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Everything posted by John2

  1. I use only English cards because I prefer to use the tournament rules, except I dont care about people using English promo cards.
  2. Yes it's worth it if you have the red-eyes and polymerization cards.
  3. So the crush virus is out in PSV?
  4. It isnt that rare... Ive gotten 2 in packs and 1 in a trade, theyre only worth about $3.50 to $10, why do you want it? Building a water deck?
  5. I am now starting a new deck, a Fire deck. I dont want any expensive cards that arent needed, nothing over like $10... Monsters: Dark Fire Soldier #1 x3 Dark Fire Soldier #2 x3 Giga Tech Wolf x2 Fire Kraken x3 FireYarou x2 Flame Cerberus x2 Twin-Headed Fire Dragon x2 Mr. Volcano x2 Effects: Man-Eater x2 Flame Chimera x2 Magic: Molten Destruction x2 Flame Spear(thingie from TP1) x2 Dian Keto x2 Soul Release x2 Despell x1 Remove Trap x1 Dark Hole x1 Monster Reborn x1 Change of Heart x1 Fianl Flame x2 Traps: Wabboku x3 Trap Hole x3 Fairy's Hand Mirror x2 45 Cards Monsters- 19 Effects- 4 Magic- 15 Trap- 8 :help:
  6. As lon as I get my Fire Spear thingies for the Fire Deck I'm building... ...stupid no Slamandra rule...
  7. John2

    Deck Tips

    You should decide what theme your deck will be, if you want one, then think of cards that will help with that theme.
  8. There are 3 ways: 1)Place in the top 16 in the YuGiOh Tournament to win pack(s) 2)Trade with people who do #1 3)Some card shops sell the cards in singles Hope that helps:angel:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wormmon's Tamer [/i] [B]That isn't scarey, it's cute! [/B][/QUOTE] Cute? CUTE? He's the scariest thing since Marilyn Manson. He's pure evil I tell ya, PURE EVIL!:devil: All beware the Petit Dragons!
  10. Yah, Im a little upset by this trade. Summoned Skull is the real prize of the pack, but there's only one. 2 Dark Magicians, or did I read it wrong? Is it 2 Judge Mans? Still, a Toon World and Toon Mermaid are popullar cards and I think you could get a lot better trade... But this is not my trade, so I will back you up on what ever you decide. (It be funny if he's allready traded and this topic is dead...)
  11. I will try to get the 2 Summoned Skulls, the Tri Horned Dragon might be a little harder to get, I think I'll add another Magician of Faith. So here's the plan for my 45 card dark deck: Monsters: 10 Effects: 14 Magic: 12 Traps:9 Monsters: Tri Horned Dragon x1 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2 Man-Eating Treasure Chest x2 Summoned Skull x3 Whiptail Crow x2 Effects: Big Eye x1 Man-Eater Bug x2 Magician of Faith x2 Mask of Darkness x1 Nimble Momonga x2 Sangan x1 Wall of Illusion x2 Witch of the Black Forest x1 Whitch's Apprentice x2 Magic: Change of Heart x1 Curse of Fiend x1 Dark Hole x1 Fissure x2 Heavy Storm x1 Monster Reborn x1 Mystic Plasma Zone x2 Rageki x1 Swords of Revealing Light x1 Tribute to the Doomed x1 Traps: Fairy's Hand Mirror x2 Mirror Force x1 Robbin' Goblin x1 Trap Hole x2 Waboku x 2 White Hole x1
  12. I play the french horn, cornet/trumpet, piano, and guitar.
  13. LOB and MRD are worth more than the SDY, but it dosent matter too much.
  14. Are the Dark Magicians and the Summoned Skull LOB and MRD or SDY?
  15. I've made a Dark deck, what do you think? 10 Monsters 11 Effects 11 Magic 9 Traps Monsters: Curse of Dragon x1 Dark Magician x1 King of Yamimakai x1 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2 Man-Eating Treasure Chest x2 Summoned Skull x1 Whiptail Crow x2 Effects: Big Eye x1 Man-Eater Bug x2 Magician of Faith x1 Mask of Darkness x1 Sangan x1 Wall of Illusion x2 Witch of the Black Forest x1 Whitch's Apprentice x2 Magic: Change of Heart x1 Curse of Fiend x1 Dark Hole x1 Fissure x2 Heavy Storm x1 Monster Reborn x1 Mystic Plasma Zone x2 Swords of Revealing Light x1 Tribute to the Doomed x1 Traps: Fairy's Hand Mirror x2 Mirror Force x1 Robbin' Goblin x1 Trap Hole x2 Waboku x 2 White Hole x1 I want to add 2 Nimble Momangas, Rageki, and another strong Dark Monster
  16. Yalls Dragons are good and all, but none of them can stand up to mine. My Dragon is the Scariest, Strongest, Toughest Dragon of them all! The all powerful Petit Dragon!!!! [IMG]http://store1.yimg.com/I/pokeorder_1706_73836891[/IMG]
  17. Age:14 Fav. Monster: Kuriboh Fav. Card: Fairy's Hand Mirror Fav. Character: Evil Bakura Fav. Episode: Episode where Yugi uses the Kiribo on Catapult Turtle to destroy the Perfectly Ultamate Moths Card Relation: Neo the Magic Swordsman
  18. I like to have a good mix of cards, but I might make a Spell Caster/ Fiend deck, or a Feind/ Wing Beast Deck. Probably a Beat-Down... I have a Nimble Momanga, I'll get another.
