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Everything posted by Devidramon
Hopefully everything doesn't mean every[i]one.[/i] It'd be kinda hard to work with that many characters all in one place. Maybe they all work out a plan and each group take a different direction or something?
Well, this ep was disappointing. Pretty dull, though I did like the part about Vulcans creating velcro. Next week, however... that's going to be a heck of an ep. Though, I wonder what they're going to do about the fact that the first known sighting of Romulans was in the original Trek, a hundred-some-odd years later. And we heard Archer say the name, so they can't do what they did with the Ferengi, never using the name and getting that bunch to leave the area.
Man, that was great. Hated to see Lucemon die, he was pretty cool. And poor Alice. It was well-written. You should do this more often. Can't wait to see the next part. Wonder what Devimon'll do with ArcaDaemon's power.
Actually, I can't claim it totally: If not for Shaun31us' post in the "things the Digimon would never say" post, this story would probably never have been. Halfway down the page: [url][/url] In fact, looking over it again, I just realized how much of the first chapter mirrors that. I hadn't intended it to be [i]that[/i] much of a ripoff. But, the second chapter's (hopefully) better. As for V2, I know you didn't have a problem with it, it's more that it, while people talked of the problems it [i]might[/i] cause, it [i]hadn't[/i] caused any, but leaving well enough alone is clearly beyond our illustrious staff. :p I know you didn't have a problem with the story itself. Man, V2 was fun. My favorite part was Ginny's thing with Makuramon and Monmon's tribe. That was great. My role was to keep the characters in as much trouble as possible, it seemed. (Which I greatly enjoy doing.) If the characters knew about the writers, they'd think I was the devil. One group gets stuck with a bunch of demon Digimon, Ryo gets pitched into a parallel universe, Masahiko gets abused by the Metal Empire and how he and the Gatos are facing down a ton of Giromon. Yes, being evil is fun. Say why don't you add something a part? I know it can't go on forever, and already, it's the longest story of its kind that I've seen, but still, I'd like to see you add something, like if you really get bored one day. Quite a few plotlines to be dealt with. There's only [counts on his fingers] fifty bazillion superpowerful villains roaming around out there. :smirk: Come on, try it.
This takes place between 01 and 02, right after they gained the ability to go back and forth at will. But, no D3s means they're at the mercy of gates that open and shut pretty much at random a la the 02 premiere. Two breaks with canon to remember: Miko's female, and there's no Primary Village. (I don't know if I'm going to kill anybody off just yet, but in my little corner of the Digiworld, "dead" means "dead," not "perfectly fine 'n' dandy in five seconds." If you see my name on most anything, forget the Primary Village.) [u]Ch. 1: Transformation[/u] "How can you watch this stuff, Gatomon?" Kari was saying as she walked into the living room. She sat down on the couch next to her partner, who was engrossed in Power Rangers Turbo. Tommy the Red Ranger and Justin the Blue Ranger were onscreen now, while a plastic periscope popped up out of a bucket of water to spy on them, and the scene changed to the Pirate Queen Divatox, who began laughing evilly at whatever her latest scheme was. "Come on, this is good stuff." "Divatox is going to send those fish guys [i]again,[/i] and they'll get their butts kicked [i]again,[/i] and then it's detonator time [i]again[/i]..." "There's a lot more to it than that," Gatomon said. "Besides, [i]he's[/i] cute," she said, pointing at the screen. "Tommy?" Kari said. "I didn't think you?d ever go for a human, but..." "Not him... Justin," Gatomon sighed dreamily. "Oookay..." Kari said.* Onscreen, the Piranhatrons had arrived, and the Rangers were battling them to the tune of the Piranhatron theme song. [i]"...They're chickens, they're weaklings, they smell bad (Piranhatrons!)...?[/i] Gatomon was entranced. Kari rolled her eyes and got up from the couch to go for some pop, or 'soda,' as Matt insisted on calling it. "[i]Mee-YOW![/I]" "Whoa!" Kari shouted as she nearly stepped on Miko. "Watch out, Miko! I'd hate for you to lose your tail." She reached down to scratch the cat's ears and then stood back up. Miko tried to rub against Kari's leg, but Kari was on the move again. After picking up two cans of soda from the refrigerator, she walked past her, almost kicking her again but not noticing this time. She went back to the couch and sat down next to Gatomon, and they watched as Divatox tossed a Ranger back into the thick of a Piranhatron onslaught. ***** It wasn't fair. Miko watched Kari with... [i]her.