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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. Just wanted to share some of my strongest memories of Des: I remember one day, back when I was in college, my laptop was freezing and acting up. I was about ready to throw it out the window and try to replace it (with money I didn’t have and couldn’t get). I told Des about it and he said, “I might be able to help.” He very patiently walked me through a process I wouldn’t in a million years have figured out on my own, and my laptop didn’t give me trouble again for awhile. He was such a computer whiz. You can bet that after that, I went to him with my computer problems first thing. I remember staying up all night to watch Scrapped Princess and then gushing about it with Des the next day, because it was one of his favorite animes. I remember his endless bag o’ reaction images that he could whip out in the blink of an eye and that were always perfectly, suspiciously suited to the context. (It made me wonder if he had them catalogued by topic or something.) They always made me laugh. I remember watching many of his video game streams, but the one that really stands out to me was his run of FF7. That play-through reduced Des to wheezing laughter more than once, and hearing him crack up was one of the best parts of it. I remember when he came to stay with me and Missy for a week, how shy and thoughtful he was. How obvious it was that all he really wanted to do was chill with us. He treated us like his priority, and was so kind and considerate through the whole visit. We watched a lot of movies and anime that week. It was a good time. I remember Des as quiet and soft-spoken, but with a quick humor that often surprised me. I remember how generous he was with his time and attention. I remember him always being around, always available if someone had questions or needed help. Des was one-of-a-kind, and we'll all miss him very much.
  2. remembers the sentiment of the joke (mean), but not the setup or the punchline (something to do with balloons and bees).

  3. My desktop is delightfully nerdy. [attachment=15221:Who Desktop.jpg] A month ago I had never watched an episode of Doctor Who. Now I've seen series 1 - 5, and own 1 - 3. [s] Damn you, Kat![/s]
  4. Maybe if I just open the oven, somehow there'll be a pie in there already.

    1. PiroMunkie


      I swear an area of my oven cooks faster than the rest. I think that's what you call a ... *puts sunglasses on* ... hot pocket.

  5. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic6dKnv3WdU"]Elder Scrolls: Skyrim[/url]. Next paycheck is going towards a pre-order.
  6. hommus hommus hommus

    2. Sangome



  7. [quote name='Elle Jay' timestamp='1309529323' post='708231'] [color="#008080"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"]It's amazing what pregnancy can do to teenage girls. [b]Before pregnancy[/b] -> skinny and very pretty. [b]After pregnancy[/b] -> fat and not so pretty. Their faces look all swollen after being pregnant. ._.[/font][/size][/color] [/quote] Because we all know it's impossible to be fat and pretty.
  8. [quote name='Gavin' timestamp='1309438662' post='708219'] [font="Tahoma"][size="2"]French is a fairly widely spoken language... [/size][/font] [/quote] Oh. You mean those nasally, sniveling sounds have been a language this whole time? I had no idea. o_o (I kid, I kid. Mostly.)
  9. You dare disturb my gumballs?

    1. Lyndy


      They looked tasty. My bad.

    2. Horendithas


      But of course, evil cat duck.

  10. About a month ago, I started reading [i]A Light in August[/i] by William Faulkner. It was a lovely book, but I got halfway through it and distinctly heard a ping in the vicinity of my brain, and decided to take a break from Faulkner. Now I'm reading [i]The Eye of the World[/i], the first book in [i]The Wheel of Time[/i] series, by Robert Jordan. I'm a picky, often skeptical fantasy fan, so I'm interested to see how this book'll turn out. (I almost hope I'm not interested enough to continue the series, because, dayum, fourteen books?)
  11. [quote name='Elle Jay' timestamp='1309177492' post='708159'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FavUpD_IjVY[/media] [color="#556B2F"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"]Like this?[/font][/size][/color] [/quote] Looks like Chibs has sold her drugs to those poor, innocent bovines. Shame on you, Chibi. PETA's preparing their counterattack.
  12. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1308953531' post='708122'] FFFFFFFFFFFF-!!!!!!!! Why am I not in El Paso yet?! [/quote] Because you were consorting with your drug mule in New York. Be quicker next time.
  13. In whatever way that made sense, that's how I meant it.

  14. Well look at you, old-timer. Where's your cane?

  15. All of my friends are getting married. It makes me feel old. ._.
  16. is absolutely going to rap over your flute solo.

    1. Morbo


      I'm so going to beatbox over your flute solo

  17. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1308133375' post='707981'] Okay. This morning, it seems that a very very tiny centipede decided to somehow get into my jeans. That is not even an innuendo, you guys. There was an actual insect in my pants when I put them on. Guess who hit her head on the dresser in her rush to scramble away from the bug and its denim sleeping bag? Me. I am now wearing a skirt and I will burn those pants when I get home. For now, they are in the fire pit in the backyard. [/quote] I once ate a spoonful of oatmeal before realizing that there were meal worms in it. -3-
  18. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1307869590' post='707944'] I have the opposite luck when it comes to the In-N-Outs over here. I normally order just a burger but whenever they constantly give me free fries. I am tempted to just give them back... but I work at a restaurant and know that all returned food gets thrown away. [/quote] Oh man, I miss In-N-Out so bad. ;3;
  19. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1307058537' post='707809'] It is June. Summer. Therefore, this month has no excuse for being 60 degress today with high winds. I should not be cold in June!!! [/quote] I'll take your high winds and raise you a constant drizzle. -3-
  20. I've been a fan of anime for over ten years now, but I was never interested in buying anime figurines until this year's Sakura-con. I'm not sure what exactly flipped the switch in my brain, but... I now have figurines. Not much, but I like 'em. =D [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/Missie6/IMGP35642.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/Missie6/IMGP35632.jpg[/img] (Woot, Tales of Vesperia!) And I know they don't technically count as figurines, but... [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/Missie6/IMGP35662.jpg[/img] They're still nerdtastic!
  21. [quote name='Grouchy Cat' timestamp='1306885322' post='707732'] Cock-a-doodle-doo? [/quote] And that just took it to another level of dirty that made me giggle.
  22. there'snohopethere'snohopethere'snohope

    1. Korey


      Is there hope?

  23. [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1306618655' post='707638'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Having your foot be asleep and itchy at the same time is a weird sensation.[/font][/color] [/quote] That is a creepy ass banner, and yet I inexplicably like it.
  24. If you've seen one movie about a disgruntled security guard who enacts his own brand of street justice using a cinder block you've seen them all.

    1. Boo


      Doesn't stop them from being FREAKING AWESOME though. Occasionally.

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