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Everything posted by Devidramon

  1. Outside, Joe and Biyomon were having a battle of their own. ?Hey!? Joe shouted. A group of JSDF soldiers were wrapping steel cables to Zudomon?s hammer in order to take it away by helicopter. ?Cut that out! Zudomon needs it!? [i]How?d they get here so fast? There weren?t half that many on the way in![/i] ?Get outta here, kid,? one of them said. ?Hey, we?re not letting you take...? Biyomon started. The soldier responded by calmly raising his gun. ?You?re not [i]letting[/i] anything. You two are standing back over there, out of our way.? He motioned with the gun. Biyomon watched Joe and the lead soldier argue while the others continued attaching the hammer. She watched things go nowhere for a few minutes, and finally announced, ?Spiral Twister!? The corkscrewing flames disarmed the man, and a second shot broke one of the cables attached to the hammer. The helicopter, which had begun trying to lift it, jerked with the change in the weight. ?The hell?s going on down there!? shouted the voice of the helicopter pilot. The soldiers? guns were pointed at Biyomon and Joe again. A car stopped, and out stepped Sora and Mr. Takenouchi. ?Hey, you can?t stop here!? shouted one of the soldiers. Meanwhile, Biyomon took out a second cable holding up the giant hammer, causing it to crash to the ground with a [i]thoom.[/i] Brilliant yellow sparks flew from beneath it and the ground shook. ?Sora!? Biyomon shouted. ?There?s some kind of cat Digimon in there that I?ve never seen before! She?s a lot stronger than we are.? ?She?s called SaberNekomon,? Joe said. ?Tai called me about her before I headed for here. He says she?s easily as powerful as three Ultimates. We... don?t exactly have a plan as of yet.? ?The usual blindly rushing into things,? Biyomon added. ?Feels just like old times.? Sora sighed. ?Well, you know the drill, Biyomon.? Sora took out her digivice. ?Dad, you might want to get out the line of fire. We can take it from here.? ?I?ll never get used to this,? Mr. Takenouchi sighed. ?You be careful. I won?t be too far off if you need me.? ?Thanks, Dad. I love you.? Sora gave her father a quick hug. ?Don?t worry,? Biyomon said. ?I?ll protect her.? She looked back at the angry JSDF officers. ?This is going to be fun.? In short order, Garudamon was towering over the JSDF officers, With one hand, she reached down and plucked the helicopter out of the sky by its tail, and pulled it to eye level, looking into it. Then, slowly, she shook her head, and wagged her other finger. Then she released the helicopter and watched it flutter away until the pilots regained control. Then, with a gentle tug, she snapped the last cable attached to the hammer like a thread, easily lifted the hammer, and was back to the pet supply store with one small step. ?Mr. Nakajima, I?m so sorry about this,? she said to herself. ***** Zudomon was swinging futilely to hit SaberNekomon, but it was like trying to hit a fly in midair. It was nearly impossible, and she had no problem shaking of the few clumsy hits that did connect. Every third swing he took, she moved in close and slashed him. After a few minutes of this, she gave him four free swings, leapt in and gave him a good kick to the chest, and flipped back to a wall, to cling there with her feet and one hand. She made a big show of yawning. "Game over, walrus boy," she said once Zudomon was on his feet again. "Tigris Wave!" With her claws energized, she plunged straight towards Zudomon?s throat. Zudomon was trying to move out of the way, but she knew his neck wouldn?t be out of her claws? path by the time she reached it. In the half-second that remained, she thought about what a funny word "trajectory" was. [i]Hee hee.[/i] But, in one fourth of a second, a great wind took the roof right off of Nakajima?s and blew both her and Zudomon over several yards. Rubble fell towards the cats, who scattered to avoid it. SaberNekomon missed Zudomon?s neck by a matter of millimeters and sped past him, her claws burying themselves in a pillar. The explosion of energy turned the pillar into dust and sent her flying backwards, her hands feeling worse than her chest had when Zudomon?s hammer struck her. Her nerves [i]sang[/i] with pain. When she looked into the sky to see Garudamon beating her wings to generate the wind, the pain was was quickly replaced by rage. With a lion?s roar, she flung herself into the air, covering the distance between herself and Garudamon in a second. Garudamon dodged aside, but was too large to get herself completely out of harm?s way. Her body was out of SaberNekomon?s path, but one giant wing wasn?t, and SaberNekomon tore completely through it with her claws to land on Garudamon?s back. Garudamon howled in pain and flapped to dislodge the madwoman, but those damned claws held tight, digging in deep. Garudamon soared high into the air and performed a loop-the-loop and plunged straight down. Finally, she arrested her speed, letting the momentum tear SaberNekomon painfully off of her back, to fall back into Nakajima?s. Garudamon watched her fall. [i]Why can?t she attack from a distance like everybody else?[/i] "Wing Blade!" SaberNekomon heard her cry and saw the flaming bird flying towards her, talons outstretched, and realized with horror she was now in the middle of a group of cats. She flung herself upward again, to intercept the Wing Blade halfway to the ground, grinding her teeth as the flame roared over her. "Tigris Wave!" she shouted, flinging an X of energy from both claws. Garudamon, still flying downward, had enough momentum to zip out of its path. SaberNekomon landed again, in front of Zudomon, who had his hammer back now. Garudamon must have dropped it off nearby before attacking. [i]Stupid bird.[/i] SaberNekomon dropped to the floor and rolled between Zudomon?s legs. The hammer landed an inch behind her, shaking the ground. [i]I have to get the cats out of harm?s way first,[/i] SaberNekomon said. [i]This can wait.[/i] SaberNekomon meowed loudly, and the cats all began to retreat through a back door. "I?ll be [i]back[/i], you haven?t seen the [i]last[/i] of me, I?ll de[i]stroy[/i] you, and all that jazz," SaberNekomon said disinterestedly and with a hint of disgust. When the cats were all through the door, she followed them. "That was interesting," Zudomon said. "Ow." He held his aching head. Garudamon touched down in what was left of Nakajima?s. "Zudomon, you okay?" "Your wing!" Zudomon said, pointing. "It?ll heal," Garudamon said. "What about you?" "Just a headache," he said, trying not to show the pain from the slashes. "Man, I can?t wait to get back to Joe?s place. I?ll be in the pool for the next few hours." "I think we should try to set these shelves back up," Garudamon said. "We did trash most of Nakajima?s store with that fight." "Yeah, we should," Zudomon agreed instantly. "Definitely, it?d be the noble thing to do, and... and we... uh..." Zudomon trailed off, and quickly turned to hide his blush. Garudamon was, of course, completely oblivious. She had already begun setting shelves up, without a word. Zudomon stole a glance back at her, groaned in exasperation, and joined her in propping up overturned shelves. ***** "Are you still so proud of your little experiment, Myotismon?" the figure on the throne said. "Instead of killing her foes, she takes care of her precious little kitties. Did you create a warrior or a babysitter?" he mocked. "Provide an alternate plan and I shall implement it," Myotismon said as respectfully as possible. "For now, I?ll straighten her out." "Very well, Myotismon. "But..."Not waiting for the Ancient One?s parting threat, Myotismon bowed halfheartedly and clutched the artifact, and was back in the castle. He could only be polite for so long. His patience was wearing thin, and he?d never been the most patient Digimon in the world to begin with. [i]The plan, remember the plan,[/i] he growled. [I]He?ll get his soon enough if you don?t screw it up beforehand.[/I] Walking back into the castle proper, he encountered his right-hand mon, Mikemon. Mikemon was a calico version of Gatomon, with a more mischeivous look in his eyes. His ego surpassed that of even Myotismon himself, and he never went too long without extolling his own virtues. And he had the annoying habit of always speaking in third person. Myotismon wasn?t sure whether that was natural or affected. He suspected Mikemon did it just to annoy him. "How go the preparations?" Myotismon asked. "Mikemon?s gotcha covered," Mikemon answered. "The army?s ready to go. Mikemon got you some lean, mean fightin? machines called Cannondramon. They?ll nuke any resistance or your money back. Not that you ever pay Mikemon, but..." Mikemon trailed off. Neither Mikemon nor anyone else knew about the Ancient One. Myotismon wasn?t having anyone learning that there was someone above him, someone they could go to in order to get at him. That would be begging for trouble. All his people knew was that, were they to follow orders, they would be handsomely rewarded, and were they to disobey, they would be severely punished. "Good work, Mikemon," Myotismon said. "You just may be worthy of me after all." "That?s high praise coming from you, Myo." "How many times have I told you, [i]don?t call me Myo!"[/i] Mikemon frowned in concentration. "Uh, that?s two hundred and seventy-four, Myo." Mikemon disappeared down a corridor before Myotismon could throttle him. "Why do I keep him around?" Myotismon wondered aloud. "Why?" There were plenty of warriors Mikemon?s equal. He was strong, but Myotismon had Ultimates and Megas in his army. A Cerberumon worth his salt could wipe out five Mikemon on a bad day. Mikemon was a good planner and organizer, but even those weren?t extremely rare. Not a day went by that he didn?t think about using Mikemon for target practice and figuring out how to replace him later. But every time he started to wring the stupid little cat?s scrawny neck, a different image superimposed itself over Mikemon in his mind: A certain nearly-identical cat Digimon whose fur was pure white and whose eyes were blue. Someone he hated. Someone he loathed and despised like no other. And yet, that somehow made it impossible for Myotismon to go through with killing him. And once Mikemon realized it, he?d been getting away with murder. [I]You?ll pay for that, too, Gatomon.[/I]Myotismon let his path take him to the gate room, and he looked over the cards that he would use to bring the Ancient One back into the Digital World. For the short time that he?d be there. [I]Soon,[/I] he thought. [I]Soon this little game of ours will end, Ancient One. I?ll have my power back and then some and I won?t have to depend on you to survive. And you?ll go back to being nothing but a bad memory. No one is my master.[/I] Once he had his powers back, all to himself instead of on loan from the high-and-mighty ?Ancient One,? he was going to begin work on his hit list. His Ancientness would be the first to fall. From there, the remaining Digidestined. Then he?d put the army that the Ancient One had ordered mobilized to good use. He vowed that before twenty-four hours passed, he would stand atop Escher Castle and look as far as the eye could see, and would see nothing that didn?t belong to him. Myotismon summoned his bats, and had them make a window. Soon, he was looking at a foggy image of SaberNekomon... and more cats than he'd ever seen in one place before. "SaberNekomon?" Myotismon called. "I have a new assignment for you. I believe you'll find it... amusing." "Really?" SaberNekomon said, her ears perking up as she spun to face the window. ?What?? ?Think of it as a game of cat and mouse.?