[/i] At first, Kari had been all hers. There was always a warm lap to jump into, and Kari always knew where that spot behind her ears was. And then, [i]she[/i] came along. Now Kari had no time for her, and spent every available moment with Gatomon. Gone were the days of table scraps, and Kari sneaking her along to school in her backpack, and sitting on top of Kari's head. She wished she'd never found that stupid gadget that had led Kari to ...she who must not be named. "Meow," Miko said with disgust, and walked away. [i]Gatomon, enjoy this while it lasts. But Hikari Kamiya is [u]mine[/u].[/i] Miko walked through the kitchen, and to the stairs, racing up to Kari's room. A room that now smelled like Gatomon. [i]"Meow,"[/i] Miko growled under her breath. [i]I swear...[/i] Miko turned and walked out of the room, unable to bear being around [i]her[/i] scent. She started to run down the stairs again, but between her and the stairway was a strange fog. Before she could stop, she ran into it. Once inside, she saw a circle of bats that served as a window to... somewhere. Within it stood what looked like a tall man in a strange costume. [i]Do you want her back?[/i] asked the man. "Meow?" she said, not comprehending at first. [i]Do you want what is yours?[/i] "Meow," she answered. [i]I can give it to you. I can give you the power to defeat your rival. All I ask is that you do something for me in return.[/i] "Meow?" [i]Destroy the Digidestined,[/i] he answered. Miko wasn't sure if she wanted to destroy anything, other than Gatomon. "Meow?" she said, unsure. The fog around her began to change, and she was in the living room. Kari and Gatomon were laughing together over what they were watching. Miko meowed loudly, but Kari and Gatomon couldn't hear... or didn't care. The voice was still with Miko. [i]When was the last time you sat in her lap? When was the last time she sat with you, talked with you, and gave you kitty treats? I assure you, Kari has plenty of time for... her.[/i] That did it. Miko leapt up, a glare in her eyes. "[i]Meow,[/i]" she growled in fury. [i]So let it be programmed, so let it be done. SaberNekomon, arise![/i] The figure waved his arms, and a torrent of bats surged from the portal and wrapped around Miko, faster than she could meow. And then, they evaporated into a mist that obscured her vision. Eventually, the mist faded, to reveal that she was once again at the top of the stairway, with no fog, bats, or strange men. But now, she realized that the ground was much farther away now, and she was standing on only two legs. She raised her front paws in front of her, to find that they had changed. She now had five long fingers on each hand, like Kari's, only she still had her claws, while Kari did not. She walked back into the bathroom to find the strange wall where that other cat was always there, doing everything she did. Perhaps it had changed with her? She saw herself, and gasped. She was now a tall human girl with a luxurious mane of brown hair with golden streaks. She wore a tight blouse and a short skirt, both with a tiger-stripe pattern. Her skin was a lovely tan color. Her ears were still pointed and atop her head, and she still sported a long tail that swished behind her when she walked. Her eyes had also remained unchanged. "Me-[i]ow!"[/i] she said in appreciation as she spun around. Her voice was that of a human. But the biggest change was the power that she felt flowing through her. "Tigris Wave!" she shouted, slashing with her claws. An arc of energy left her hand, powering straight through three walls and out of the house, leaving holes in the shape of a claw slash. SaberNekomon laughed gleefully. "Gatomon, your hours are numbered!" She willed herself to be elsewhere, and vanished. ----- *Note to non-PR fans: Justin, the blue Turbo ranger, was around twelve years old.
I distinctly saw Skull in one of those pictures. In fact, since we saw Bulk a few times in Lost Galaxy but Skull for about five minutes in the premiere and that's it, we'll probably see more of Skull than Bulk this time around. What would be really cool (though I know they won't) is to bring in [i]next[/i] year's Red Ranger as well. You know, have him show up, reveal just enough about him to tantalize everyone as to what Ninja Storm will be about, as well as showing us one of the new costumes. They have to have some idea as to what it's about at this point. The Japanese version's got to have started already.
