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Everything posted by John2

  1. Ways to know(From Beckett Collector Yu-Gi-Oh): Fuzzy Print Quality- High quality printing is expensive. People who are making counterfit cards are looking to find the cheapest way to make a lot of money. Most fake Yu-Gi-Oh cards have a misty or fuzzy text. Be cautious when purchasing individual cards! If you have problems reading the text on one of the cards, it's best to stay away from it. Weird Rarity- Sometimes counterfeiters are so lazy they don't even bother to put a fake foil finish on the cards. You may find a Blue Eyes White Dragon with Gold lettering on top with no foil at all. Or you might see a fake Skull Red Bird with a foil finish. Card Size- Fake ones are slightly smaller than the real ones. The width is narrower than the real ones, and the length is shorter than the real ones. Low Quality Foil- Upper Deck prides itself on making a top quality product. The genuine foils look professionally made. They have depth to them and have proportions that are shinnier than others. Many of the fake cards look entirely holographic. These counterfeiters tried to produce some of the cards this way in order to cut the costs. Card Thinkness- Real Yu-Gi-Oh cards are printed on a high quality paper stock. A lot of the counterfeit cards that have been spotted are printed on paper that is significantly thinner/thicker than other cards. If you pick up a card and it feels lighter or heavier than other cards, it's probably a counterfeit card. Authentic cards will have a certain thickness that will give the card a "snap" if you flick it with your fingers.
  2. Comis was barely hanging onto consiousness(sp). He looked up at Calen trying to defeat his oponent. Comis knew he would need some aid. He could feel a small amount of power left deep inside. Using the last bit of his strength he shot a small jolt of electricity up into the air and back down onto Lady Baynm whom laid a few yards away. Her leg twitched, then she lifted her head up. "Good, you're up, now I can be down." And with that Comis fainted.
  3. Comis woke up when he smashed into a tree. "I'm realy sarting to hate these things..." he thought to himself as he got up. Comis looked around for the others, he could not see Calen or Doshi anywhere, but he did see Makall a couple hundred yards away. And what was that infront of him? "Lady Baynm!" Comis exclaimed. Lady Baynm laid infront of Makall who was moving closer in. Comis thought to himself, "I could send electricity through the wet grass to magnify the power and strike Makall down, but if I do I could also hurt Lady Baynm, I shall risk not. I know." Comis's eyes rolled back into his head, his arms shot out infront of him, then to his side and a giant wave of energy shot forward at Makall who was hovering over Lady Baynm. The blast struck Makall's back knocking down. He got up and turned to Comis. "What is your name boy?" He demanded. "I am Comis Battuere." Comis stated with pride. "Well I never knew a Battuere survived, I thought I had killed them all." "You were mistaken." Comis said with a hint of rage. "I remember a Lepidus Battuere..." "My father." "Yes," Makall said pleased that he had caused this soul pain. "He tought he could stop me, foolish man. He used many powerful eletrical moves in our battle, I supose that's where you got your powers from, but he was no match for me. I crushed him like I shall now crush you." Comis had had enough, he swung his mighty hammer at Makall. But Makall raised his han and froze the weapon in mid-air. He then took Comis by the wrist and started to chant strange, ancient words. Comis began to glow white and electricity began to travel from his body into Makall's. Makall's eyes rolled into the back of his head, he droped Comis, and let out a roar. Clouds rolled overhead and a lightning storm began. He had stolen all of Comis's power.
  4. HyperShadow, you already know this, one of my decks was stollen at the card shop while I was in the bathroom. My friend had been put in charge to watch it, but he got into a duel and neglected his duty. When I returned the deck was gone. It contained: A LOB Blue Eyes, Mirror Force, Swords of Revealing Light, Barrel Dragon, Time Wizard, Rageki, and some other rare cards. To make up for what he had done, or actualy not done, my friend gave me his 7 tools of the Bandit, not very much compensation.
