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Everything posted by tronix

  1. I am designing/fortmatting a magazine in Macromedia Freehand 9 and i need to send it to someone via email. I am using a Macintosh computer, and my friend is using PC and dosn't have Freehand. Is it possible to email it to them, and if so how? What format do i save it in?
  2. About 90% of that i have already done. I havn't played it for a little while so i can't remember where i went wrong, but i've done those electrical current puzzles before. Thanks for the help Sensai-san, the rest of you guys were useless.
  3. I'm near the end of the game but can't seem to find a way to get up Venus lighthouse. There's two rooms that are the same in different places, that have a big buddah like statue and some golwing circles and a small statue of a the lighhouse. And the big buddah like statue speaks to your soul or something and says some riddle. Can anyone help?
  4. I think you can if you hold all the buttons down while you switch it on. keep them all held down until the game wont load any further.
  5. My favourite is Vannila Ice. He's still cool isn't he? lol Some of the rappers you guys are mentioning i've never heard of because we don't get much of them here in Australia. However i do like Puff Daddy, Usher, Outkast's Ms. Jackson, and a bit of Eminem. Although i'm sure if Usher is really rap. Also, i like the "Blue Streak" soundtrack which has some Heavy D, Tyrese, Jay-Z, and JA Rule on it. For those of you into rap, a must see movie is "CB4". As for the guy who is saying rap is not music. He said he admitted it was singing. Operah can be just signing, and that's been considered music for centuries. Also, for those of you who want a really cool song, especially for those who like dance, you should check out the song "Before you leave (twisted)" by Pepe Deluxe. This is one of the coolest songs i've heard in ages, so check it OUT!
  6. Anyone who supports that rapist, animal. lunatic Tyson needs their head checked. That is the highlight of the sporting calender to see him fall on his ***. He should be in a cage.
  7. Can anyone help with the Gameboy Advance game Golden Sun? I'm at the part where i need to get through the desert past the whirlwinds to get to Babi's Lighthouse. I've been told that a lot of water thrown onto the whirlwinds will get me past them, but i've tried "douse" and "frost" and heaps of other magic and nothing works.
  8. Here in Australia the XBOX was struggling to compete with PS2 so it droped it's price tag dramatically (about US$100). The Gamecube arrived only recently and dropped it's price almost imediatly because it was then about the same price as XBOX. This 3-way price war may produce some cheap prices for very good gaming consoles. The PS2 seems to be quite comfortable with it's current price which it has been for a while. It has a very good marketing team, as it is seen as "the cool" gaming system and has had a long enough time to corner the market. I'm sticking with my Dreamcast for the mean time as i beleive the graphics are nearly as good as the other systems, and there's heaps of games i havn't played yet which can be accuired very cheaply.
  9. Is there any chance that it will be coming to Gameboy Advance? Also, when is the 2nd movie coming out? They're taking thier time. There's definetly a lot to fill a 2nd movie, they havn't touched on vehichles yet. Some really nice fast cars and/or motorcycles would be awsome.
  10. I have Spiderman on my Dreamcast as i am a big fan. And i went and saw the movie today, and after, played spiderman on XBOX on the demo. However i was dissapointed with it. The camera angle dosn't automatically switch around so you face the bad guys, so if you swing in on a enemy and drop just after where he's standing, you wont be facing him and you have to press a button every time which makes it annoying and less flowing a manouvere. Also, when webbing across a room whislt holding the button down, spiderman dosn't swing normally, instead he swings upwards. Not to mention the fact that the XBOX is supposed to have these amazing graphics, but i don't think they're any better than Dreamcasts. What do XBOX users think? And who made this game?
  11. Now i'm stuck in Colossomo trying to get into the stadium. I've been everywhere and got into the stadium and watched 2 guys try and lift a pole, only one of them succeding. Now there's nowhere to go exept a locked door with some soldiers in it, but i don't know how to get in? P.S. Kraken was pretty hard
  12. Yea i've done all that. And when you finish travelling through and searching every where you end up in this small room with a rainbow arching across a waterfall, and a statue in it.
  13. No that dosn't help me Kristoff, i'm alraedy past that bit. That wasn't the Rainbow god, that's the water god i think. After i did that i started hoping on water and when i go as far as i can i end up going through a doorway and coming out of a waterfall & rainbow into a room. And i'm told to please the rainbow god. Any ideas?
  14. I'm stuck on the stage where i'm in the lighthouse looking for some special healing water, and i have to do something to please this rainbow god, there's a waterfall, and a statue in the room and i don't have a clue have to finish this level.
  15. Ah, i did not try that. Thanks i will try it.
  16. I think i've already tried that. I went up onto a roof and went down into a hole in the roof and there was a box and there was nothing in it. I've been in there a couple of times and nothing. I'll try again i guess.
  17. For anyone who has a Gamecube and a Gameboy Advance, whatis the advantage of using a GBA as a GC controller? Are there any special functions and/or mini games? Is it better or worse?
  18. I am playing Golen Sun on Gameboy Advance. I can't get past the stage where i am in a small town looking for Rod that belongs to some guy called Ivan. I've been talking to everybody in the town and reading there minds over and over and there is nothing else i can do and nowhere else to go. Does anyone know how to get past this?
  19. tronix

    GBA Graphics

    Some of the games graphics are a little dissapointing, namely Atlantis. I was impressed with Ready to Rumble boxing, and GT Advance, and Tony Hawk 2. :mrt:
  20. And the Gameboy has 8-bit, and the Gameboy Advance has 32-bit.:whoops:
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