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Everything posted by John2
"Pidgeotto," Comis called out to his companion. "Did you spot anything." "Pidge-eot!" Pidgeotto flew ahead." Comis ran into a clearing in the woods where he spotted the Abra. "I want that Abra so much..." Comis looked up at Pidgeotto. "Go, Tackle!" Pidgeotto dove at the Abra, but a second before he hit it, it dissapeared. "Teleport..." The Abra reapeared a few feet away. "I know, Pidgeotto, Double Team!" Pidgeotto multiplied and circled the Abra. The Abra looked around frantically and became confused. "Now, Quick Attack!" Pidgeotto yet again dove at the Abra, but this time he hit it. The Abra sailed through the air and landed with a loud thud. "Pokeball, go!" The Pokeball flew from Comis's hand and struck the Abra sucking it inward. "I caught Abra!" "Hey! Nice job!" A trainer stood in the clearing. Comis had not noticed, for he was too busy looking down at his new Abra in its ball. "Umm, thanks." Comis called. "Would you care to battle?" The trainer walked forward. "Umm, Ok. I guess." "Two Pokemon each." "Allright." Comis pulled out the ball that contained Pidgeotto, but then relized that it needed time to rest first. "Go! Raticate!" The trainer's Raticate growled as it came out. "I choose you! Aron!" ----- OOC: ttfn
[COLOR=blue]Trainer Sign-Up Name:Comis Age:15 Hometown:Palidan Appearance:Short light brown hair, brown eyes, black button up shirt, slightly baggy bluejeans, and black boots. Bio:Born in Palidan, Comis grew up feeding the Pidgey in his yard. One day he found a Pokeball in his father's old trunk and caught a pidgey with it. Ever since he has traveled the world training his Pokemon. Pokémon*: Pidgeotto Aron [/COLOR]
[color=blue]I like it. It seems like it would fit with the rest of the book. Good job. 8) Edit: I just whish I could help with the second assignment, I stick at those kinda things...[/color]
Anime What songs remind you of anime/manga things?
John2 replied to wiccansamurai's topic in Otaku Central
I can always picture Offspring songs for Anime. My friend and I have made Dragon Ball Z music videos, and with all the action, Offspring was the obvious choice. My favorite was when we made one that was alot of Brolly fighting to Staring at the Sun. -
I'm also a proud black sheep. I'm tall for my family, I like all music, I don't do as well in school, I shop at Hot Topic rather than Old Navy, and I am the only one who is even slightly talented in the musical world.
Very. Just joking Shaun. It's alright if you haven't yet. I guess that you are just waiting for the right time and girl. Don't worry, I still respect ya.
I love the Murder Dolls! Their songs are funny, and Joey Jordison is their dummer. I just love Grave Robbin' the USA...
AP Tests? *High School Students Only, Please*
John2 replied to Queen Asuka's topic in General Discussion
My favorite class is History too. Of course the fact that my girlfriend is in that class with me hurts nothing... -
AP Tests? *High School Students Only, Please*
John2 replied to Queen Asuka's topic in General Discussion
Oh, AP ****ed my GPA. I had 3 classes of it. And it cought me in the 2nd 6 weeks. I got low grades in my AP English and AP History classes. I now only have AP English, the others are regular. Next year I'm taking AP Algebra 2 insted of English, I have more potential for a career in mathamatics. -
Its a great piece. Being short is not bad, the simplest things are some of the most beautiful.
I can't believe it took me so long to find this thread. I love Slipknot. My favorite songs are Spit it Out, Eyeore, Wait and Bleed, My Plauge, and The Heritic Anthem. SLipknot is the best band ever. I can't believe Corey is leaving to be with Stone Sour... I can't wait for Mick's new band to come out. My favorite member is Joey Jordison. Joey just kicks ***! In art class I made his mask and a clay statue of him playing his drum set. Slipknot gets a 666/666 from me.
My name is my writing name, I am fifteen years old. I am a Freshman and I am in AP English I. Ever since I can remember I have writen. I write to expres my inner feelings and thoughts. I feel that writing is my brush and my spiral is my pallet, it is my one true way to express myself. I usually write about happy things, but sadly not everything in my life is as joyful as I would like. I usually write poetry, but I also find myself skilled at other forms of writing too.
I think I'm a Peices(SP) I was born in late February... My favorite animal is the spider.
Mia, David, Amber and Comis started into the building. Comis had dried off, but he was still weak. As the group was walking along the halls the lights went out. "What happened?" Mia asked. "OK, sound off." "I am here." Declared Amber and David together. "Comis?" Mia called out his name. "Comis?" Comis woke up later to find himself in a strange room. The last memory he had was being dragged off by someone.
Comis: I have finaly finished my deck. It is now more powerful than ever. I just need to test it... As if in answer to his whish a group of kids walked by. Daveon: Yah, I already have 4 badges... I just feel sorry for the people I've beaten... Kid: Whoa you're going to the finals for sure. Comis called out: If you are so sure of yourself duel me. And sence you know you'll win already, I'll put my whole deck and all my badges against all your badges and you 2 rare cards. Dameon: You're on! (To his friends: Watch me get this suckers deck.) I will play Gemini Elf in attack mode. Your turn. Comis: I will summon Dark ELf in attack mode, and I'll activate Mystic Plasma Zone. Now, Dark ELf, attack! Dameon's life points dropped to 3400 and Comis's to 3000. Comis: I will now place one card on the field. Dameon: I will now summon one monster in deffence mode. Comis: I will activate Rageki! Dameon's face down monster was evaporated. Comis: I will offer Dark elf to summon the Summoned Skull! And I'll now activate Megamorph! Summoned Skull attack his lifepoints and win the duel! Dameon: Noooo! Comis: Now hand over your cards and badges.
