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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. This is always a tough question for me, because I sincerely love them all. I'm lucky enough to live in a place where we have all the seasons, and I'm ready for each one of them when they come. [I]But[/I] (you knew that was coming), I have a special, squishy place in my heart for autumn. I love almost everything about it. (The wardrobe not the least. :p)
  2. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1297378031' post='704845'] Do you feel loved and popular yet? | | | V [/quote] :DDD On a side note -- to all you ladies of the world: spandex leggings are not a substitute for pants. Stop it.
  3. [quote name='Miss Anonymous' timestamp='1297369689' post='704840'] Because as we all know, you're not popular and loved unless you make it into someone's signature. [/quote] Yup.
  4. [quote name='Lyndy' timestamp='1297287897' post='704818'] [color="#556B2F"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"]Well, I almost got into a wreck today because it started snowing during school today and we weren't let out early. When we did get out there was an inch of snow on the ground and it was very slick. And my truck is not made for winter weather. So I was driving home at 10 mph. When I got to my driveway, my truck started to skid and I almost hit the cement block that is like a wall thing besides my driveway. But I barely missed it. I was barely able to back up (luckily no one was behind me) and I was BARELY able to get into my driveway (it's a slight hill). But you can see the skid marks and my mom is going to freak when she sees the marks. -_- And I was already in a bad mood before the almost!wreck. And now I am in an even worse mood. I hate snow among other things.[/font][/size][/color] [/quote] And here I thought you [I]wanted[/I] snow. Also, THANKS A LOT for editing me out of your signature. D< I WAS THERE TOO, Y'KNOW.
  5. [quote name='Allamorph' timestamp='1297220801' post='704806'] [FONT=Calibri]Should I make a FB for this name? Also am I so much of an ass that no one would care if I did? I tend to run that danger all the time, so might as well factor it into the decision-making process.[/FONT] [/quote] DOOOO EEEEEET. And don't worry, you're only part of the ass.
  6. Hahaha! Gome replicas abound. LOVE IT.
  7. Aauuugh, why am I so hopelessly awkward?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ellerby


      Then we should give out awards! Awkawards!

    3. Sangome


      I wholeheartedly support Awkawards

    4. Ducky


      As do I -- especially if the award is a figurine of an awkward turtle.

  8. Oh man. Such a baller thread. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP4XCgdg-qU[/media] I always loved the theme song to Doug. It still makes me smile. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b53WaK71sMM[/media] ARTHUUUUUR. <3 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3JUB1L82Kk[/media] I was super excited when I first saw the preview for this show -- as it happens, the preview was the theme song.
  9. It's not just the advertising in and of itself that bothers me (though that is annoying) -- it's that there's no way to disable it, and the advertising companies can use my status updates without my permission. It's one thing if you want to shove internet advertising in my face -- don't make [I]me[/I] an advertiser, kthnx.

    1. Nony


      Suck it, Steelers.

    2. The Spectacular Professor

      The Spectacular Professor

      We have claimed the blood demanded of our state for the last five years.

  12. [quote name='Felix the Cat' timestamp='1297030083' post='704726'] So are you. :( [/quote] Hey, I have a [url="http://robinoula.com/the-social-web/facebook-doesnt-need-mind-control-to-control-you/"]legitimate reason[/url] for saying this. And also, YOUR FACE.
  13. WHOO, 14 to 3 Packers! Keep it up, guys!
  14. Facebook, you are getting creepier and creepier.
  15. Rowsdower Mobile, AWAAAAAAAAY!

    1. Katana


      My Rowsdower's come for me!

  16. "Beefy" meaning that your Taco-chan meat is mostly likely made of beef. Unless it came from Taco Bell, and then WHO KNOWS.


  17. So uh, Molly thinks you're beefy.

  18. You are damaging my calm.

    1. PiroMunkie


      One of my old bosses got on a kick of telling people they were "bruising his aura" whenever they were irritating him, lol.

    2. Allamorph


      Be a leaf on the wind.


  20. [quote name='Magus' timestamp='1296684438' post='704640'] If I ever see a guy doing that up close I'm kicking him in the throat. [/quote] I would join him. :D
  21. is hardly impressed by the irregular shape of your sunburn.

    1. CaNz


      you sure? :D


  22. Public Sleeping Day? Was it founded by the Narcolepsy Foundation or something? I'm totally in, though. Any legitimate excuse to spend the day sleeping is full of win, in my book.
  23. [quote name='Vicky' timestamp='1296425304' post='704547'] I really enjoyed this. The characters were brilliantly written and authentic; the concept, as well, is ingeniously interesting! I'm really looking forward to anymore of this if it's been written. There's some really great imagery in there -- which is especially challenging for a 'place with no context'. Awesome, brilliant! No more needed to be said :) EDIT: Oh wait. The only thing that stuck out like a sore thumb to me (no matter what I read there's always something; I have to be difficult) was: [I]But he knew he was dead, he had to be dead.[/I] Not much of a problem but I think it was the third mention of 'dead' within the opening paragraph. You can cut out either one of those ("but he knew he was dead" or "he had to be dead") without losing the meaning, or maybe reword it to cut out a 'dead' in there. When you can lose a sentence/phrase without hindering the prose then you're better off throwing it, I think. But otherwise lovely piece -- I was just sketchy on this part. I had to read it twice and then again to see if it felt right but it never did. That's just an opinion, though! [/quote] Thanks for the suggestion! I'll definitely be going through the piece and trimming it down. The beginning always did feel a tad awkward to me. Thanks again for the thoughtful comment. :) It's very helpful.
  24. Ducky


  25. It doesn't matter how many cycles you go through, Kimura's turn is never coming up.

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