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Lyndy last won the day on April 5 2013

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About Lyndy

  • Birthday January 5

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  1. lmao I forgot about this thread. I am no longer in Michigan but wish to move back. I still have no kids Don't live in a very nice house, but it's good enough for how little I pay rent for it. Used to have a good job, but Covid-19 changed that. Not married, had a serious relationship a few years ago. No Bachelor's - too much money but have associates in IT
  2. I can't believe I remembered my password! And this site is still alive? Here's me. and my pussy cat. doesnt she look happy
  3. I love fluffy cats. :3   This is my Abby. She's the best; she plays fetch, she's flushed the toilet a couple times... and super cuddly.
  4. I used to be addicted to playing Dota 2. 5000 hours or so. But I haven't played any for a few months because my internet is too bad to play it anymore. :V Now I'm addicted to doing nothing at all and/or sleeping! Boo's addiction to porn is kinda bad. He sent me porn one day. He just had to share it for some reason.
  5. I've started playing Rogue Galaxy and Radiata Stories again for the PS2. Oh man, I forgot how much I absolutely love these two games, and it really saddens me how unknown these games are, especially Rogue Galaxy. I might even say i like it more than Kingdom Hearts 2. There are a few similarities to other rpgs I've played; Kingdom Hearts, FMA: Crimson Elixir, and the battle system is like FFXII. Oh, and one of the main characters is voiced by Steve Blum. I love his voice so much... (as well as Crispin Freeman). The music though just gives me chills. Amazing OST. Also love the intense cutscenes. FREAKING CHILLS MAN. Radiata Stories has a great storyline as well. There's more than one ending to the game, you have several different allies you can choose to fight alongside with you.   and i was going to add the best song ever from rogue galaxy but i dont know how to add videos anymore omg im so noob   Im in love with steve blum
  6. Looks like a very fun wedding! Congrats. I thought this place died.   It's been a few years since I've posted on here so fuck it. I don't know what I was thinking when I took this picture. Da fuq is that pose.
  7. Hey allllll. Haven't been on here in ages. Been getting into streaming on Twitch.tv. I stream mostly Dota 2. But I've been starting to stream other games like League of Legends, Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm, minecraft, and any other game I feel like playing. I provide insightful commentary, humor, rage, and good and bad plays! Sometimes I use my face cam, sometimes I don't. The max number of viewers I've gotten is probably 2.2k LOL. But it was thanks to Axel and a nice glitch on the website.   If you have nothing to do, check out my stream! I'm slowly making my way to my first goal of 500 followers and then my last goal is to become a partner with Twitch. <3 http://www.twitch.tv/lyndsieee
  8. I've been coming addicted to 4chan. This is me.   And then later I'm like... Help.
  9. I uninstalled LoL. The game seems too childish compared to DotA 2 when I've been playing it for a year. Mechanics are just so weird compared to Dota. Like, I have great map awareness in Dota, but in LoL, I find it impossible to keep up my map awareness for some reason. The graphics makes it hard imo. Maybe if they fix the graphics of LoL, I might reconsider it; it's kind of like DotA 1 from Warcraft 3 - shitty graphics. And the age group for LoL seems really young, when most Dota players are 17-26   I've gotten pretty high up in the brackets of Dota, but still need to improve tremendously. And as for SC2, I really want to try it, looks like good practice for micro.
  10. Haha, I was thinking the same thing. :< I refreshed the page so many times.   It's Boo. What on Earth do you expect.
  11. I have a few DotA 2 keys that I'm wanting to give away. I probably around six keys left. If you, or anyone you know, wants a DotA 2 key, just let me know, and I'll be glad to give you a key (you need a Steam account). Here's a video of gameplay of player submitted clips with some pretty good plays [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fszmrPru6zI&feature=relmfu[/media] Also, someone actually made their own animation combining DotA 2 and My Little Pony, which I found pretty cute (using the DotA 2 Gamescom trailer audio). [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E5FFFYRUgI[/media]
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