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Everything posted by John2

  1. John sat back down at his table. "You did well Ditto. Now you need to rest, Butterfree and Achamo will take care of the other battles until then." "Hey! You're John right?" "Yes..." "I wanna battle you!" A young boy stared at John. "We need to wait our turn..." "No, I want to face you now." The boy said. "Ok." John and the boy walked over to the side of the boat. "There should be enough room here." The boys was ready, and so was John. "This will be a two Pokemon battle! My first will be Arbok!" "Fine. I choose you! Butterfree!" "Butterfree!" "Arbok start off with a poison sting!" "Butterfree! Reflect!" Butterfree's wings glew and a small mirror-like wall blocked the poison sting. "Now Butterfree! Agility!" Butterfree circled Arbok making it dizzy. "Now! Takedown!" Butterfree slammed into Arbok sending it into the rail. "Arbokhas been defeated, now for your next Pokemon!" John called out. "Allright! I know the only other Pokemon you have is your Ditto! So go! Hitmonchan!" "Hitmon!" "That's what you think." John said. "Go Achamo!" "Achamo?" A small bird came out and sat in the area they were battling in. "Ha! You've got to be kiding! Hitmonchan! Finish this with one hit! Dynamic Punch!" "Achamo! Fly!" Achamo darted up into the air. Hitmonchan tripped and fell to the ground. "Hitmonchan!" "Achamo! Ember!" Achamo shot a small fireball at Hitmonchan. "Now! Drill Peck!" Achamo dove and began to spin. "Hitmonchan!" Achamo slammed into Hitmonchan. "And since Hitmonchan is weak against flying attacks... Achamo is the winner." "Ahh... good job Hitmonchan. Return!" "You did real well Achamo." John said. "Return now." John looked over at the boy. "You fought well too." And at that John walked back to his table and sat down.
  2. John sat down at a table with Ditto waiting for his next match. He pulled out two pokeballs and placed them on the table. He held up the one that held Butterfree and spoke to it. "You did good." "Ditto!" Ditto chimed in. "I just hope we do this well on the island." He held up the other ball. "I'll use you in the next battle." Then he turned to Ditto. "Hopefully you'll get some action."
  3. John2

    Sign Up:

    Name: Artemis Age: 27 Looks: 5'8", short dark brown hair, blue eyes, brown leather jacket, bluejeans, black shirt, black boots, and strap at side for Cross Bow, one on bac for arrows. Hand weapon: Cross Bow Partner species: Hawk Partner Name: Coeus
  4. The referee raised a green and red flag and said, "The first match will be between John and Randel! Trainers, are you ready? Battle!" He dropped the flags and the battle began. "Go Mankey!" A Mankey jumped from Randel's shoulders and into the arena. "Go Butterfree!" John threw a pokeball releasing Butterfree into the air. "Mankey, scratch attack!" Mankey jumped at Butterfree. "Butterfree! Counter with your Duoble Team!" Copies of Butterfree filled the air, Mankey flew right through one of the fake one. "Now Butterfree! Psybeam!" All of the Butterfree shot purple beams at Mankey sending it across the deck. "Finish it! Stun Spore!" The Butterfree flew over Mankey and began to release the Stun Spore. "Mankey!" Randel screamed. "Mankey has been defeated! Butterfree is the winner!" "Good job Butterfree." John said. "Now return." Butterfree returned to his pokeball.
  5. John looked around, he was in a strange place. Legendarismon had returned to him and brought him here. Laegedarismon's castle was somewhere around where we was supposed to be... "There it is!" John began to climb a large stairway that seemed to reach up into the stars... "Sigh, this could take a while..."
  6. John walked in to the room where all the Trainers were. He looked down at his invatation. "One Pokemon outside of the ball huh? Allright. Go Ditto!" "Ditto!" "Hey Ditto, you feelin ok?" Ditto noded. "Ditto! Ditto!" "Good, we're about to start a big journey." "Ditto!" "Attention!" A voice anounced on an overhead. "We are about to start some samll battles. Anyone intrested please report to the main deck." "Allright Ditto! You ready?" "Ditto!" "Good." John and Ditto left the room and went up to the deck.
