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Everything posted by John2

  1. Comis: I now place Secret Message L on the field, ending our duel. Kid: What? How? Comis: Now hand over your rare cards... Kid: No! Comis: I'm afraid so. Comis grabbed the kid and searched for his prizes. Comis: Ah, the Tri Horned Dragon you thought would save you... and this one too, Fairy Box. And now I have my two cards and badges, you are free to go. Comis released his opponent and shoved him away. Comis (to himself): This place is too easy... there must be some competition here... after all it is being hosted by Prime Minister Shade... Ah! Is that YuGi Moto that I see? YuGi, Tea, and Tristan began to draw closer and closer to him. Comis walked into their path ready to challenge YuGi. But then... Tristan: Hey you! I want to duel you! Comis: I can not deny a duel by the rules, so let us get thisover with... Life points start at 4000! Let's Duel! I place two cards face down on the feild and summon a monster in defence mode. Your turn. Tristan: I summon the Cyber Comander in attack mode, Attack! The Cyber Commander attacked fliping over Comis's monster, Revival Jam. The Revival Jam Dissapeared. Comis: I shall offer 1000 Life Points to resurect Revival Jam and Activate Solemn Wishes, when ever I draw a card I gain 500 life points. My turn, my life is returned to 3500. I play the Magic Card, Dark Door, now we can each only attack with one moster per turn. I now activate the last card I had face down on the field, The card of safe return, when ever a moster is returned to the feild from my graveyard I may draw 2 cards. I now summon the Big Shield Warrior in defence mode, and end my turn. OOC: write more later...
  2. To be a master, if not too late Name: Comis Logos Age: 21 Looks: Like Setsuna (the guy on my avatar) Deck Theme: Reival Jam/Instant Win Rare Cards: Revival Jam, Jam Defender, Destiny Board and Spirit Messages, That one card that makes it to were no one can tribute Bio: A basic member of the Masters Personality: Does whatever it takes What Card Are You Looking For: All
  3. This is a simple question! What do women want in a man? Me! What?
  4. The day school ends is the day I feel I shall die. My good friend, in fact the girl that is the reason for my signature, is moving a million miles away. Her parents are draging her away to Kentucky... and she has family here in Texas that would take her in, but her dad won't let her. I am so upset, she moves after school lets out... This ****ing sucks. I tell myself that I will be ok, that I will see her again, but I'm not ok... I tell myself and her that no matter how far apart we are from each other my love will always be there with her protecting her from all harm, but I fear that it can not... The end of school is the begining of Hell.
  5. Now Nerdsy, you can't possibly be that repulsive man. I bet with a little self encouragement you could work out some of your klutsyness... My first kiss was when I was 11. I had been friends with this girl for a couple of years and was over at her apartment. We went walking and I held her hand. We then sat down on a bench in the little playground they had. I looked into her beautiful green eyes and then I kissed her.
  6. i have a friend who likes them, she went, or is going to, a concert of theirs... i have never heard them, im guessing they are good though...
  7. John (to himself): Well, we are finally here. Ditto, Butterfree, and Achamo are good, but there will be many elite trainers here on the island, will we be strong enough? I must remember that It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is journey that matters in the end. But still, I will need more Pokemon if I wish to do well. I lack a good variety of Pokemon... Ditto can change into his opponent so neither one will hold much advantage, Butterfree is a Bug type that uses some psychic and poison moves, and Achamo is a fire and arial type, a water pokemon and a ground pokemon would help greatly. But will I be able to find any Pokemon? There are so many trainers around... But I'm right by the sea, maybe I could find a water pokemon nearby...
  8. I finally got a silver version, but now that those 2 new ones are out I feel behind in the times... But I have given everyone in my team a nickname: Quilava-Hephaestus Kraby-Posiden Onix-Gaea Pidgeotto-Hermes Weepinbell-Demeter Nidorino-Ares Togepi-Eros Natu-Artemis Scizor-Vulcan Haunter-Somnus Sunflora-Ceres
  9. John2


    Love is the most wounderful thing in the world, all you need is love. Love is not something that can be explained, but shown. Some say that you love until it hurts, but that is impossible, because when you love all you get is more love.