  19. My favorite combo(not simplist)requires The Unhappy Maiden, Ring of Magnetism, Fissure(removable), Ultimate Offering, and Invader of the Throne. Place down Unhappy Maiden fce up in defence mode and equip it with Ring of Magnetism, it will become a 0/0, bad if they get Stop Defence, then use Ultimate Offering to play Invader of the Throne face down. They attack The Unhappy Maiden sending her to the grave and their battle phase is over. Then Flip up Invader of the Throne and take thier best monster. Use Fissure to send Invader of the Throne to the graveyard and openly attack with the monster you took. ;)
  20. My deck needs some tweeking, if anyone has some helpful coments on it... Need: 2 Dian Keto the Cure Master 43 Cards: 9 Monster Cards 13 Effect Cards 7 Trap Cards 14 Magic Cards Monster Cards: Blue Eyes White Dragon Dark Magician Summoned Skull x2 Launcher Spider La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2 7 Colored Fish x2 Effect Cards: Invader of the Throne x2 Patrol Robo Wall of Illusion x2 Witch of the Black Forest Sangan Big Eye x2 Man-Eater Bug x2 Magician of Faith x2 Trap Cards: Robin' Goblin Fairy's Hand Mirror x2 Trap Hole x2 Waboku x2 Magic Cards: Tribute to the Doomed Change of Heart Dark Hole Monster Reborn Soul Release Soul Exchange Horn of te Unicorn x2 Tremendous Fire x2 Ookazi x2 Fissure x2
  21. Ok, I'lll make my own, and I'm taking out Neo the Magic Swordsman and adding Summoned Skull and I have Launcher Spider as a temp. I hope it works better. P.S. I've never drawn one of those hands :p
  22. I realy like yor deck HyperShadow, you've got good effect, trap, and magic cards mixed with your monstrs in it. Thoughs rows sound good, are they MRL? I wish I could play you. I give it an 8. Can we post are own decks here? I'd hate to make another thread... Need 2 more cards 43 Cards: 9 Monster Cards 13 Effect Cards 7 Trap Cards 14 Magic Cards Monster Cards: Blue Eyes White Dragon Dark Magician Summoned Skull La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2 7 Colored Fish x2 Neo the MagicSordsman x2 Effect Cards: Invader of the Throne x2 Patrol Robo Wall of Illusion x2 Witch of the Black Forest Sangan Big Eye x2 Man-Eater Bug x2 Magician of Faith x2 Trap Cards: Robin' Goblin Fairy's Hand Mirror x2 Trap Hole x2 Waboku x2 Magic Cards: Tribute to the Doomed Change of Heart Dark Hole Monster Reborn Soul Release Soul Exchange Horn of te Unicorn x2 Tremendous Fire x2 Ookazi x2 Fissure x2
  23. I think you're talking about the Face Shrine, if so... From the start of the dungeon, go up around the statues, then left into the next room. In this room, just run through and take the left path up to the following room. Here, defeat the Mini Moldorm if you want while avoiding the Spark moving around the room, otherwise continue upward to the next area. There, simply go left into the next room and defeat the Mask-Mimic there. Now, place a Bomb next to the crystal switch, and then stand behind the presently lowered block in the upper-right corner. When the bomb explodes and that block raises up, go up to the next room. In this room, place a Bomb in front of the right wall in between the lights to blow open a passageway. Take it into the next room. Here, sprinkle Magic Powder in a lantern to illuminate the room, then go around and kill all the Gels that pop out of the ground. After they are all killed, a stairway will appear; go down it. In the basement, go left and up the ladder and continue left through the next scene, then up the last ladder to the next area. In the room you emerge in, defeat the Mini Moldorm. Then, wait until the Wizzrobes appear and use the Exploding Arrows trick (Secrets section of this guide) to defeat them both quickly. When the door opens, go through to the next room. In this room, go up the left steps and open the chest to get the Level 2 Power Bracelet, which replaces your first one! Next, use the Bracelet to lift up the giant statues, then go up through the one-way door. In this room, defeat the Mask-Mimic again and hit the crystal switch with your sword. Now, place a bomb by the switch and stand behind the upper-left lowered block and wait. When the bomb explodes and the blocks rise and fall go up to the next room. Then in that room, lift up the pot in the corner to reveal a switch underneath it. Stand on it to open the west door, then go through to the following room. In this room, use the Exploding Arrows trick again to beat the Wizzrobes without hitting the crystal switch in the corner). Open the chest that appears to get a Map, then go up to the next room. Now, take a pot to the right and throw it at the closed door to open it! Go up into the next room, then from there continue right to another room. In this room, defeat the Star and open the chest to get the Compass, then go up the steps and hit the crystal switch to the left. Now, go right and down to the next room, then go right through a couple more rooms until you can go up. In the room