  7. Yes, once I started using theme decks I began to win alot more often. My friends had no idea what hit them. My Fire deck(just finished :D), my Dark deck, and my Water deck beat them every time. Any help on latest deck: Monsters: 21 Trap: 10 Magic 14 Monsters: Summoned Skull x3 Giant Soilder of Stone x3 Mystical Elf x3 Unhappy Maiden x2 Wall of Illusion x2 Mask of Darkness x2 Magician of Faith x2 Nimble Momamga x3 Spear Cretin x1 Trap: Mirror Force x1 Mirror Wall x2 Trap Hole x2 Waboku x2 Gift of Mystical Elf x3 Magic: Ring of Magnetism x2 Chorus Sanctuary x2 Axe of Despair x2 Final Flame x3 Tremendous Fire x2 Monster Reborn x1 The Reliable Guardian x2 The idea is to use Ring of Magnetism on my high defence monsters and make them attack then use either Mirror Force to destroy all their monsters, or Mirror Wall to make their monster's attack so low that my high defence monsters leave a nice impact on their life points. Nimble Momamgas and Gift of Mystical Elfs will raise my life points enough so my Mirror Wall can stay on the feild longer. Direct Damage to help finish them off faster. Reliable Guardians, and Chorus Santuarys to raise the defence of my monsters even higher. Axe of Despair will be able to raise my Summoned Skulls attack high enough to tromp my opponets half attack monsters, or raise my high defenders even higher. Thanks HyperShadow, if there's anything else you know how to contact me ;)
  8. John walked through the park alone. The sun had set over an hour ago, I was about 9:30. John shivered and pulled on his jacket. He saw a bench and sat down, for he had been walking for a while now and was quite tired. "Hey! Stop!" A lady yelled. John saw a man running in his direction with a purse in his hands. He stood up and stepped in front of the theif's path. "Hey kid! Get out of the way!" The man shouted. John didn't move. "I think you should give that back." The man stopped. "What? Give it back! Haha! You've gotta be joking me!" "Oh, I'm not 'joking you.' I'm telling you to return it to the person you stole it from." "Haha! I hate to have to hurt a child, but..." The man lunged at John. John stepped to the side just as the man reached him, then he grabed the man on the shoulder and trew him to the ground. The man hit his head on the walkway and was knocked out. John picked up the purse, ran over to the woman, and then walked off into the darkness. John flopped down onto his bed and fell asleep. "You, boy. Get up." "What?" John was in a dark room, there was only a small light hanging above him. "You have a soul that is pure and good. Therefore you have been chosen to do a great task." "What?" John was confused. "You and four other children are the only hope we have. You must save us all." "Who are you?" John asked, he was still confused. "My name is Legendarismon. And I will guide the way." John sat up in his bed, cold sweat rolled down his red face. Had it been but a dream? It seemed so real...
  9. "Chris?" "Where did he go?" "Great! I turn my back for 1 minute and everyone leaves!" John complained. Gyromon jumped up into a near by tree. "Do you hear anything?" "A fight!" "Let's go!" Gyromon leapt from tree to tre while John ran beneath trying to keep up. "Whoa! What are those?" John held up his Digivice at Pouncemon and Silleniioiakmon. "That's Silleniimon?" Pouncemon swung its massive claw at Kinesismon sending her to the ground. Pouncemon hissed and then jumped at her. "Buster Blade!" Barrimon flew at Pouncemon and hit her with his sword. "Kinesismon, are you ok?" John asked as he ran over to aid Barrimon in battle. Pounce knocked Barrimon around and down on his hands and knees. Then she pounced at him. "Barrimon! Now!" Barrimon grabbed his sword and swung it broad-sided at Pouncemon's head. Pouncemon let out a roar as she fell.
  10. Name: John Pokemon outside of ball(if we have to): Ditto(if i think of another id prefer, ill edit it in)
  11. When are we going to get this thing started? And who is this boy you're talking about?
  12. "Gyromon? What is it?" "I thought I heard Rraikmon..." "Where?" Gyromon pointed to their right. "That way." John ran after Gyromon as he darted throught the forest. "There are more voices!" Gyromon exclaimed. "Frankie, and two I don't know..." "What?" John and Gyromon ran through the bushes infront of them to see Frankie, Raikmon, Chris, and Patamon.