  2. Sorry this took so long. With college and the other dimension arc of V2 (which I?ve got to have done before whoever?s doing the Millenniumon part gets around to releasing him) this took a lot longer than I?d planned to get out, but here it is. It?s a bit longer than the other parts. Ch. 5 Sora Takenouchi kicked the soccer ball for all she was worth. It sailed across the front yard of the Takenouchi house, to be stopped by her father. "Not bad," Mr. Takenouchi said, with one foot on top of the ball. Sora charged forward. "Not bad at all." Mr. Takenouchi gave the ball a solid kick, and it went straight between Sora's legs, past her faster than the eye could follow, and between the two rocks that they had set up as a goal. "How did you..." Sora said. "With practice." Mr. Takenouchi ruffled his daughter's hair. Sora's father was constantly working, and rarely had time for simple things like a game of soccer in the front yard. Sora treasured every moment of times like this. "You just got lucky!" she shouted as she ran to get the ball and started to drive it back across the yard. She gave it a good, hard kick to send it over her father's head. She grinned as she watched him chase after it, and moved into position to take whatever he could throw at her. From nowhere, she felt an icy fist around her heart, so suddenly that she stopped in her tracks and gasped. At the same time, her digivice began beeping. Focusing on the feeling that warned her when Biyomon was in danger, she closed her physical eyes and tried to see with her mind's eye, in hopes of finding her. [i]Which way, I just need the direction...[/i] "Look out!" her father shouted. An instant later, the soccer ball slammed into Sora's face, and she was so stunned she fell over. "Oh, man. Sora, are you all right? I didn't mean to, you just zoned out and..." "Biyomon! She needs me, she's in some kind of trouble, we've got to go, we've got to find her, we..." "Whoa! Slow down. Where is she right now?" "I don't know, the feeling, it doesn't tell me that..." she took out her Digivice. It was rather unhelpfully flashing digital symbols in red. She began pushing buttons at random. [i]Come on, you stupid tamagotchi, I need something I can use...[/i] One random combination of buttons caused the world around her to be blotted out, and there was a flash of... somewhere else. A store of some kind, a store that had been ransacked. And then it was all gone. [i]Remember, Sora! Remember! Where?![/i] She'd seen a glimpse of writing on the walls, but just a glimpse. "Uh, sweetie, you were glowing. Is that normal?" "Nakajima's!" Sora shouted. "It said Nakajima?s. Do you know what that is?" "I think that's a pet supply store not far from Highton View Terrace. Is that where Biyomon is?" "It has to be. Look, if she's in danger, I need to..." "I understand," Mr. Takenouchi said. After a pause, he added, "I'll give you a ride down there, if that's what you need." ?Thanks,? Sora sighed with relief. She was never sure how her parents would take her needing to rush off on Digidestined business. They were always pretty good about it, but there was always a part of her that said [I]Yeah, right. ?A bird from another world?s probably under attack from some giant city-wrecking creature. Would you mind driving me to ground zero?? Sure, they?ll buy that.[/I] Soon, Sora and her father were underway, speeding down the quickest route to Highton View Terrace. ?Don?t worry, Sora, we?ll get there in time,? Mr. Takenouchi said. ?Thanks for understanding.? ?Hey, you kids stopped Myotismon when everybody else was clueless. I?d much rather you be at home and not involved in any of this, but I know you know what you?re doing, and that nobody else can do it, so, the best thing to do is to be a help and not a hindrance.? [i]Um, we usually [u]don?t[/u] know what we?re doing.[/i] ?Thanks, Daddy.? ***** [I]What have you gotten yourself into this time, Gomamon?[I] Joe Kido wondered as he stopped at Nakajima?s Pet Supply Warehouse, leaving his motorcycle near the front. [AN: *[i]cough[/i] first VenomMyotismon episode [i]cough[/i]*] He came inside to see Biyomon and Bukamon trying to struggle their way free of a feline army. [I]Oh, boy.[/I] ?Bukamon, I?m here!? Joe shouted as his digivice came to life. ?Bukamon digivolve to? Gomamon!? Gomamon thrashed and tossed some of the cats away, but there were still enough clinging to him to do damage. ?Marching Fishes!? Gomamon called. The colored fish appeared in the air and flew past Gomamon and Biyomon. The cats, whose hunger hadn?t yet been sated, turned to chase after the fish. ?Spoilsport.? Joe spun around in time to get a glimpse of the cat girl that gave him a hard shove, sending him flying into one of the overturned shelves. She popped a green fish into her mouth and walked towards him. ?Hey!? Gomamon shouted. SaberNekomon wondered if Gomamon meant the fish or walking towards his partner, but she realized she didn?t care. ?I suppose you?re here to stop the evil Digimon from her senseless rampage and all that jazz? Let?s see what you?ve got.? ?I... uh...? Joe stammered, knowing who he was dealing with and how easily she could break him in two. And it was his anticipation of being snapped in two that saved him. ?Gomamon digivolve to... Ikkakumon!? One stamp on the ground convinced the cats to give him and Biyomon some room. ?Harpoon Torpedo!? SaberNekomon was, of course, unaffected by the blasts. But, knowing that the other cats weren?t that strong, she decided to take the battle outside. But she just couldn?t resist first tossing Ikkakumon into the base of the last standing shelf, knocking it over on top of him. After taking a second to enjoy the sight of Ikkakumon half-buried in dog dishes, she leapt through the window and landed in a crouch, letting Ikakkumon?s two Harpoon Torpedoes sail over her. Not that she had to dodge, but it was more fun if she did. She leapt into the air and out of Ikkakumon?s sight, and didn?t come back down. ?When I get my hands on her...? Ikkakumon seethed. ?Joe?? ?Right,? Joe said. With a bit of concentration that was easier each time, he forced down the part of him that was worried about the psycho kitty that was probably waiting to pounce on him and tried to think about something reliability related. [i]Gotta do this... world needs us, we?ve got to find her before she can do any more damage... where?s that crest power... ah, there we go.[/i] ?Ikkakumon digivolve to... Zudomon!? Zudomon cautiously walked out, at least as cautiously a giant animal can smash his way through a wall. He was careful to stick his head out first, looking up. [i]Does she really think I?m dumb enough to just come running out of...[/i] his train of thought stopped when he realized that she was indeed not above him. He held his hammer above his head, ready to smash, and rose to his full impressive height, looking over the roof of the building. He did see news crews coming closer and police leading people away, but his foe was nowhere to be found. He groaned, and wondered briefly how well it would go over with the others if he collected Joe and Biyomon, waved goodbye to the nice kitties, and left them to their meal. If that psycho chick was anything like the cat she resembled, she?d leave soon enough when she got bored, and her entourage would go with her. Nah. But it was nice to think about. ***** ?Biyomon, are you okay?? Joe said, kneeling to the pink bird?s eye level. ?More or less,? Biyomon groaned. ?I hate cats.? She flapped to land on his shoulder as he went to look for a phone to call the others. ?What about Gatomon?? Joe said. ?She?s a Digimon. Cat Digimon are okay. Those things...? Biyomon said, pointing at the feasting cats with one wing, ?I?d rather go another round with Myotismon.? ?Will I do?? a friendly voice inquired. Joe spun around to find razor-sharp claws at his throat and gasped. SaberNekomon giggled at the expression on Joe?s face, but the claws remained where they were. ?Really hate to do this now, just like that, with no drama, but you?re messing with our mealtime. So, adios... [i]aaargh!?[/i] The sharp end of Zudomon?s chrome digizoid hammer struck her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her and sending her flying. The cats hissed at Zudomon, but made no move to attack, and drew back once the hammer returned to him. ?What?s the matter?? Zudomon challenged. ?You?ll attack defenseless humans, but not me?? SaberNekomon clenched her teeth. She pressed her hand to her chest, and it came away bloody. She?d taken beatings before, but only now did she realize she could actually be hurt. [i]Okay, so I take that hammer seriously. Better end this fast.[/i] ?If I must,? she said in answer to Zudomon?s question. And, like lightning, she was up and flying footfirst into Zudomon?s chest. Zudomon fell backwards through what was left of the wall. SaberNekomon spun, kicking the hammer away from Zudomon and out into the street, and bringing the ball of her foot back down on his arm, pinning it against the floor. She tried to not to show that her foot was still smarting. [i]Okay, we do not kick chrome digizoid.[/i] She was getting very frustrated with this encounter. Where was that stupid human, anyway? She knew that killing him would remove the threat Zudomon presented with the least risk to the cats. But he was nowhere to be found. How mean. Oh, well. If she was careful, she could still dispatch Zudomon without hurting the other cats. That?d be more fun anyway. She turned back to Zudomon, and felt the pain from her wound. Her eyes narrowed. Yes, she was [i]so[/i] going to enjoy this. Zudomon threw a punch, but SaberNekomon deflected it and pulled, bringing Zudomon down, falling towards her. Rolling onto her back, she deftly positioned her feet between herself and his body, and kicked. She was rewarded with the satisfying crunch of the breaking of the cans Zudomon had landed on, the same ones he?d been half buried in before. [i]This is more like it![/i] She kicked his feet out from under him as he tried to stand again. It was quickly obvious that, while his hammer was made of chrome digizoid, he was no stronger than her other foes. She wished she didn?t have to be so careful with the cats so close. What she wouldn?t do to be able to give him a proper thrashing. Zudomon rolled onto his back and spun, his horn sweeping SaberNekomon?s legs out from under her. When she went careening into a pile of boxes of dog snacks, she giggled as if it was a carnival ride as she got back up and flipped into the air. Zudomon stood as quickly as he could, and reached for the cat girl in midair. SaberNekomon landed on top of his closed fist and jumped toward his head, landing a snap kick to the base of his skull. Zudomon saw stars. SaberNekomon landed in a dramatic pose and patiently waited for him to get up again. The cats were moving closer to watch the battle, and SaberNekomon wished that she could cut loose and put on a real show. Oh, well. There were seven more where he came from. ?Arrivederci, walrus boy.?
