experience was about 4 years ago, around the time of the last presidental election. My brother and some of the other guys around my neighborhood (all the kids in my neighborhood are pretty close in age) got the idea to make a sort of haunted house, well it was more like a haunted trail. I lived by a park at the time and the guys sanctioned off a part of it, set up a fog machine and a spooky noises sound track, and some of the boys put on scary masks, ready to pop out and scare people. They got me to let people in a few at a time, but we didn't charge admittion or anything like that. They also had me make a dummy, which they suspended from a tree; they got me to do that because I was the only one smart enough to think of stuffing a body suit and safety pinning a stuffed mask onto the neck. I also remember from that night, the boys and I getting into an arguement over the presidental cannadets. They also kick over one of the Gore signs, which I chased them down the block for. I then desided to kick one of the Bush signs (I was such a cute little democrat back then). Well about most memerable costume, I would have to say, the year I dressed up as the pink Power Ranger (yeah, go ahead and laugh). Mind you this was about 10 years age. The neat thing about this was that nearly all the other kids in my nieghborhood also dressed up as a Power Ranger, including my brother, who dressed up like the red ranger. That was a fun year :D [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=GREEN]Thanksgiving, well, what I end up doing on this day depends on whether I'm at my mom's house or my dad's (yes, my parents are divorced, can I continue, please). Since it seems most likely that I'll be spending the day at my dad's house this year, I'll decribe how Thanksgiving goes there. First, my dad gets up early to start cooking the turkey; he "deep fry"s it, so to speak, by cooking it in a large boiler-type pot and burner (for those of you from the south, it's the same thing you boil crawfish in) filled with cooking oil, I think. Anyways, my youngest brother, whoes 10, is the next one up, and he in turn wakes everyone else up, as usual. I get up from the guest bedroom, since I always have to give up my bedroom for guests, most likely someone from my step-mom's side of the family. Well, as the day progresses, my step-mom gets to work cooking the rest of the meal, the adults flip the TV back and forth between football games and the Macey's Thanksgiving day parade, all while my brothers and I, and any cousins who my be with us, are up in my middle brother's, whose 16, room playing or watching video games. Then the adults call us down for dinner, which isn't exactly a traditional, sit down, meal. Rather, everyone fills up their plate with whatever they want, then goes back to whatever they were doing before. So that's about it for what my family does. I'm kind of excited about Thanksgiving this year. This is because that week is my first break from school and I'll get to go home after being up at college for two and a half months.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=GREEN][B]Name:[/B] Tairu Takanaka [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Looks:[/B] brown hair, which she usually keeps up in a high pony tail, green eyes, and is kind of tall for her age, about 5' 5''. She usually wears a denim jacket over a white blouse, with a dark blue skirt. [B]Personality:[/B] Tairu is fairly clever for her age, yet she doesn't put much effort into school work, her grades are about average. She is fairly popular with the underclassmen (grades 9 and 10), but wants to be accepted by the upperclassmen. This may prove challanging, but she's always up for a challange. [B]Grade:[/B] 10 I hope this is good. :D [/COLOR]
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