  13. John ran through the forest, Chaquitamon ran. "I told you that wasnt a rock!" John yelled down at Chaquitamon. "Sorry. How was I supossed to know it was a Tortomon!" ------------- Tortomon Champion Reptile Digimon, Vaccine Attacks: Strong Carapace, Spinning Attack Tortomon is a large turtle Digimon with a spikey shell. ------------- "No more running! Time to fight! Chaquitamon! Digivolved to... Gyromon! Gyro Sphere!" The ball of energy hit the charging Tortomon in the head. Bad idea. "Spinning Attack!" Tortomon started to spin and shoot his plates off at Gyromon. "Atleast we're getting some training..." John thought. "Gyromon! The plates are coming from the right!" Gyromon jumped left. "Now the left!" Gyromon jumped to the right. "High!" Gyromon ducked. "Now hit him at the bottom to ry to knock him off his balance!" "Right! Howling Moon Beam!" Gyromon Glew a strong white, then shot his hands out sending a giant blast at the spinning Tortomon. The plan had worked! Tortomon lost his balance and his attack stopped. "Let's go Gyromon. IWe cant destroy him, he did nothing wrong. We started it." "Right." They walke through the woods untill... "Rraikmon? Is that you?"
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B] No card does that Uriel, unfortuantly. Once its out, its out. For good. [/B][/QUOTE] K, I didnt think that there was one, but my friend, who bs's a lot told me there was one, the only reason I thought it might be true is that sometimes there is some truth in his lies.
  15. oops, sorry, I knew that. I had had another character ready to post, but then I decided that I wanted an old Power Ranger as a relative and changed it, I guess I forgot to change the last name. Thank you for noticing.
  16. Yah, those are good, I just cant wait till Fusion Gate comes out in English. Godess With Third Eye and Fusion Gate are a leathal combonation. Is there any card that brings cards out of the game back in?
  17. Name: Seth Scott Age: 17 Short Bio: Seth is a Martial Arts expert from whatever town this is set in. He is the son of Jason, the former Red Ranger. His mother died after his birth. Although he may get in trouble often, he is good at heart and allways tries to make the best out of the situation he's in. Durring the attack Seth lost his older brother Chris whom was in the Air Force. Power: Red
  18. John sat in the corner of the room examining his digivice. He blinked then looked down at Chaquitamon who was asleep in his lap. John thought about how Gyromon had become Barrimon. "He was so strong..." John thought to himself. "And he'll be getting stronger each time he fights. Tomorrow we will start are journey to AncientArugorumon's Temple, we will need to be at out best. If it took that many of us to defeat Asuramon, how can we beat whatever else is out there waiting for us?" Then he said outloud, "Chaquitamon, get up." "What?" "Let's go." "Where?" "Late night training." John opened the door of the cabin and look down below. It was a long way down. "How will we get down?" Chaquitamon asked. "Hmmm... Good question. Here, get in my arms." Chaquitamon jumped up and John cought him. "Now, all we do is... JUMP!" John jumped out of the doorway and sailed down towards the earth. They got closer and closer to the ground. Closer, closer, and then they stopped. With his left arm he held Chaquitamon, and with his right arm he held on to a tree branch. Then they dropped down to the ground.
  19. I have a deck plan for a Dark/Warrior Deck, it will take me so long to build this... 50 card deck 28 monsters 12 Magic 10 Trap Monsters Masked Hellraiser(Rit. 8* 3200/1800) x2 -The Fiend Megacyber(Efct. 6* 2200/1200) x3 -Zombie the Dark Hero(Efct. 4* 2100/500) x2 Hungry Burger x2 Sword Stalker x2 -Don Zaruug(Efct. 4* 1400/1500) x3 -Grave Robbers of the Black Scorpion(Efct. 4* 1000/1000) x3 -Doppleganger(Efct. 3* 650/900) x3 Man-Eater Bug x2 Hane-Hane x2 Magician of Faith x2 Mask of Darkness x2 Magic Ritual of the Hellraiser x2 Hamburger Recipe x2 Mystic Plasma Zone x2 Axe of Dispair x2 Rageki x1 Dark Hole x1 Monster Reborn x1 Change of Heart x1 Soul Exchange x1 Trap Trap Hole x2 Waboku x2 Fairy's Hand Mirror x2 Ultamate Offering x2 7 Tools of the Bandit x1 Mirror Force x1 The Fiend Megacyber- If your opponent has 2 or more monsters than you have on the field, you can summon this card without offering any Tributes. Don Zaruug- If this monster damages your opponent, choose and activate one of these effects: your opponent randomly discards a card from their hand OR your opponent discards the top two cards of their deeck. Grave Robbers of the Black Scorpion- If this monster does Combat Damage to your opponent, they search their deck for a magic card and discard it, shuffling their deck afterward. Doppleganger- FLIP: Destroy two face-down magic and/or trap cards on the field. Zombie the Dark Hero- This monster cannot attack a player directly. This monster loses 200 Attack for each monster it destroys during Combat.