Yeah, from that awesome Crescent Blade to playing pool with Animal Crystals. I'd throw the cue out entirely, and I'd still have him call the Zords by flute. Too much like the Green Ranger, I suppose, but still, it'd be a lot better than "Lunar Cue: Break Mode." And two zords and the Falcon's hiding place also smack of seasons past, so one more Morphinism won't hurt. Oh, well, at least it has Blaster Mode. Yeah, the dancing was hilarious, even better than Dischordia. But why'd the Rangers come in unmorphed? And I'd have had, when Flute Org went giant, he'd make the Zords dance too. Imagine the Isis Megazord tangoing with the Congo Zord, that'd be hilarious. Mandilok has got to go. Its obsession with eating just isn't becoming of a main villain. And I wish I could get my hands on whoever decided to make the General Orgs based on part of the face. First Retinax, who wasn't too bad if not for the fact that Eye Guy, who showed up at least twice a season, was much better. Then Nayzor, who was okay, but that costume was ridiculous and it's hard to take a guy with two noses stuck on top of his head seriously. Now Mandilok, with a bunch of mouths covering its body, and two main ones, one with a male voice and one with a female voice so I don't even know whether to call it 'he' or 'she.' What's next, a big walking ear whose favorite phrase is "ain't tryin' to hear that?" Toxica and Jindrax are the only thing I really like about Wild Force. Instead of blindly following whoever laughs evilly, they didn't trust Master Org from day one, and actually did something about it. And though they're the usual scumbags where world domination is involved, they do watch each others' backs most of the time, which makes them more like real people than most other baddies. They've always been the real stars to me. While Master Org never did much of anything, and the Rangers don't seem to have lives outside of orgbusting, Toxica and Jindrax are the ones that actually bring life to the show. The only reason I watch WF at all is to see what they're going to do next. I just wish they were better fighters. They're always made to look Team Rocket-ish whenever the Rangers show up. Jindrax calls himself the Master of Blades, I'd like to see some swordsmanship. And Toxica's staff packs a good bit of punch, but she never uses it for much of anything except for that growth spell. I'd like to see them do some Ranger-stomping on occasion. Maybe even toss back a few growth seeds and kick Megazord over a few times, like Goldar and Scorpina used to do. (Well, it was Rita's wand and not seeds back then, but you know what I mean.) As for "Kite," I'm sure he's Zord-related. Of the three weird kids in Wild Force so far, two turned out to be Zords and one led them to a Zord. This guy's probably the same. I thought that from the first time I saw him. Or he could be one of the Ancient Warriors, with the way he gets sad whenever he looks at the memorial. Of course, don't say it if you actually know for sure.
Oh, yeah, I remember it. That was a great ep. I wonder, though, how many times Trek personnel have gone back to the 20th century? Speaking of which, the Enterprise folks haven't done it yet. Hopefully, they'll get to soon. It's sort of a Trek tradition. They [i]have[/i] to. What they ought to do one of these days is a five-way crossover. Say, some weird anomaly (that's their favorite word, isn't it?) happens to throw all three Enterprises, the Voyager, and the Defiant into the same place at the same time, and all five crews have to work together to get out of whatever it is.
Animus usually [i]does[/i] come out of nowhere. But this time, he was more of a slightly-more-mysterious Megazord than an ancient entity, and wasn't his usual who-the-heck-is-that self. He's not supposed to appear physically. And his component zords [i]were[/i] just more sinister-looking versions of the usual ones. But, we should have known it was coming sooner or later: Master Org said of Animus' first appearance that he's not [i]completely[/i] back... yet. (Though how he even knew who Animus was is a mystery to me. Animus was last seen 3,000 years ago, and Adler was born in 1948.) I wonder if Animus will be back a hundred percent by the end of the season. Anybody else hoping they get rid of Mandilok [i]real[/i] soon? He/she/whatever is seriously getting on my nerves. Then again, Mandilok actually [i]does[/i] something. Master Org could rarely be bothered to do anything. Zen-Aku was Nayzor's project, and the monster-of-the-week is a random Org that Toxica and Jindrax happen to run across. The bad guys just aren't into making actual plans this season. One thing I hope they explain: Just how do the Rangers get from the ground to the Animarium and back? They've never been seen to teleport.
