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Everything posted by AshiraCartel

  1. Just felt like posting my "hello" before goin' to bed :D [U][B]Name: [/B][/U][I][B]Ashira Cartel[/B][/I] [I][B](Not my real name, but what all my friends know me by - I don't like my real name actually)[/B][/I] [B][U]Age: [/U][I]14 (15 on September 28th :p)[/I][/B] [B][U]Favorite color:[/U][/B] [I][B]Black. Though of actual colors, midnight blue specifically[/B][/I] [B][U]Random Fact:[/U] [I]Most of my friends say I'm more mature than I look. I tend to make better friends with people up to 4 or 5 years older than me due to it. Just if you were interested in knowing... though you most likely don't care haha :animeswea[/I][/B] I have a website that I kinda put around everywhere... (sorry about that :animeshy:).. I don't get many visitors so if you like to read then go ahead and visit, though ya don't have to. It's boring anyway :animesigh. Speaking of reading - I love to. In fact, I love reading so much that I'm planning to become a writer (which, in turn, makes me a blabbermouth - especially when typing or writing, sorry :animeshy:). Again, if you wanna read, look at the links in my signature. I'm also interested in perhaps making an anime of my own, maybe a manga-ka, but I'm not sure which would be more entertaining for both me and the audience so I'm learning about both and boosting my skills first :animesmil I'm an anime dork myself, though I'm a bit newer to it... at least I'm not a total noob though :laugh: I've been an anime dork all my short life, what with my pokemon :ball: and sailor moon obsessions as a little kid and catching tidbits of InuYasha and Kenshin (even Astro Boy sometimes :D) late at night when I couldn't sleep. I consider the start of my obsession, however, March 26th 2004...maybe 2005 :confused:... when I got my first offical boxset of InuYasha-seasons 1 and 2-which I sadly failed at taking good care of :animeswea... at least [I]some[/I] of the episodes play, right? I have a small library of manga, just finished off my Fruit's Basket, and am starting to work on my even smaller anime library - just finished my InuYasha. Eh, you probably don't care and are simply asking "favorite anime?" Well I like 3: Hell Girl, Elfen Lied, and Junjou Romantica. I'm all for Yaoi and Yuri, even a little hentai, but it's more of a "I enjoy it when I come across it" than a "OMFG :o LOOK AT THEM!!! :animestun THEY'RE SO...SO... :animenose WOW!!! KAWAII!!! :catgirl:" so I'm not a fan girl lolz though I can act like one at times. Those are the times you know to just walk away haha If that's not enough for ya, I enjoy manga more than anime, but I have a bad habit of speeding through them. I'll finish one in like an hour then sit and mope about no longer having a new manga to read. Also, being a writer and all, I get WAY to into them. I don't normally cry, but besides that I get super emotional. Like this: "Why do I love her? I don't know - I just do. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She makes me happy, simple as that." Me: :animeshy: "InuYasha - OSWARI!!!/*scream* MIROKU, YOU PERVERT!!! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OOOOUT!!!" Me: :animesigh "This is my goal... I have to reach it... before it's all over... please... just this one thing... *reaching forward to lover's dead body* Please..." Me: :animecry: You get the point lolz but yeah I'll stop blabbing about myself now - stop wasting your time. *waves and runs away in slow motion into the sunset, turned toward you with a VERY corny smile* Until the next time we meet my friends! I hope to see you all again one-*hits tree*................*thumbs up* I'm ok...sort of...
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