  3. I liked the Zeo costumes best (except those faceplates.) And Jetman had neat masks. I'd like to see JAKQ in action, though. They sounded cool. Goldar and Scorpina have a child? What must s/he look like? And I wonder what kid of parents ten-thousand-year-old villains make. "I told you [i]not[/i] to use your monster form in the house! You can never get the acid burns out of the carpet!" "Next time you turn your brother into a Galactabeast, you're grounded!" Is Gaoranger better or worse than Wild Force? Say, notice that when the Shadow Rangers first appear, they have those sashes that the Rangers wear for about two seconds, then the sashes are gone in the next scene (and for the rest of the eps?)
  4. I missed it too, but ABC Family is one week behind ABC proper, so whatever happened, all we have to do is wait a week.
  5. Hey, Shaun, that's post number 666 for you. [Low, sinister laughter is heard waaay in the background]
  6. Right here. But not in color.
  7. [i]Does he never quit?[/i] Guilmon thought. Parallelmon was lapping up Wavemakers one after another. Finally, Guilmon spotted the fading light that Takato had been caught in. Guilmon didn?t want to leave Sandiramon, Vikaralamon, and the others behind to face Parallelmon, but he knew he couldn?t leave Takato alone wherever he was. He swam into the light. Big mistake. After a quick trip through the worst rollercoaster ride ever, he found himself lying on the ground before a horde of Armormon. One of the heavily armed cyborg centaurs wasted no time in hoisting him up and hauling him away. ?The boss?ll want to see this,? Guilmon?s captor told the leader. ?Go ahead, take him,? the leader said. ?But be quick about it.? The Armormon galloped away from the rest of the army, over long and uneven terrain. Even in the intense heat, the cyborg Digimon never tired. Eventually, as he was running, a boy in a red Crimson Mode-themed outfit and carrying a scepter appeared in front of them. He looked like Takato and smelled like Takato, but he didn?t [i]feel[/i] like Takato. The connection Guilmon always felt with Takato wasn?t there. ?Sir, I thought you might be interested in this,? the Armormon said, dropping Guilmon at not-quite-Takato?s feet. ?Interesting,? the Digimon Overlord said, examining Guilmon.
  8. I wasn?t going to, but I just got a really good idea. But with the Ryo AU arc (whose ending depends on Millenniumon still being where he is so I?ve got to finish it before whoever?s working on the Millenniumon part gets around to releasing him) and my long-neglected other story, I doubt I?ll be able to work this arc to completion, so somebody?s got to be ready to pick it up. But, plunge poor Taka into a heap o? trouble? Don?t mind if I do. I?ll leave plenty to work with. Oh, and the latest incidental-character-turned-Tamer is Miki, Jeri?s [i]other[/i] friend. She has purple hair and looks like she could be related to Henry. Like Ayaka, you see Miki most often when their class is all together. She sometimes gets a line or two. People and things I?m too lazy to describe: [url=http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Toys/1281/web-digimon/bo-784.jpg]AncientIrismon[/url] [url=http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Toys/1281/web-digimon/bo-757.jpg]Cannondramon[/url] [url=http://dma.digiexperience.net/stands/Bandai/Armormon.jpg]Armormon[/url] [url=http://www.geocities.co.jp/AnimeComic-White/9996/web-digimon/st-433.jpg]Digimental of Darkness[/url] Miki Nakajima: [url=http://www.digimonxp.com/fet/Jason/227.jpg]Chasing Terriermon[/url] [url=http://www.digimonxp.com/fet/Jason/230.jpg](On the far right)[/url] [url=http://www.digiexperience.net/03pics/10641.jpg](On the left, in the second row)[/url] Unfortunately, two of the three Miki screencaps are from the Runaway Express movie so they don't look like her. She's not [i]supposed[/i] to look like a shorter Kari. ***** ?Whaaaaah!? Takato Matsuki screamed. He didn?t know what part of the Twilight Zone he was in, but he knew it didn?t like him. The light was too bright to see what was around him, but what his body was going through was a cross between freefalling and being at the end of a giant whip that an equally giant person was cracking. Finally, the light discarded Takato and he found himself on solid ground, the desert that he and his friends? first trip to the Digital World had landed him in. In the distance, a battle was going on. HighAndromon, Sakuyamon, MarineAngemon, MegaGargomon, and a female plant- and bird-themed Digimon he didn?t recognize were battling it out against a group of armored lizards who were firing shells from a distance. Takato instinctively reached for his Digivice. The armored lizards were Cannondramon, Megas like their opponents. The biomerges, he recognized, except for one. He held up his digivice again, and it identified the last one as AncientIrismon, a Mega as well. He stared at the bikini-clad woman on the Digivice screen. [i]Whoa, she sure doesn?t [u]look[/u] ancient.[/i] Then he remembered Jeri, and that he shouldn?t be thinking like that. AncientIrismon spoke to MegaGargomon, and Takato recognized one of her voices. It was familiar, but he couldn?t remember where he?d heard it. Suddenly, something threw onto his front rather viciously, and he was turned over onto his front with a spiked boot that tore into his side. ?Aargh!? he shouted, clutching the heavily-bleeding wound. He found himself staring down gun barrels, and the guns were wielded by Beelzemon. He was in his wingless, Corona Blaster-less form, and the demon bike Behemoth was standing not far away, with Ai and Mako on either side of it. ?Ya got some nerve showin? yer face here,? Beelzemon said. ?And it?s fixin? t?get blown off fer yer trouble.? ?B-beelzemon? What?s going on?? ?What?s goin? on is it?s over, pal. Mr. big, bad Digimon Overlord, think yer so tough now? Say goodbye, you stinkin? pile o?... huh?? A human-sized column of red particles [i]whooshed[/i] into existence just beyond them and formed into Takato Matsuki. Or at least, [i]a[/i] Takato Matsuki. The Digimon Overlord?s resemblence to Takato stopped with the goggles. Even the face held a contemptuous scowl that Takato had never worn. He wore a costume similar to Gallantmon Crimson Mode?s armor, only with jagged edges that looked more menacing despite not being metal. He carried a large scepter whose end split into twisted tendrils that held a glowing crystal in place. It looked like the Digimental of Darkness minus its stand. He wore his Digivice on his wrist so that he would be able to slash cards despite the scepter. The gigantic Digimon that appeared at the Overlord?s side was also familiar in a twisted way. It was Megidramon. He was waiting patiently, watching to see what his Overlord would do next. Around Megidramon?s wrist was a red version of a Dark Spiral. ?Who are you?? he said to Takato, activating his Digivice. The hologram was blank. ?You?re not a Digimon? Interesting.? ?Not as interesting as this,? Beelzemon said. ?Double...? Without the Overlord?s moving or even glancing at Beelzemon, the sphere on his scepter glowed and struck Beelzemon in the stomach with a bolt of red lightning. Beelzemon crumpled to the ground in agony. ?Beelzemon!? shouted Ai and Mako. Behemoth?s engine revved as if the motorcycle was growling. ?Never interrupt me,? the Overlord said, his full attention still focused on Takato. ?Once again, who are you? I will not ask a third time.? His scepter glowed dangerously. ?Takato Matsuki,? Takato answered, not knowing what else to say. The Overlord?s scepter fired a bolt of red lightning that exploded at Takato?s feet, causing him to stumble backwards and fall back to the ground. ?A real answer. I won?t miss this time.? [i]I doubt he?ll buy the Parallelmon story.[/i] ?I got sucked up by a data stream. I don?t know why you look like me.? ?I was watching from my monitor, and that light was no data stream. Never, [i]never,[/i] lie to me.? The scepter glowed again, and a small tendril of red lightning licked Takato?s arm. There was half a second?s delay, and suddenly fire ripped through his veins. Takato convulsed on the ground, screaming hoarsely. It lasted an eternity that was really three seconds. Three seconds in which Takato prayed for death. ?That was level two. Level ten will produce the same effect in one of them.? The Overlord jerked a thumb at the Cannondramon who were locked in combat with the biomerges. ?You will answer truthfully or you will be its first human subject.? ?Okay... okay. Parallelmon... para... under the ocean...? he managed to say before fainting. ?A Parallelmon?? the Overlord mused. ?I thought they were just a legend. I?ll have to take you back to the lab to see what I can find out about you.? He reached to pick up Takato. ?Storm Gazer!? Lightning rained from the sky from a focal point and struck the Overlord, throwing him from Takato. A sword fell from the focal point of the lightning, and AncientIrismon reclaimed it. Megidramon turned his head and launched a blast of flame at AncientIrismon. She floated above it gracefully and struck at Megidramon with her sword. Megidramon roared and struck with his tail, knocking her to the ground. Beelzemon, who was no longer under the scepter?s painful influence but had been laying low as he awaited his chance, executed a perfect back kick, his foot snapping out to slam Megidramon in the chest, in exactly the same manner that a different Beelzemon had beaten a different Megidramon a world away. But while that Beelzemon had just loaded a lot of data, this one hadn?t, and Megidramon leapt back up and took aim with his fire breath to punish Beelzemon. But he wasn?t given the chance to administer the punishment, as the Overlord growled and a yellow bolt of lightning stabbed out from his scepter. While the red one had caused pain, this one exploded against Beelzemon, causing him to go flying head over heels and devolve back to Impmon. Behemoth drove forward of its own free will, stopping for Impmon to get on, and took him back to Ai and Mako. Unlike a similar motorcycle in another world, it did not drive him mad. With Impmon out of the way, AncientIrismon could fire more freely. ?Storm Gazer!? She threw her sword into the sky, and the sky responded with lightning, one stream heading for Megidramon and the other heading for the Overlord. The Overlord raised his scepter and it attracted the lightning, which spattered off of it in small streams. ?Stay out of this,? he said, firing the yellow bolt at her. When it struck her, she was flung to the ground, and separated into a purple-haired girl and a Palmon. Takato struggled awake, his head throbbing. He saw the Overlord raising his scepter over Palmon and Miki. [i]So that?s where I?ve heard the voice. Jeri?s friend Miki.