  5. "Makall, we shall defeat you right here, right now" Comis said cooly as he pulled out his hammer. "We shall see." Makall said in a mocking(sp) way. Vines shot up out of the ground and tightend around Makall. Comis sent a charge of electricity through his hammer and charged. Makall waved his hand over the vines causing them to wither, die, and fall off. Then he waved his other hand at Comis sending him flying into a tree with such force that he accidently released a Ball Lightning. The attack shot out at everyone, Doshi tried to block it with his sword, but the shock just traveled through it and into his body. Seeing that Lady Baynm was about to be hit Calen sent a wall of vines up to protect her, but in doing so he did not have enough time to protect himself. Makall simply waved his hand and the attack was sent back a Comis who had begun to get up. Lady Baynm looked around her to see Doshi, Calen, and Comis sprawled on the ground, leaving only her and Makall.
  6. "Tao-Zhou? The assasin?" Comis stood there in disbelief, then tightend the grip on his hammer. "The one and same." answered Tao-Zhou. "What is you purpose with the girl?" asked Doshi. "My plans for her are nothing as of yet." Tao-Zhou said. "What exactly did she do at the bar?" Doshi asked. "She froze a man with a blown kiss and slashed her way out of the room." "Wow" Doshi replied. "Why did you follow her?" "Because... Hey!" "Hey what?" asked Doshi. "Where did your companion go!" "Thanks Doshi," Comis thought to himself as he ran off in the direction the girl went. Doshi had distracted Tao-Zhou while he had slipped away. "I wounder where that girl went off to..." Comis woundered. SNAP! A twick cracked from behind Comis. "I'll find you!" Comis yelled out. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his arms shot up above him in a V style, lightning shot out of his finger tips and struck a bush at his right. THUD!
  7. "Why do you chase this woman?" "She froze a man with a kiss, she would be a great ally in these dark times." Comis stopped in his tracks. "What are you doing?" Doshi yelled as he lid to a hault. Comis's eyes rolled back into his head, his arms shot forward, then to his sides. "Thunder Clasp!" A wave of energy shot at Tao-Zhou and Lady Baynm.
  8. Comis walked into the town, it was cold, dark, and lifeless, like the rest of the world. He saw a tavern called The Dancing Lady and walked in. He walked up to the bar,"You wouldn't happen to have any Tokay would you?" The barkeep looked at him. "We haven't had a request for Tokay in years..." "It's a dying drink, sadly" The barkeep pulled out a dusty bottle of golden drink. "What year might that be?" "'68" the barkeep said as he pored a glass of the wine. "There are only 96 bottles of that left in the world." Comis said surprised at the tavern's rare selection. He took the glass of Tokay and sat down in the back of a dark room. A half hour later he heard cries fill the air. He ran into the main room to see what had caused the sound. "What the hell?" Comis started. "Some witch froze the manager and slashed those men there" a man pointed to five or six men dead on the ground. Comis ran over to the manager. "How'd she do this?" "She was about to kiss 'em when he froze over!" "Did anyone see where see went off to?" "No." "Damn!" he placed a stack of coins on the bar and walked over to the frozen doorway. He pulled a giant hammer off from his back and smashed the icewall into fragments and walked out.
  9. Name: Comis Battuere Age: 21 Element: Thunder Side: Good Weapons: Sludge Hammer Powers: Ball Lightning- Lightning that strikes everyone close enough Thunder Clap- Huge force is sent through the air Shock Sludge- Sends electricity throughout his sludge for battle Description: 5'7" short dark brown hair, hazzel eyes, wears a tight white shirt, black swede leather jacket, tight bluejeans, strap on back to hold hammer. Bio: A wondering warrior that will fight for the forces of good; would rather fight than run. Although serious in battle he is good at heart.
  10. I'll join. Name: John Hitoma Age: 15 Hybrid: Kagemon Adv. Hybrid: MagneKagemon
  11. How exactly would this work? I mean, dueling is a play by play game. We'd have to post ALOT. Maybe we should just go to a chatroom and play together...