  10. Hey, I'm back. If you want me to continue I will, if not... **** it.
  11. I am so pissed, I have not seen this movie yet and my friends say it's so ****ing awsome. I was gonna go but my parents were being jerks: I was at my friend's house and we decided to go, my parents said ok, then half and hour before we were gonna go my mom calls and says that she read the review and said that it was to much violence and **** and didn't want me going. Damn I gotta see this movie!
  12. Well, I see no theme to your deck. A theme can be a huge factor in making a good deck. Another thing is you have more Magic and Trap cards than monsters; you should try to have more monsters.
  13. I dont know, if you have heavy storm you put your equip, feild, and continuous magic cards at risk. But if you think it's better...
  14. Im gonna ****ing kick that ****monger's ***! He ****ing uses those ****ing Regulation of the Tribe cards. I just ****ing read those ****y cards. Select 1 Type of monster. Any monster of the selected Type cannot attack. To keep this card in effect, you must offer 1 monster from the field as a Tribute at each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot, this card is destroyed. That ****head never ****ing tributed. I'm gonna ****ing kill him. No wounder he ****ing won our **** duel. That *******. Now I can ****ing fix my **** deck.
  15. Ok, I know it may not seem like much, but here is my Dark deck. I woundered if anyone had some simple ideas for it. Monsters- Tri-Horned Dragon Dark Magician Summoned Skull x3 Flash Asailant x2 Blackland Fire Dragon x2 Sorcer of the Doomed x2 Cyber Soldier of Darkworld x2 Big Eye Witch of the Black Forest Wall of Illusion x2 Sangan Mask of Darkness Hrio's Shadow Scout Witch's Apprentice x2 Spear Cretin Man-Eater Bug x2 Magician of Faith Trap- 7 Tools of Bandit Lightforce Sword Shift The Eye of Truth Robbin' Goblin Fairy's Hand Mirror Trap Hole x2 Waboku x2 Magic- Soul Exchange Tribute to the Doomed Monster Reborn Change of Heart Soul Release De-Spell Remove Trap Mystic Plasma Zone x2 Fissure x2
  16. Artemis picked his sword up. "You fight we Elf, but you will not win this battle." Artemis closed his eyes and bowed his head. He looked up and smirked. "Now, prepare to have your *** handed to you." Artemis charged Znid. The elf pulled back his sword ready to swing at Artemis. But Coeus got to Znid first. She lept into the air slashing and growling. Znid didn't have much time to react, Coeus knocked his sword down and began to tear him up. He fell on the ground, grabbed his sword at hit Coeus in the ribs with the handle. Coeus roared and fell off. Znid stood up to get hit broad sided in the face by Artemis's sword.
  17. Coeus galloped along the country side in her majestic white haired horse form with Artemis mounted gallantly on her back. "Stop, Coues." Artemis said abruptly. He pulled out his cross bow and shot a single arrow at a bush. Znid popped out of the bush. "What is your purpose here Elf?" Artemis boomed angerly. "I am here for that." Znid pointed at Coeus. Artemis Demounted and pulled his sword out. "You shall not touch her."
  18. The man chuckled. "Very well then. Let us journey on." The two continued to travel through the village. "Mmmm, the local tavern. I am in need of a drink." The man scratched his chin and he and Rodney entered the bar. What can I get you the bar tender asked as they aproached him. "I will take a pint, and the lady," The man looked at Rodney. "and the lady will have a glass of red wine." The couple sat at a table with their drinks. "Hey!" A huge man picked Rodney's partner up by his collar. "Excuse me." The man said to Rodney. "May I help you sir?" The man punched Rodney's partner. He licked his lip and tasted blood. "You seem to have drawn first blood, very good." The man reached back and smashed his fist into the other man sending him over a table. "Come on Rodney, let's leave this place. We have somewhere we need to be." The man walked out the tavern door. "And that's why you never get into a fight with my Artemis." Rodney said gleefully as she walked out the door.