with the many lowered blocks, defeat the Wizzrobes to make a Key appear. Take it, and then backtrack a few rooms back to the room where you found the Compass. From there, go left to the next room and take a large statue with the Power Bracelet and throw it at the north door to open it. Go into that room. There, go up the steps and open the chest to get 100 rupees, then go up the steps behind it to go outside where you'll be on an island in the middle of the rapids! Open the chest to get a Seashell, then go back down into the dungeon. Once inside, play Manbo's Mambo on the Ocarina to be warped to the dungeon's entrance. Now, go right to the next room instead of left. Here, just get past the large statues and conveyor belt floors while avoiding the Blade Traps! Then, go right to the following room. In that room, avoid all the Flying Tiles that'll uproot from the floor, then go through the door after it opens to enter the next room. In the next room, take a statue and throw it at the east door to open it, then go to the next room. In that room, defeat the Wizzrobes like in other parts of this dungeon, then go through the upper- right door that opens after you beat them. In this room, go up and down the steps, and then go north to the next room. Continue through the next room to the room after it; open the chest in that room to get a Key. Now, backtrack a few rooms to the room with a locked door. There, go up and use a Key on the locked door and go into the next room. There, defeat the Gels and their smaller counterparts while avoiding the torches' fireballs. Then, use a bomb in the middle of the north wall to blow a hole in it. Go through the hole into the next room, where you'll have to fight Smasher! Throw the orb at it numerous times to defeat it. After you beat it, take the Fairy and go up to the next room. In this room, lift up the large statue to the left and go down the steps there. Here, jump from platform to platform and go left to the next area. Then, jump from ladder to ladder and go up the last one to the room above. There, evade all the Flying Tiles, but be careful because there will be many holes in the floor! Take the Key after the tiles are gone, then get to the upper corner of the room and unlock the keyhole block, the go up to the next room. Here, go up and lift up the large statue, then throw it at the door to the left, then continue to the next room. In that room, lift up and throw away all the pots, then throw around the horseheads until they both stand up and the doors open. Go left into the next room; go down the steps in that room to the basement again. Use the Pegasus Boots to run all the way to the right to the other ladder so you don't get crushed by any Thwomps! Climb the ladder to enter the next room. In that room, play the song Marin taught you on the Ocarina to instantly kill all the Pols Voices and open the doors! Go down to the next room where you'll fight 2 Dodongo Snakes! Feed the, bombs until they're defeated, and then go left to the next room. In this room, use the Hookshot to cross the gap, then use the Key on the keyhole block, and then continue left and up to the next room. Continue up to the following room, then in that room, take a pot and throw it at the chest to open it to get the Nightmare Key! Now, play Manbo's Mambo to get to the entrance, then walk through the warp to get to where you beat Smasher. From there, go up to the next room and lift up the left statue to reveal the stairs again. Go down the steps and get through the basement like before, then climb the ladder at the end to enter the next room. There, get across the floor before the tiles rise and go down into the next room. Try and get around the room when the Vacuum Mouth isn't going and defeat all the Gels. After you beat them, go right into the next room. In this room, push the block next to the wall forward, and then defeat the Wizzrobe. Now, go back left and use the Hookshot to grab onto the block with a ledge in front of it. When you reach the other side, push the block up and go into the following room. Here, sprinkle Magic Powder in the unlit lanterns to turn the Sparks into Fairies. Then, unlock the door with the Nightmare Key and go into the room to meet Façade! When it first appears, the room will shake and the tiles and pots will all fly towards you. Avoid them and the real fight will begin! Read the Bosses section of this guide for information on beating Façade. After you beat it, take the Heart Container and enter the last room to obtain the Coral Triangle! From: [url]http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/gameboy/file/zelda_links_awakening_c.txt[/url]
  24. The Legend of Zelda is the best. Still #1in top 500!:luv: The Legend of Zelda may not be as challenging as others or have as many characters, but it gives me an indiscibalble feeling of joy. Link's Awakening was spectacular though. Sorry Debresko -Uriel
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