  20. "Do we go to AncientArugorumon's Temple, or do we go on to Burning Peak?" John once again asked himself. "It could be a trap like Frankie said, but it has to be done..." He looked down at his arms were Chaquitamon slept. He had decided. "The question stands, do we go to AncientArugor's Temple, or Burning Peak? I will go to the temple, whomever wishes to go with me is welcome to."
  21. Comis began to stir on the ground. He blinked once, twice, and then sat up. Helooked around at everyone. "Where is she?" "Who?" Comis stood up and looked around franticly. "Where's Lady Baynm?" "I havent seen her..." replied Calen. Comis shook his head, "Where is my hammer? There it is." He streched his hand out towards a tree where his hammer was lodged in. A spark of electricity shot out at the hammer, sending it into his hand. "I thought Makall took your powers." Comis smirked. "That's what he thought." He pulled a bag out of his jacket and threw it to Calen. "Are these casses flowers?" "Yes they are." Comis said with a grin. "What are casses flowers?" "They are trap flowers, they make spells cast on me only temporary. Makall thinks he stole my powers, but all he did was borrow them." Calen tossed the bag back to Comis who put it back in to his coat. "Where's Doshi?"
  22. MetalArmadillomon popped up under Asuramon and crawled away. John saw what was going on. "Barrimon! Throw your sword at Asuramon! But throw it above her head!" "What?" "Just do it!" Barrimon lifted his sword above his head and speared it at Asuramon. Asuramon turned its head as the saber went past. "Now Barrimon! Pulse Cannon!" John raised his digivice up at Barrimon, it emitted(sp) a white light. Barrimon began to glow so bright that everyone else had to turn away. "PULSE CANNON!" Barrimon exploded with energy and a gigantic blast of light shot at Asuramon knocking it into the hole. Barrimon shrank as he fell back to the ground, but he continued to shrink after becoming Gyromon. John ran forward and cought him. He looked down in his arms to see a small, round, bear like digimon nesseled in them. "Chiquitamon."
  23. All I think is that you should get Magic Jammer(s) They cause you to discard a card, maybe a Toon, and they can help out against magic cards, such as the Burning Land Card and D-Spell, that can destroy Toon Worlds.
  24. "I'm sorry..." John started. "We saw this and just thought... wait, what did we think?" "I dunno, I justed kicked." Barrimon said. "Anyways, I'm sorry about the door, we'll come back and fix it after we beat Asuramon..." Frankie grined and said, "It's ok." John walked over to where the door had been turned to Frankie, winked and pushed himself backwards out the opening. Barrimon swooped down and caught him and they soared off to battle. ----- "Pulse Cannon!" Barrimon attacked as he flew over head. Asuramon dodged the attack and retaliated with a Hand of Asura that sent Barrimon and John crashing down. Asuramon stood in the middle of the battle scene looking at all the Digimon who thought they could beat him. "We can beat him." "Right, we just need to pull our power together." "It still won't be enough..." John looked up when he heard the heavy pitter-patter of an animal charging towards them. "Barrimon..." John said, "look!" "It's Frankie!" Barrimon exclaimed. "Yeah, but tha's not rraikmon..." John held his digivice up, "Rylonamon..."
  25. "Bluster Blade!" Barrimon yelled as he charged at Asuramon. Asuramon was busy with Garurumon so he thought this would be a good time to strike. But no. With a Hand of Asura Garurumon was knocked back long enough for Asuramon to spin around and landed a blast right on Barrimon's chest sending him flying over a cluster of trees. "Barrimon!" John yelled as he ran to tend to his Digimon. Through the trees was a clearing where Barrimon was getting up. John rushed over to him but stopped when he was engoulfed in a sea of darkness. He arched his head back to see a large object floating about 50 feet abouve the ground. "Barrimon!" Barrimon picked up John and with a giant leap flew up into the air. The closed in they relized what it was. "It's a... a... cabin?" Barrimon flew up to the door. John reached out to open it, but it was locked. With a spining kick Barrimon smashed the door open and they entered. "Hello? Is anyone here?" "Yes" a voice answered.
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