[/i] Takato knew that his mad double?s staff held a great power, but he didn?t know if the Overlord himself was any stronger than a normal human. He had to take the chance, as his heart wouldn?t let him allow someone else to go through that kind pain if he could stop it. He forced himself to his feet and leapt at this world?s Tamers? foe, tackling him. The Overlord grappled with him, proving that, while his scepter could take down a Mega, he himself was not superhuman. However, he was stronger than Takato, who had regained consciousness less than a full minute ago and hadn?t fully recovered from the scepter?s torture or from his ill treatment by Beelzemon when he?d first arrived. The Overlord pinched Takato?s torn side, stopping him in his tracks, and a solid punch to the jaw extinguished his lights once more. He began to toss Takato over his shoulder. Suddenly, Behemoth surged forward and nearly slammed into the Overlord. He leapt back, dropping Takato. Behemoth was hot on his tail once more, and was easily avoiding the blasts from his scepter. The Overlord ran, only to trip over a rock. The cursed motorcycle barrelled toward him, showing no signs of stopping. ?Epsilon-gamma-four-two-six!? the Overlord cried. With a [i]whoosh[/i] and a cloud of red particles, he vanished an instant before Behemoth roared threw the spot where he had just been. Megidramon vanished as well. Behemoth?s engine revved again, sounding for all the world like a growl of frustration, and stopped. The other biomerges arrived, having missed all the action. ?The Cannondramon took off,? MegaGargomon said. ?What happened here? Who?s that?? ?He?s...? Miki said. ?You won?t believe this, but he?s Takato. Not Overlord Takato, but a different one. He says someone called Parallelmon brought him here.? The skyscraper-sized robot glowed and vanished, leaving behind Henry and Terriermon. It never ceased to amaze Miki that the skinny Henry and tiny Terriermon became that powerful living fortress. ?What happened to him?? Henry asked, kneeling to shake Takato. Takato didn?t move. ?The Overlord happened to him. He showed up while you guys were battling the Cannondramon. He didn?t like Takato?s answers, so...? Miki let Henry do the math. ?Gotcha,? Henry said, wincing sympathetically. ?We?d better get him out of here so we can sort this out. Let?s head back to the Dark Area so we can figure out our next move.? Palmon picked Takato up with her vines and stepped into Miki, and soon AncientIrismon was carrying him into the sky to follow the others. Henry took one last look over the battlefield, and Terriermon interrupted his solemn thoughts. ?You gonna stand around all day, or are we going home?? Terriermon said. ?I?m hungry.? Henry chuckled and came as close as this incarnation of him ever came to smiling. He and Terriermon re-biomerged and flew after the others. ***** ?You sure we should be helping him?? Rika said. ?I mean, he?s Takato Matsuki. Even if he?s not the same one, if one can go Overlord, so can this one.? ?We don?t know that,? Henry said. ?If his story is true, for all we know, he?s from a world where [i]Terriermon?s[/i] the Overlord, you and I live in New York City, and Suzie?s a Tamer. Until we know more, we?ve got to give him the benefit of the doubt.? Miki chuckled as she walked in. ?Suzie a Tamer? I?d like to see that. Is you-know-who awake yet?? ?Not yet.? Takato began to stir, and his eyes flickered open. ?Or maybe he is. Guys, he?s awake!? Henry called. The other Tamers and Digimon came in one at a time. ?Not sho loud,? Takato mumbled, lisping slightly. ?Miki? You?re a tamer?? Miki looked away, and Henry took charge. ?Yes, she is. Takato, if that?s who you are, would you mind telling us what happened to you?? ?Not yet,? Henry said. ?Give him a chance to get back on his feet.? Once he felt he was up to the task, and had worked out what had happened to him and where he was now, Takato recounted the tale of the encounter with Parallelmon, and what had led him to that point, and in return, Henry recounted the tale of the boy who had seemed like a nice kid and was a great artist, but had slowly developed a sadistic streak and would become insanely obsessed with getting what he wanted, each thing on an individual basis. He became enraged every time he was denied, and could be scary at times. Then came the day he was taken to the Digital World, and had discovered the Digimental of Darkness, and the power it gave him to force what he wanted out of the world. Using its magical power, he had forced Guilmon to warp digivolve to Mega, permanently transforming him into Megidramon. To control him, he had created the Crimson Spiral, and soon mass-produced it and used it to control Digimon. His actions? resemblence to the Digimon Emperor was a complete coincidence, as [i]Digimon Adventure[/i] had never aired. However, a show called Digimon Frontier was beginning. Kenta had been absolutely livid at having to leave for the Digital World the day before the series premiere. ?Wow,? Takato said. ?I could never imagine that one of me could do that. I used to think about other worlds, and I?d see myself as a famous artist, or beating Rika in a card tournament...? ?Not happening, gogglehead,? Rika interjected. ?...but I never saw myself as some sadistic sociopath.? Yet, even as he said it, he remembered the Megidramon incident. His dark side could be quite the destructive force. Overlord Takato simply let that rage out more often and for all the wrong reasons. Takato sighed. ?How many of you Tamers are there?? he asked at length. ?Our team?s me and Terriermon, Rika and Renamon, Miki and Palmon, Kazu and Gardromon, Kenta and MarineAngemon, and Ai, Mako, and Impmon,? answered Henry. ?Sorry ?bout the rough treatment, kid,? Impmon said. ?I didn?t know you wasn?t th? guy.? ?No problem. If I?d thought I was dealing with that Overlord character, I?d do the same thing.? Takato?s hand strayed to his bandaged side. ?Say, do you know Ryo, Jeri, the Devas...? ?I used to go to school with a kid named Ryo Akiyama, before the Digital World,? Kazu said. ?Man, he?d have loved to be here. He?s got every Digimon card known to man.? ?I haven?t heard any Devas,? Renamon said, ?but my people tell tales of a band of twelve warriors.? Miki spoke, hesitantly. ?And Jeri... well, she?s not here.? Before Takato could inquire further, Henry asked Takato if he was hungry, and sent Rika to get some food for him. Takato was surprised to see Rika do as asked without question. His Rika would probably have told Henry to ?get it yourself, what do I look like, a waitress?? but this one was less antagonistic, though very much still Rika. She still radiated the same ?Get in my way. I dare you.? aura. Perhaps this team was more structured than his, with Henry as the leader? He had trouble picturing Henry shouting orders like a general. Then again, his Henry was smart enough, and had been right about Queen Plesiomon. ?While you?re here, you?ll have to be careful,? Henry said. ?The world outside the Dark Area belongs to the Overlord. We call it the Dark Area because something about this place makes it a hole in his network. This complex is the only place we can defend against him. Out there, you [i]will[/i] get picked off, especially without... Guilmon, is it?? Takato nodded sadly. It tore at him to know nothing of his partner?s situation. Last he knew of Guilmon was the dinosaur Digimon calling his name as Parallelmon?s extradimensional sideswipe was yanking Takato out of Guilmon?s grasp and into this world. ?So, don?t go outside the complex unless you have to, and don?t go outside the Dark Area, period. And while you?re here, [i]please[/i] don?t push any buttons unless someone tells you what it does first. Etemon said he?d ?burn me like a blank CD? if we screw up his equipment again.? ?Hey, it [i]looked[/i] like the stereo!? Kenta protested. ?Besides, we only blew up [i]one[/i] fuel tank,? Kazu added. Rika, coming from behind, swatted them both in the back of the head before handing Takato a bizarre-looking substance on a plate. Takato made a face. ?It?s good, I promise,? Rika assured him. ?Anyway, we?ll let you rest now. You?ve had a rough past few hours.? Henry and other Tamers began to walk out. Takato laughed at Kazu and Kenta?s antics. [i]The more things change...[/i] He stuck a spoonful of the translucent grayish goop into his mouth, prepared for the worst. [i]Hey, this stuff?s actually pretty good.[/i] ***** When Takato finished eating and found his way to the kitchen, he wound up running into Miki and Palmon on the way out, literally. He?d tripped over Palmon, causing him to fall into Miki and knock her over like a domino. After apologizing to them both and feeling rather stupid for a few seconds, he decided to ask Miki what had happened to this world?s Jeri Katou. Miki sighed, closing her eyes for a few moments, and Palmon looked at her partner sympathetically, but said nothing. ?I miss her so much,? Miki finally said. ?Takato, our Takato, loved her, but she didn?t love him. How could she; he was totally obsessive! And then he became the Overlord, and tried to impress her with his control over the Digimon, and that only made her disgusted with him. And when he...? she swallowed hard. ?When he doesn?t get what he wants...? her eyes filled with tears, and she didn?t continue. She didn?t need to. Takato had personally experienced what happened when his counterpart got angry, and his vivid imagination filled in the scene of this world?s Jeri?s last moments all too easily and all too clearly. Takato?s eyes filled with tears as well, and he tried to force the image from his mind. ?You really aren?t him, are you?? Miki said, seeing his wet eyes. ?I don?t think our Takato knows what sympathy even is. Do you know Jeri in your world?? ?Uh, yeah,? Takato said, blushing slightly. ?She?s part of the team I?m on.? Miki gathered from the blush that she was more than a teammate. ?You wouldn?t hurt her, would you?? ?No way. And I?d die before I?d let anything happen to her.? Miki nodded, satisfied that this Takato and the Overlord weren?t the same beyond the face, and took some comfort in the fact that at least the other Jeri had fared well. ?That?s good. I?ll try to keep in mind that you aren?t the same Takato. Do you know me?? ?Not really well. You [i]seem[/i] nice. You?re always with Jeri and this girl with pigtails that acts like a younger version of Rika.? Miki laughed. ?Yeah, that?s Ayaka, all right.? She became serious again. ?I hope she?s okay. First we lose Jeri, then I have to go to the Digital World for good once the gates started shutting down... I hope she?s not all alone.? For once, Takato had nothing to say. Suddenly, an alarm blared. ?Hey, Digi-Twerps!? Etemon?s voice sounded over the intercom. ([i]He?s even worse than the show,[/i] Takato thought.) ?You?d better be steppin? lively, uh-huh-huh! The rat in red?s doin? an encore in sector alpha-theta-two-four-nine!? Miki sighed. ?Does he never quit??