  12. Asuramon stopped. Infront of him was Barrimon, behind him Ensyomon. Barrimon charged at him. "Buster Blade!" Asuramon was spun from the force, he now faced Ensyomon. "LeviaSmash!" "Buster Blade!" "LeviaSmash!" The resentless assult continued and Asuramon was too confused to counter. "Let's finish this!" cried out John.
  13. I dread facing this deck in a battle, HyperShadow. It seems realy good.
  14. OOC: Sorry Ginny, my bad -------------------------- "Gyromon" John said as he kneeled over his hurt Digimon,"are you ok?" Gyromon jumped to his feet. "I'm ready for battle." "Good. Let's do this!" The digivice in John's pocket began to whistle. He pulled it up to his face, a bright light errupted(sp) from it. "Gyromon! Digivole!" Gyromon began to shine like the digivice... "Gyromon! Digivolved to... Barrimon!" John held out his digivice and pointed it at Barrimon, Ginny and Josh did likewise. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------- BARRIMON Champion/Warrior Data His attacks are Buster Blade and Pulse Cannon. A legendary warrior that serves to protect those in danger. -------------------------------------------------------------- John stood in disbelief looking up at the Digimon. "Gyromon..." "Let's do this!" Barrimon stood between Asuramon, John, Josh and Shymon.
  15. "Hand of Asura!" "Gyromon! Watchout!" Gyromon lept into the air barely dodging the attack. "Gyrosphere!" A ball of dark purple energy formed between Gyromon's claws and flew at Asuramon. The energy ball struck Asuramon's chest but he just laughed. "Hand of Asura!" This time the attack hit Gyromon flinging him into a tree. "Gyromon!" John cried out while running to tend to his Digimon. "Go Shymon!" "Umbrella Strike!" "Hand of Asura!" "Shymon!" Josh jumped up and caught Shymon. They landed and slid across the ground leaving a trail of upturned earth behind them. Asuramon turned to Raekmon. "Now for you..." "Raekmon!"
  16. OOC: Sorry, I posted like 2 mintues after you, and then went to bed. And if this human isnt intended to be my character i'll delete this post. ______________________________________________________________________ "Who's there?" Josh repeated. "No one" said a voice from the tree. "Gyromon!" yelled another voice. "Oops, sorry." Crrrack! A branch fell off the tree sending a boy and a Digimon tumbling down. "Gyromon! you said this branch was sterdy enough to hold us!" "I didn't say how long..." "What am I going to do with you?" "I dont' know... lunch?" "Excuse me..." interrupted Josh. "What?" said the boy and Digimon. "...Who are you?" "Oh." The boy stood up and held out his hand. "My name is John and this little trouble maker is..." "Gyromon!" piped the Digimon.
  17. The wind blew gently in the night air. A Digimon slept in a giant tree, a boy on the ground below. The wind picked up, a high pitched siren passed through the air. The Digimon jump down to the ground and began to growl. The boy was already standing pulling his sack over his shoulder. "You heard it too?" "Yes." The Digimon took off into the maze of forest, the boy close behind. The Digimon and the boy stopped dead in their tracks. "What the..." A giant white portal was shining in a small clearing. The Digimon approached the portal. "Gyromon, wait." But the Digimon walked through the portal, it began to close. "You're not leaving me here!" The boy ran and jumped into the portal just intime. The Portal sealed and the boy and the Digimon were gone.
