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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. is getting tired of your vaguely threatening glances.

  2. [quote name='James' timestamp='1306199647' post='707563'][font="palatino linotype"] I haven't read The Hobbit but if it is at all lighter than Fellowship of the Ring, I recommend starting there. I began to read Fellowship of the Ring and while it has flashes of brilliance, I just felt that there was far too much filler in between the good bits. There are only so many pages where you can read about how the grass looks, or which way the trees are growing or how tall the mountains are. I was always eager for the moments where the characters would stop in a town or where something would actually happen, because these moments tended to be well-written, funny and even sometimes pretty frightening.[/font] [/quote] I've always thought the "filler" was an intrinsic and necessary part of the good bits. It's always seemed to me that for Tolkien, the place in which an event happens is just as important as the event itself---particularly when you start getting into mythology, which is what he was trying to create. You're definitely right in that it slows down the reading process, but I have a difficult time imagining Lord of the Rings without the detailed description. It would be impoverished somehow.
  3. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1306120677' post='707547'] *pops up next to you* ROADTRIP~!!! YES YES YES TAKE ME WITH YOU I CALL SHOTGUN!!! Bro is coming, too, of course! After re-watching the Lord of the Rings movies, it occurs to me that I've never read the books. I'm debating if I should start with The Hobbit, or just jump into The Fellowship of the Rings. [/quote] Starting with The Hobbit is a good idea, I think. It really does lay the groundwork for the trilogy--plus it's a fun, fairly lighthearted way to dip your toes into Middle Earth.
  4. Rebecca Black's new hit: It's Just Kind of Like Yeah

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaNz



    3. Sangome



    4. James


      Please, no. :-(

  5. [img]http://ny-image1.etsy.com/il_fullxfull.244589465.jpg[/img] Possibly my best purchase ever.
  6. is a necessary evil. And if you think about it, she's not all that evil, even.

  7. You should write a book -- How to Offend Women in Five Syllables or Less

    1. Felix the Cat
    2. Kei


      Swan Princess, yaaaay~!

  8. [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1305127564' post='707274'] [color="#9932cc"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"] I do remember almost always preferring the boys toys, though.[/font][/color] [/quote] Word.
  9. Verily, she that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it, hath already committed breakfast with it in her heart.

    1. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      Shakespeare's "Sonnet to Breakfast" and other food-based writings sadly never were too popular.

  10. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1305062597' post='707251'] Of course this was back when eating McDonalds send me into a tailspin of depression. [/quote] You're clearly an alien from another planet. When I was a kid, going to McDonalds sent me into a tailspin of joy and whimsy.
  11. All in the space of one day, my grandmother died, I had the stomach flu, my period started, [s]and Osama Bin Laden died.[/s] I need some damn fluff. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHAshi4vdbg"]So yay for adorable puppies and the youtubes that allows me to watch them.[/url]
  12. I'm bad, not insensitive!

  13. [quote name='OMNOMNOMALY' timestamp='1303548906' post='706790'] [font="Garamond"]I am Rapunzel. [img]http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/1366/photo47v.jpg[/img] And it feels good, man. Day 1 of Sakuracon has been a great success and we are having a freaking BLAST. Also I got to meet Ace and hang out with Missy and her sister so you know, that's pretty kewl.[/font] [/quote] LOVED your cosplay. You were the only pre-haircut Rapunzel I saw this weekend. (And you guys were totally robbed in the Fantasy Fights. I mean, seriously--double rainbow? I had no idea Eureka 7 had internet meme attacks!?!)
  14. One art, please.

    1. Morbo


      hahaha What a clever impersonation of a stupid, poor person.

    2. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      Impersonation? *shot*

  15. Great. You killed the invisible swordsman.

  16. [quote name='Allamorph' timestamp='1302727025' post='706531'] [font="Calibri"]Was just informed of this today. Morgan Freeman = God God = Jesus Jesus = Aslan Aslan = Liam Neeson .: Morgan Freeman = Liam Neeson [/font][center][font="Calibri"]o_O[/font] [/center] [/quote] That just blew my feathery mind.
  17. found a picture of you pretending to be her on the internet. Your mask is excellent.

  18. is not your president.

  19. knows you're the one shrinking her hats in the night. But now that she knows it's you, it's actually kind of cute.

  20. Magst du meine Google-Übersetzung? Es ist schön, nicht wahr? ;D

  21. My desktop has MOAR TANGLED! =D [attachment=15106:OB Desktop.jpg]
  22. April is also National Poetry Month! (And apparently Joss Whedon month.)
  23. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could operate a chainsaw?
  24. keyed "I like your car," into a car she liked last night. But after it was all keyed up, the car looked lame, so she crossed her message out.

    1. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      That's the worst thing you have ever done.

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