Second, actually. First being Zedd and that camera monster. And even though it'd been done before, it did set the stage for the Aquitians arc and the Tommy's Brother arc. 1000th post! Who da man!
Yeah, I meant Daniels. Andrews was a security guy from Shattered, a Voyager sorta-time-travel ep that I've watched five or six times (well, apparently enough times to know the redshirts by name.) Don't forget Assignment: Earth from the original Trek. Gary Seven was just too cool. What was Future's End? I don't think I've seen it.
It'll be so great to see those two again. Though I doubt they'll be back for good, here's hoping they get to show up every now and then at least. I'm thinking the White Stranger may be a descendant of the clone as [i]opposed[/i] to being Tommy's ancestor. In the Master Vile eps, did any de-aged non-Rangers act like anything was wrong? It's been ages since I've seen those eps. [Is sorely wishing he'd taped them...]
Silik and his Temporal Cold War. Wonderful storyline. I just wonder about Andrews. He got vaporized, and nothing happened to undo it. So how is he alive? The only way I can think of is that by his point of view, he hasn't made that trip yet. What must it be like, knowing exactly how and when you're going to die and knowing that you [i]have[/i] to make that trip, and soon? (He didn't look any older that time than he did this time, so he'll make that trip fairly soon.)
Aurico the Aquitian Ranger is the Kakuranger equivalent. You know, I think MMPR Season Three holds the record for the least Japanese footage used, as we only saw the Kakurangers in the Alien Rangers arc. Best to not take continuity too seriously in the reunion eps. In fact, after Lost Galaxy, different seasons are usually treated as entirely different continuities except in the reunion eps. Too bad they can't have all the same actors. Especially Rocky, he was around for so long that a different actor wouldn't be quite the same. At any rate, I count all ten costumes. Only problem is, ten costumes, eleven Rangers. Here's hoping the Rocky Ninja Costume theory pans out. Yeah, Wild West Rangers was great. Remember One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch? And that funky cactus monster. And "Chronaton Particles," a Star Trek-ism. (Well, I'm not sure who was the first to use the term. But Trek and PR both have them, and they do the exact same thing.) Say, not counting Time Force, where it happens rather frequently, how many times have the Rangers been tossed back in time? Imagine what the past is like, littered with extratemporal Rangers. First, there's the clone Green Ranger, who, IIRC, still has his powers. I wonder what impact he made on Angel Grove. After that, there's Kimberly and the ancestors of the S3 Rangers. (From the point of view of the people of old Angel Grove, that is.) And the White Stranger, who looks like Tommy as well. Maybe he's a descendant of Clone Tommy? When Zedd, and later Master Vile, returned the Rangers to younger states, as well as the people around them, do you think it was just the people, or time itself? I was never sure about that. Present day and past ages, or "Quantum Leaped" into their younger selves with memories intact? (Which is even weirder and more farfectched, though seems more likely.) If that's the case, I wonder if anyone who'd died during the 'lost' time was returned. And anyone who'd been born in the lost time would be erased, so when it was fixed, there'd be no 'them' to bring back. They might not be exactly as they used to be... or would someday have been... eh, you know what I mean.) Then there were the changes caused by the kid Rangers searching for the Zeo Crystal fragments. Which were then warped even farther when Vile's time warp was fixed. (That is, young Aisha, though still in the past, was made older. How do you regress or jump a time period that's already gone by? What did that do to the altered pasts?) Then there's the repeating day thing in Zeo, the time in Turbo that Clockster messed with the flow of time. Plus any changes made by the Space or Galaxy rangers in eps that I missed. Man, I don't envy Time Force the task of keeping all that straight.