  18. DigiDestined Name: John Age: 14 Description: 5 feet 7 inches tall, Dark brown messy hair with hazzel eyes. Character- Tries his hardest to do the right thing, although he sometimes messes up. Digimon Method- Crest of Dreams, Biomerging, no slashing Fresh- Minomon, Tiny Digimon Intraining- Chaquitamon, Tiny Digimon Rookie- Gyromon, Moon Digimon Attack- Gyro Sphere, Howling Quake Champion- Barrimon, Warrior Digimon Attack- Pulse Cannon, Buster Blade Ultamate- CyberBarrimon, Warrior Digimon Attack- Cyber Stride, Cyber Slash, Cyber Shutdown Mega- MetroBarrimon, Warrior Digimon Attack- Metro Blade, Metro Bomb, Fersome Force BioMerged Mega- ArchBarrimon, Angelic Digimon Attack- Heaven's Blade, Halo Blast, Light from Beyond
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Morph [/i] [b]Musician:[/b] Corey Talyor [/B][/QUOTE] :excited: You're a Corey fan... ... YAH! I'm gonna go see Stone Sour like next week :devil:
  20. Name: Uriel Age: 14 DOB: February 26, 1988 Location: Houston, TX One Word: Goober No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: Fun Occupation: None : ) Color: Blue Food: Pudding Beverage: Jolt Cola Alter Ego: I can't tell you, it's a secret! Dream Job: Duelist Self-Proclaimed: Wierdo Ethnicity: Irish, Hespanic Extracurricular: Junk Hobby: Music, Card games Dessert: Strawberry icecream Group: Green Day Mac or PC? PC Nics: the girls all call me cutie :toothy: Blog: I don't understand what this is... Home Page: None Religion: Christian Book: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Collections: His Dark Materials, by Philip Pullman Sport: Football Won't Eat: Worms TV Show: Yu-Gi-Oh Words to live by: Go Packers! Addicted to: Fun Comic: Calvin and Hobbes Movie: Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail
  21. Name: Uriel Cards: Monsters: Tri-Horned Dragon x1 Dark Magician x1 Summoned Skull x3 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2 Whiptail Crow x2 Man-Eating Treasure Chest x2 Sorcerer of the Doomed x2 Spear Cretin x2 Big Eye x2 Wall of Illusion x2 Magician of Faith x1 Mask of Darkness x1 Witch's Apprentice x2 Man-Eater Bug x2 Witch of the Black Forest x2 Hiro's Shadow Scout x1 Magic: Soul Exchange x1 Monster Reborn x1 Change of Heart x1 Dark Hole x1 Tribute to the Doomed x1 Mystic Plasma Zone x2 Eternal Rest x1 Paralyzing Potion x2 Soul Release x1 Heavy Storm x1 Fissure x2 Trap Trap Hole x2 Fairy's Hand Mirror x2 Waboku x2 Robbin' Goblin x1 Ultamate Offering x1 Fav Card: Tri-Horned Dragon
  22. I have a Dark and I'm working on a Fire and a Light. People who want to know what they're like will have to duel me to know :devil:
  23. Yah, they've got to be... Ways to know(From Beckett Collector Yu-Gi-Oh): Fuzzy Print Quality- High quality printing is expensive. People who are making counterfit cards are looking to find the cheapest way to make a lot of money. Most fake Yu-Gi-Oh cards have a misty or fuzzy text. Be cautious when purchasing individual cards! If you have problems reading the text on one of the cards, it's best to stay away from it. Weird Rarity- Sometimes counterfeiters are so lazy they don't even bother to put a fake foil finish on the cards. You may find a Blue Eyes White Dragon with Gold lettering on top with no foil at all. Or you might see a fake Skull Red Bird with a foil finish. Card Size- Fake ones are slightly smaller than the real ones. The width is narrower than the real ones, and the length is shorter than the real ones. Low Quality Foil- Upper Deck prides itself on making a top quality product. The genuine foils look professionally made. They have depth to them and have proportions that are shinnier than others. Many of the fake cards look entirely holographic. These counterfeiters tried to produce some of the cards this way in order to cut the costs. Card Thinkness- Real Yu-Gi-Oh cards are printed on a high quality paper stock. A lot of the counterfeit cards that have been spotted are printed on paper that is significantly thinner/thicker than other cards. If you pick up a card and it feels lighter or heavier than other cards, it's probably a counterfeit card. Authentic cards will have a certain thickness that will give the card a "snap" if you flick it with your fingers.
  24. Well, I let him use Japanese cards that are out in English, or regular monsters. Just nothing that I have no clue what it does, cause he isnt the most honest person...
  25. My friend liked to use fussions with out fussing, play magic cards durring my turn, flip flip cards back over to use them again and junk like that...
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