  9. Donkey Kong was the first game with Mario? Anyway, that was a neat game. Though the original NES one with Duck Hunt will always hold a special place in my heart. I'd play it for hours and hours, and would even draw my own levels on paper. What I wouldn't give for an editor for it.
  10. It [i]is[/i] from Japan, same as any anime, and has been going on there since the seventies. (A recent episode of Gaoranger featured several past characters, including "The Big One," someone who hasn't shown up since JAKQ, back in '77.)
  11. I was wondering what had happened to him. And there's nothing wrong with Blizzard Masters. Heh, a nice IceDevimon. I wasn't expecting that. I wonder how Magnadramon will fare in that kind of cold. Does she have fur? I could never tell from her card, and we all know how the movie's animation was... somewhat lacking.
  12. To me, the evil rangers are a tradition. There [i]must[/i] be a sixth Ranger, there [i]must[/i] be villains trying to backstab or one-up each other, and there [i]must[/i] be a team of evil Rangers. They'll never top the Psycho Rangers, though. Only thing I didn't like about the Shadow Rangers was the way that hitting your shadow self hits you. That means no good battle because the Rangers' hands are tied. They did a pretty good job with shadow Onikage, though. I think they had Onikage go through all the real Onikage's moves during the day and the shadow Onikage's moves at dusk. And yet, it looked just like they were actually hitting each other. Kudos to the folks who worked on that.
  13. One time, they got sent into another dimension where they had to face evil opposites. It was either then or the time they got stuck in those mirrors. But they did have to face bad Rangers in one of the spare dimensions that PR villains always seem to have lying around.
  14. Or Lost Galaxy. It was kind of anticlimactic when Kendrix pretty much says "Hi! I'm inexplicably alive again!" Or Digimon Adventure, where [i]all[/i] Digimon return to the eggs upon death so 'death' isn't 'death,' it's a minor inconvenience because it's never permanent. I don't think Onikage was ever easy to beat, just that the Pegasus Megazord's a superstrong formation (and if the Lion's gone back to normal, we probably won't see Pegasus again.) And since the shadows only care about killing the originals, it makes sense that the shadow Onikage would go down as easily as the Rangers blasted him: he wasn't paying attention to the Rangers or trying to defend against them, it was the real Onikage he was after. What I can't swallow, though, is why Onikage would try to make a shadow Jindrax instead of just killing Jindrax on his own. Shadow Jindrax would only be as strong as Jindrax, while Onikage's much stronger. What I also can't swallow is that Jindrax would go back just to give his little speech. He knows Master Org's stronger than him, he knows Onikage's stronger than him, and he goes back to face both just to rant at them, though he's spent half the episode running from them? One more reminder that, no matter how good they make an ep, Wild Force is still Wild Force. :p They also did a really good job with the splicing this time. Try as I might, I could never figure where the US footage ends and the sentai footage begins. Yeah, I'd definitely leave Toxica dead and her death would be Jindrax's motivation. Think the Magna Defender and Zika. Toxica vs. Shayla was hilarious. Her lousy acting (though it's got to be intentional. Nobody's that bad accidentally.) interspersed with Matrix moves... I was rolling. And Toxica can shapeshift? I thought she just had her real form and her human form (the one from the premiere.) Can all Duke Orgs do that?
  15. This is the place for this, right? Anyway, pleeeze? Anyway, there are enough fans of the show to warrant a section. Just try it for a while or something...
  16. I was going to wait to see if anyone had seen it before talking about it. It was a great episode. For a season that started so horribly, I'm amazed. One awesome episode after another. It's almost the same rollercoaster ride Space was... well, I wouldn't go that far. But it's more exciting and interesting than it's been in a very, very long time. First, Toxica and Jindrax. They were the main event. I can't believe she'd actually go as far as cutting off her horn just to get back in Mandilok's good graces. Now I see why they kept her and Jindrax out of Unfinished Business. If she'd seen what happened to Zen-Aku when he lost his horn, she'd have known better. Remember how he was as weak as a kitten and one good poke to the chest made him come down like a sand castle? Man, I nearly cried when Toxica died. That was the saddest moment in the show. (Yeah, the preview for next week suggests that she's coming back, but I didn't know that at the time, and it was really sad.) And now, I got to really hate Mandilok. Not the way I used to hate him, as the most annoying person ever to appear on the show from Day of the Dumpster to this very moment, but as a character whose guts you can actually hate. This was [i]not[/i] the Mandilok who did nothing but talk about food. I didn't think he'd ever get to the point of being respectable as an actual villain. I knew he had it in him. Still, I was [i]not[/i] sad to see him go. I was sad, however, to see Onikage go. He was awesome. And I've got new respect for Dan Woren. Good evil voices are rare, and he's just about perfect. The only thing I'd heard him in before Zen-Aku (before he left and Lex Lang took the job) and now Onikage was Mimi's dad in Digimon, and it wasn't remarkable. He wasn't bad, but he didn't stand out. He stood out as Onikage. And the character himself: He was devious, he was cunning, he had an impressive bag of tricks, he didn't fight stupidly but he kicked butt when he did fight... Onikage's the man. The org. Whatever. And he's got the villainous-honorable thing going, saluting Cole's tactic to of beating him. (Which made me grit my teeth at Cole for bragging. [Thwacks Cole] You don't do that!) The blind-following element was interesting. The way Toxica and Jindrax used to follow Master Org, and when they figured out who Master Org really was, they didn't figure out how to take him on themselves, say, go find a bunch of normal orgs, or put several spirits into one object to make a super org like Tombstone Org, or something else [i]they'd[/i] be in control of, they went to find a new leader. Onikage used their blind following of their leaders against them, but he was just as blindly following Master Org. "I live to serve." I was yelling at Onikage (not yelling, but actually saying out loud. Rare I do that about a show.) "What do you think he'll do to you if when he decides he doesn't need you?!" I mean, this guy uses their blind loyalty against them, all the while following the same blind loyalty, but just to someone else. I wonder if Master Org told him to cut off his own horn, would he? If I'd been writing this, Jindrax would turn against the Orgs but not join the Rangers. Become a Magna Defender-like enemy-of-enemy but not real ally. Onikage would become Master Org's right-hand monster, and his ninjas would be the grunts (no Toxica, no Putrids.) And I remember saying just a few days ago that every team had faced evil Rangers except for the Wild Force gang. And today we get Shadow Rangers. (The Zeo gang didn't, but each member of the Zeo rangers except Rocky either had or would face an evil opposite.) Finally, the Wild Force gang gets their turn. And that Pegasus Megazord was shweet. Anyway, I can't wait for next week. I never thought I'd say that about Wild Force, but it's a regular occurence now. I hope Ninja Storm's this intense.