I finally heard them, they kick ***! I just wish I had found out before the concert, I would have gone... *sniff*
Comis had been drifting for about an hour or so when he awoke. Just opening his eyes almost took all the energy he had left. He had no choice but to let the currents carry him. Another half-hour later he spotted land. He pulled enough energy to swim to the shore. Kneeling on the sand Comis coughed some sea water and got up to look around. As he walked he woundered how far he was from home. He had never been in this area before. Comis stopped when he heard a beep. "Waa..." He looked around franticly for the source of the sound. He looked down and realized that the divice around his neck had made it. He stared at the screen, he stared at the few red dots that were clustered together. He began to walk again and noticed that the dots got closer to the middle and beep louder. Comis broke into a run and entered a clearing where he saw the others.
Comis and YuGi had been dueling for quite a while now, and it seemed to be about to end... Comis: I will finish my turn by playing Secret Message A. Your turn YuGi. With the help of the many life gaining magic cards in Comis's deck the score stood at Comis-2500 and YuGi-1600. Comis had all but Secret Message L out and his Revival Jam protected his life points along with his Melinium Sheild(sp?) YuGi's Dark Magician stood infront of YuGi, helpless. YuGi: I will place one card on the field. Now DArk Magician, attack the Revival Jam! Comis: I need not pay the thousand lifepoints to bring back my monster since I shall win on my next turn. Speaking of which I will now search my deck for Secret Message L, and here it is. Now I... YuGi: Not so fast! I activate Lightforce Sword! Since you only have that Secret Message L in your hand it will be removed for three turns. Comis: Very well, I will then pass my turn. YuGi: I play one card facedown on the feild. Your move. Comis set one monster and waved off to YuGi. YuGi: Not much of a turn, Comis. I play Stop Defence on your Melinium Sheild, and I summon Alpha the Magnet Warrior and I'll have it attack your face down monster. Comis: I was hoping you'd use you Dark Magician to attack... you attacked my Dimentional Warrior, now both he and your Magnet Warrior are removed from the game. YuGi: Dark Magician, attack the Mellinium Sheild! Comis's life dropped to 0. Comis: Very well, here are two badges, now what cards do you want? YuGi: I will claim your Revival Jam and Message Board. Comis: Fine YuGi, but trust me, we will play again. And next time plan to win. And with that Comis walked off.
Comis was traveling with a group of dolphins when he found out what David knew. He suddenly felt very tired and began to resurface. But he noticed he was going quite slower. He looked down at his tail fin to realize that it was no longer there, his legs and feet had returned. And then as tried to race back to the surface he completely changed back to his human form. This was bad, since he had to now rely on lungs. It seemed to be taking forever to break through the ocean top. By the time he finaly reached the top he had blacked out. He floated there, unconcious alone, and began to drift away from the shore.
Comis resurfaced from the calm cool ocean. He had been exploring all day long, but he wanted more, he wanted to go deeper, faster, for a longer time. He took a divice that was looped around his neck and held it into the air. With a large flash Comis was back in the water swiming faster than he ever had, with feet that is. For Comis didn't have feet anymore, insted he had a large blue snake like tail with a gigantic fin at the end. But that was not the only change about him. His body was covered with seagreen colored aromor that shined even from benieth the dark depths of the ocean of which Comis was no speeding of to discover.
Name: Comis Appearance/Bio: Appearance: just about my avatar. Bio: A 15 year old boy who loves the ocean, the only thing he likes more is his friends. He is allways there for you when you need him. He is a great swimmer. Your Hybrid: Krenemon Attacks: Are there different attacks for each level? If so: Krenemon: Tail Fin, Liquid Stream Cataramon: Tidal Surge, Tsunami Swirl Varudramon: Ocean Crush, Lightning Storm
Please help: I am not very good with the whole Pokemon thing... I tried to find a Rubby/Spahire Pokedex, but I haven't found one yet... I was woundering if anyone knew a site that had one.
Comis: What are you waiting for Tristan, make your move. Tristan: I offer The Cyber Comander to play Swamp BattleGuard, in attack mode. Now, attack Big Shield Warrior. Comis: That is a good strategy, Tristan. You may lose 800 life points, but my Big Shield Warrior is switched to attack mode. My turn. I place on card face down on the field. Your move. Trisatn: I play one card face down on the feild. Now, Swamp BattleGaurd, attack! Comis (sarcastically): Oh no! Tristan: Your life points drop to 2300, ha! Tea: Good job Tristan! YuGi: Becareful, Tristan. Comis: Now we have fun. Activate my face down card, Heavy Storm. All Magic and Trap cards on the field are destroyed. I now offer Revival Jam to play the Summoned Skull. I now play Offerings to the Doomed to Destroy the Swamp BattleGuard. Finally, I play MegaMorph to raise my Summoned Skull's attack to 5000, Attack. Tristan: No! Comis: That was so exhilirating. Now I'll take my prize Comis glanced over at YuGi. Comis: Don't worry litle YuGi, we'll have our duel. Hahahaha! Comis turned away and dissapeared from sight.