Morphin: Jason, then Rocky Aquitian: Aurico Zeo: Tommy Turbo: Tommy, then TJ Space: Andros Lost Galaxy: Leo Lightspeed: Carter Time Force: Wes Wild Force: Cole And an honorable mention for the Quantum Ranger. Eric's costume's pretty much identical to the Leo's, except straight lines become skewed and white becomes black. And if you want to get [i]really[/i] picky, there's whoever put the Quasar Saber that Leo wound up with in the stone, and whoever had the Falcon Zord before Cole. But that's a few [i]millennia[/i] ago, so I don't think they count.
Well, since it's moved already, let me remind anybody who wants to add onto the story about the [b]no-crossovers rule[/b] and the [b]no fanmades[/b] rule. Existing Digimon only, and characters from Digimon Tamers only. They do [i]not[/i] get sucked into the DBZ universe, or even the universe of S2 or S4.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B]Devidramon, have you heard anything about a Power Rangers "Ninja Storm"? I saw a littile teaser thing at the bottom of Ranger Central, and I was curious as to if it is going to be an upcoming series or another movie.[/quote] As I've heard, that's what will come after Wild Force. And it starts with just three Rangers, though presumably, more will eventually be added. [quote]Yeah, I hope Rocky will be there as well... Maybe he'll be the Ninja Ranger style? You know, with just the ninja style gi thing that they wore instead of morphing all the way.[/B][/QUOTE] Egad, Brain! Brilliant! Yeah, that'd work. I hope he'll be in there, he's maybe my third-favorite Red Ranger. Besides, the big reunion ep ought to have [i]all[/i] of them. But I didn't see Rocky on the site. Of course, the actors all look different this much later.
I like the ideas. I just think they can be presented in a better way than "Sit in the ready room/conference room/holodeck yakking for the first 45 minutes of the show and then technobabble up a quick-fix solution." Instead of discussing right or wrong over a hot cup of tea like on PBS, let's see what it actually [i]does.[/i] Like in Natural Law. (Was it Seven that did that? Thanks.) Next Generation had an episode with a similar topic, some Indian-like people that either the Cardassians or Romulans (Cardassians, I think) wanted to move. But all anyone did was walk around and talk, and it got extremely dull. By the end, Wesley's portion in this most tedious series of discoures wound up instigating a shootout, and he got taken away by the Traveler. How'd they settle the whole thing? I don't even remember whether they did or not. That's about how much I cared about the outcome by the time everyone finished giving their gums a workout. While Next Generation chose to talk about it, Voyager's Natural Law episode actually [i]showed[/i] it. Was anybody else thinking "Yeah, just what happened to the Indians?" And then, the set about fixing it in a way that was interesting and exciting to watch. If the ideas aren't there, it's not really [i]about[/i] anything. But I'd rather have an idea presented in an exciting way instead of one long discussion after another. Showing is better than telling.
I wonder if Rocky's there at all. If Jason will be the Morphin Ranger and Tommy will be the Zeo Ranger, then where's that leave room for Rocky? He'd better be there, even if he doesn't morph. I wonder if the bad guys of seasons past will be there too. Wouldn't it be great to see guys like Rita, Zedd, Goldar, Scorpina, Master Vile, Mondo, Ecliptor, Darkonda, Trakeena, Deviot, and Vypra again? Also, I wonder if the Beetleborgs story will be involved, or if they just figured we won't remember the Beetleborgs characters this long after the fact. It amazes me how they don't throw [i]anything[/i] away. They still have the Beetleborgs costumes on hand, as well as those of all the Rangers dating back to day one. Checking the background again, I see that... thing... that's hanging in the Machine Empire's palace. You know, the pendulum thing? It's right behind Andros in the eleventh pic down.