  17. I have returned! MUA-HA-HA-HA! Unfortunately, I was doing this really fast and not on enough sleep, so this is by FAR not my best work. Anyway, a few things to know (I'm the only one who has to do ANs before posting.) This is part of the other dimension thing. Picks up where the last part left off. I'm calling Antylamon by the Japanese name because after starting to type Antiramon and going back to change it to Antylamon over and over and over, I just said 'what the heck' and used Antiramon 'cause it's what I'm used to. So, if you didn't already know, remember: Antiramon=Antylamon. And Crystal Fire doesn't do here what it did in the show for a good reason: [url=http://store3.yimg.com/I/getcollecting_1704_21368013]This[/url] is the Fire Crystal card. When Rika said "Crystal Fire, activate," the card she used was nothing like that. It looked more like some kind of chip. And the effect it had was later done [i]without[/i] any card. Amidst the confusion, I get to make my own description for the [i]actual[/i] Fire Crystal card. If you can't buy that, then I take the "It's another dimension" defense, and one of the myriad differences is that Crystal Fire is called Fire Crystal and does something totally different. ===== ?Spiral Twister!? ?Kahuna Waves!? ?Ice Prism!? Biyomon?s, MarineAngemon?s, and Penguinmon?s attacks did nothing at all to the green brutes, who had begun the assault the moment they?d spotted the Digimon. Back at the Makino home, Ryo noted one more difference between this world and his own. This MarineAngemon was no stronger against ADRs than anyone else was. That could be a serious problem. ?Where?s Renamon?? MarineAngemon said. ?If you could just digivolve...? ?We could get our butts kicked anyway,? Biyomon said. ?You?re a Mega and you can?t hurt one. You think we could do better as Champions or Ultimates? I say we should just get Pururumon out of here.? ?Why, so they can follow us back and trash the place?? Penguinmon said. ?No, we?ve got to find their achilles heel, and fast.? One of the D-Hulks leapt into the air and backhanded all three Digimon to the ground. The other D-Hulks began stomping toward them. ?Ice Prism!? Penguinmon shouted. Rainbow-colored light shone on the ground in front of one of the D-Hulks, causing it to slip. ?Kahuna Waves!? MarineAngemon tried to encase the D-Hulk in a bubble, but it easily broke free. ?Kahuna Waves!? He fired a barrage of smaller bubbles, and the D-Hulk began drawing back. One of the others swatted MarineAngemon from behind, knocking him to the ground. The bubbles popped, including the one holding Pururumon. Pururumon was caught off-guard by the loss of the bubble that had held him, and dropped into one of the D-Hulks? path. The D-Hulk reached for him... but Pururumon was caught by a gentle three-fingered hand covered with yellow fur. Renamon flipped past the D-Hulks to carry the Baby Digimon out of the line of fire. ?You,? Renamon said. ?Stay.? ?Did you...? Penguinmon shouted down to her. ?Yeah,? Renamon answered. ?The Control Spire?s taken care of. Now, if those dear humans of ours would just get over here and slash some cards...? A D-Hulk swung at her, but she flipped out of the way, into the air, and dropped a Diamond Storm on it. It had no discernible effect. ?They must be in some kind of trouble,? Biyomon said. ?They should be here by now.? ***** Yuggoth pistols, though designed to kill Digimon, were just as dangerous to humans. The Tamers remained still before the agents whose guns were trained on them. Yamaki stepped forward. ?We?ve never gotten this many at once,? Yamaki said. ?Quite an accomplishment.? Shaochung growled at Yamaki?s gloating. When she saw him, all she could think about was Henry, and it felt almost as if Yamaki was gloating about her little brother?s fate. But she forced down her rage, because to see Yamaki die for what he?d done, she and the others would have to get out of this first. [i]Think of something...[/i] ?Ooh, scawy,? Shaochung sang in the extra-special ?innocent? voice usually reserved for her father as she walked towards Yamaki, her hands still in the air. ?You?we not going to huwt us, awe you?? she laughed. ?What are you up to?? Yamaki said, pointing his weapon at her chest. ?Who, us?? she said, walking around Yamaki, getting between him and the agent next to him. ?Ma?am, you?re going to have to...? the second agent said, but Shaochung didn?t give him the chance to finish. She dropped suddenly. Before Yamaki and the other agent could train their guns on her carefully enough to not hit each other if they fired, she swept Yamaki?s foot out from under him with her leg, grabbed his gun, and pointed it at his head, quickly moving to stand behind him so none of the other agents could shoot her. ?Dwop ?em,? Shaochung said. ?Do it now, ow he dies.? ?If you kill him,? the second agent said, ?you?ll be dead before he hits the ground.? ?Let us go, and nobody has to die.? ?Nanashi, shoot her...? Yamaki was saying, but Shaochung backfisted him over the mouth and told him to shut up. The second agent shook his head. ?Sorry, sir. I do that, her finger jerks...? ?I am in charge here, Agent Nanashi. I. Said. Fire.? ?I say drop the weapons.? A male voice, from above them. The agents looked up to see a house-sized rabbit. A house-sized rabbit with axes for hands. The axes were poised to slice all of the agents apart with one hand. The agents cringed, but were afraid to run. Yamaki snarled. ?Let my friends go,? Antylamon said. This was a virus Antylamon, male, with a diamond logo in place of a Sanskrit symbol. ?I?ll never...? Yamaki began. ?I?m an Ultimate. You can?t kill me before I can kill you.? [i]And if you?ve hurt Shaochung in any way, I [u]will[/u] kill you,[/i] the rabbit Deva didn?t add. Yamaki snarled again. ?Fine. The D-Hulks will deal with you all soon enough. You Digimon-loving madmen will...? ?Um, sir, I think we should be going,? Nanashi said. Yamaki snarled yet again, and led his agents away. Shaochung handed the Yuggoth pistol to Kenta. ?Good to see you, Antylamon,? Kenta said. ?Let?s get over to the other Digimon. And let?s hope Renamon?s got the control spire taken care of.? Antylamon nodded, transformed his hands to normal, and picked up the group of humans, covering the distance in a few astounding leaps. He placed them on the ground at a safe distance and ran into the fray, where the D-Hulks were swatting at the Digimon as if they were faced with nothing but annoying flies. He picked the nearest D-Hulk and swung with both axe-hands to sever its head. The axes closed in... and bounced off with a [i]thap[/i] as if the D-Hulk was made of super-hard rubber. The D-Hulk swung, taking Antylamon in the stomach and flinging him several yards. Kenta tried the Yuggoth pistol against the D-Hulk. He fired blast after blast, but the creature wasn?t harmed. Kenta wasn?t surprised. It was designed to work against Digimon, not D-Hulks. If at all possible, Yamaki would make his weapons so that they werent harmful to his [i]other[/i] weapons... lest an enemy be able to use do things like use stolen Yuggoths against him. [i]Back to the drawing board.[/i] He holstered the Yuggoth in his pocket. Rika felt a swish of air next to her, and did a double take as Renamon snuck up on her yet again. Renamon handed Pururumon to her, told him to behave, and ran back to the fight so fast she became a yellow blur. ?What?s say we help them, guys?? Rika said. All but Kenta and Shaochung slashed their evolution plug-in cards. ?Digi-Modify! Digivolution, activate!? ?Penguinmon digivolve to... Pteramon!? ?Biyomon digivolve to... Birdramon!? ?Renamon digivolve to... Kyubimon!? ?Fox-tail Inferno!? The living fireballs made trails of magic flame around the D-Hulk attacking Antylamon before closing in and exploding against its head. The D-Hulk barely hesitated. ?All together!? Antiramon shouted. ?Arm Bomber!? Antiramon slammed his hands against the ground, and small bombs flew from the tiny slots on his sides, formed a cluster, and hammered the D-Hulk in the centerof the chest. ?Fox-Tail Inferno!? Kyubimon aimed for the same spot that Antiramon had struck. ?Sidewinder!? When Pteramon nailed the same spot with six missiles, the D-Hulk started to reel backwards. The other two came in to pick up the slack. MarineAngemon, Pteramon, and Birdramon floated high above the D-Hulk?s range, while Antiramon and Kyubimon jumped backward. The D-Hulk closest to them followed, leaping between them and punching with both fists. Antiramon and Kyubimon were sent tumbling. ?Digi-Modify! SkullSatamon, activate!? Shaochung slashed the card of the speedy demon Digimon, and Antiramon moved so quickly he seemed to disappear. One ax-hand transformed into a crooked staff with a sphere on the end. The D-Hulk swung, but Antiramon drew back just enough to let the clumsy punch come within an inch of him, and grabbed the arm with his other hand, which he had transformed to its normal state. Antiramon tagged the D-Hulk with the staff hand, and with an explosion of yellow light, the D-Hulk went flying. Antiramon followed up with two quick kicks to the head. MarineAngemon was fighting a losing battle with one of the D-Hulks. It was largely ignoring him as it went after Pteramon. [i]Desperate times...[/i] Kenta thought. ?Digi-Modify! Goliath, activate!? The now-titanic MarineAngemon was too large and heavy for his flight power to sustain, and sank to the ground. But his power was increased tenfold, and a spray of bubbles completely ripped one of the D-Hulks apart, causing it to collapse into a puddle of orange-red goo. ?Eew,? Kenta commented. ?Well, they?re tough, but not invincible.? The two remaining D-Hulks were headed for the immobile MarineAngemon, but Kenta slashed an Alias card. The giant MarineAngemon easily broke apart when the D-Hulks hit it, but the true MarineAngemon, now normal-sized, was safe and back in the sky, though too drained to attack. The Goliath card was a last-ditch weapon, not to be used wantonly. ?Shall we?? Pteramon said. ?Awk!? ?Digi-Modify! Mothmon, activate!? Kai shouted. A gatling gun was added to Pteramon?s arsenal. He opened fire on one of the two remaining D-Hulks with his missiles and the new weapon. ?Digi-Modify! Lightspeed Arrow, activate!? Rika slashed the card, and Kyubimon?s tail flames launched arrows at the same D-Hulk. ?Digi-Modify! Giga Claws, activate!? Ayaka shouted. Birdramon?s talons formed into the hollow, metal, three-clawed hands that Megadramon, Gigadramon, MetalTyrannomon, and many other machine Digimon sported. As with all of them, it launched missiles. The D-Hulk was hammered by the explosives. The other Tamers focused on it.?Digi-Modify! Fire Crystal, activate!? Kenta said. ?Just one shot, MarineAngemon, just one shot.? MarineAngemon managed a Kahuna Wave at the second D-Hulk. When the small heart-bubble struck, the charging D-Hulk became the center of a raging inferno. ?Primal Orb!? A sphere flew into the flames, struck the D-Hulk, and flew back to Makuramon. The Tamers and Digimon looked to see him and Caturamon approaching. ?Sorry we?re late. [i]Someone[/i] wouldn?t get a move on.? Caturamon resisted the urge to say something back, and hit the D-Hulk with a Howl of the Heavens. It began to falter, and the gelatinous slime began to ooze ffrom its wounds. But it kept going. ?We?re not out of this yet!? Kai picked out a Seed of Swiftness card so Pteramon could strike again in a hurry, but the card didn?t stay a Seed of Swiftness card. He had only glanced away for an instant, but he was now holding a Blue Card. ?Oh, yeah!? He slashed it through his digivice. ?We?re about to be. Digi-Modify! Matrix digivolution, activate!? ?Awk! Pteramon digivolve to... Karatenmon!? ?Radical,? Kai said proudly. Ayaka read from her digivice. ?Karatenmon?s a virus-type wizard Digimon. His attacks are called Ballistic Feather and Crow Swords. Too bad his voice didn?t change with his powers.? Karatenmon let out a high-pitched squawk just to irritate Ayaka, and then took aim at the D-Hulk. ?Ballistic Feathers!? Feathers fell from his wings, ignited, and spun, twisted, and corkscrewed their way to the D-Hulk, blowing it apart! ?Yee-ha!? Karatenmon crowed. A torrent of the D-sludge sprayed over Karatenmon. ?Yich!? Ayaka laughed at the poor bird?s plight. ?Hey, Kai, can I see that card?? Kai held out the card, only to find that it had gone back to normal. ?Too bad,? Kenta said. ?But there?s just one D-Hulk to go. Let?s finish this and get back home before Yamaki recovers his nerve.? ?That sounds good,? Kyubimon said. ?Dragon Wheel!? ?Ballistic Feathers!? ?Meteor Wing!? ?Arm Bomber!? ?Howl of the Heavens!? ?Primal Orb!? And so gooified the last D-Hulk. ?Time to go before our MIB friends get back,? Kenta said. ?Makuramon, use your...? ?I?m not part of your team, Kitagawa. We came on our own. I answer to no [i]human.[/i]? ?Makuwamon, please,? Shaochung said. ?We?we on the same side hewe. We?ve got to get back to the van quickly ow...? ?Hey, I didn?t say I wouldn?t. Just didn?t want you to think you could boss us around. Primal Orb!? He tossed his pearl into the air and formed a bubble for them to travel in. ?I sweaw, once we get back I?m going to stwangle you...? ?I?ll help,? Caturamon said. ?Digi-Modify!? the Tamers, except for Kenta and Shaochung, exclaimed. ?Downgrade, activate!? For stealthier traveling, the Digimon always traveled at Rookie or below, except for the already-tiny MarineAngemon. People tended to notice gigantic flaming birds and house-sized rabbits. And so, the Digimon de-digivolved, and the whole team climbed into Makuramon?s transport bubble and flew back towards the van, once Kenta told him where it was. ?How?s Antiramon avoid detection, anyway?? Kai said. ?I mean, the dude can barely walk without having to duck telephone wires.? ?I don?t know,? Shaochung said. ?I can?t tell you how many times I?ve just felt the wind and whoosh, thewe he was.? ?I know that feeling,? Rika said. Renamon grinned proudly. ?And he always leaves the same way. I don?t know whewe he goes or how he manages on the outside, but he does.? They looked back to the hill where they had faced the D-Hulks. Sure enough, Antiramon wasn?t there. ?Until next time, Antiwamon.?