  19. "S***!" John swore. "Frankie! What do we do?" "Hold her down so she won't hurt herself!" Ploymon yelled. "Gyromon, help me!" John and Gyromon held Frankie down as she trashed around. "Be ok, Frankie. Please, be ok..."
  20. Seth finished his fight with the Cyber Putties. "Wow, that was... wow." Seth said as he put up his Zeo Pistol. "I wounder what happens now..." Seth turned into red energy and teleported to the others.
  21. A small hawk flew gallantly threw the cool night air. The gentle updraft was coasting her along the stars. The moon light shined on her wings illuminating them with such radiance that such a sight of beauty and peace shall never be seen again. She aimed her sight down at a small object below in the woods. She opened her wings wide, looped backwards, and plummeted down towards the object. The object began to grow as she grew closer to the earth. Soon it was clear that the object was a man. She pulled up, circled around the man and landed on his shoulder. "What news do you bring, Coeus?"
  22. John and Gyromon walked into the main room and sat down. John pulled out his Digivice. "What are you doing?" "Don't know." John began to turn his Digivice. It began to glow and card made out of white energy formed in his hand. "What the..." The Digivice in John's hand and the card began to glow. "What if I..." John placed the card on the Digivice. The card disintegrated and the Digivice changed, a small slot formed on the side. John put his eye up to it. "Weird. I wounder what it's for..." John placed the Digivice back on his belt.
  23. "Both trainers ready? Begin!" "Go Eevee!" "Go Dito! Transform!" The two Pokemon jumped into the arena. "Eevee, Takle attack now!" "Bree!" Eevee lunged at Ditto. "Ditto, Agility!" Ditto began to run around Eevee. "Uhh, Eevee Sand Attack!" Eevee kicked sand up into Ditto's path. "Ditto! Watch out!" Too late. Ditto had run into the cloud of sand. "Ditto!" Ditto yelled as it came to a stop. "Eevee! Skullbash!" "Ditto! Barrier!(or is it Lightscreen)" Eevee smashed into Ditto's barrier sending both Pokemon flying. This match could go either way. ------ OOC: since Kairi has other things to deal with I'm gonna finish this match. ------ The two Pokemon continued to fight, matching each others moves. "Eevee! Sand Attack!" "Ditto! Tail Whip!" The cloud of dust shot back at Eevee. "Eevee!" "Ditto! Slam!" Ditto smashed head first into Eevee. "Eevee, don't give up! Double Team!" "Ditto! Use Quick Attack!" Ditto darted into the copies of Eevee. "Eevee, Focus Energy." Eevee closed it's eyes. Ditto jumped at it. "Now, Eevee! Take Down!" Eevee hit Ditto sending it flying into John's hands. "Ditto..." Ditto changed back to it's regular form. "You fought well, Ditto. And so did you Kairi."
  24. "Wow, I can't beleive I saw Lugia." John thought to himself. "Ditto." Ditto tugged on John's sleeve. "Feeling better Ditto?" "Ditto!" Ditto bounced up and down on the table. "Haha. I guess that food and rest helped you regain your energy." Ditto began to dance around the table. "Hey, it's time for our next match."
  25. OOC: Sorry it took so long Seth was walking when he saw a group of Cyborg Putties walk through a construction site. "What are those things?" Seth followed them. The Cyborg Putties screamed, they had seen him. One jumped into the air and kicked. Seth blocked and threw it to the ground. More came at him, and he defended himself every time, but he couldnt last for long... "I need help! Anybody!" Seth cried out. A light flashed and an object fell into Seth's hands. "Zeo Ranger 5 Red!"
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