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About Shogun

  • Birthday 03/04/1991

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  1. Yesterday i got some sort of inspiration and a story came to my mind. I just wanted to share it with all you because I found it myself very interesting. Here is a brief introduction and some ideas. [B]Sinergy[/B] ([I]Introduction)[/I] [IMG]http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/Sh0gu/Sinergy1.png[/IMG] [I]In a world where nobody believe in wonders, where nobody believe in magic, where all think that to get something you have to sacrifice something, where evryone ask themselves why all the bad things happen to them, in a world where all is diveded into bad and good and where evryone forgot what is the soul exist an organization called "Sinergy". Their main goal is to keep the world's balance by any means. They can't create something new, just choose what already exist, they are not owners but not even victims, they are just guests in this world like all other persons. The story will run amid many exciting adventures of different characters that get in lots, and all various, situations to solve.[/I] [B]Sinergy - Chapter I - The world is not what you think it is[/B] [IMG]http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/Sh0gu/3D-graphics_3d_planet_004934_copy.png[/IMG] [B]Part 1 - The book and the key[/B] [IMG]http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/Sh0gu/ist2_3043330-open-old-book-with-key.png[/IMG] -"Hello, can I help you?" said a nice woman sitting in front of a computer. -"Yes, I'm searching a book" answered the young man. -"Could you tell me the title please?" continued she. -"Sure, it should be "Sinergy"" said he with a half voice. -"Let me check" The woman typed fast the title on the keyboard but there wasn't any book with such a name in that library. -"Sorry but we don't have any book with that title" said she sadly. -"I see" said Sog looking on the floor. "Could you check some other books please?" continued he. -"Yes, sure thing" answered the woman. The young man took out a sheet of paper from his right pocket and gave it to her. -"Here are the titles of the books I'm searching, please see if you have any in your library" -"Ok. Just a minute, you can take a look around if you want till I finish the searching" -"Thank you a lot" said he walking toward some shelfs. [I]"Could the information I found be wrong?"[/I] thought the young man. [I]"Just can't be, Shad would never lie to me about something like this"[/I] Lost in his minds Sog continued to walk, when suddenly, for a second, a golden light claimd his attention. -"Mr.Sog, come here please" asked the woman that was working in library. -"I'm coming" said he absently. [I]"What was that light? My immagination?"[/I] thought he while walking to woman's desk. -"I'm sorry again but I wasn't able to find none of the books from the list" afermed she disapointed. -"Oh I understand" said he looking down. "could I look around a little? Maybe I can find something else." -"Sure, you are welcome here Mr. Sog" answered she kindly. -"Thank you" Sog walked straight to the point where the golden light was. The location was in deep of the library amid some dusty shelfs. Arrived at the end of the hall he started to search something but there were only normal books, nothing that could catch his attention. On the upper shelf there were two books, a red and a green one. After he took a look at them Sog turned his head to the other side but there also wasn't nothing that could catch his eye. Hopeless, the young man turned around and pointed to the exit, when something finally atracted him. It was that two books. Now there were three instead of two. Amid the green and the red one there was a new, black book. [I]"How could this be? Am I dreaming? One second ago there were only 2 books. I'm sure about this."[/I] Thought he nervously. Sog went closer to the shelf and rised to tips to take the black book. Finally it was in his hands, the thing he was searching desperatly was his now. He opened quickly the book but nothing was inside, just white pages. Sog surfed in hurry the book in hope to find some sign, but nothing was inside. Just when he was about to get evrything lost, turning off the last book's page a metal key felt on the wooden floor. [I]"A key? But how?"[/I] thought he looking wondered at the last page.[I] "There isn't enough space for such a key here."[/I] Closing the book he got down on his kneels and took the key with the right hand. It was some antique looking key, but besides that nothing special or strange was with it. Powerless to do something, Sog just decided to take the book and the key and to get home as soon as possible. Almost running amid the shelfs he passed near the women's desk and quickly sneaked out. -"Hey mister!" said loudly the woman. Sog looked behind and saw that woman walking straight to him. he hided the key in his pocket and the book behind, under his T-shirt and turning around with an fragile voice answered -"Yes?" -"I just wanted to leave you our visit card. If you need any book just call the number on it" -"Oh, it was that, thank you" said he trifly -"I'm sorry again that we couldn't find the books you were searching" -"Not a problem, thanks again and have a nice day" -"You too, good bye" Arrived at home Sog pulled out the book and putted it on table. Fastly turned the computer on and searched for his friends on internet, in particular Shad, but none of them was online. -"Damn, he's allways online when i don't really need him and now that I have such a thing he isn't there, what should I do now?" The answear was right near his hand. He took the phone and did the number of Shad but nobody answeared, so he left a message. [I]"Hey bro, it's me, call me as soon as you hear this"[/I] -"Guess there is nothing left to do for me now, just waiting." Sog turned the music on and jumped on his bad thinking. He wasn't really listening the music because tons of ideas were spinning in his mind. The hands were under his head and he just looked to the white wall that was at his right. Suddenly the music stopped but he was so deep in his mind that didn't noticed. Just after some seconds he turned the head to computer to see what happened but what was there just paralyzed him. [U]To be continued. The next part - The flame guy. A friend or a foe? -[/U] [B]The flame guy. A friend or a foe?[/B] [IMG]http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/Sh0gu/147658copy.png[/IMG] [U][B]Available soon[/B][/U]
  2. Hi. I'm a writer and I have 2 interesting stories that have been rated good by others. I was thinking to team up with an artist maybe to make a manga or just to have some pictures coz I usually combine my texts with images. For example when I talk about some character I attach near a picture with him or maybe pictures with places, objects and so on. Send me a pm here or an email to [email]nicky3000x@yahoo.com[/email] if interested. I will send back more inforamtions. Thank you.
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