  18. Dragon Borg and Lightning Borg? Thanks, I could never remember what those last two were called.
  19. If it's called [i]Ancient[/i] Arrivals, perhaps one of the Ancients? The Ancients of the bad Hybrids are A. Troiamon, A. Sphinxmon, A. Mermaimon, A. Volcamon, and A. Wisemon.
  20. Ayaka Itou is one of Jeri's friends. See the attachment. She's got a lot of attitude. Imagine her yelling at someone, and then you'll recognize her. I got her name from Chris McFeely's page, who says it's from the Tamers Memorial Book or something like that from some magazine thingy in Japan. Anyway, it's official, though it was never said in the US.
  21. Here's the next part of the other dimension arc. ***** Yamaki was restless. He paced around the observation room, muttering to himself and watching the dome just in case there was anything that escaped the eyes of Trang and Nanashi. A virtual impossibility, of course. [i]I have to find them.[/i] It disgusted him, made his skin crawl, to know that those [i]things[/i] were on his world. Ever since Pajiramon had launched her arrows into the Juggernaut portal, destroying much of Hypnos, getting the organization back on its feet had been a difficult task. And after several failed attempts at getting Juggernaut to work, the powers that be had put the quietus on the project. The fools couldn?t see the importance of his work. All they cared about is what it would cost, how much the public might learn, and making sure it was his hide on the line and not theirs. Who were they to interfere with him? What did they know? But Hypnos would persevere. Hypnos would find a way. [i]He[/i] would find a way. It was up to him to save this world from the plague that had befallen it. It was on his shoulders to kill them all before they could spread and continue their contamination of his world. And if any of the humans who protected them had to die as well, so be it. They were the enemy anyway, harboring the beasts so that they might kill again. They were as responsible as the giant horse that had killed Riley, among many others. At the thought of Riley, his resolve strengthed, and there was now no doubt in his mind that he would succeed. Because he had to. [i]Riley, the creatures who killed you won?t live long enough to harm anyone else. I?ll see to it. You [u]will[/u] have justice.[/i] ?Sir, we have something,? Trang said. ?It just arrived. It?s pretty small, but it?s definitely a Digimon.? ?How powerful?? Yamaki asked. ?Not very,? Nanashi answered. ?Can?t be farther along than In-Training or a very strong Baby. The trick will be finding it. It?s bound to be very small.? ?Keep tracking it. I?ll be back.? Yamaki went to assemble a team. ?Janyuu and his little rebellion may still be out of reach, but we?ve got the chance to stop at least one more parasite, in its infancy this time. Let?s make the most of it.? Even as he said it, he thought of how to do so. ***** After a delicious meal courtesy of rookie Burgermon, champion Burgermon, and EbiBurgermon, Ryo met this world?s version of a few of the Tamers he knew. Rika was herself she had a strange liking for pink. Her shirt was pink, her jeans were pink, even her shoes and the band holding her hair up were pink. This Renamon was far more easygoing than the one Ryo knew, talking with everyone, and actually smiling on occasion. Kenta was a genius, and an expert at the card game. He was acutally as good as the Kenta he knew [i]believed[/i] himself to be. MarineAngemon spoke perfect Japanese. And Chinese. And English, French, Spanish, and even Swahili. This world?s Leomon was alive and well, and Jeri was one of the happiest people he?d ever met. She was never without a smile. And, like his Jeri, she was never without the infamous sock puppet. Kazu wasn?t there, nor was Takato, but Takato?s cousin Kai was. He still talked like a surfer, and was great at doing impressions of Davis Motomiya from [i]Digimon Adventure.[/i] He was apparently a big fan, with a flame-themed jacket and goggles that were nearly exactly like Tai?s and Davis? from the show. His partner was a Penguinmon who always sat atop his head, and virtually never stopped talking. There were a few more Rumiko situations as well, that is, people that he could never imagine as part of a Tamer team. Hagurumon had finally gotten his wish, now partnered to a teacher named Mori. When Ryo had asked him what it was like, Hagurumon had responded, ?Fantastabulous!? Babamon and Jijimon had partners, as did Rika?s grandmother. Her partner was an Ophanimon, a perfect fit in Ryo?s opinion. Ryo had gone in for one of Piximon?s infamous training sessions, and discovered that his partner was the man who was Henry?s sensei in his world. He also discovered that when people spoke of Piximon?s training sessions, they weren?t kidding. It was the most painful thirty minutes of his life, putting him through every martial arts routine he knew of and few he didn?t. And this what Piximon called beginner level. By the end, he was sore and bruised. Suzie entered. She was wearing a black leotard and her hair was down. Ryo?s eyes followed her until he felt a whack on the back of his head from Piximon. ?Staring?s rude, yep-yep!? Suzie had apparently been there longer than he?d known. She was giggling, apparently having seen all or most of his distress. ?Aww, is the poow wookie all tiwed out?? Suzie taunted. ?Let me show you how it?s done, kid.? Suzie... [i]No, Shaochung,[/i] he thought. [i]If I think of her as Suzie, it?ll be too weird going back home and knowing what the Suzie I know will look like in fifteen years.[/i] Shaochung ignored Ryo?s cry of ?Hey, I?m not a rookie!? and went on to easily take the worst of what Piximon could dish out, her moves so fast that Ryo was getting dizzy trying to follow her movements. ?That was wefweshing,? she said as she walked out. She?d barely broken a sweat. ?You... you...? Shaochung simply grinned. Then, a beeping came from her Digivice. ?Uh-oh. Duty calls. That sound means we?ve got a mission. Twy to keep up, wookie.? Shaochung ran through the house at what was an easy pace for her, but Ryo could barely keep up with at his top speed. Finally, they reached the ?war room,? joined by Kai, Ayaka, Rika, and Kenta. Penguinmon had his usual perch atop Kai?s head, Biyomon and MarineAngemon fluttered above, and Renamon was... well, Ryo didn?t see her, but knowing her, she was there somewhere. Hopmon bounded in a few second later. Janyuu was waiting for them. ?Ah, you?re here,? he said. ?There?s a small situation, but important nonetheless. A new Digimon has appeared. How he came to this world undetected is unknown.? He pushed a button on a remote control, and a holographic display appeared, of a tiny Digimon that was more like a beak and wings stuck into a pink blob than anything else. ?This is Pururumon. Baby level. Presently on the run from Yamaki?s people.? ?Poor little dude,? Kai said. ?We?re the rescue team, right?? ?Exactly,? Janyuu said. He pushed a button, and the display switched to a map. A red dot was slowly but surely working its way westward. ?This is his present location. Your mission is to bring him back safely. We will keep in contact via digivice to inform you of any changes. Go to it. Kenta will be in charge.? Ryo tried not to let his mouth drop open. [i]Kenta Kitagawa in charge? My Kenta can barely keep track of himself, much less a mission, even one this simple.[/i] ?Yes sir,? Kenta said, leading the way. Shaochung saluted. ?See you soon, Daddy, Wyo.? She hurried after Kenta and the others. Ryo started to follow, but Janyuu stopped him. ?Hold it, Ryo. Where are you going?? ?With them. I could...? ?Get yourself captured,? Janyuu finished. ?Hopmon?s just an In-Training at this point. The risk outweighs the possible benefits of having you two go. Yamaki gets his hands on you, he could learn our location. And make no mistake, you probably won?t be leaving Hypnos alive. Few ever do, and they?re never the same again. And for Hopmon, there?s no ?probably? about it. Yamaki sees Digimon the way we see smallpox. Study it, dispose of it. I?m sorry, but I can?t let you go. It?s suicide.? Shaochung was looking a little uncomfortable. ?Okay,? Ryo said. Janyuu was right, but Ryo was used to rushing in, always taking action. Sitting back while others did the work was not something he was used to doing. Hopmon felt exactly the opposite. Another battle meant another digivolution and one step closer to Cyberdramon. [i]Never again. My fighting days are over.[/i] ***** Pururumon flapped as hard as he could, the black vans close behind and one helicopter overhead. [i]Parallelmon, you?ll rue this day.[/i] ***** With Shaochung at the wheel, the unremarkable blue minivan sped in the direction of the new Digimon. A Control Spire reached for the sky in the distance. ?Just how?re we supposed to see something Pururumon-sized, anyway?? Kai said. ?We Digimon can sense each other,? Renamon said. Her eyes had the bluish glaze they always had when she detected a new Wild One. ?I can practically smell him.? Penguinmon spoke in a high-pitched squawk. ?Awk! Besides, Yamaki?s people are chasing him. Where there?s black vans, helicopters, and humans in shades, there?s Pururumon. Awk!? ?You?re giving me a headache, Penguinmon,? Ayaka muttered. ?Why do you squawk like that with every sentence?? ?Because it annoys you. [i]Aw-w-w-w-k!?