I remember when it came on in the mornings, and I'd always get up early to watch it. Then I'd flip over a few channels to see the opening of "Bots Master." Never seen an episode of it, but I loved the opening scenes. Also, it's fun to keep an eye out for past monsters. Remember Eye Guy and Oysterizer in the tomb in the Lightspeed finale? The best eps were with Rita and Zedd, though. And Lost Galaxy. I wish we'd seen Serpentera in Lost Galaxy. I don't know what happened to that ship, but it'd be the last word on who the dominant power in that part of the galaxy was if they could ever find a reliable power source. Ultimate power, lousy gas mileage. Why couldn't somebody like Deviot have tried to get his hands on it? As for the red ranger reunion, go to this page: [url]http://www.jasondavidfrank.net/pr_reunion.html[/url]
I love Enterprise. TNG spent too much time on what I guess [i]they[/i] thought was deep philosophical discussion.:p Replace it with politics and you've got DS9, replace it with technobabble and you've got Voyager. I don't care about the sub-harmonic, positronic gravitons and tachyons, I wanna see some adventure. Let's not even mention TNG or the first four or five seasons of DS9. Voyager was okay most of the time, though too often, the solution is "Hey, let's repolarize the quantomorphic phase matrix!" or some other un-explanation that basically means "The show's almost over so we've got to get them out of whatever problem in five seconds." Still, Voyager did some absolutely amazing eps, like Year of Hell, Nemesis, Tsunkatze, and the one with those people under the dome-thing (you know, Paris gets stuck in piloting lessons because the aliens don't like his reckless flying, and there were these people whose territory was isolated by a force field, and once Chakotay figured out how to bring it down, the people from outside the field want to take over?) I wish they'd always done eps like those. The original was almost consistently good, once you get past the lack of special effects. I wish they'd had Industrial Light and Magic at their fingertips like they do now. Man, that'd be something to see. All of the characters were likable, and the chemistry between them made them a lot of fun to watch even when they're not doing anything big. The worlds they went to were interesting and memorable. And it was great when they'd run into Klingons. Remember The Trouble With Tribbles and the huge bar brawl? That was hilarious, and so was the investigation that followed, with the part between Kirk and Scotty. Man, I could practically feel poor Kirk's headache as that ep went on. You know who the first Klingon in the original Trek was? Kor. He went on to put in a lot of appearances late in DS9. But some day, Kirk's going to go down to a planet, and then it's going to happen: The shuttlecraft gets blasted, and the transporters shut down. Then, out will come the perpetrators: Every Kirk chick-of-the-week. And that day of reckoning will be a sad one for poor James T. Enterprise is the best, though. Everything that I liked about Original and Voyager, only more so. And they're not nearly as by-the-book (because the book's not been written yet.) As you'd expect people out on the frontier to be, they're casual, and not big on protocol. And they're more human, like Hoshi's claustrophobia, everybody's general annoyance at the Vulcans, Malcolm being both trigger-happy [i]and[/i] a geek... I can believe these people. The Temporal Cold War's a great underlying storyline, and the Suliban are among the best Trek villains. (They're not Species 8472, but they're still cool.) And there have only been one or two eps that I could say were dull, something that can't be said of TNG, DS9, or Voyager (but can be said of the old one. Except for the oen with the two-tone-face-guys, all the eps, even the cheesy eps like Spock's Brain, were at least watchable.)
This is one thread. One. That hardly constitutes a huge problem. It'd be one thing if everyone started posting fics here, but this is the only one allowed, and everybody pretty much accepts that. For the long time it's been here, nobody has said "If that V2 thing's here, then I can post my fic!" It's not causing any such problems. Besides, this is more of a project, worked on by all of us, and is even being posted on the site itself.
Masahiko is Jeri's little brother. J-Reaper tried to strangle him, remember? I know I won't touch the Dump situation. I could never figure out how to do Vademon's speech pattern.:p Let's see, there's the main group who just got finished tangling with ArcaDaemon and company, there's the group underwater, there's the group in the Dump, and now there's the trio or duo (depending on evolutionary stage) in the Metal Empire. And Ryo, Hopmon, and the Pururumon formerly known as Zhuqiaomon are in the other dimension, in the no-digivolving section thanks to Yamaki's control spires. BTW, I think we oughta split the main group up some.
Me, too. I taped it. I'm still noticing things about it that I hadn't seen before. Say, Jason Frank's site says that there's an upcoming episode called Forever Red, with every Red Ranger in PR history. Even Aurico the Aquitian ranger. I saw pictures from the production, and in one shot, there are a few people in the background, one of which is Shadowborg from Big Bad Beetleborgs! I've no idea what he's doing there. Maybe one of the staff wanted to get into the picture and there was a spare costume lying around.
I hated that movie! But I guess I'd have to have seen it from the beginning.