Everyone has a digimon. Most digimon live in the Digital World, but some live in the real world. Whenever someone is born a digiegg is hatched and given to him/her. Digimon in the Real World can only digivole up to the rookie stage. The only way to digivolve further is to have a digivice. Only the Digidestend have digivices. The Digidestend protect the Real World from evil digimon who want to destroy it. I have always longed to be a Digidestend. Like that will ever happen...
My name is Uriel Grant, Im 13 years old, am 5 foot 4, have wavy brown hair and green eyes. My digimon partner is Shogamon who digivolved from Chiquitamon. I have lived in Queens all my life with my mother and her digimon Penguinmon. Next week we are moving to Heighten View Terace, Japan where my mother grew up. She says it will be fun and exciting; like any thing will happen there...
I had more but I accidently deleted it twice.Everyone has a digimon. Most digimon live in the Digital World, but some live in the real world. Whenever someone is born a digiegg is hatched and given to him/her. Digimon in the Real World can only digivole up to the rookie stage. The only way to digivolve further is to have a digivice. Only the Digidestend have digivices. The Digidestend protect the Real World from evil digimon who want to destroy it. I have always longed to be a Digidestend. Like that will ever happen...
My name is Uriel Grant, Im 13 years old, am 5 foot 4, have wavy brown hair and green eyes. My digimon partner is Shogamon who digivolved from Chiquitamon. I have lived in Queens all my life with my mother and her digimon Penguinmon. Next week we are moving to Heighten View Terace, Japan where my mother grew up. She says it will be fun and exciting; like any thing will happen there...
I had more but I accidently deleted it twice. :laugh:
More to come.