[/i] That much was true. Ayaka and Penguinmon had never gotten along, to Kai?s great amusement. They were his two best friends, and, when both were together, his greatest source of entertainment. The only drawback is that Ayaka liked to slap, and Penguinmon?s favorite perch was the top of Kai?s head. ?Do you two have to have to keep that up?? Rika groused, ?Or do I have to make you stop? ?Let?s stick to business, guys,? Kenta said. ?We?re almost there.? The team found their way to the scene quickly enough. The Baby Digimon was the source of a great deal of commotion, and they simply followed the helicopters until they were at a safe distance. They pulled into a neighborhood street off of the main road so as not to be seen. ?Think we can get him without this getting ugly?? Rika said ?If we [i]have[/i] to,? Ayaka said. ?We can do this delicately,? Kenta said. ?First, we?ve got to ditch the van somewhere where we?ll be able to get to it later. Now, here?s the plan... ***** ?They should be here by now,? Yamaki said impatiently. ?We?re almost there.? ?Don?t worry, sir,? Nanashi said. ?They?ll show up soon enough. But they?ll be suspecting something.? ?They?ll know something isn?t right. That won?t help them much.? ?Yes, sir.? They didn?t have to wait long. After less than five more minutes, they spotted two bird Digimon and a smaller pink Digimon with flippers. ?That?s all they sent?? Yamaki said. ?Something isn?t right.? ?No, sir,? Nanashi said, smiling internally at the irony. The pink bird fired a corkscrew of green flame at the car. It punched a hole through the roof, between Yamaki and Nanashi, and into the console, blowing it out. Yamaki gritted his teeth, but kept driving. ?This?d better work.? Nanashi nodded. ?It is your plan, sir.? Yamaki opened his mouth to speak, and closed it again. He wasn?t sure if that was sarcasm or not. ***** Biyomon, Penguinmon, and MarineAngemon drifted through the air toward the Pururumon. ?You sure you should have taken a shot at them? Awk!? ?You don?t have to ?awk? anymore, you know. You?re a penguin, not a parrot. Anyway, it lets Pururumon know whose side we?re on and makes those guys down there squirm.? ?Something fishy,? MarineAngemon said. His voice sounded as a ten-year-old boy. ?They?re not trying nearly as hard as usual to kill us. Or Pururumon.? ?Whatever it is,? Biyomon said, ?we just have to get the little guy and get out. Just a matter of doing it before the Men In Black can spring whatever their trap is.? ?Just leave it to me,? the Digital World?s smallest Mega said. ?Kahuna Waves! Phoo!? The heart-shaped bubble floated over to the tiny Pururumon and wrapped him up. The Pururumon began chirping indignantly. Biyomon looked at their opponents down below. The cars had stopped. ?Something?s happening down there,? she observed. ***** ?They?ve got him,? Nanashi confirmed. ?Pity. I was hoping for a stronger opponent. This won?t be much of a show.? Yamaki flipped on his headset. ?Trang?? ?Sir?? came the answer. ?Transmit.? ***** Penguinmon and Biyomon flapped for all they were worth, while MarineAngemon floated along between them, drifting without any apparent exertion. Pururumon was flapping around within the bubble, demanding to know what was going on and to take him to his servants and threatening to bring armageddon down on them if they didn?t cooperate. ?What?s wrong with this guy?? Penguinmon chirped. ?We?re trying to save him. Dude!? he shouted, a word he?d picked up from Kai. ?Shut up already! We?re trying to save you from those killers down there! You want to live or not? Awk!? The Pururumon?s demands and threats continued until Penguinmon let out an earsplitting screech that rattled windows with its intensity. ?Much better,? Penguinmon said after Pururumon fell silent. He spoke slowly, as if talking into a two-year-old. ?Now. Let me put it to you simply. Us good.? He pointed a wing at the cars behind them. ?Them bad. Us risking life and limb to save your butt. Them up to something. Us not know what. You not cooperate, [i]all[/i] of us in deep, deep sh-? ?I get the picture,? Pururumon said. ?Awk! Better.? A digital field was forming on the ground. ?Another Digimon?? Penguinmon said. ?No,? Biyomon answered. ?That feeling when a Digimon?s around... it?s not there.? ?This is not good,? Pururumon said. ?It feels like...? ?Quiet,? Biyomon said curtly. ?Do you know who I am?! I don?t appreciate being...? Pururumon stopped when MarineAngemon?s bubble began to shrink. ?What?s going on? Stop it!? ?Then hush,? MarineAngemon said. The bubble stopped constricting. The digital field grew, stopping at around twenty feet wide and just as high. Out of it stepped a large, green, bulky creature. Two more followed it. ***** Ryo watched from the War Room, wishing he could be out there with the rest of the team. The camera and microphone in Kenta?s glasses, as it was with every team leader, transmitted everything back to the War Room. ?Renamon?s not back yet,? Rika said. ?And why are Yamaki and company stopping? I don?t like this.? ?Don?t wowwy about Wenamon,? Shaochung said. ?If anyone can do it, it?s hew. But you?we wight, something is stwange.? ?Least the Digimon are on their way back,? Kai said. ??f we?re lucky, we can get outta here without having to trade shots with the MIB.? ?And we?re that lucky [i]how[/i] often?? Kenta said. ?Keep your eyes peeled, guys. Something does stink.? As if on cue, a digital field formed, and nothing happened for a few tense seconds. Suddenly, it swelled, and ejected three creatures that Ryo knew all too well. ?What awe those gween things, anyway?? Shaochung?s voice said from offscreen, somewhere to Kenta?s right. ?Thewe no Digimon I?ve evew seen.? ?ADR-06,? Ryo said quietly, a cold shiver going down his neck. ?Mr. Wong, you?ve got to get them out of there.? ?What?s an ADR-06?? Janyuu asked. ?Remember what I told you about the D-Reaper? It formed subroutines we called Agents to go beyond its main mass and do its work. Give those things horns and you?ve got ADR-06, the sixth known Agents of D-Reaper. They?re built for brute strength. It took all of us to bring down just one, and even then we?d had to cut its cord. Those things don?t have cords to cut.? ?Get out of there,? Janyuu said into his headset. ?The other Ryo says Megas can?t fight those green things.? The screen jerked as Rika pulled Kenta close. ?Renamon?s not back yet,? she said into Kenta?s transmitter-glasses. Janyuu sighed. ?Fine. Wait for her, but be careful.? He figured there was no point in trying to get Rika to save herself, even though Renamon was well capable of evading the D-Hulks and Yamaki?s agents. ?Maka! This isn?t good.? Ryo and Janyuu turned to see Makuramon and Caturamon entering. ?We?ve been watching,? Caturamon said. ?We?re heading over there now,? he informed them. ?Wait,? Janyuu said. Makuramon did a double-take. ?We are?? Caturamon didn?t stop for either Janyuu?s or Makuramon?s protests, but turned to walk away. Makuramon followed him, shouting ?Hey, wait up, you flea-bitten...? The door shut behind them. ?Never accuse Caturamon of listening to reason,? Janyuu muttered. ?I hope those two don?t get themselves killed out there.? ***** ?Those gween guys awe attacking the Digimon,? Shaochung said. ?We?d bettew get ovew thewe befowe...? ?You?d [i]better[/i] put your hands in the air, my verbally-challenged friend.? The Tamers turned to see Yamaki approaching, with a team of five more agents. ?Oh, great,? Kai sighed. ?Don?t worry about your Digimon friends,? Yamaki said. ?The D-Hulks will deal with them. You really are gluttons for punishment.?
  22. Ninjor was funny, with his voice. Remember when they first found him, action-figure sized in that jar-thing? Was the Zeo/Alien crossover the last we saw of Auric? Imagine if all those zords had come in swinging. I just wonder how many they could have brought. Most zords aren't spaceworthy. The Ninjazords went into orbit in the movie, and most zord capabilities were kept intact for the show. We saw the red Super Zeo Zord go into orbit to take on Silo, so the rest of them probably could as well. No Astro Megazord unless they found another shuttle, but I'm sure NASADA would have given them one. We know NASADA still works with the Rangers. Pyramidas could have been there, but how good are its weapons? Those Varox were tearing it apart in Revelations of Gold. Is Artilletron spaceworthy? Did it get to Earth under its own power? Say, what happened to the Zenith Carrier Zord? I know Stratoforce and Centaurus were blown up by the suicide bomber Sting Wingers, but I don't recall seeing Zenith there. Unless something happened to him in an earlier ep?
  23. You'd think a [i]sacrifice[/i] to bring Maligore out would mean that Elgar was 100% dead. I wish he'd stayed dead, too, I hated him. But no, not only do they bring him back, but they put him on Astronema's ship, too. Rygog was better, though that costume's too bulky to do much fighting in. Without a shuttle to combine with, I don't think the new Megaship can form an Astro Megazord. I wonder what happened to Elgar's tanks. Did any of them survive?There's also the Aquitians' Battle Borgs, and I don't think anything happened to the Blue Centurion's Robo Racer. And the Terror Zord's out there somewhere in the form of a camel thanks to the Rangers' use of Mr. Gooriffic's goo. Pretty sure it's not a threat anymore... but transforming things is what PR villains do best. There's quite a few baddies still out there who, if they knew what it was, could bring it back. And we're sure General Havoc's Metallosaurus is gone for good, right? Most villain tech is still out there. We know the Machine Empire's stuff is still around. Skull Cavern's probably still up in the sky somewhere. Havoc and his Space Base and Astronema's ship are still around. I didn't see the Time Force finale. Was Ransik's base destroyed?
  24. Well, Lightspeed and Time Force were more official, so they wore uniforms when they weren't being Rangers. Kinda like the Space gang. I don't think Ninja Storm will have anything like that.
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